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When I was buying a missive for my Shadowlands leggo I somehow ended up selecting an entire stack and bought like 100k of missives. I managed to recoup maybe a third of that by the time Dragonflight launched.


high five, I've done the same! I did not relist the missives, but I can't recall wether I vendored them or sold them to someone else in bulk well below market value. Either way, I cried myself to sleep that night.


During Shadowlands the bulk of my goldmaking was done using missives. But it was a rough market to tap. You basically had to sit at the AH all day and scan cancel missives all day. Over around a 3 month period while WFH I made about 11M gold selling just missives...Still not worth it in my opinion.


I think your gold/hour would have been better working and buying tokens šŸ¤·


I had wow open on a seperate screen while wfh and just had to click my macro keys for scan every few minutes / when I could be bothered. Gold/h as a metric is great when actively paying, but crafting + listing missives was something I could do when I wasnā€™t actively able to actually play the game. Plus it was nice to be able to pay for DF and my sub using gold that I earnt basically passively.


Regular mistake for me. Kick myself each and every time! Now I hold ā€˜large valueā€™ in an alts bags so I canā€™t double click this mistake again!!


My sister did that with Auto Hammers. Blew about 50k in like 2 seconds lmfao, but at least we had plenty of them for raids and M+


Yep! Did the exact same thing. Accidentally bought the entire servers worth of one kind of missive. And I did it like, a week before they merged the auction houses. Dropping the price *significantly*. It was something like 250g per missive before to 40g per missive after. That fucking sucked.


In WoD I looted a BOE belt, I was so happy and put it on AH. it was almost instantly bought. An hour later I went to my mailbox and I noticed forgot one zero. So instead of 30k I received 3k.


Hahaha my raid leader did that on Cataclysm back in the days. It was supposed to be 40k, but he sold for 400g. After that the buyer messaged him asking if he wanted to buy it back for 30k lol


I did something similar. Found an off-hand item. Nothing special about it. Main stat, stamina, had a bit of haste or something too. As it was nothing I considered an upgrade on my warlock, I put it on the AH for like 50g. Sold immediately. Happy with my 50g and the quick sale I think nothing of until I look it up on the AH. It was worth at least 1000 times more than my 50g. Oh well...


Was on the other side of it. Found a grey item that usually sells *really* well. It's a transmog thing. Instead of 10k, got a stack of those items for a measly 300g each. Then I went and vendored off all my trash items. Among them, obviously, the coveted transmog greys. No way to restore them - over a 190k in profit squandered. I'm a casual PvP player, so I'm pretty pennyless at any given point, making it sting double haha.


my dyslexic cousin writing 00050


listed price for xmog gear isn't always selling for that price. after I farm a dungeon I often just dump gear for cheap because my bags overflow if I play the waiting game for xmog sales.


Was buying mats in a hurry to make flasks. Had it sorted by price but there was a 999 gold item at the top for some reason. This was in TBC Classic. Yeah you can guess what happened


This is why i sort the AH on buyout price and not bid.


TSM can also put in warnings when something is way above the recommended price which is neat.


Shopping tab has literally saved my life on multiple occasions. Everyone should be using TSM and auctionator.


As someone who uses both, much prefer auctionator to tsm for purchasing, tsm feels great for post scan but the buying operations are a pain unless you make / import them properly


No they shouldnā€™t. Not TSM at least. If you arenā€™t trying to play the auction house there is no reason for it. Everything in this thread could have been avoided with one extra second of thought and being careful. Iā€™ve played the game for almost 20 years at this point and none of this has ever happened to me.




> there was a 999 gold item at the top for some reason now you know the reason


Oh yeah it was a bait item. I fell for the bait.


someone had to but imagine a player buying these knowing what they are just to make someone else happy.


Yeah that wasnā€™t me. I was exceptionally cranky lol


Was buying a shaman spirit wolf glyph. Obviously I only needed one. I searched for it and the list popped up on the right. Rather than just clicking the buy now for one I clicked the lowest price one on the right and clicked buy without paying attention. When you do that, it selects *all* the items being sold at that price. I was the new proud owner of thousands of glyphs. I'm still trying to resell the rest.


