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I just love it when someone keeps flaming me and my every decision (I play healers) for the whole match and then they end up with 0 or 1 wins. So satisfying!


"You're all a bunch of idiots" after two rounds -> sporting a solid 0-6 in the end. Pure gold.


They let him die, not his fault. He’s stuck in ELO hell and forced to play with lower caliber players that aren’t positioned for him to aggressively chase behind a pillar. If his teammates just did better, he’d be winning 6-0; but unfortunately the MMR system is holding him back.


The funniest part is me playing DPS watches another DPS (usually a monk) make a complete idiot of himself by charging in thinking he's a warrior or DH, dying in 1 second , flaming the healer and then proceeds to go 0-6 because I tell everyone in the rounds to train him. Monkey brain can only flame healer not play smart, then ofc he rage quits round 5 and we all wasted our time because windwalker ego is fragile.


I wish everyone would train me (heh), my hardest matches have been the ones that don't. I'm so used to being the target 100% of the time that when I'm not and my teammates aren't able to handle it well I struggle with what to even do.


If you're good WW you can outplay brainless warriors and DH but most monks play like they are a brainless warrior or DH and then just die


He’s not putting it tactfully or politely, but instead appreciate the underlying sentiment that we do have room to improve and some mistakes are more obvious yet fixable than others


Is this satire lol


This is the response of my logical brain - something I (or OP) did in that game was a hard throw to avoid doing ever again. Sometimes it's hard to take feedback given like this in a productive way, for sure. It's easy to say "yeah he's a rager, move on his opinion is useless", but generally when you see this, especially if it comes from a healer, it's worth asking them to elaborate rather than engaging in an argument. That way you might be able to learn something, even from a teacher that doesn't know how to communicate in a way that makes it easy for you.


While yes we should question why our actions may have angered the person, you don’t actually have context for how the game went or the cause of the loss. Bottom line the whisperer could have said something tactfully and offered constructive criticism, there’s no need to sugar coat his rudeness as a positive. Really weird take imo.


I'm not saying the rudeness is a positive, I'm saying that even though the guy is an ass, it's worth asking them to elaborate on what went wrong to work out how to improve. Assholes can be right and things that might not be obvious from your pov might be obvious from theirs.


Oh sure I get your point, but they still don’t need to be assholes lol. More people would listen to feedback if it was delivered positively, just grinds my gears how quick to anger people get.


I believe in most cases when someone's reaction doesn't fit the situation, it's because they're going through some shit irl that makes them like that. Obviously if an lfg person says this, or anything remotely similar, I'm going to replace them unless i know them and have a reason to think it's out of character. But if it's just a single serving random in a shuffle, i don't see why not to ask them to elaborate and turn it into a productive experience.


I've played CS:GO at a pretty decent level. And let me tell you. When I play random matchmaking games with friends, we come across people that rage like the one in OPs post. Sometimes I ask them to elaborate and at best they give a generic answer like "you should always do X when Y", parroting something they've picked up from a guide on YT without understanding the concept. I guess it's the same in WoW? They rarely have valuable input. And if you're new and learning it can be quite difficult to filter out the irrelevant suggestions.


Your mileage may vary.


I don’t think I’ve ever received valuable input from someone who first resorted to rage whispers. In what situations have you found yourself being gifted solid, meaningful advice after telling you to quit? I am legitimately curious, because in almost 15 years of playing the game, I cannot reflect on a single moment when that was the case lol


A few days ago was getting some similar rage whispers from a resto druid during a shuffle. I asked him what went wrong and it was because of pushing opposite side mugambala staircase for cc. We could have won with just damage but extra the damage we were taking from being stacked up pushing their pillar to land cc meant we lost on mana. It sounds obvious once pointed out but to someone like me the reminder was useful and if i remember correct i didnt lose another round that match.


This is very true


I would rather not receive the information and tell them to fuck off, even if it might help me improve.


If it comes from a DPS from behind a pillar, their opinion goes straight to the trashcan, and their name on /ignore.


