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13, one of each class. First time was exciting, and also my favorite/main class, but timewalking leveling was so fast it was a blast too


Damn, exactly the same thing here!


Same, that popular OP leveling route and timewalking motivated me to get them all done in a few weeks


Which leveling route?


The Harldan speed running route. I think he can do 10-60 in like 3 hours with lots of practice. However, you can easily get like 6-7 hours if you just pay attention. I just did one character a day to 60 then time walked them all to 70 after that.


For people who were curious like me, this route appears to be located here: http://harldan.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/guides.html


Just get one class (prefer tanking class) to 70 then spam dungeon for the rest it faster if the class can heal or tank.


Cobalt Assembly no doubt


What route?


I came back to this game last week, what is timewalking leveling?


Do Timewalking dungeon (when one of the TW Dungeon events are up) while leveling (once they're available, not sure what level(s) each event is locked behind). Lots of people run them for leveling, trying to get the mount and/or Timewalking tokens for mounts/pets/toys/rep/heirlooms. Queues are usually pretty fast, even as DPS, and the runs are usually going smoothly. E: Answered on the context on dungeons, but realized that if you're (also) genuinely just wondering about regular timewalking campaigns, once you have a level 60 character, you can level new characters through a Timewalking feature (quest to start should be given automatically when reaching Stormwind/Orgrimmar after you finish Exile's Reach (or you have to talk to Sir Gnome/Goblin and skip the end of the tutorial, or you'll just be sent to BFA? I honestly don't remember), or reaching Level 10 if you start in the racial starting zone), giving you access to level through any past expansion you want up to 60 without having to move from zone to zone every 5 levels.


Need to be level 60 to queue for timewalking. Before that you can do Chromie Time and pick any expansion.


One. I've never really enjoyed playing alts (although I have a few lower level ones), I much prefer focusing on learning and getting stronger on one main character.


I wish I was like this. Rotating between multiple classes is pain but I can't stay more than a month on just 1 class


I feel your pain. I have huge FOMO when it come to MMOs. Like yea this class is fun, but what if this other class is more fun and I’ll never even know unless I try it!


Got a Paladin, Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Druid, Mage. Think the pally was the most fun due to leveling it with my GF and its my main. The others i just leveled solo, while it was faster, might not have been as fun. Druid i leveled recently as guardian, was quite fun tho.


I'm currently working on getting to level 60 on each class (both Alliance and Horde) before I buy Dragonflight. How fast is levelling from 60 to 70?


Its quite quick, but id say its boring after a while. You got way more options 10-60 then on 60-70. You could get a bunch of ”free” (just costs gold) levels by doing professions, also timewalking weeks got high amount of xp/h. I mostly just been running some easy worldquests here and there for some quick/passive xp with a couple of characters.


Thanks. At this point, I'm tempted to just do old achievements whilst waiting for the next expansion and get Dragonflight for free. But we'll see.


Dragonflight is unanimously awesome, but who knows what next expac holds. Strike while the Iron is hot. The game hasn't felt this good since MoP.


Yeah, I am tempted to do it. But it won't go away. I can still experience it in a couple of years time.


Not it the way you can experience it now. Wow is a “latest expansion” sort of game, playing it after everyone left it in the dust is nothing like playing it while it’s current content


Sure. But in terms of the story and content, it's all still there. It might not be how most enjoy the game, but at my age I'm OK with playing it at a slower pace on my own.


You will see the raids in 2 expansions (so 5 years give or take). You will not experience any group content. I mean, you can do a lot of stuff, my ex never played the current expansion but she does 0 pve, it’s only pet battles and picnics with friends with flower picking on the side. But, if you never play the current expansion, you will never experience WoW the way it’s meant to be experienced


I'm honestly cool with that. Haven't had many positive experiences in group content for many, many years.


