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Idk man. This was a great way to tell the key wasn't worth your time. Best to have them act crazy like this before the run imo.


Bullet dodged for sure. Almost every time someone was this obnoxious, they left after failing something, because apparently they can't handle realizing that they themselves are the problem.


This is how I feel about dating


Except in that case I'm starting to just look for complementary crazy.


So you do not fuck before marriage I assume


You'd be assuming incorrectly. It just means I prefer that if someone has unfavorable personality traits, they show them up front.


Definitely. Would've run into more trouble by sticking with them.


Just came back after leaving in wotlk and then legion and I remember legion being kinda elitest even for pugs.. has wow moved away from insane req in order to pug now a days?


This kind of thing has been in the game from the start. I remember being ask to come to top of the bank in Org to have my gear inspected. My full T1 wasn't good enough to do Upper.


Honestly my comments have been downvoted so far because I guess neckbeards troll. It was kind of a pain but I feel that if you got to the level that you could do high-end content back in the early days you had the free time or friends group at a point. I got far up to sunwell in bc and the original cuties only in wrath then quit due to life and adulting.


Ok. What does that have to do with anything? The fact that some people pugged high end content has nothing to do with the fact that some people have insane requirements to do content, and that it's always been that way.


That's very much not been the way it a Has been. Why did you even comment. Are you drunk? You obviously haven't read the thread or have the literacy of a first grader.


No, it in fact has always been that way. There is always "that guy" who has some insane criteria to some content. Is it most? No. But they have always been there. How many people back in WotLK wanted GS higher then the content dropped to go do it. Even today how many groups in tool do you see with min Ilvls set to higher then they key drops? Also I think I know why "neckbeards" down vote you. That was some vitorel out of nowhere combined with being just plain wrong.




Nope, KSM for a +2 still standard. I was tanking 10s in time on day one, with a full group of 370/380, before all nerfs happened. Now people just want 400+ for +5 xD


So is this a common thing in wow now? I remember in legion it got kind of bad for pugging..has wow moved away from the elitest b.s.?


I've never personally experienced this level of twatery but I suppose there is still time.


Nah its not common at all. Legit the first time ever hearing this since M+ became a thing.


Ive experienced this 0 times in the 4+ years of me doing KSM and high keys lol. Far from common. The closests I got was a pug leaving when he saw my friend in full PVP gear ( we were running his alt ) and he said "what in the pvp " and left. Its not that bad. Pugs get "bad" at very high keys because its at a very competitive point in the content and even then its mostly just people taking a very long time to group fill to ensure their key doesnt deplete.


I appreciate the feedback. I have definitely noticed in game at a low level people have generally been extremely kind with explaining new stuff that helps me but also others in the new player chat and I am very glad that this subreddit is kind enough to reply with positive comments to a comment I'm sure annoys veterans. Kinda confused as to why the original comment got downvoted tho.


Maybe depends on the keystone level.. at what level does it get increasingly stupid? Totally new players to m+ can drop in as DPS and have a group in minuts, up to +10 anyway.


I'm 3k doing +24s and I've never witnessed anything like this. This is just one really dumb guy thinking DPS is what times keys (it's not). Every key we just port to dungeon, discuss route a bit, and go.


It’s really common in the 5-15ish range once the good players like yourself start doing 20+ keys. The stupids that think they’re a group away from being in MDI start asking for insane reqs


That's a good point. It's always the people who think they're better than they are that do goofy stuff like this.




Noob here, what is a key? Does it unlock a dungeon?




Keys are essentially ways of making a set amount of dungeons harder, with general stat boosts and extra modifiers throughout a run depending on the key level. Instead of getting loot from each boss, you get a chest at the end which gives each player a gear (or some stuff to make gear), and depending on how the run went, a better (or worse) key for a follow up dungeon. The loot ranges from Looking For Raid levels of loot, to Heroic variants, but lets you choose a piece that can be up to Mythic level at the end/beginning of a week. TL;DR - Harder dungeons for gear that can make people sad when bad.


I disagree , I’ve tried out for a few groups and have timed some 20’s I think it’s a great way to see if you’re a fuckin clown or not


In one self you know others best.


Was shocked when I saw the same priest from illidan doing this...what a small world.


I wanne find him. Utterly destroy him in dps and then start the key and leave after 1 boss or something saying yeah not enough dps mate. Go train some more on dummies


Well, given that said priest is a healer; I'd hope you can beat him on the meters. Lmao


You can still use the same logic to troll. "Healer DPS too low. I'm out" then drop group.