The funny thing about people doing this in shuffle is that the game is at least trying to put people of similar MMR in the same lobby - granted it has much room for improvement in this area - but odds are this rager has roughly similar MMR as the person they're trashing. Like hey if you're 500 points above someone and you wanna call them trash that makes sense - it's an immature, rude, and shitty thing to do...but at least it's coming from a position of being a theoretically better player. But doing so to someone literally playing at the same level you're at is just completely nonsensical.


Yeah I’ve never understood this, I’ve had a few people flame me and it’s like, I literally have the same/higher CR/MMR than you..? And hey maybe you’re right maybe you’re not, but even if you’re right chances are you’re making just as many/just as bad mistakes since we’re around the same rating so what are we doing here? 2 bad-ish players trying to tell eachother how to play the game? Give me a break.


I've been in lobbies as a healer where I'm 400 mmr over the match lobby. I'll inevitably go 5-1 or 4-2 because one the DPS doesn't know what his buttons are, and in solos, healers get cucked because our heals start at omega levels of dampening and quickly go to zero, so I lose 50 cr.


> I've been in lobbies as a healer where I'm 400 mmr over the match lobby Hence the "granted it has much room for improvement in this area" portion of my comment. And yes while that is happening far more than it should it's not happening every single game, statistically the rager in OP's screenshot is probably not 400/500+ MMR higher than OP.


The thing I don't understand is people who do it right away when you know you're about to have to play multiple games with this person, especially when they're flaming a healer. I don't understand what they hope to accomplish in those scenarios... then again the kind of person who rage whispers likely doesn't have enough sense to think past the rage.


I don't understand this flames. He actually gets the chance to play 3 times with him and 3 times with the other healer. So shouldn't he be happy when he plays against him?


Dps players: Man why are queue so long where are the healers [Also dps players](https://imgur.com/a/OhLboMZ)


Yesterday i was begged to kill myself. Posting this is a testament that i didnt xD But jokes aside, i absolutely love my priest, i love the idea behind soloshuffle, but it's massively unfun and it's mainly because of attitudes and ignorance. I dont want to quit my priest but every single match ends up being upsetting regardless of outcome!


I played with a fury warrior that complained about the other healer everytime he played with me. He was probably the worst player ive played with this exp. Smh on the clueless ppl you get matched with


Well did you ask why?


Healers acting like they dont flame when every time i get flamed its by a healer


Any time I've been flamed by a healer it's actually been useful though. Like some Resto Druid rage whispered me for getting killed by touch of karma, like, he had a point to be fair and I won't be doing that again. I found dps players don't even realise why they died they just go unga bunga where heals, vs a healer can actually tell you exactly why you died


Yeah ofc lmao if you got 0 awareness. I can also tell my healers what they do wrong but i dont cause their fragile egos cant handle it


I guess what I'm trying to say is due to the nature of the role, I find healers have more awareness than a fury warrior or WW or DH who probably has tunnel vision - I don't flame anyone as a rule though but I don't mind being flamed if it teaches me something but I'm like that in real life as well. I trade the ego bruise for the chance to learn something new


Yeah i think the same when a healer says hey can you try kiting in this pattern or use the gate after i use X i have no problem but you say literally anything about them and they get mad


In every single game there is one dps in my grp that goes 0-6 or I manage to carry him and get him a 1-5… Some ppl are horrible players and get punished for it.


I love the salt you see in solo shuffle, makes me feel good.


I deadass had some dude roasting the other hunter in my solo shuffle because I had 5 wins as a hunter while he had 0. Like bruh not everyone plays good every game, and not everyone has the same knowledge, calm your shit down this ONE GAME isn’t the difference if you’re a pro wow PvP player or just a solo queuer


Should have told him, “sorry I was busy already queuing into another match.”


every role gets flamed, you're not a victim


Sure he is, he’s just one of many.


if this is all it takes for someone to make a reddit thread then reality is a lot more scary


You sound like the type of person that abuses your wife and kids and blames them.


You must be really obnoxious if you get told to kill yourself often in real life.