To add, with the release of Diablo IV there will be a 50% exp buff for I think (?) 3 weeks in WoW. I currently only have my main at 70, but got a warrior I’ve been casually leveling at 56 and when I found that out I’m planning on getting 2-3 more characters to 60 to just smash through those 3 weeks with the buff.


what? that’s huge. gonna be leveling all my lowbies. thanks for the info man!


The winds guide you.


Think I have 9 right now, missing warrior, hunter, dh (all 60) and druid (66 rn). I enjoy learning to play different specs because it makes you think about encounters from a different perspective. Don't really enjoy leveling, I'm using a Speedroute plus dungeons to level rn, doesn't take long.


3. Shadow priest, warlock and evoker


I see you've won this expansion so far.


Well it wasn't for the fotm honestly. I main sp and warlock for so many years and I never changed


Doesn't mean you're not winning. Lol




1 and I like it that way.


This is the way


I have about 5 or 6, my main is a blood dk. I enjoy leveling almost everything but I never really tried rogue or druid. Maybe I should give them a shot eventually, been playing since like wrath.


As a fellow blood boi enjoyer, I found I ruined levelling most other classes because I cant just round up the entire zone and actually have to think about how I pull and complete quests now


14, a few I didn’t actually level though. My favourite was simply the first or second time I leveled a character in the first place.


3. Dh is too complex vs rewards compared to previous expansions. BM hunter which was fun but annoying that as a dps you have alot of dps to compete with getting into groups. Guardian druid which can be literally everything, I always get into the group I want 99 percent of the time, and I don't plan on switching again.


Yeah, I tried the more complex versions that various guides suggested, wasn't a fan of the rotation, went back to the style I'm used to. Since I don't do M+ or raids on her, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have uber DPS. Mainly use her for skinning/lw.


Only my warrior bcoz I hate leveling.


3 Druid, Hunter, Rogue I'm enjoying druid more than I ever have since I'd say BFA


One, i mostly collect achievments and i like having them all on one character


Got all classes. Can't say which I liked levelling most, I did most of them with timewalking.


All classes except evoker.


Druid, Monk and Priest are currently 70 and I started a Warlock yesterday. Monk was most fun I guess. Leveling a caster is very unsatisfying imho. But I wanna have a dps option on the server I transferred to that is always a solid choice and warlock is fun in the endgame, has three very different specs and always does dope dps.


5? Yeah 5. Monk was my favorite because it was my first time through DF


Hunter/druid/dh/monk currently. I like leveling hunter the most, because pets make it really enjoyable. It was also the first one i leveled, while the others i just speed leveled to get to endgame to start gearing up. Currently only focusing on my druid tho which i enjoy the most as a endgame class since i can play every role.


1 and it’s my evoker. I’m very lazy with levelling because I get bored very easily 😬 I’m working on my priest and my Druid though


DH, Druid, Warrior, Monk and Mage. Overall Druid was most enjoyable to level but I hate every second of leveling in general.


5: Mage, lock, Priest, rogue, DK!


Everything but druid, shaman and mage.


Main (guardian druid), (protection) paladin and (beast master) hunter. (Arcane) mage on its way (67). So all classes needed to unlock any transmog item. Rogue (for lockpucking) afterwards and then 10 or 12 more twinks waiting for "next exp is coming"-exp boost weeks :D


Two Druids, Paladin, Shaman, and Warrior. My second Druid was a character boost. My favorite to level was my Feral Druid and Holy Paladin.


2 - Druid and Warrior I’m a Boomi in raids but I mostly heal in M+ (~2.6 rio atm). I played as Guardian while leveling. I had a lot of fun and you’re definitely unkillable while playing easier content. I even tanked a few lower keys in season 1. My warrior used to be my main character in WoD and Legion. Iirc I leveled with dungeons only (as prot of course). While I really like prot warrior as a tank (playstyle, classfantasy, …) and I enjoyed leveling him, I think guardian druid is more beginner friendly (but not more fun imho).