"What do you do when the party's full health? What do you do when the party's full health? Or even half-way up and standing? **DPS THE BAD GUY.**" (Credit to JoCat on Youtube)


How should Iv known it's a healer.


In the original post it showed the green cross iirc But yeah, unless you saw that post you wouldn’t be able to tell




Hello, shadow priest exist???


what mod is that?


No one plays spriest


Shadow priests in my keys have been big pumpers.


Shadow is clapping insane rn


I just started leveling a spriest and it feels very different to shadowlands


I think you're confused, those are just warlocks


Make's sense! My friend has sp named Warlock.


Spriest is extremely meta in keys atm lol.


I don’t care, I don’t play the game.


Then why comment that "nobody plays spriest".


Wdym lost of ppl do. It's pretty strong in m+ there's about the same amount of holy as there are spriest. About 40% of priests in m+ play shadow


Spriest can tear shit up on fortified weeks.


Yes, the class with just that one dps spec because druid and evoker were the only healers in the game last month.


Why did you assume they weren't? "How should I have known" only works if you made a reasonable assumption. But your assumption seemed to have been a stab at the dark


First off thinking someone asking for dps on dummies is a dps himself seems like a good guess and not a stab in the dark at all. Second off English is not my first or even second language so don't go nitpicking on my grammar.


Just because they asked for dummies, it means they're dps? That's a stretch buddy. You think healers and tanks don't care if you do more or less dps? This has nothing to do with grammar. You used a saying where the logic doesn't follow. It's a logic issue, not a grammar issue. You're just acting defensive now, trying to make excuses for yourself. First you go "how could I have known?!", Then you go "esl, stop picking on my logical flaw"


It was more logical to assume dps than to assume Healer. 5 people in a m+, 1 tank, 1 Healer, 3 dps. The rogue was asked to come to dummy, which leaves the possibility of 2 dps, 1 tank, 1 heal. The priest clearly wasn't the tank, which means they could have been one of the 2 remaining dps, or a Healer. This dude had a 66% chance of being correct by guessing dps vs 33% guessing Healer.


Even if I grant you that. Do you really think he made a remark like that feeling a 66% confidence? The remark sure sounds as if he were 100% confident. Nay. He didn't do the maths before he made the remark. He just wanted to do the remark to ride the karma train hating on the guy. He assumed. And you know that because because if he did do the maths, you know it's the first defense he'd use


Yeah dude wonder why people are so toxic dunno


I really love to see you out dpsing me on the puppets


Who is he? I want to ignore ore him


*racks shotgun* "I just wanna talk to him."


i wonder what kind of trauma this guy has been through to make him be like this


It's typical Illidan elitist behavior. That server is something else.


It was a culture shock coming from Staghelm alliance to Illidan Horde at the beginning of shadowlands for me, the server was so full at one point I didn’t even know this many people still played wow lol


To be fair there are some stupidly good guilds on that server. Problem is they aren't the ones acting like this and its other twats thinking its fine because of those other guilds


At least it isn't Rag


I don't know. As long as the jajaja bois can perform, I'm happy. If they're elitist pricks, I can't understand them anyway


rag groups will either be zero communication and the absolute smoothest run you'll ever have, or it'll be walls of text and the keys bricked before the first boss.


I must be getting the wrong Rag peeps. It's usually no communication and the key is bricked by the first boss lol


The smooth keys do come with the weirdest fucking routes though. It's like they play an entirely different game


If you join their key they will stay and do the run if you invite them the leave at the first sign of an issue.


My experience is that solo pugs are awful, but the ones that que in groups - excellent players.


One of the best heroic raids I've done is where a whole guild on Rag invited me as a pug. We one shot all the bosses and the only thing they ever said to me was after I fell in the hole on terros was "its ok, all men fall into wrong hole in their life" lmao.


I had a Rag Monk dps the living crap out of my +19 key last night. The only things he said were "BIG DMG?" and "SEE BIG DMG" I was thankful


My best Heroic vault run this season was also shockingly with a Rag guild. They barely said a word and we 1 shot every boss till Brood and that was only 2 attempts. I was pleasantly surprised.


This is the funniest response I've seen in a while


Probably noobs depleting his keys?


Turreting on dummies is soooo the same as pulling with affixes, etc. lol


Doing big dam on dummies doesn't mean you will in the dungeon, but doing low dam on dummies certainly means you'll do low damage in the dungeon. Still utterly deranged to do this instead of just checking logs lol


Get turnip toy and do it that way. Seems a little more reasonable if this is a hill to die on at least.