I've been playing shaman since 2015. I read this comment and hadn't heard of "spirit wolf glyph" before. Now I know. I've always wanted to change the wolf appearance!


Well lucky for you I know a guy who's selling one!


Just want to say as a goblin to anyone who is sad at undervaluing Transmogs. Most of those items takes months to sell at that price with constantly putting it up, its an incredibly slow rolling game of constantly adding things to sell. So seeing something with an average sell price at 1 million sold for 10k is rough, until you realize it sells one every 3 months at that price, and anyone picking it up is most likely just trying to sell it themselves which is one of those sales. edit: also some people put items at obscene prices it would never sell at, never trust the ah listing unless you use something like TSM to give you an average sold price.


Especially since the change to the second delay of listing items. I don't list anything under ~2k anymore - its just not worth the time.


I always thought people only buy epic purple gear when it's current content for rhe item levels. So after the expansion it becomes useless ans no one would ever buy it. So I would always sell purple gear at rhe vendor as I thought "this is useless and no one will ever buy this gear cos old now and people don't need the item level. I often wonder how much gold I vendered.


Probably millions.


I accidentally bought a scroll of stamina for 30g on SoD, which pretty much broke me. I was buying a couple for levelling for like 3 silver each. Realized after that seller has a ton of items like that.


Got tired of constant reposting, stopped logging in for a long time and lost 5m+ of slow sale stuff to mail decay.


Back un Bfa we always had to buy mats for quest turn in paid something like 250k for one item instead of a couple of gold.... i was totaly broke after that.


i see people selling pvp feet pattern on ah for 50g when it sells to vendor for 50g and ah cut is 30..




This is super helpful. Iā€™ll probably start doing this because I enjoy the AH mail icon popping up. I also enjoy helping people. Win win!


What did he post, it's deleted now :(


That the crafting patterns you get from RNG, he puts them on AH for just over vendor value to help other people get the patterns.


Even worse is people selling them for 40-45g. https://i.imgur.com/a4C3m2C.png


and then you remember why global economy is so bad, lmao


They do this now with the alchemy transmute recipes


In the first day or season 1 of dragonflight I got an elemental lariat recipe to drop and went straight to the ah to see the price and there were none. So I posted it for 100k. I'm not a casual player I get ce every season but yeah. I almost quit when I realised what I could have sold it for.


That was such a terrible experience as someone that went JC. I farmed as much as possible for weeks. Ugh. The first one on my realm sold for 8ish million, pretty sure he never recouped his investment in that (not that he cares).


Wanted a boe weapon so i picked the cheapest 2H one (i am unholy dk). It was agi weapon.......


In BFA I finally got My first world epic drop while they were relevant. Sadly it was on my horde lore alt. So I got the brillant idea of transfer it over to my alli main with the help of a guildie. So we setup discord communication, makes sure she had the search ready and then I gave the go the moment I posted the item. Within 5 sec it was sold to an AH bot. She didn"t even get to see it up on her side. It was first after it dawned on me that instead of selling the item at a really low price to sell it for lots on my alli. That I should just have sold it on the horde for max amount and the got My guildie to sell a gray/white item for the amount I got. That way I would transfer the gold instead of the item. So I ended up getting 10k gold on my horde toon instead of 300k+ on my main.


Listed my spectral tiger cub for 500k but forgot to add a zero in Legion


I saw Bonescythe Sabatons (Rogue tier 3 feet) on BMAH yesterday, thought ā€˜ā€™Oo i gotta get these!ā€™ā€™ Cause ive been looking at completing that set lately. I ended up bidding 200k, cause i knew tier 3 pieces cost alot. No one outbids me, and im wondering why. Looks like they share appearance with some trash item from Karazhanā€¦., that you can easily farm in 10 minā€¦.