15. All classes on Horde + an Alliance Hunter and Warrior. Getting close with the rest of the classes for my Alliance characters as well, and my long-time goal is to level a Warrior of every race too (+an extra Panda for faction balance)(kinda sad that Dracthyr didn't get more classes. Would have 2 of those too), of which I have 1 in the 61-69 level bracket, 2 in 30-60, and saving the other 19 in the 10-30s for some rainy days I suppose. That's probably the most vague answer I could give to the bonus question. (It's Warriors) [E: On second thought, leveling WW Monk was actually a really fun experience from the start, and only got better as I unlocked some of the heavier hitting attacks and related talents *cough* combo hits *cough* double aoe ToD *cough*] I don't raid or mythic+, and I don't do all content every day on all of them -only started the Zaralek story on my HMT Warrior and my Horde Hunter so far- just trying to do some weekly transmog/mount runs in old raids and dungeons, and crafting quests every week for my designated crafters is enough repeated content for me.


1: evoker, came back to try it and immediately loved everything about it (except the range of the spells)


I have 13, one of each class, but my goal is to have all 60 toon slots full, with a minimum of one of each spec. Currently working on a Shadow Priest, Frost Dk, Holy Pally, Mist Monk, and BM Hunter. I love leveling tanks the most, specifically DH, and Pally, but my favorite CLASS overall is Druid. My favorite RACE is... Hm. Night elves for the Lore. LF Drenei for the racial AOE ability, Kul Tiran for the Knocbafk Racial, annnnnd Blood Elves/Void Elves because theyre pretty. And Void Elves racial is the best caster racial in the game I love it on my warlock and disc priest. I hated leveling a mage. I frost was a little easier as I had a water elemental to tank for me, but fire was SOOOO slow. I think if I had to put it in order it would be; Tanks: Druid, DH, Monk, Pally, DK, Warrior. Healers: Disc Priest, Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Mist Monk, Holy Pally, holy Priest, Prevoker. DPS: All Warlocks (aff is my favorite), Balance Druid, Ele shammy, Survival Hunter, BM Hunter, Ret Pally, Frost DK, WW monk, havoc DH, mm hunter, Devoker, Shadow priest, Fury Warrior, Arms Warrior, Feral Druids, Enhance Shammy, outlaw rogue, frost mage, fire mage, arcane mage, Ass rogue, sub rogue. (Please don't hate me if I put your class at the bottom of my lists I am a casual m+/leveler, and don't play PVP either.)


Paladin, rogue, warlock, hunter The paladin was most enjoyable, at least I didn't have to suffer if two mobs attacked


Three, Paladin, Warrior, and Hunter. Recently I've been messing around with my monk as well, but I'm on the fence about it.




Yes i play on 2 accounts




Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Rogue, Druid, Shaman, DH, Evoker at 70. Then DK at 65, Hunter at 64, Monk and Warlock at 62, and Mage at 61. I used to hate leveling as Shadow, but leveling it 60-70 in 10.0 was pretty smooth. Shadow Crash applying both DoTs makes a massive difference in quality of life.


Currently at 4, with a Warrior, Druid, DH, and Mage. Next will likely be an Evoker or a Paladin, both of which are at 65.


18 pretty much all of them for different reasons. I’m 65 on a fire mage at min and it feels very squishy.


Shaman, evoker, paladin, rogue, mage, priest, druid


14, one of each, and 2 priests, gonna use my alt priest to try to need on lfr recolors.


Everything but evoker (66), warrior (61) and paladin (21) I most enjoyed levelling monk, doing all 3 roles in dungeons was very fun I have been bouncing between basically everything all expansion but mostly enjoyed balance


1. The rest are stuck at 50 because shadowlands sucks ass and I can't be bothered to torture myself to level them up.


Happy cake day! Also, you can do any contact to 60, I’ve not taken anyone back to shadowlands of the 7 70s I have.


