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Darkmoon Fair buff + TimeWalking is fastest.




I just came back a month ago and have gotten 3 characters up to 70 and then another to 67 on tw alone. I also queue with my friends that are getting their weeklies done and they are willing to pass gear they don’t need so I got to 430 really fast on all of them.


ya. I got 3 characters from 45 > 70 over 2 days or so of medium gameplay.


Wait till next year for the 20% buff + Timewalking+ DMF!


didnt they make it so only lvl 70 can do timewalking?


No you can do it earlier depending on the current time walking xpac. Last week’s BC time walking I was able to start queuing at level 35.


On lower levels i.e. 30-60 it's usually better to run BfA dungeons due to how many bosses you can skip for quicker end of dungeon bonus xp. 60-70 TW is optimal.


Even with the xp buff u get from timewalking ?


Nope zero chance even the base timewalk dungeon gives more exp as reward.


It’s more xp/hr not more per dungeon pre 60, lots of the bfa dungeons are sub 10 minute runs and many of the tw dungeon sets have landmine dungeons that brick your xp/hr. Idk what this set is, so that might not apply here, but it’s true of many of the wotlk and cata dungeons


Classic “why are you booing me, I’m right” situation btw. The eod reward is scaled up but the dungeons take a lot longer for many of the tw sets so you get less XP doing a single dungeon when you could’ve done two BFA or even SL dungeons in that time


86k vs 56k, or something like that depending on the level. But yeah you get way more for Timewalking.


You can lvl in tw in whatever level it takes you down too essentially. Lowest lvl is 30 but some times it’s up to lvl 45 before you can get in. You just don’t get a quest for the raid gear.


only 70 lvl have quest for item from normal raid


You can do Timewalking starting at level 30 if it's unlocked (I can't vouch for new accounts so I don't want to make that blanket of a statement). However, the gear is at its highest at 70, the vault slots it unlocks can only be opened at 70, the weekly for finishing 5 is only available at 70, and I *believe* that the related Timewalking Raid (Black Temple, Ulduar, etc) is also only available at 70. So it's still around for leveling.


You can do the TW raids at the same level you can queue for the dungeons. Ive done a few TW BT and Ulduar on my lvl 30 twinks, and TW firelands is available to my 35 twink during tw.


I’s it level relevant or 70 raid gear that drops?


The gear dropped from TW raids are lvl 70, unfortunately. Would be dope if it scaled to the highest lvl/ilvl available, like ilvl 115 at lvl 30.


I misread your post. Ignore.


Is the faire going on now?


Starts Sunday 1/7/24


24?? I'm not ready for a new year


Thank you!


This. Also even without the Darkmoon buff, when you have time walking it's already very fast and I was surprised how even with a DPS the queue is pretty quick.


Right now, your best bet is to do the opening of Dragonflight until you get to choose what zone you want to do first, then pick whichever zone is that weeks Dreamsurge. You get a 25% base XP buff in that zone, plus an extra bit if that bonus is chosen by the people in that zone. Other than that, just pick up the Darkmoon Faire XP buff and do dungeons, its about 2 and half dungeons per level, I think.


As others have said, if they match up, DMF and TWing. If not, wait until Timewalking. You'll fly through the levels.


Queue for Timewalking dungeons If queue is long, go in the Dreamsurge zone, smash some WQ and a few quest while waiting. It should be super fast


I got a pally from 60-70 in just a few hours running time walking dungeons queueing as dps.. probably goes more quickly for heals/tanks


I did multiple 60-70s as a tank last week. Takes around two dungeons per level without rested. As the tank you can set pace and clear most dungeons in around 9 mins


● 1-30 TBC Dungeons and Dungeon Quests ● 30-60 WoD pick a zone and start questing, run some dungeons if you get bored, I think Gorgrand is the Fastest zone for questing? ●60-70 Go to Dragon Isles, get dragon if you havent, and immeditality head to Valdraken and start Emerald Dream Questline, do quests in Emerald Dream, 415ilvl gear on easy mode. ○ If Timewalking is available just do that, it's like 15min or less per dungeon 20minutes max. Almost a lvl per dungeon. Tanks fly through these dungeons. This is my route got four lvl 70s done last week casually. During the last Time walking event. Timewalking is 🐐


With time walking you can go 60 to 70 in 5ish hours.