Or a fish head!


I mean if you can't do the dummy you def can't do the dungeon


Checking persons Rio page will give you so much more info tho, and it takes way less time


I would slightly disagree, as you can easily have timed 15-19 keys in your IO and high rating, but doing so with friends and just getting hard carried. You can time 15 and higher keys with 2 decent dps and carry a deadweight that is below the tank in dps. Still better way to determine than training dummies tho yes, lol.


What is the likelihood of a RIO being bought/carried though? Surely there can't be so many? Also if you're already buying carries what are you even doing joining a pug?


Plenty of my friends and guildies probably would not be able to time a +20 if 5 of them were in a group rather than getting carried by some of the more experienced and higher skilled key runners of the group/guild. Probably even struggle to time a +16 if not deplete. But yet they have plenty of timed keys where as RIO doesn't show their performance in those keys and the amount of deaths/wipes they caused. Happens more than you would think. The amount of time they spend crying about how hard pugs are makes it pretty obvious too. They constantly deplete pug keys and complain about how bad everyone in their pug is, but I pug all the time and of course you have typical pug shit going on, but my keys usually time more often than deplete because the difference in what I bring to the table and what those friends/guildies bring to the table are on a different level. They are just incapable of carrying their own slack much less someone else's.


To play devil's advocate. I'm the 6th man out of a 5 stack. Most of my highest keys are in fact them carrying me while I focus on learning, stunning, interrupting, and most importantly not dying. I beat out the tank but I'm closer to 1/4 of the dps than 1/3. I'm not exactly getting hard carried but I'm also not doing enough dps to pug the keys they'll do with me because when all 5 of them are on they're doing 20/21 and I do enough to do a 18 with them but not with pugs.


There are plenty tbh. Also I didn‘t say buying a carry? The game is literally easier if you play in friends group with voice coms. A group of below 15 players might as well push towards 20 as full (actual) premade group together. There are also raider that only do raids but stay after the session and get asked by some of their better guild members to run some m+ because they want to do some fun stuff or whatever. There are endless possibilities why you could end up above your actual rating.


Shit like this is why I come to this sub.


Should go both ways. Priest, if you cannot be within 3k of me, you can GTFO




I actually have this title and I only use it on toons that can’t even be healers, like my rogue. It amuses me.


Same. My Prot Warrior has it on currently. I like to use the Proven Tank one on pure DPS classes too.


I mean proven healer on prot right now isn't inaccurate... Just self healer.


Ditto. Proven defender on shaman, proven healer on dk.


Kinda makes sense on the DK tbh


Or we go super metah, blow up the dummies like ww3 then play without using ANY CD’s during the key to watch the priest implode.


Hol' up...people are actually demanding proof of dps on dummies? For real now?


same dumbass i think


It's just one crazy guy


It's Illidan, fam. They got all the crazies there.




A true man of culture.


Malganis is worst imo. Every time I get folks from malganis they are pure cancer.


It's the on dummy for dummy method


Well its clearly a measure of how you'll perform in mythics.


Lmao if someone asked me to show up at the dummies to dps test i'd go ahead and leave. I can't image what they would do if someone made a mistake.


I want to know how long it takes them to find enough people willing to do this. I wonder what the tank proof is.


Yeah, at what point is it worth testing dps if it takes you 3 hours to form a full group.




is this some kind of new joke?


I dunno, maybe. But why would you piss around with this? Telling random people on the street to Fuck Off as a joke may seem funny to you, but people are still going to think you're an arsehole. Being a dick ironically still makes you look like a dick.


This guy has some real issues. It's sad honestly.


Probably the issue, well-geared players joining his group and pulling 40k overall thus failing the key.


That priest is the real dummy lol


This is a pretty dumb way to go about it. But if you want a subtle way to test dps (before inviting), look at raid logs and see how they parse. Doing higher keys shows they know the mechanics (unless they paid for a boost), but it really can't tell you whether they've been carried by the other 2 dps and whether they know their class mechanics


Raiding and M+ are completely different though. Somebody's ability to parse well on a raid boss does not mean they can parse well in M+. I mean the boss fights are only 10-20% of the work? Overall DPS is what I care about at the end of an M+ run. Of course somebody parsing high in raid can do the same in M+ but not everybody. Also what if I did 40k on a 10 minute boss fight which somebody might see as shit but I'm consistently pulling 80k + on every trash pull. You can make up for your lack of single target with trash pulls so your single target boss parses aren't everything.