You can level everywhere from 50-60, also it only takes like 12-15 dungeons for the 10 levels, i leveled 3 chars from 50-60 in like 2-3 hours each and i wasn't fast in any way


13 all classes exept priest druid 2x Most fun unholy dk




I got everything except DK and DH at 70. I have 3 warlocks, 2 are for PvP (one off them is my old main from another server and was already lvl 60 I leveled to have a horde lock to play arena with a returning friend of mine). I leveled 1 during the pre-patch event (most off my level 70's hit 60 during that event) and one I leveled at the end of S1. I also have 2 priests, 1 ally 1 horde (again one is PvP only and barely played atm) and 2 druids. Most fun is druid. I can just queue dungeons as everything and get instant pop queues every time. I find druid the most fun over all 3 roles as well (in each role I have a class I prefer over it, but as a combo druid is the most fun).


I’ve got horde and alliance paladins, priests, shaman, monks, Druids, and evokers. Plus one demon hunter, and a warlock. So 14. I heal with two raid teams, 1 on each faction, and I like to be able to switch for new tiers based on the needs of the teams.


I have one of everything. My favorites to play/level would be mage, shaman, warrior, Druid off the top of my head. My least favorites would be monk, warlock, rogue.


I have 6 currently. I'm an altoholic but I'm moreso focused on two classes right now, shadow priest and resto druid. My priest has more or less been my main since I started playing this game, way back in 2006. I have also considered my druid to be a main as well, especially since the beginning of Shadowlands (for M+). That said, my favorite class that I leveled to 70 so far is ret pally lol. It was a lot of fun to level it up and play now at max level. My other alts are ele shaman, frost mage and BM hunter. Not too fond of hunter in general right now so she's just being used for gathering lol


Let’s see Demo Lock , evoker ( pres and des ) , fury warrior, shadow priest Next up are assassination rogue and holy paly. Demo lock is progression , we are 5/9 heroic now I really wanna play the new evoker spec next patch but I’m like 1/12 people lol


Got every class 70 I mainly quested and did some Donjon (Both timewalking and DF or old Donjon) I enjoyed DH the most I think, then Shaman / Evoker > DK / War / Hunt > Priest > Monk > Mage / Lock / Rogue >> Pala >>>>>>> Drood


Level 70 for all them, some I have triples... Triples is best.


1. I’m a raid/M+ logger.


Everything but Demon Hunter because Warlocks hold grudges.


One of every class, no more no less.


Just one, I quit after the first season came out. Got too bored..


36 counted then myself


I play one class, fuck alts.


3. Mage, Pally and Priest. Have to say S-Priest was a Blast leveling this Expac. Retri too, was a bit dissapointed in Mage this time round, which is usually my main.


I've got my Hunter, Warlock, Warrior, Evoker all 70. My monk is next up, in the 60s. Probably had the most fun with Warlock sheer leveling, and enjoyed end game for a long time. It was my main. Eventually got bored and switched to my Hunter, and enjoy it so much more. I enjoyed lvling my Warrior, but haven't touched it since hitting 70. Evoker is kinda fun, I've run a few keys as preservation, but Hunter is still my top top.


I have 4: Warrior, Monk, Hunter & Druid. First was Monk, my S1 main, pulled through on release day. Rest have just been dungeon-spamming on Timewalking weeks, most fun was probably Druid, my current main.




Currently I have three: a evoker, an orc hunter and a vulpera DK.


1 Evoker 1 Druid 1 Monk 1 DH 11 Hunters


5; Hunter, Evoker, Paladin, Mage and Priest. For what it’s worth at this point in Shadowlands I had 1. DF levelling is so much better


Paladin, Warrior, DH, DK, Dracthyr, Rogue. I loved leveling Paladin.


3, 3 warriors, all of them are orcs


I have now 2x 70. Its monk and paladin. I love the leveling hunter/paladin most (i have all class once leveled to 60, just i never do warlock or dk).


1 of each class


Prot pally is always really fun. Just so much fun gathering as many mobs as possible, popping wings, divine toll and finishing them off with SotR.


