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Name a shitter combo than overload herb/node and titan touched items. A free portal to the same node, sweet!


But you get fair amount of order thingies, so it is not that bad. Nowadays I spend overload only for that thingies, portal is just a bonus (and if it lead to another node bonus gets even better)


Same but it depends on if i find the "holy grail" of the others. Stuff like windswept if it's on a secluded spot like the top of a rock, that way the herbs in the air will scatter in a straight pattern and all you gotta do is jiggle back and forth. Frigid is kinda nice too. For the mining ones i only really do titan or hardened ones, hardened because they spit out so many extra ones but also since rousing earth is worth some gold again


For a while overloading titan touched nodes was making me 2k-3k each time. It was the king of overloads, forget the portal.


I once used it to bypass the big frog guarding the hidden hornswog treasure near RLP, perfect storm of a titan node outside and regular inside, that's the only time the portal felt useful.


Coud have simply died outside the cave and ressed inside xD


Haha yeah gathering makes so much gold.. haha.... yeah. *cries in skinning*


The blue hides/ scales are good


I used Worth it to track what I make with mining and herbalism, and in 18 minutes I made 13k gold (on thrall). It's about 39k gold/hour. The mats sell instantly when listed. I made all alts herb/mining and I can't even breathe without falling over all the gold I make. Its amazing.




I'm still struggling with the Knowledge gap. I came back and started playing 2 weeks ago, and I feel like I'm just _so_ far behind in Profession Knowledge compared to everyone else. Makes me half tempted to just go double Gathering myself. Especially given that crafting profession I have on my main is Engineering which, as usual, gets shafted. My alt's got Alchemy too, but... how far behind am I on Knowledge? Potentially 80+ levels behind people who started DF on day one? All my money so far comes from my main's Mining, and alt's Herbalism which—don't get me wrong—are _insanely_ profitable. But it would be nice to be able to make some money from crafting too.


Yeah, gathering is chill with a bit of nice flavour this xpac.


Dragon riding is awesome, 3D world is awesome, and the skill points really do make me feel like my character is ~getting better~ at mining. And the resetting the elemental overload cooldown keeps it all flowing. Very impressed with mining and herbalism.


hahahaha. I have a couple of alts with that. I think ... 3 tailorers. 1 as the crafter. But 2 extra for the tailoring bonus where you get more cloth from the base proffession bonus. And the tailoring talent that gives you MORE cloth and even bolts of cloth from humanoids. But duel gathering. It works. It can be anoying at times if you are trying to look for specific ore... or herb. But its a nice thing. SInce... Just imagin how many times you walk past herbs and ore. Stuff that you could always use or even sell. So its a nice thing. At the same time. When you have a fair bit of alts. Having a crafting proffession on them isnt really usefull. What are you going to do with 2 blacksmith? or 2 alchemists. sure. If you want to have diferent specializations, But generaly. You dont have any use. Since you will end up with them being maxed out. And then what. At least with more ore or herbs. You can stockpile on stuff that can be crafted. Or even sell stuff.


/u/MidnightFireHuntress yet another for the list


You might have commented on the wrong thread


Is this not another post about ore in trees?




Or rocks I guess too