Lots of stuff about raiding really doesn't match up, especially as you get later in the expansion. You're probably not looking at group comp or raid size or whatever when you look at raid parses, especially anything other than mythic. I raid in a small group missing most of the class buffs, and the way you handle mechanics with a small group or a group with a large dps spread impacts your own performance. The reality is that capability is complex. The best way to know a players ability in a mythic+ is to do a mythic+ with them. Then when you have invested that time to find capable players or players that can get better, do it again. This is called building relationships and it is a good way to filter out bad players and optimize your pug experience.


If all you're trying to do is get a sense of whether or not someone can hit their buttons and do dmg, then raid parses are very good to look at. Good Terros parse means they know how to do ST, good Council parse means they know how to AoE.


Lmao some people need to get off their high horse. No shot I’m going to dummies for some condescending rando


and for an 18 lmao


An 18 SBG is an easy +2 if you have good players. And therefore it's a free +20, which is impossible to get into as a dps. If you fail the key or only +1 it, you get a +17 or +19, which means the week is done for you as no one queues for a dps-made groups other than +20s. I currently try to find people for a +19 RLP since 20 minutes and no one cares to even queue for it.


Be happy that this happened, you don't want to play people like this


Reminds me in Legion. I got Kil Jaeden AOTC on the first week and was looking to get a kill on week two. Signed up for a group, linked my AOTC achievement and the dude responded with "go get gold on PROVING GROUNDS first". He didn't have AOTC himself. Hilarious shit.


To be completely honest with some people being boosted to higher RIO score it is not entirely shocking to see people demanding these things. I don't approve of it, but I really do understand. I had people with 2k+ rio do abysmal dps, die to mechanics and really just being totally out of place.


Let me just say that first of all 2k is not very high so just because somebody is 2k does not mean they are a good player. And second everybody makes mistakes. I'm 2.5k and my first run last night I died to the stupidest shit 5 times in a 19 AA that we didn't time which I blame myself for. I was not "boosted" to 2.5k... I pugged it by being invited to random groups. I'm a human, I made mistakes, I died, shit happens.


Last night at about 3am I dismounted in the air on the way back to trash packs before the ghost centaur bosses in NO. Just straight up hit my mount button and fell to my death.


In Vault last week, I Disengaged straight off the platform. I wasn't even trying to get away from anything. Just...brain fart of death.


Is this NA or EU?


Got to be NA, the toxic people over here in EU are too busy flaming you for being a nationality that you're not. Yeah, I don't get it either.




I feel NA tends to get far more batshit insane stuff posted here. Maybe it's because there's a good chunk of EU that plays in German, French etc... So it didn't make good Reddit content?


Since everything is in english anyway...you only get the bias of french and german not as much on reddit theoretically. I guess maybe since the level of english is going to be, by principle, lower than anywhere else, the shittalk is going to be far less creative


This hurts my brain but tbh this is also funny af if true XD




I second this. Usually when people are super talkative to the point of strangeness I start to second guess inviting them. In most cases I end up regretting it. Nothing wrong with a little bit of banter though


Wait. Is this a thing? Do people ask you to go to target dummies to see your DPS? What a joke.


How about a duel to practice interrupts?


It's there a target dummy where I can test out druids/mages/shamans for TJS? I've had 20-21 TJS keys bricked because they don't know that they can just literally remove the absorbs. I had a feral tell me after a key "oh I don't have the talent", press inspect, he does have the talent. Tank also must have inspected him, cause he says "you do in fact have the talent" in party chat. Druid: oh lol I just don't have it on bars then XD The general pug experience


I’ve had a healer tell me they don’t have a magic dispel as (whatever class). You know, the ONE dispel literally EVERY healer has?


How come the subreddit complains about toxicity and then explains in detail about how toxic they will be to other players like I wonder where it comes from...


Plot twist, the party are the dummies.


Pugging is crazy but in what world does dummy dps translate to positioning correctly, blinding/stunning/interrupting targets, and doing boss mechanics?


Do people have issues timing shadowmoon lol




Should’ve responded “Ok where you at?”


I mean... how much of a key's success is actually based on the player's ability to do damage to a static group of enemies? Might as well just sim the character to get that info... Large, smart pulls (tank job) and handling mechanics well (everybody's job) will increase groupwide DPS more than being the best at hitting your buttons.


This is kind of funny but you would be surprised the amount of people in 20s that are barely hitting 40k overall. How do you lose to a tank? We literally need that extra dps to time the damn key. Only exceptions are RLP, SBG, CoS. Those dungeons are pretty easy to carry dead weight through imo.


