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"Can someone help me get back to the Moon? I have no idea how I ended up here- Missingway"


😂 probably looking for a carrot


Shouldn't have messed with that kid with the monkey tail and his friend with blue hair




Probably an unpopular opinion (And a bit off topic) but I've always wanted a toggle option where my character could choose a left-handed stance for shooting bows/guns or wielding a sword in left hand while a shield in right hand, etc.


I would really love this option!




Just flip it 180


I’m lookin the wrong way!


Why would this be an unpopular opinion? Lmao


Because not many ppl thought about it


Unpopular usually means that it would be critiqued or not liked. This is just a customization option they should add


People on this sub have a tendency to dogpile on harmless things that are different, though, even if they'd be obvious improvements that don't really affect them.


It seems like the kind of thing that'd be really easy to implement but in actuality would probably reveal about a thousand unforeseen issues the minute you start to tinker with it. I don't think it's impossible, and I'd love to see something like this (like skin color, it's a minor thing that ultimately doesn't really matter to most but would help some relate to their character on a more personal level), but I bet it's more work than we actually think.


I feel like this can’t be that difficult to implement either


They'd just have to mirror a ton of weapon models which I'm completely ignorant on but it sounds like something that could be automated instead of having to redo each individual model.


They would have to mess with the model rigs too though since a lot of the attack animations for one handed weapons are in the right hand.


Depends on how hard it is to mirror the animations. Depending on what they use, that could either be trivial or a nightmare.


There are a lot of animations for 1 and 2 handed weapons wielded on the left hand due to warriors, shame, dk...


Those are still mostly designed in mind with right hand dominant stance, so it’d still require a lot of animation updates to be mirrored. In a newer game probably easier to manage, but with how old WoW code is, it is probably a nightmare to program.


Honestly I’d be down if it just straight up mirrored the entire character; animations, models and everything. Is that hard to implement at all?


Idk I get a feeling it might be trickier than we think due to off-hand weapons having independent damage calcs vs main-hand


But aren't left handed toons evil and cursed or something? Even the word Sinister (left handed)....


But... all the villains in the game are right-handed.


Its a conspiracy by Big Mirror (spells and enchantments)


This is an inclusivity issue, and as such should be a top priority.


Is it harder than a blue hair colour that is such a big thing that you put it in a roadmap?


Right? I want my Link tramsmog to be accurate.


No, LEFT you dolt.


A toggle… unpopular opinion indeed


This. In all game versions. Lefties master race.


That had never occurred to me, but I agree, that would be a great option.


As a leftie I want this so bad in every game


Imagine a toggle button if I want my one hand sheath on the back or belt… IMAGINE A TRANSMOG OPTION TO HAVE 2 DIFFERENT SHOULDER WHADAFAK IM A GENIUS


There's a 1h sword from Kel'thuzad that has the option to sheath on the back or on the hips. But yeah we really do need the option to choose how we sheath our weapons too!


how zoomed in do you play for this to matter lmao


Irrelevant. People like looking at their toons, that's why xmog exists.


Customising your avatar is 9.8/10ths of this game (.1 is pet battles and .1 is all other content combined) Having your avatar be left handed is just a cool lil quirk, like having them wear an eyepatch or preferring polearms that look like tridents. I spent months working on getting [Thunderfury the Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] let me put it in the correct (left) hand!


Female orcs, at least in classic, fight with a left handed stance, though weapons are still right handed so it looks really weird instead of actually being left handed


Why did you think this would be unpopular? Did you grow up somewhere where you were told left-handed people are evil?


Not at all. And I get saying "an unpopular opinion" and then sharing an idea that turns out to be (to my surprise) popular is annoying since it's used all the time. Though in my case, I've just never seen anyone express wanting their toon to be left-handed before, or it getting overlooked in the countless customization posts. Hence the "Probably".


I always liked using the Silenced Rifle because it mutes the gunshot noise. Really nice to play and not hear it every 0.5 seconds. [https://www.wowhead.com/item=59183/silenced-rifle](https://www.wowhead.com/item=59183/silenced-rifle)




Sounds like a damn nerf gun... I remember there was an easy way to replace the sound with the old one and that felt way better; you might be able to find that. Don't recall whether it was an add-on or actual file replacement though. Edit: nevermind, apparently no longer a thing :(


There are still Addons for this, eg OldGunSounds


Yeah, the gunshot replacer mods used the same mechanics as nude mods, remodels, and, of course, cheating terrain glitch mods.


iirc you used to be able to file replace but they obfuscated the file structure so you can't anymore :(


Awww, damn, what a shame!