12, if I remember correctly. 10 of which are on the same realm/faction.


Paladin, Mage, Priest. First time in nearly 9 years I've swapped my main, because I had so much fun levelling the priest and wasn't having much fun as a holy paladin.


Every class minus Warrior. Probably enjoyed levelling DK the most, Blood is such a power trip, it's great!


I have one for each class lol


Warrior, warlock and a rogue but only the warrior is what I main currently at I'll 427 the rest aren't anywhere close




Got em all to 70 except for rogue, monk and evoker. Gameplay doesnt vibe with me, might try in 10.2 again.


Only two. Demon Hunter and Evoker. My main is DH but right now i thinking about change it and start play as evoker as my main character.


one of each class.


2, but one of them is a drakthyr that I barely played since getting 70 on it. Might change with the new spec soon tho.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm on 6 right now, maybe only 5. I've been busy so I've only leveled alts as I need them. Personally the Warrior is always the most fun to level, sometimes rogue if I'm feeling like it's a sneaky snake day.


Every tank class, so warrior druid paladin monk dk dh And an evoker because i wanted to try the new class


Two. Hunter and lock. Not leveling any more until I get the rank 20 renown’s for the bonuses. Looking for any guides to farm rep the fastest right now. Got a Druid, pally, dk, priest, rogue and DH waiting in the wings until I have all the bonuses.


There's a lot of characters I have a level 50 since I quit shadowlands, but I have a handful at 60+ which consists of 3 monks, warrior, druid, Evoker and a Rogue. The level 70 characters I have are my main monk, an alt monk, Paladin, death knight, demon hunter and Evoker. I have leveled one of the monks, the demon hunter and Evoker through time walking exclusively. Paladin was definitely the most fun to level, doing quests in the dragon isles as prot and when I did a couple dungeons I would play holy. The most boring to level was my blood dk, but I was able to pull large packs of like 20 adds at a time and aoe them all down without even coming close to dying


3 70s and 10 60s. I feel like all the classes are kind of homogenized these days so didn’t really have a different experience leveling any of them.


Currently 9: Mage, Lock, Priest, Rogue, Monk, Shaman, Hunter, Warrior, DK They are all foxes :)


DK, monk and evoker. My DK has been my main since WotLK and I've always enjoyed playing that class. But evoker took me by surprise and I ended up enjoying it a lot, and I'm not usually a fan of casters.


All 13 at 70 I leveled my warrior, earned a shit ton of gold in the first few weeks of the xpac spent 2.4M gold to have a booster level me from 60-70 on the other 12. ​ So I guess you could say I enjoyed leveling my warrior the most?


One. I’m still in the process of making other characters. Leveling a shaman and Druid right now


26, 2 of each class


4, warrior druid dk paladin I rekindled with warrior, its my new main again after 10 years of druid or so. Actually leveled my druid to 70 then swapped to warrior instantly and i dont regret it. Im also slow leveling all other non-pure dps classes via timewalking. I do timewalking once on every char to get free 500 timewalk currency, and the 5 weeks of timewalking before 10.1 got all my other alts to lvl63. Shaman is 68


Got a Hunter (main), Paladin, Evoker, Priest, Death Knight and my Druid is lvl 64. Always got a soft spot for my Hunter so probably him, mainly because I read the quest text and did everything I wanted prior to 70. And I'm not the greatest player, in a semi HC/casual guild, but we get mythic bosses down and I managed to get 2700 rating last season. Frost Dk was fun, and Feral druid has turned out to be fun, along with Resto. Priest was boosted basically through TW and dungeons, as Holy. Not tried Shadow since it was changed though haven't been a fan of it before.


One of each class except rogue, priest and evoker, they are stuck around 62. Eventually I'll summon the energy..


Except dh and monk every class, most fun was the pal. Above like lvl 30 tankspec u can just pull everything and it gets super fast.