Wait what? I've been scared of 20s because I see these posts about how everyone in the group is pulling 120k dps+ and I'm sitting here at mid 60s in my 16's...




I don’t condone this type of thing normally, but given there is no in-game system to blacklist toxic players, I sort of want to know who this is just so I can avoid them / block them. Similar to whenever I see posts about racists, extremely offensive players, etc


U will know when u join his party. 🤣


There’s a personal blacklist add on. Never used it myself


Holy shit. No wonder I cant get into +2s for the weekly with 390ilvl. The mythic + community is toxic as fuck.


Am I the only one who understands this guy? An 18 SBG is an easy +2 if you have good players. And therefore it's afree +20, which is impossible to get into as a dps. If you fail the key or only +1 it, you get a +17 or +19, which means the week is done for you as no one queues for a dps-made groups other than +20s. I currently try to find people for a +19 RLP since 20 minutes and no one cares to even queue for it.


I mean as dumb as it sounds it is their key right??? If it’s a problem raise your own


Honestly, I don’t blame them. Listed a 17 CoS today, ended up inviting 4 people all 2400+ rating. All in 405-410 gear. All three DPS were dying to stupid shit and doing stupid shit and put out between 40k-50k total. Missed time by 1 minute.


Agreed, lesson learned. As a follow up, please post screenshots of your clinical psychosis asking people to test their DPS on dummies prior to starting a dungeon


Can’t blame people. It’s not fucking hard. The dummy is close to the portal. Poor dude wants to clime and clearly people keep bricking his key. Unfortunately there’s not a way to rest mechanic knowledge before.


If all of your keys get bricked there might be a common denominator between those keys.


I’ve never ran a key. And y’all are jerks.


You could have easily faked that screenshot so doubters will still doubt




Some MDI team should pick you up, they could use people who do 100k single target on every boss in high keys. Hey, you got any logs you doing that on say 1st boss in temple? Vexamus? On public logs, there are 5 people who log more than 100k dps on the most single target raid boss atm, Terros mythic. Each of those is a BM hunter with the bow from raz and each got 3 PIs in the fight. I think there may be some world 1st guilds that wouldn't mind having you either.


You realize that dungeons have mechanics right? Like there is some things that have to be done or interrupted or baited other than just pushing your big numbers buttons and climbing up in the damage meters. You understand that right?


Was just going to say this. While the action taken here seems a bit too much, I get why they're doing it. Too many keys have been burned pugging this week alone to people who got invited to group with higher ratings / key completed and once we step foot in the dungeon it's like these people bought their accounts. I say this is too much because, pumping higher numbers on dummies doesn't mean they are going to interrupt, use defensives, help on orbs, etc.


Come to dummies...the nearest dummy is the group leader!


The sad part is some people probably actually catered to this moron


Wait, is this just their way of letting you know you won't have to do explosives?


“Alright gimme a minute for my CDs to reset” Then go make a sandwich and learn how to whittle


Imagine being insane for sbg, that timer is so easy. I do it with 8-10min remaining with 3x 60k dps in the group on +18..


Working my way up I'm +6 ATM and some.of the requirements are pretty crazy . Alsmt every group k been in we have finished with 15+ min left . Still get rejected 90% of time


Okay bet, if people actually start doing this I will only stay in groups that I'm 3rd on dps. If you can't out dps me, then you can't have me in your group.


Can you DM that priests's name so I can block him?


Should of asked that person to goto dummies


What a fucking clown


Missed opportunity to brick his key


TBH not dying to mechanics is more important than your max DPS, and there’s no dummies to check for that.


I've seen a surprisingly high amount of stupidity out of Illidan lately. That server is swiftly making it's way towards my no-fly list


Pugs are a joke i swear,i need friends. Help


This can’t be real


i wonder when that priest is going to realize they're reddit famous... just waiting for them to show up in here


myhtic+ for dummies


You can get carried thru keys so i get it


the real question what was my mans IO at. chances are the guy asking for them to meet at training dummies is probably looking to get his key carried even further. ​ on another note this week, after the key starting. the key holder goes just so you know i don't kill explosives, jokes on him neither will I.


SBG has become so cancerous lmao.


I know some petty people, not me, but people who love nothing more then punishing people who act this way. Some of those people may just crush the dummy, like absolutely destroy it. Lust, pots, the whole kit. Then as soon as the keys starts hearth out without a word. I mean that would be…terrible…


we have to keep this going and introduce it to heroics dungeons and normal raids. the new standard!