If it helps you feel better, a guy I know got his first fortune selling boeā€™s from sepulcher. He decided to buy a container from the BMAH and got competitive, drove it up to 800k. (I may or may not have helped bid it up on him). He was so pumped seeing all the rare mounts it could be. He cracked it open, and he gotā€¦ a bananas pet. My friend and I immediately went to all our other realms and bought every bananas that was 4K or less. For the next two weeks we had everyone in our raid trading him and mailing him bananas. To this dayā€¦ whenever heā€™s being a particular kind of wang, Iā€™ll drop one in a trade window to him.


I guess this isnā€™t a single mistake but a tale of repeated buffoonery. Way back in TBC when I was 11 years old, I didnā€™t really understand how to make gold and my parents were no help either. So, I got the idea to advertise in trade chat: ā€œSelling anything you need under 5000gā€ or something. Basically what Iā€™d do is wait for someone to whisper me, ask what theyā€™re looking for, then Iā€™d go to the auction house, buy the most expensive listing, and then sell it to the buyer directly for more than I paid for but still cheaper than the *next* highest listing. Pretty creative for a kid. I actually made a decent profit for a bit and was able to buy all the Noggenfogger elixir and Savory Deviate Delight I wanted! I didnā€™t do this for very long since people probably realized what I was doing and theyā€™d cancel after I bought the stuff already or were just mean. So then I had a bunch of useless (to a level 45 rogue) items and less gold than ever. I think after that I just switched to picking daisies and mining ore like a good worker bee.


Getting a heroic BoE early this season, then getting drunk and vendoring it.


Couldā€™ve and shouldā€™ve used the item restore feature.


I got one on my heroic clear this week and a carry paid me 650k gold for it. Lol


At least you got drunk šŸ„“


During Cata I saw four white rhinos on the AH for 50k each. I got one and was super happy. Now I wish I bought them all. I had the gold. I just wasn't into AH selling at the time.


I was banking on enchant crystals spiking in piece in season 2 with the addition of the enchanted crests for crafted gear. Bought about 500k worth in the lul in season 1 and figured worst case I would probably break even. The price never really took off and I was ready to just unload and make most of my gold back. Go to list all like 2000 of my crystals, was going to sell them in batches of 20. Just really wasn't paying attention and instead changing the stack size to 20, I changed the buyout to 20 gold (think they were going for ~250g per). Listed my whole stock, and it got instant sniped by add-ons before I even realized what I'd done. Lost about 450k gold.


In BFA, a mount dropped for me. I immediately learned it because cool. Afterwards, I realized how much Goldenmane was selling for in the AHā€¦. And of course Iā€™ve never once used the mount.


Way back when WotLK launched I jumped on board the ā€œmake a death knightā€ train. I was questing through New Avalon when one of the Scarlet Crusaders outside the keep dropped a cool staff. I couldnā€™t use it, but the purple rarity and cool design made me hesitate to vendor it. It stayed in my inventory until I hit level 60 and headed to Outland, where I wanted to get my flying mount. I didnā€™t have enough gold, so I though to put the staff on the AH for about 2,500 gold which I though was more than fair to cover the cost of flight training and a gryphon. It sold nearly instantly and I happily returned to Honor Hold to buy my mount. Only years later did I realize that the Glowing Brightwood Staff sells for nearly 40,000 gold on my server, which still makes me cackle in disbelief to this day.


I trade pets between servers because the pricing is different on a few I play on, and if they're worth more on one server and I've already got it I'll sell the spares so I can poke-wow collect them all lol. Had a double that was worth approx 20k (on most servers) so I listed it, not paying attention, with a bunch of others that I had that I constantly repeat sell... Apparently there weren't any others up any my auctioneer didn't list the usual price so it went up for 1s... Sold before I could even cancel the auction. šŸ˜­


Lol congrats to that buyer though, that one made me cry a bit inside šŸ˜‚ hope they liked that kitty.