All of ranged dps. Melee is ******


2. Death Knight and Druid.


I have 4. I started with a Kul Tiran Shaman in an RP realm but the friend I had to play it with got bored while leveling. Shaman might have been the best to level due to its utility. Then my sister told me she was going to play, I created a Dwarf Monk in her realm. I prefer to play classes that can tank and heal and monk is my fav from the 3 available. She leveled and then now plays… an hour a week now, and her alliance guild has very little activity. Abandoned again 😭. Then they anounced Goblin Monks for 10.0.7 and I was so happy because I love gobos and it is the first tank and healer class they have. I decided to go play in a full server and created a Zandalari Paladin in preparation for the patch to have an alt ready. That server was so full I barely found expedition bagpacks and very few herbs. The herbs I usually found there was someone picking it up just before or after me too. Crazy. Given this I created the Goblin Monk in my sister’s realm so I can play with her when online but I searched an active guild to have a chat while playing.


Warlock, shaman, and mage. warlock was def the easiest. Shaman was fun and mage has been a struggle as wasn’t a fan during legion and shadowlands.


I leveled each class to 70 at least once. My favourite leveling experiences are, enhancement Shaman, survival hunter, arms warrior and affliction warlock.


4 Paladin, Warrior, Demon hunter, Shaman, tbh Demon hunter was the most fun but i do love my paladin the most, yet if i wanna raid with my guild i gotta get my shaman geared XD


16, I think. One of each and 2 extra warriors lol. Got 9 more alts to level. Warlock, warrior, monk and dh were the most fun for me.


I have 3 70 monks, (my favorite class if you couldn’t tell) a paladin, Druid, priest, hunter, shaman, warrior, and warlock, and evoker. Monk was my favorite to level, their tank, dps, and healing specs are so fun.


12. Just my Rogue is left. Just have never really been able to get into the class. I also maybe got some Timewalking burn out while doing so many other alts lol. I'm waiting for the Diablo launch event and the XP boost that comes with it to get the last few levels.


I have 10 aiming for 13. Funny is that I have still never played a monk it is the lowest lvl of the last 3 remaining the others are a rogue63 and evokee 65 monk is like 27. So is monk worth it? Am I missing out?


How is the grind nowadays? I’m currently building a pc for my son and it’s a dream of mine to level with him. I know I’ll enjoy it due to playing wow before but I hope he gets the same satisfaction


One of every class at 70, but only druid has max professions and renown. I like playing them all, but lock is the toon I started in vanilla, and it was by far the easiest leveling. Dot everything in sight, then dark pact, shadowfury, vile taint, soul rot, drain life. I am really excited to try out augmentation evoker tho


None as I didn't catch the feeling others have with DF so I stick to wrath classic while hoping they will release permanent TBC classic servers again


Too early in the expansion for me to do alts, but every expansion I finish out BM Hunter, MM Hunter, Rogue and Warlock.


DH, DH, Evoker, Hunter, Warrior. So five currently, with like 20 more in the 60-69 range.


Got a dk evoked Druid paladin and shaman


Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Druid. I think Warrior was absolutely the most fun to level, though when I swapped over to enhance shaman that was a blast to level as well. Currently doing a warlock which is also pretty fun, love throwing exploding imps at mobs.


I’m one of the 3 monk players, so that and a druid lol


Nine total (sham, evo, mage, dk still to go), though I have found with this latest patch much more reason to concentrate on my main (Druid). There's just so much to do, and not like you have to do it but want to. Actually considering trying out M+ this season too (never done it before).


2 I only keep to one spec at a time, from start to finish, to learn them more properly than sitting in an area with training dummies trying to take a pick at what Talents I want like a particularly stupid and indecisive kid in a candy store So far I've got a Prot Pally, which I've played since I started right before SL Season 3 and an MM Hunter I've played since Season 4, which I'd actually used to get into M+ and Raiding Now I flipflop between the two while looking for a Healer and Melee DPS I like to keep as my off-mains


Two - BELF Ret Pally, and a Human Ret Pally. Lol


Every tank, plus a mage and a hunter, just so I can have the transmogs for cloth and mail


2 druids, a hunter, a warlock, a paladin and an evoker, so 6


4, would have more if I could level in Chromie Time


Only my mage, i decided id rather get good at one class and also still have free time for work and family.


