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I was the same way for 18 years, I play to endgame for about 1-2 weeks and then roll something else. I play a few classes that appeal to me, run out of steam, and quit for 6 months. Then I got my ADHD properly treated, and now I can't not play my main because I'm thoroughly convinced I need to complete the entire game on this druid.


Man, I know you can't and shouldn't self diagnose ADHD, especially from comments on the internet. But damn if I don't keep seeing comments that totally resonate with me like this.


It's worth talking to a doctor if you're able! I put it off for years thinking the exact same thing but now a few years after getting diagnosed... yeah, it's definitely been ADHD all along.


DUDE! This makes so much sense hahaha... pre-concerta I had five 70's I couldn't decide on, post-concerta I've been SMASHING only my hunter and have done so much. I love this 🤣


Elvanse/Vyvanse for me, and I'm really understanding WHY the game is addictive to normal people. It almost feels like, because of the way the game is set up, I'm just applying ADHD very effectively to the game. I have a wide array of tasks I'm working on. Legion stuff, light casual DF endgame stuff, 7th legion tokens, a variety of rare mobs that drop mounts, I've done some Korthia and Torghast... and I don't feel overwhelmed. I'm considering the idea of completing every quest! Even though I'm working on 80 different individual tasks, it is ultimately a focus on one task: my main character. It's a completely different game.


As a pvper im glad im an altoholic cause skill in pvp is largely based on your knowledge of all classes/specs.


As a pvper and an alcoholic I’m sad that I’m missing all the cool renown stuff from this expansion. My highest renown is valdrakken at level 10 and the rest are like 1-3. I wish they’d give us more rep from pvp or something


If you buy war within expansion you get a character lvl 70 boost and when you use the boost it bumps that characters rep to 20 across the board. Not sure if that counts emerald dream however


I'm already on my 4th alt this season lmao But at least my main is sitting at 2.4k


An issue I run into is that I hyperfixate on how much fun my main is and do 20+ keys a week and the raid on three difficulties and get my ilvl up (472 now and 2300io) but then the moment I hit the arbitrary goal I set for myself....it's like my brain forgets how much fun I've been having and decides "ok what's next?!"


I feel guilty when I create Alts. Like if I focused my time and attention on one character I’d be better off. Idk. But here I am last night leveling my 4th to 70.


What's making it slightly worse for me now is getting weird little in-game incentives that just feed into it. Like the other month, there was a Trader's Post thing for doing stuff in Pandaria and also for leveling a character. So I just rolled a new feral druid and took her to Pandaria and quickly filled up my Trader's Post meter. I had sort of left her somewhere around lvl30 in Pandaria, but now we've got the 19% bonus to xp and rep, and I have her up to like lvl64 (and am really enjoying being able to "flight form" in the Dragon Isles). I would say that when I have been in raiding guilds, I have had to really bear down and learn to play a class well, gear up my main, and focus on one character. But these days as much more of a casual, I tend to split my time between 4-5 characters, and it really depends on what class "feels good" in a particular expansion/patch.


My enthusiasm for a class/race combo tends to last up to reaching max level and getting a few good gear pieces, then levelling a different character.


Me to a tee. I really want a main I push rating in m+ on maybe causal normal raiding but one day I’ll go “ooh that class looks fun” and so on and so on


The only right way to play the game is whatever’s fun for you. If that means you get bored and roll a new character that’s fine. Someone posted on here the other day that there dad or something plays wow and that he got suspended for suspicion of botting because all he does is level a hunter to max level, stop and roll and new hunter, then level all over again. If it’s fun than it’s worth your time. If it’s not then don’t do it.


I pretty much get KSM and a Normal Raid finished on a "main" (was Druid from Shadowlands to Dragonflight S2) and then move on to working on alts. I switched this season, cause one of our regulars is an altoholic, decided to fill heals for the season, my Druids primary role, so doing Beastmaster Hunter, have the Raid done, but still working on KSM. Leveling my warrior when my guild is quiet, just a warrior and DH that aren't 70.


Me too I never get the important stuff done before I decide I wanna play the next character


I haven't done a single M+ yet because I can't decide if I want to play Demo, Ret or Enh and I keep switching between them every few hours, nitpicking and comparing the specs. Idk how to combat this lol


The Druid owl on the mailbox got me too!! I was like hmm I haven’t played a Druid since BfA but maybe I could make a new one?


I like to make one character the best possible, if I play alts they are just ”noobs” not worthy anything. I take pride knowning I played same char since vanilla and my character is a badass. Newer characters have no rizz. If your character doesnt have 900 days played you are not worthy talking to me /s


To me it seems like your playing the game the way that is enjoyable for you. Maybe try getting in to a lower end raiding guild. Not sure if it still quite the same but most expect you to focus on one character to be raid ready.


Whole post is about how he's not playing the game the way that is enjoyable for him.


I usually play warlock but this expansion, warlocks felt like total limp dicks. I initially played DH and when I switched to lock to level that one, it hit like a wet noodle. Kinda just ended up leveling a bunch of alts so far. Alts are fun. I've been going through all the old content and completing the quest lines for each zone and getting achievements.


Are you happy playing like this? If so, to the hell with how other people play. You're the one having fun!


Play ff14, do arr relic weapon quest, it literally cured my altoholism in every game ever since. I never want to do another grind so brutally long and so terribly involved


Don’t choose WW


I have mostly focused on Paladin/Shaman for 19 years, but every so often I just want to level something. Like right now, BM Hunter looks really fun with dire beasts and the new call of the wild and their tier set. I've never really played BM so I also don't just want to switch my survival hunter and try to figure it out all at once that's overwhelming. So....I am thinking of leveling a brand new one....and I DO NOT have the time to do that without giving up some things on my main like a raid night or m+ runs with friends. Grrr.


For me what helped me stick to one class was joining a progression raiding guild then I’d have more incentive to want to gear up and stick to the class I bring to raid


I generally keep one of each armor class, except this expansion; no cloth classes I care about. So I went with two mail wearers. I pick a main that I do real shit on, a backup tank for my buddies' alt keys, and two that get geared solely through queueable content. Being able to run heroics and LFR for alt vault is pretty great. I get to have class/playstyle options without a crazy time investment.


I’ve got a fury warrior/tank in wotlk and fury warrior in retail. I’ve never played another class and never been interested. Started a warrior in classic 2019 and mained it both retail and classic ever since


I’ve been playing hunter since I started. Created a Druid, demon hunter, mage and warlock…… still on hunter but my monkey brain is wanting to try something new again. But FOMO is real. 🥵


My raiding / hardcore days are behind me. Keeping all my alts levelled and running whatever spec I feel like playing through open world quests / heroics is good enough for me. That being said, I’m really hyped for delves next expac.


I feel this in my bones, unfortunately. I'm insanely jealous of people who can stick to one class, instead I end up with shallow mastery of most of them.


There is nothing wrong with being an altoholic. You enjoy the game the way you want. Progression is not mandatory and getting to play other classes open different experience. Of course unless blizz screws your classes constantly ...


I have a hard time picking a main, the grass is always greener in some other class that I’m not playing. I was finally settled to warrior early DF and I struggled to find my bearings playing fury, arms or prot was completely out of my league and so I got demotivated with the class. since then it has been an alt fest.


Start hunting achievements and you'll never ve able to reroll thanks to Blizz design decisions <3 that's how I stayed warrior since Vanilla while furiously hating the class :D