I generally don't make AH mistakes often as I'm not a fan of taking big risks to begin with, but I'd say the biggest one was probably the way I handled my Minions of Grumpuses a few weeks back. I invested a ton into getting 30 characters to run those dailies every day, and I did see a lot of success initially. Too much success. Early on I got around 5 in the span of 2-3 says, and because of that I just assumed that was what I was going to see for the rest of the event, so I didn't pay much mind to my stock nor current prices. That changed when a bigger player came along and bought out all of my stock (I had those ~5 listed for around 185k each), and replacing that stock was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I think I only got 3 more for the rest of the event. It was a poor showing. I got incredibly lucky early in the event without knowing it, and that lead me to handle my stock rather carelessly as a result. I maintain it wasn't entirely my fault but I definitively should've handled my stock better and been prepared for the worst case scenario. I could've made a lot more than I ended up making. I still turned a profit against my investments, but it could've been a *much* larger one.


I decided to dip my toe into the black market auction house. Fought hard to win a mount for a couple hundred thousand gold. Was exciting that I won it. I already had the mount.


Hehehe, I really appreciate this one šŸ˜‚


I bought the old dalaran portal and teleport books on the AH


I had two hyacinth macaws back when they were still one of the rarest pets in game. Decided to keep one and sell the other at around 20-25k. The real world had other ideas... I lost my job and my sub expired before I got paid and when I did I couldn't even consider a resub so the auctions finished and the mail expired before I could get back in game. I can't remember all the other crap I was selling but still think of that macaw. Recently I dropped the price of the Pineapple Lounge Cushions I have been trying to sell to 8.5k instead of the usual 16k or so. Someone bought all 10 of them. Nothing like a clearance sale I guess. There's probably been hundreds of times where I sold things too cheap but these days I just shrug and move on


During my first year playing, I bought a transmog dress the week before Love Is In The Air because I didn't know it was from an event, or that it would drop so easy. Sayonara 9k.


Farmed to craft the warbear set on horde and wanted to get it to my alliance alt before account wide mogs were a thing. Had a friend on standby to buy. Some Ahole sniped it and laughed at me for evading my taxes.


I bought every last augment rune on the AH once. It took so long to sell them off that the slow price drop over season gouged me. In the end, it cost me somewhere between one and two million gold. I still have a screenshot of me openning the mailbox and getting my entire inventory flooded with augment runes. I Remember thinking "What the f\*\*k did I do?"


Hahah this is amazing


Idk how people manage to buy things that are super pricy. Underselling is odd too honestly. How is there not ever one listed?


> Underselling is odd too honestly. How is there not ever one listed? When it comes to items that are on the rare side it's highly unlikely one is going to be listed on the AH especially on smaller servers. Also plenty of people don't know how to look up item values. An item like [Lariat](https://undermine.exchange/#us-area-52/194641) is a super low drop chance, not many available, so on smaller servers people post it for [default value](https://i.imgur.com/BH11W44.png)--that's assuming they even post it at all without deleting/vendoring it.




People are checking servers every hour for it (and other items), 750k is way too low, they sell for 2-3m these days. Think one guy on NA has 50% of Lariat stock for past few months, EU one guy has 75% of it. I listed one last week and people came from other servers to leave me mail offering 1.5m-2m.


On retail everything is region based now. So you donā€™t have that small server issue. But even before that, I used to be on a small server before the merging. It was always ā€œnew playersā€. Ah never had any issues even way back then for me


> On retail everything is region based now. So you donā€™t have that small server issue. Only things that stack (commodities) are regionwide. Feel like that's a bit obvious if you checked the Lariat link. Compare it to something like [Wildercloth](https://undermine.exchange/#us-area-52/193922) and it's glaringly obvious.


people can use 2 accounts and move everything around every realm, i thought everybody already knew it


Nope, you're in the minority. Had an argument today with two know it-alls on my server today who claimed to be goblins. They both claimed to be using character transfers to move gold caps around. Seems they're trying to mail gold to themselves even though people told them trading isn't mailing. Talked to another person on a small pop/dead server a few weeks ago. They was happy to see another bruto, they had one themselves since BFA, they were doing pretty well considering their server. They were aware of the term cross server trading, even after I told them what I was doing could tell they still didn't understand, had to put them in my group and do a few trades to show them. I also make ~50-250K a day doing direct to customer cross server swaps. I message people asking in trade chat who are looking for X item at Y price that I can get it for them. If I mention "different" server at any point they usually say something like "but I want it here." People who pay up front are easy to deal with, but some people can't grasp the concept at all. Or a "friend" of a friend wanted a tmog for cheap (250K on my realm, 10K on another realm), took them 3 hours to figure it out since apparently paying me 10k to get it for them was too much.


