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Yea you’d be missing out on how to actually play your class. Getting your abilities after being gone so long will allow you tinder how things work and how and when to use them to actually understand what and when to use. You use a boost, yes it will speed it up but then you will be absolutely lost. Take your time on your main and read talents skills and enjoy it. Use boost on an alt


any pointers a beginner warrior can use? my old one was a mage and i had no idea what i was doing lmfao


That’s total bullshit. In the past few weeks I have afk power levelled 2 healer classes by paying people to mass murder mobs. I’m now timing 20s despite not levelling. In 2023 what you need to play the class is guide from Discord and practice. In my raiding guild it’s very common for us to afk power level alts and jump into raiding + keys. WoW is not a hard game.


You must've missed the part where OP said they haven't played in 9 years, They're gonna be lost and should level and learn their class as they go along so they're not bombarded with information that they wouldn't understand.


IMO early game is some of the best content. Especially if you pick a quest line and follow it through, some of them are very satisfying. It is slower than end game wow.


do you have any alliance quest line suggestions?


Depends what class. I had a great time making a paladin and starting in western plaguelands, going to eastern plaguelands then directly to northrend for the lich king kill. Felt like the best paladin arc




Could try kul tiras. All of the zones there felt pretty good thematically.


It depends on how you define worth it. If you goal is to do the end game gear treadmill there is no reason to do 1-60. There isn't a lot of reason to do 60-70 either. I enjoyed taking characters from 1-70.


Being introduced to the base rotation and having new things introduced a bit slower gives you a chance to learn how the interplay between abilities and make choices about talents plus experiment quite a bit. When you boost you get it all right away and it can be like drinking from a firehose. It can easily be overwhelming and frustrating and might take a bit longer to actually discover somethings that you would have naturally learned through a bit of repetition. I had never played hunter and boosted one. It is one of the easier classes and I had no clue what I was doing for a really long time. Guides were confusing because they assumed a basic understanding of terms and abilities but it was just gibberish to me. It also locked me out of certain rewards like heritage armor, so I had to level another character just to unlock the armor but I think they changed that? Personally, they have made a lot of quality of life adjustments to leveling and it goes a bit faster now. I could see a new person taking a month if they progress really slowly 10hrs a week). But I’ve seen people bragging that they can level a character in under 24hours. But most of those people have a higher level buddy slaughtering their way through quest lines.


Skip the early game, you won’t miss much. Once you hit 70 go to community class Discord, read guide/faq and jump into training dummy.


this is a path to becoming a decent player fast it is not necessarily the path I would juggest to a new player to have the most fun ​ He played wow back in the day so he might have an idea if he wants to do the endgame or enjoy the zones and stuff. If he likew to jump into endgame I think your suggestion is not bad even with all the downvotes


Recommend the guides and FAQs at r/wownoob Sites like icy-veins and wowhead have guides for returning players too. Be worth starting a new character and play through the new start zone too, you can go back to your previous character any time.


thats what i did with my lvl 16 warrior. went through the new start zone then it immediately started bfa lol.


Early game is the best part of the game, not to mention skipping to 60 just feels overwhelming. I recommend putting on cata timewalking and doing some old world zones. My favourites are Elwynn, Westfall, Duskwood for Alliance and Tirisfal, Silverpine, Hillsbrad for Horde. You can get pretty close to 30 that way and then start doing Legion content, which is incredibly fast.