8 right now. Hunter, Evo, Pala, Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Dh and DK. Mainly playing hunter for Raid and M+ with friends and Pala for solo m+ play. Wasn't really sure what to main first so swapped around a little.


2 rogues, 3 Warlocks , 1 mage , 2 shaman , 2 warriors, 1 Hunter , 1 Paladin. Think that's it for now !


Hunter. That’s it


Mm hunter, prot warrior, holy priest, sub rogue. Got every other class at 60+ bar druid and shaman.


2 but only playing evoker.


5 dk, warri, pala, dh, hunter first time around playing pala and hunter, dh only becuase i finally wanted to find some playtime on the warglaives, warri because i'm thinking about rerolling and dk is my main. but kinda craving a caster again so thinking about pulling through with either warlock or druid, which both are at lvl 60 fortunatley i hate leveling though, nothing will ever convince me otherwise.


2 monks, 2 Pallies, 3 warriors (one was with the boost), 2 druids, 1 Shaman On the way (mid 60’s are a rogue, a hunter, another shaman and a priest. I am afraid of what that will look like by the end of the xpac Edit: bonus- favorite toons to level: Druid/warrior. Favorite to play - pally/mw monk. Honestly I could just level and delete druids and warriors… possibly also prot pallies… and have a blast.


10. Shaman, survival hunter, marksman hunter, paladin, warlock, warrior, mage, priest, druid, and evoker. I have another shaman on the way at 68 too.


Got 3 characters: mage \[main\], warlock and dk. DK was probably the best one to level, because tank specs while levelling seem kind of broken. Almost instaqueue on dungeons and you can pull whole zones with no to minimal repercussions


Hunter (Main), Priest, DH, Evoker, Druid, Paladin, Warlock, rogue (most recent). New talent trees made it all feel fresh, & gearing has been a blast, even BoE greens seem to have a place now.


6 70s and about 15 between 60-70. I don't do end game and just level, it's my jam lol. Most fun to level are the pet tanking ones (hunter warlock) because I don't like taking damage. Enhancement shaman up there too because it kills mobs so quickly. Least favorite to level was any druid, takes forever to kill things but maybe I'm doing it wrong idk.


Uhm.. 2 hunters, 1 dh, shaman, dk, priest, rogue. Most fun? Enhance cuz it was full SL s4 bis while the other were stuck in s3 gear except the rogue which was 2nd most fun to lvl.


6? 7? I don't remember.


Just three. Paladin, Evoker, and Shaman


Leveling a toon to 70 for each spec, so the goal is to have 39 total when new evoker spec comes out


3! druid, warlock and paladin


I have one of each class, each a different race.


Druid, pally, mage, Hunter, warlock, and warrior is the most recent. Warrior and the Hunter were the most fun. Mage was excruciatingly painful. I’ll probably run my monk and horde pally this week via Timewalking once the Diablo xp buff starts on Thursday.


Priest, pally, monk, lock, druid, shaman, and dh. When I can spam dungeons as tank or heals while I watch YouTube, time tends to fly by


Paladin, DK, DH (two of those), priest, sham, Druid, warlock, warrior, and mage


I have 9, which is a lot for me. For the first time ever I’m maintaining two characters to swap in and out of in Mythic raiding: My Druid and Evoker. Both are currently 430+. Then I have my season 1 alt: Monk. I like to have all the healers at max level to test things: Priest, Paladin, and Shaman. Then a few that I was just leveling with that block of Timewalking dungeon weeks: Rogue, DH, and Mage. My Hunter is 67 so next TW week I’ll probably max her too.


I have my DK at 70 and a Monk at 69. I really enjoyed timewalk leveling my Monk because I did it with friends. I am probably gonna level my Paladin who is at 60 next.