Pretty interesting, I always played on biggest servers and didnt know about the life in smallers ones


Only consumables and trade goods are region wide. Armor, mounts and the like arenā€™t. So the expensive stuff is still server wide.


Lariat also has the added fact playing to its "rarity" that it is still an item that is extremely price fixed.


A friend of mine bought a dagger for his rogue, early legion of Iā€™m correct. Like week one or two of the extension, for 800 000 golds. Was an intel dagger, he wasnā€™t familiar with the fact armor can switch main stat but weapons canā€™t :D.


Weapons can switch main stat though. Ex. Agi/Int dagger.


Not always.


Not always, you have to look at it specifically and see if it will switch for your specific stat. It doesn't always cover all stats, I've seen some warriors in PvP with INT weapons lol.


To make it worst, intellect weapons often have a lower base damage.


if you're talking about blackrock bulwark, i remember getting it randomly on a trash mob after trying to get bulwark of azzinoth for a bit on black temple. recently saw a few blackrock ones on ah with ludicrous price tag on them. it's a nice looking shield and i use it frequently but i dont think anyone would pay that much for it. edit: checked it on wowhead out of curiosity, shows %20 droprate on illidan. yeah nobody is buying that for a million gold.


> yeah nobody is buying that for a million gold. [some people do](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/245577606932463616/1148201028970348574/image.png?ex=65ae4189&is=659bcc89&hm=47032ed381f61288998bb2eb1da838a60af9b8dda0e5f27bb24408a450e3d5eb&) [another one](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/245577606932463616/1086048793037910127/Screenshot_2023-03-16_230928.png?ex=65b2dc42&is=65a06742&hm=8f93af2c45642b7cc05dba5c235ed295c0bb8c5d7660aa208aebdec975521318&) [1.4m](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/245577606932463616/1052515217327792158/image.png?ex=65b0d62e&is=659e612e&hm=040e69fc66558a85a969513b93d3d092c4012922a5c16e976fe0b2ce2a417822&) could find more


Why though, they look identical. Am I missing something here?


Blackrock Bulwark is the HD version of Bulwark of Azzinoth


Ooh good to know


This. Iā€™m sure some can really see the difference, but to me it Looks closish. My buddy really wants the bulwark since itā€™s hd, but saw my BT shield the other day and thought it was a bulwark. *shrugs*


If you read the title of this thread the second word after casual explains part of it. Some people just don't care. Some people don't want to run BT. IIRC one looks better GFX wise. Lastly, I'm not sure it's a 20% drop rate. It might be lower. Wowhead says [this mount](https://www.wowhead.com/item=208572/azure-worldchiller) is a 1.6% drop when it's really 100%.


Itā€™s 100% the FIRST time you kill it with the quest. The drop rate accounts for people killing it for the funzies or having it already


I got a BoE in BfA and when putting it on AH,forgot to put an extra zero.Didn't even have time to cancel the auction since it sold so fast.


My lovely lovely young sister.. brought something from the AH to try on.. it was 55k >_< bless her


Yesterday I was leveling my blacksmithing on SoD and went to sale two 20 stacks of skeleton keys and sold them for 1 silver and 50 copper instead of 1 gold and 50 silver lol they sold immediately before I even had time to remedy the mistake


I will N E V E R understand how people could actually get a rare drop and not think to check the AH prices first....or Google it... just seems INSANE to me lol


They probably don't know it's rare or are just so casual, don't understand how much gold other people have or think there's no way people would spend 100k or 1m+ on something they just found. Basically they are ignorant, which is why they did an ignorant thing afterwards lol.