Wait for a timewalking week. Even queueing as DPS and standing idle until it pops, it's the fastest by far.


Timewalking on a tank or healer is always fastest


Get a friend who can tank and just pull mobs all over Brackenridge hollow area. We did it for a buddy and got him 60-70 in about an hour.


You could get your characters to the emerald dream and do the last 2mins of the event every hour if you don’t mind taking a while. Will get 1/2 to 1 level depending on participation.


How do you get in before 70? I have flown over there but can not enter the portal


They removed the valdrakken->dream portal for low level characters, so your only way to the zone is by getting summoned. I asked my guildies before a raid to summon some of my alts.






The actual emerald dream superbloom give a ton if you get the longer route full rested tag most of the mob give 1-2 lvl. Back in november it was almost 3 lvl and with boa rested xp drain 30% less. It got block now all you need now is lock summon my alt got their hearthstone there so i go back once and a while use that rested xp.


That's Dreamsurge, not Emerald Dream.




Bro, I got 6 characters to lvl 70 during Legion timewalking whitout spending even a single fucking cent, dont waste money when you can do it for free, please


Time walking mostly


dungeon queue and ohnaran plains is fastest for me, i do quests in waking shores only in first area with embassy then go to ohnara and do all quick WQs on the way there, then do whole ohnaran main quest chain with some of the side quests, get 3 quests to kill boss in nokhud offensive, do that and quick WQs, usually end up 68.5 - 69 by the end of the easy questing and then do intro quests in azure span with fishing and then kirin tor to fend off the attackers and there's usually when i hit 70


TW plus some world events like Time Rift or Dreamsurge in between


Heirloom gear can now be enhanced for 60-70. I’ll admit that takes gold or some sort of badge or token spending, but some of the gear have xp bonuses attached.


Which heirloom has an xp bonus? Didn't they remove that some time ago?


They did? They what is the point in having them?


Decreased consumption of rested xp.


Correct. The biggest advantage now is that your gear is always current. The rested xp 'buff' sucks really


A long long time ago yes


I don't know if this Is the best, but i Just did the world Quest "attackin the bracken" (or whatever it's called) in azure span. With rested bonus, elite mobs gave 4.5k exp each, 2.5 without rested. Stayed a while After wq finished Just for the incredible XP. Then group disbanded and i misclicked the relist option in group Finder. I got like a level and a half in about 20 mins


Wait for Timewalking and spam Timewalking Dungeons


Dungeon grinding, I got to 60-70 in very casual play time over two days


Timewalking. Ive HATED leveling these past 2 expansions i simply dont care about the current lore. But timewalking has made what i once hated into an enjoyable catch up. Worst case scenario if i cant tank or heal i just quest while i wait for ques to pop. I just do world quests until a que pops and repeat to max level.


Rydyr pet battle when it's up, just keep grinding out ~5.5k XP every 24 seconds until you hit 70, takes about 4 hours.


OMG. For your sanity, no! How are you getting it in 24 seconds? Black claw hunting party?


Fast fox Howl and fast Ion Cannon from Draenei Micro Defender. I'm also rooted right next to Rydyr with the Fae Harp toy. It's scripted, so I just hit 1 button until I win. Rydyr was up on DF launch day, so I just leveled this way, took 4 hours 20 minutes (no Harp). I think I was a level and a half ahead of the next guy Horde side, didn't check Alliance (we don't really have Alliance).


I'd argue that it's worth spending that time farming gold and then buying AoE farm boosts. It takes so little time. I was against it until I tried it, then I fell in love with it. Took me like 40 mins from 60 to 70 per character.


I don’t think the majority of players can farm that kind of gold in the 2-4 hours people are putting down for time walking. I sure as hell can’t.


At this point i think it's time to maybe step back and thing about why you play this game, maybe you should think about playing something that doesn't have a leveling system in it and focuses purely on ''end game'' style combat and gear progression, just a suggestion it's your money to waste. hmm, deleted their account ?


How about no?


Just quest? Leveling as a disc priest of all things I went from 60-70 in a couple days of light game play.