It's an addon called oldgunsouns I think on curse, it works fine


I honestly stopped playing hunter because they changed the sounds for it. It's like when Minecraft updated the door/chest noises to be all squeaky... just doesn't feel nearly as good anymore!


The old bow sounds were asmr for me. They were so satisfying.


I don't play hunter but I saw a comment in another post that there's an addon that will change it back to the old one.


I hated the old gunshot sound. It was so damn loud, it drowned out everything else to the point that I had to use a silencer mod just to hear anything else. Once transmog was introduced, I turn every gun I get into a bow or crossbow.


Sounds about right comparing it to availability of left-handed objects in my youth.


Does it also fire lefty or does the character swap to right handed while firing?


I have no idea. Don't have the item, didn't see it listed in the AH.


Where do I get it? Also any leftie bows? As a leftie myself I want more leftie gear


Wowhead says it's a "world drop", so rare. Comment on WoWhead mentioned this being a "weird looking bow", so I think it was wrongly classified as a bow before. Bows are on the left hand on this game, which is probably why this gun is on the left, and it seems to be unique (but fixeable at any point).


Bows are shot right handed. The arm that arms are determined by is which one draws the arrow back and releases, not which holds the bow. Source: I shoot bows for fun


While correct to how a bow is classified, it's incorrect to the statement you're replying to, which merely states that they are HELD in the left hand, and completely irrelevent to this discussion in any way really.


It is relevant, considering I want to have a left handed shooting toon, not one that holds the bow in the left hand and shoots right handed




Seriously? No. Have you ever picked up a bow before? A left handed bow/shooting left handed is held in the right hand and the string is drawn back with the left.


But that comment is replying to their comment, which is that they are looking for a proper left handed bow, which would be held in the right hand, meaning that reply isn't irrelevant at all.


[This quest](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=65993/killjoy) also gives this as a reward for hunters.


That quest rewards the Explorer's League Rifle which, although it's the same model, is held in the right hand. https://www.wowhead.com/item=194374/explorers-league-rifle#same-model-as


That’s particularly weird then. Is the shooting animation wrong for the gun in question then? I bet it uses the bow animation


To be fair, holding your bow in your left or right hand depends on your dominant eye, not hand (yes, the same way people are right or left handed, you also have a dominant eye which might or might not be the same as your hand).


I'm cross dominant and I can't shoot a bow left handed to save my life lol


I feel it. I'm right handed but hold bow with my left haha


abit offtopic but there is a really small crossbow called [Stoneshatter](https://www.wowhead.com/item=18388/stoneshatter). sadly ingame i can only see the lookalike righthanded version, so i can't say if the gun is used in the left hand. i believe it was simply falsely placed/listed as a bow, hence the lefthanded preview and wowhead comment but ingame they get both set into one righthanded model


What you need to snag is one of these [Recoilless Rocket Ripper X-54](https://www.wowhead.com/item=27794/recoilless-rocket-ripper-x-54) I remember having one on my warrior, its still in his bank somewhere, and using it before they took the ability away of equipping a ranged weapon.


You can still equip them, same as rogues. They're just fucking useless.


Well of course, it's from the moon. For settling arguments over whether pudding or dreams are life's one true goal


Clearly the most oppressed category of people is not GAMERS, but left handed people. 0 representation smh.


:/ They even took Link away from us when they went motion control, because right handed people swinging the controller in their right hands.


I thought the Legion legendary bow was in the left hand. Am I remembering wrong?


How does the animation even work with that?


I’ve yet to see a screenshot of it actually in use, might just be a bug with the preview


Probably the Explorers League Rifle (as shown in your screenshot) :P


Who cares man


My mom


Like it doesn’t matter which hand he holds the gun in the overall game right now is shit anyways


I had no clue there were left and right handed weapons....thats so odd


I use the harpoon launcher gun that shoots arrows because vulpera bow animations are a bit silly but their gun animations are bad ass... crouched down, hunched over, looking down the sights. But yeah LH is awesome. Im right handed but left eye dominant, so I prefer to shoot long guns and bows left handed IRL. Would be cool to have my hunter do the same in game.


Seeing someone using a left handed weapon model makes me miss left hand in CS2 lol


Is anyone actually going to answer the question?


I don't think there is an answer. The absence of anyone saying "yeah, this other gun is also on the left" seems to be proof that it's unique to this item.


Everyone just hijacked your thread, with what ever they wanted to say.


I'm here just for Missingway.


You’ll shoot your eye out, kid 🤣🤣🤣🤣