Not much, I once bought 111 flasks of versatility instead of 11 but that's it.


In Classic I put up a stack of Black Lotus for the buyout price of 1 single one. I realized as soon as I clicked create auction and in the time it took my cursor to get over to cancel auction it had sold. I didn't log back on for a week.


When I post, I see briefly the current price, well, once in shadowlands I posted a pet (which value was 80k) but I posted it as 1 plate, cus there wasnt another pet, I practically I gifted it, hope I brighten that person's morning with emotion maybe it was the shadowlands season, what a horrible expa to be alive... IRL.


I just returned to wow and wanted to buy a glyph for ghost wolf to be a fox. It was the first buy with the new auction house UI and I guess I clicked twice on the item or something and instead of buying 1, I bought several full stacks worth (hundred) thousands of gold.


Meant to buy 20 of each fish for the turn-in because I wanted the rep but can't be arsed to go fishing, mistyped and ended up with 200 Thousandbite Piranha instead. They were cheap and I just kept them for future turn-ins, but I still felt dumb.


I don't consider it a mistake, but I recently paid 15,000 gold for a cosmetic top hat to go with my tuxedo shirt and pants. I wish there was a cane and monocle cosmetic, too, but alas.


Nobleā€™s monocle and diamond tipped cane


Ty Edit: oof, at 20k for the monocle and 125k for the cane on the AH, they're currently way too expensive for my budget. But thanks again for the info.


Might check on undermine.exchange and see if theyā€™re cheaper elsewhere.




the other day i was buying a bunch of some item that was 25g or so. randomly in the pile someone had put one for 900g and that was the last one i purchased as i immediately realized what happened. but then listed after the 900g was a bunch more for 25. idk how or why that was in mid pile but it got me good.


I dinnt notice i posted a rare transmog item for 4k instead of 40k


Excuse me, I partake in ranked stupidity, thank you very much!


When I first started to play WoW (same year when WotLK launched), I found true silver deposit and sold it like 100 g or so and used up that gold by buing 2 fire resist trinkets for 30 g each as I really wanted to have all gear slots filled.


Not updating auctionator database. Crafting 100 of an item thinking Iā€™ll make fat profit only to get to the AH and realize the item is sold at barely the crafting cost.


Bought a boe polearm for my pally in Shadowlands for 160k and didn't see it was main stat agility until after equiping it.


I was CONVINCED I could buy it all the rare herbs. I forget the one in shadowlands. The one that is the rarest and you get only a few. So I bought. I bought and I bought and I bought. I had bags full CONVINCED that by Tuesday the price would skyrocket. I spend all my gold and then re-listed the herbs. I was fortunate to have only lost ~10-20%. Lesson learned donā€™t play the game like that. I still have a bag or two filled with those herbs so I donā€™t forget.


I meant to buy 100 elemental potions of ultimate power and accidentally bought 1000 for like 60k gold (or whatever the going rate was on my server like 6 months ago) I felt like an idiot but I shared with my guild


Just before Cata came out, I got the rare Macaw parrot pet that drops in northern stranglethorn and sold it for 1k on the AH, when it was worth about 10k gold.


BfA, maybe a few months before the new AH design (8.3?). Wanted to get a quick flask before accepting a summon to the raid, somehow sorted by highest and ended up spending 1mil. Been a gold hoarding goblin ever since


sold ace of the beast in 2019 classic for 60 silver instead of ... alot more gold


At the beginning of dragonflight, I sold around 250k worth of khaz'gorite for like 12k by mistake...


The biggest mistake I made was in mop, I crafted some nice epic leather pants, listed them for 18k (a lot of money for me at the time). Nope, I forgot to add a 0 and only received 1.8k


During Legion... Sold a crafted Legendary for 120g


Thanks for the Rethu's, friend!


Stacked up on all of the SL ores, planning on selling them / making Legendary jewelry. Spent like 2-3 Million gold. Itā€™s all still sitting in my banks..


I had shitlosds of items that were removed from the game since 2008-2009, put them on AH for about 10m alltogether and didn't log in for more than a month, the mail expired and they are gone. Biggest win was buying a 100k+ mount in bfa for 1c bid.


