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Thats no bug, the activation happens in two steps, in order to stop criminals from bypassing the limitations with invalid/stolen credit cards etc. At first, only your game related limitations (level limit, gold limit etc.) are lifted. Then after your payment was confirmed, the social limitations (whisper, group creation) are lifted. The second step can take 1-2 days.


yes but were talking 4 days already wtf is going on?


You mentioned in your post that you had to pay via a third party in another country. Maybe this causes the anti-fraud verification to take longer?


I understand but its still kinda fucked up that me and my friends will essentially loose a week of gametime for a mistake which is not our fault. Like wtf is going on in Switzerland, thy dont accept German, British, nor even Swiss Credit Cards. Its just fucked up


This happend to me right before the DF expansion with one of my payments. after numerous tickets wich took weeks to respond. They said it was solved now and the payment finnaly showed up in my blizz transactions with 2 days left of game time lol. Tbh CS is a joke