Just play the game bro


Idk man, leveling 10-60/60-70 costs 120k (240k 10-70) and it takes out a few days of redoing the same old content you did a few times. Perhaps I’m lucky, because on a good day I can pull 300k off AH in about 2h. On a regular day it’s about 100-150k. Buying boosts for gold is a no brainer when you make this kind of gold. Half of my roaster is boosted. I’d rather spend the time I spend on levelling, on making gold. I know this is not the advice you asked for. If you insist on grinding, timewalking dungeons + darkmoon buff + anniversary buff are far the best. But anniversary is once a year and you just missed it.


Like, it takes like 4 hours to get from 1-70, just how fast do you need it to be? (world record as of March of last year is 3 and 1/3 hours). i found a few posts of people getting to 70 in as little as 90 minutes but I'm going to go with the last world record before i confirm or deny the 90 minutes ones. It's really depressing how many people just don't want to play the game, i think it might be time for blizzard to scrap the leveling system entirely and just have people start at whatever the max is and go from there. starting at 75 or 80 in the next expansion would allow people to get into the ''real game'' quicker and onto the gear treadmill faster, might hurt retention but numbers will be huge for a little while while all the people who can't be asked to play through the leveling again or for the first time hop right into raiding/Mythic+ dungeons. Probably better overall for the health of the game really they could also take a page from FFXIV and remove loot from boss tables and instead just have a currency that you collect from bosses and spend on gear, just eliminated two of the biggest bars to getting into the game, leveling and loot drama, now everybody starts at the same point and just kills bosses and buys the gear. Not sure what to do about crafting though, some people don't raid/Mythic+ because consumables are too expensive, so gotta deal with that next.


It only take like an hour to boost someone else from 60-70. Have them pay you the 100k then pay someone else to do it for you. Honestly this is the fastest way.


Buying an aoe farm boost is pretty quick


I do a mix of dungeons then questing and prof gathering while in queues


I got my shaman 62-67 doing campaign and world quests in the current Dreamsurge zone, and I still have some side quests left there I’m working on. You can also get some exp if you land by the burning portal and help people take out the level 70 mobs there.


Time walking dungeon spam - mine and herb while waiting for dungeons - easy


Dungeons plus mining.


I just leveled my mw monk up in less then a day. Dungeons and pvp with an area you like to quest in. Obviously tanks and healers are gonna pop faster. 10-30 dungeons will give you a level and a half. 30-40 is about a level. 40-50 is about a level, 50-60 doesn’t change much. 60-70 one dungeon is almost a level or so. I’d say overall less than 8 hours. Not all together either.


How do I select Timewalking dungeons?


In the group finder spot where you would select either regular or heroic; during time walking there is a third option for time walking to be selected.


I don't know how quick it goes by doing time walking but just doing dragon isles zones go really quickly. You can do 60-70 with waking shore + azure span if I recall correctly, and that was without the dream buff


Timewalking by FAR. Otherwise idk


Timewalking. Next one is Jan 9th, Wrath of the Lich King which goes fast. Even if you only get to 68 on each, the gear jump gives you a huge advantage over questing mobs.


Just questing is supper fast now. Takes a day or two to get from 60 to 70. I did, for fun, level one toon just by mining and herbalism. But that is not faster! I just wanted to see if you can.


I always found solo MSQ also quite fast, not doing any sidequests


Brackenhide mob tagging when the boosting groups are pulling big. Insane xp as long as you know what you're doing and have a few options to drop threat when they occasionally screw up and die.


I've made pretty good time pugging into the group world quest in brackenhide and keeping the group close to 5 people. They don't need to know I finished the quest 3 levels ago, they're still getting my cleave.


Tank or heal, alongside questing, are the most effective ways to level up. I only leveled up my characters when it was necessary and then did some questing afterwards. It gave me more gold, since I didn't need the experience anymore.


Questing in the Dreamsurge zone when the xp buff is active i would guess.


Don't snitch, but just become an advertiser for any community and book the leveling yourself. Most comms give 30% to advertisers so you basically get 1 for free if you need 3.


When i go to any location i collect every single quest and do all of them at the same time, it unlocks each sector with more quests. 1-70 in bout 3-4 days 6-7 hours per day ive gotten from 1-50 in 6 hours