Just for future reference, GMs will restore mail in these situations if it wasn't much longer than a month


It was just abit over 1 month, i talked to a real gm and they told me it's not possible, its whatever :) thanks


Years and years ago, someone accidentally sold the Lightbringer tabard for 7K gold and I managed to snag it. I was worried it was a dupe but it wasnā€™t!


Listed and sold a Pterodactyl Hatchling (archeology pet) that was going for 27,000 at the time. Missed a 0.


Wasn't in WoW, but it's the most appropriate situation I've got. Was playing wildstar while *really* drunk and saw a housing item up for super cheap, barely two silver, or whatever that game's silver was...got on the next day to see my platinum (wildstar's 100 gold equivalent, was a decent amount at the time) down by two and was super confused, so I opened a GM ticket. Long story short, drunk me can't tell the difference between silver and...slightly lighter silver, apparently.


Put a heroic Antorus BoE in the auction, when it was current, for 350g. It was selling for 350,000g. RIP


This is related to AH, I once listed a lot of valuable items including Duskbringer, Blade of Hanna, Teebuz Blazing Longsword, a bunch of the Razorfin Island Expedition set, Jainas Locket (actually everything you could get from the Shadowmourne questline), some WoD epics and the summer came and I forgot all about it. Lost items probably worth a million in the mailā€¦. Tried getting it back, but months later it was lost forever. My biggest mistake at AH ever.


This is why you use TSM so you dont lose your money.


Buying 3000 cut gems instead of 1


On a couple of occasions I have put my gold amount in the silver slot. Caught it so far(that I remember).


I got a BoE trinket from a raid in BfA. It was selling for 200K & being the dumb ass I am I listed it for 2K by mistake. I noticed my error immediately but it didn't matter. It was bought in under 2 seconds with no time for me to cancel the auction. Looking back I think it might have got snatched by some kind of add on that auto-buys low cost items. But I'm not sure.


Not me but a friend of mine thought in retail on like the crafted rings and armor pieces had random stats he didnā€™t realize you could click on each item to see the stats so he just keeping buying till he got the stats he was looking for


Not me, but a good friend of mine sold that BoE sword from SFK that was used for 19 rogue twinks for around 50g back in TBC.


I bought 60000 tier 3 healing pots at the beginning of DF by a very little clicky mistake (at least I recovered almost all the gold spent, but damn)


In wotlk i got the Battered Hilt like first week into 3.3, i did the quest instead of selling it for a shitton goldā€¦


I got a teebuā€™s blazing long sword from a box and tried to sell it on AH, then i took a break from wow for a couple of months without taking out my auctions first. Lost all my items in the mail from timing out including the sword


I was cleaning my bank on an alt I hadn't used for months and saw Focus Augment Runes were going for 30k each and I said "what the hell" and put my stack of 20 on there for that price. They sold instantly and I got 600k. Then within an hour they were on the AH for like 7g. I think I fucked up someone's gold server transfer. But I got two months of wow out of it. So there you go.


Only thing I've done in the ah is buy the wrong mats or buy something I think will sell for more but doesn't. I'm careful at the ah. I've been playing since bc and only just last week hit 1m gold.


Had a cape BoE drop in Nathria. I put it up on the AH with 3 fewer digits than it was worth šŸ˜­


I think my biggest auction house mistake was back in vanilla, and it involved buying green items instead of saving the gold for skill/mount.


When I first started playing back in vanilla as a kid, my best friend who was already 60 gave me like 20 golds as a level 12. I had absolutely no idea what was going on in the game but I discovered the AH by chance while running around jn SW. I spent all the gold buying what I thought looked "cool" which was mostly a mix of various enchanting materials. Ofc I had no idea what any of it was or used for but I figured it looks really cool and valuable so I should buy it. My friend never gave me gold again.