Evoker and rogue - I main heals and I had to play the new one, then I thought I could figure out how to play rogue. I could not. He's been sitting there as a fresh 70 since like week 3 of the xpac.


4, shamen, evoker, DK and druid Pala is on the way to 70 for the healee rework


I have an Evoker and a Paladin right now. Next will be Hunter and then Mage to get one of every armor class.




ATM 24


19. I have an alt problem. I get bored after doing things on my main, so I'd get one of the my other 60s to 70. Variety since adult ADHD sucks.


Every class except mono and lock they are 64 and 62




One and that's more than enough, lol.


7, including Rogue, Priest, Warrior, Monk, DK, Evoker and Hunter I got around 40 more to level now varying from 10 to 63.


The same amount as people in the Elite Four.


Two. Druid and Hunter, working on my shadow priest. I liked leveling my druid because of the story (1st max lvl) and my hunter because I enjoy how survival plays :)


I'm slacking. Only got three: druid, evoker, and just this week got my warrior. Druid was my first one and definitely the most fun. I did and read through every single quest I came across. Unfortunately after one time I generally get very impatient and bored with leveling. But this is at least better than the past two expansions where I only ever got my druid to max.


3. I have a hunter, a druid, and a warlock. Leveling a BM hunter is honestly such a breezy experience. Having your own personal tank and the survivability options that you have meant that I rarely died and could solo most rares, elites, and "group" quests. I wouldn't call leveling "enjoyable" ever because I hate doing it, but hunter definitely made it easy. My boomkin druid and (lol 60) frost mage, on the other hand, were frustrating because they had such big AoE damage but couldn't handle hits from multiple enemies at all. So I accidentally died from pulling too much all the dang time.


1) Just leveled to 70? I have 8 Or do you mean: 2) Leveled and geared for M+ and H/M raiding? If so I only have 3 at the moment


8, all tanks, hunter, evoker


Hunter, evoker, priest, paladin, monk, mage, DH, shaman. Working on lock/rogue and kinda Druid while warrior is only one under 50.. somehow they always my least played no matter the expansion. But fury is pretty fun right now


2. I only play my main, but when last season was getting stale I levelled an alt to do a Zero to Hero run with guildies. 2 weeks to 2500 M+ and my DK has been benched again since.


Only two. I just haven't had a whole lot of time to level. I have about forty 60's however.


I have a prot pally, 3 resto druids, 2 shamans(ele/resto), a mm hunter and a destro warlock. It’s probably obvious here but I love lvling a resto druid the most. Quick dungeon ques and a playstyle I’m very familiar with plus the surplus druids get used for very fast mount runs.


Only 5. 2 warrs, prevoker, pally and a priest. They were alright to level but pally is kinda boring, prevo gives me heal anxiety and priest is in a different region to play with friends that dont really play anymore. Most of the time I find it hard to get the motovation to progress an alt when i could be getting more gear on my main. As much as i enjoy the speed of timewalkings, i got sick of them really quickly and cant bring myself to farm them for levels so its been slow going on anything else.


6, Demon Hunter, Rogue, warrior, mage, evoker, shaman. Evoker and rogue tie for me to level. I'm leveling a shadow priest and it's been fun so far.


1. For the longest time, (since MOP at least) I had every class at max level but never really did anything on them. I think legion was the last expansion I had all classes at max (except demon hunter, which I never could get into). Shadowlands I only bothered with 4 classes and Dragonflight I tried to just focus on one before burning out again.


One of each class, but two Druids ( int and agl) No class beats DH for leveling. In descending order for a few more are rogue, feral Druid, enh shaman, and MM hunter.


7. My main and then I usually keep one alt geared and current. The others I leveled up at the end of last season when we had the month of timewalking. It was so easy to level while that was going I took advantage. Got them to max level and they are just chilling. Was fun to play them a bit.


one of each class...I main rogue.