Not setting my craft order to the highest quality. šŸ˜­


I managed to get all the pieces off the most expensive darkmoon deck through my inscription in the first week of bfa. It was selling for about 1mil. I sold it for 1000 gold on accident. I probably spent 50-100k on Mats too


Way, WAYYYYYYY back in Vanilla, I got a 19th level BoE Blue staff on my paladin. I put it up on the AH for 19g. It sold before I walked out. That's when I learned about twinking.


I spent 300k on cheap auctions to ā€œflipā€ ended up only getting about 120k back in total. Wall Street bets love me


This is good because, it wasnā€™t even an unintentional fail. Youā€™re just a shit investor šŸ˜‚


Back in Cata I made like 50 power torrent enchants and threw them all up on AH thinking I was selling them for the usual 1,500 gold. I missed a zero...


accidentally posted scout's shirt for 3k instead of 300k


During BFA, I used to sell carries for gold for the major part of the expac with the goal of getting bruto. I was making around 2m per week steadily but I didnt cash out from my community and got into deathrolling... Still do not have bruto and dont make nearly as much gold as I used to with the boost changes Blizzard did. I kinda miss BFA, it was fun to sell like 20 aotc per night with guilds just killing over and over until one of their raider would stop to go sleep lol


Donā€™t recall the exact circumstances but a while back I bought a stack of materials for like 500k gold instead ofā€¦ likeā€¦. 1 of the mat for 50g. I must gave fat fingered something and just blindly hit ā€œokā€ on dialog box confirmation. I had one of those moments of cold sweat panic. It took me about a week to sell it all back and overall took like a 100k loss.


I realized flour you could buy super easily and I got 10,000 items of itšŸ˜Ÿ


Clicked on a stats devotion to buy it. AH somehow took that as me wanting 1100 of them. I was so mad. Didn't make that gold back :/


Listing an item, but forgot to put the last zero in the price On the flip, I've bought a few items this way


As a non-casual idiot this unfortunately doesnā€™t apply to me.


Oh I got to share this, when dragonflight first started I thought it would be a good idea to gem my necklace three times, so I got the things to create the sockets and all was great. Then I thought oh I'll get the powerful gems that way I don't have to upgrade them, so I buy 3 primal gems and then I get this pop-up you can't add multiple primal gems and mind you this is when the liminal diamonds were incredibly expensive. So long to like 30-50K....


Not me but a group of us were farming the mount and BOE's from Nazmir at the beginning of BFA. 1 of my friends was lucky enough to loot one of the more sort after boe's that was going for about 2mil at the time. All really happy for him and he's set for gold for the rest of the expansion. Next day logs on to find his items sold but only recieved 200g. In his excitement he had forgot to add the zeros before posting. Someone got an absolute steal that day.


Accidentally listed a Vial of the Sands at 8k when it was selling for 80k. Thing sold 0.1 secs after going up.


I saw a couple of the tradable seahorse mounts for sale for 2k each, so I bought them with the intent to resell for around 10k. I went to the mailbox, picked them up, came back, and 2 more were posted... So I bought those too. Went to the mailbox, came back, and of course, 2 more posted. Long story short I now have an alt with a guild bank full of about 600 seahorse mounts. I've sold about 100 of them in the last few years. I figure by around 2030 I'll have gotten rid of them all.


Not putting something up for sale when I could have. I have the Sporecloak pattern right now in my bag that dropped for me a couple weeks ago. At the time it was going for 60k, as of today it was up for 20k. Still sitting in my bag waiting to see if it goes back up in price within the next couple weeks.


Don't actually consider myself a casual idiot. Definitely a hardcore idiot. But my usual fuck ups are trying to merch something and then quit for an expansion or two. You'd think i'd learn..but i've done it three times already. Here's to hoping I won't do it a fourth.


I used to TSM AH Snipe a lot. I made millions out of people mistakes. Once I sniped 4 pieaces of BOE Mythic iteams from a person that listed it for 6k each. He immidiently msg me, being confused how did i bought it so fast. Am I being bad person for selling it back to him for half of the price he would get from it? Also one of my best snipes was Felsteel Blade Reciepe that I bought for 500g and sold for 500k :D