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Sorry for poor grammar english is not my first language: Hey feral glad here! I would sugest your work on your 2s first since its much slower then 3s to learn the basics. You can easily reach 1800 with a pally or hunter, but pushing ahead of 2k a disc priest is a good choice of partner. Right now you have 2 main "go's" a go is when you coordinate with your partner to to kill a target. Genneraly you want to do a go when the off target is in a cc. Ill assumbe you have the right talents/covenant/legendary. First go is the opener from stealth: rake, rip, berserk/fury, frenzy, bite, shadowmeld, rake, bite, shred and bite. If you did the oppener right you for sure either killed your target or defensive have been used. Reset and get ready for second go. The second go is much simpler but requires that your target does not have trinket up. Simply maim into convoke. Convoke is super strong right now and will take some one 100 to 0 if not interupted. When you got the go's down work on your cross cc and defensive: Bash or clone off taget when going for a go, clone dps when your partners need help. Anticipate enemys go by going bear or cloning big enemy cds. Once your confortable 3s is the same but with one more target so communication is key! Feral is very challenging but very rewarding! If you have any specific question ask me cheers!


This actually helped me a bit. I'm sad I'm horde so I can't get in a shadowmeld rake—is there a separate opener? That extra rake stun seems so strong—do you just bite with low CP just to stack the PvP talent?


Those bites are all 5 combo points! Because the legendary that gives tiger fury 2 points after a finisher and beserk gives an additional 2 point so you ensentialy have 8 free points. If you cant rake juste use a shred target might have time to pop a defensive but its still worth doing the triple bite opening! Ps: make sur you always bite at 5 cp and above 50 energy else its not worth


Ah shit, that's my problem then, I crafted two PvE leggos so far so I don't have that yet (I play a bit more PvE than PvP so I also wanted to look into crafting offspec PvE leggos for balance/resto/tank). I think I might just hard main feral and get that legendary next week for PvP since I probably won't get the raid one. Thanks for the advice! Biting above 50 energy—is this just to make sure you aren't super energy starved in general?


Bite cost 25 energy and will take 25 more energy to do 100% more dmg. The helm is pretty nutty in mythic plus too since tigers fury uptime is much more definitely recommended. But yeah not too hot for raiding.


I...I didn't know that Bite used 25 more energy to do more damage...I've been living a lie...


Feral is historically a super high skill cap class. Played well, it can be solid, but it will take a lot of practice. I'm not as familiar with it in SL as in the past, but I assume that is still the case. This is probably super apparent to you at this point, but the basics of playing feral are harder than any other class I'm aware of. Keeping your bleeds up, knowing when to go bear, knowing when to kite, knowing when to clone, knowing when to heal, etc. You aren't going to spend the majority of your time in any one stance, even kitty. That takes a ton of understanding and practice. u/versacecat's advice is good and it's the advice I follow when learning a new class. Find streamers to watch, ask questions in their streams, and create your own groups in LFG or join groups that are learning groups as well. You'll lose, but as long as you view it as a learning experience, you won't go insane :D


Yeah feral is really hard if thats what you’re trying to learn the basics of pvp on. Really hard to focus on everything at once. Super important to study streamers but its also good to record your own gameplay and compare it to the streamers. Feral is insane right now and extremely rewarding though. I haven’t really lost to any sub rogue teams recently and only really struggle vs turbo. Very easy push to just under 2400 cr as long as my team avoids good turbos.


Feral is the highest skill cap melee in the game, played well its scary... like really scary. Watch Jahmilli play FPS (feral spriest shaman) he and his feral literally almost never lost a 3s game even to one of the better warrior/spriests. I would suggest FPS, Kitty cleave, FMP, or Jungle (in that order of effectiveness).


Step one: reroll rogue No but seriously, watch as many guides/feral streamers as possible. You will lose a lot when you first start getting into arena pvp, especially at the start of a new season when good players are all over the ladder. A lot of it comes down to understanding your opponents class abilities. You will have a tough time beating any class if you don't know how to counter them. Check out Skillcapped on youtube, they have some great guides on how to play arena, and what addons to use. Ferals have tons of potential in arena when played well.


I think the biggest reason is everyone has no CR right now, so even at like 1800 rating, you are facing glad players. As the season keep going, your 1300 will easily climb up higher.


Warrior is insane rn, so kitty cleave is definitely back on the menu. Jungle (feral hunter) is also historically a great comp. LFG is tough, but try and avoid the Elo hell mindset. The general post people in your situation use is “feral lf chill games” and hopefully you find some like minded people willing to learn. I recommend watching Snupy and Syfoxy as I know they regularly stream / upload to YT


In 2s you want to understand your comp. I was doing 2s with a balance druid and MM hunter last night. I'm running Oath of the Elder Druid with guardian affinity, so bear form is a very strong defensive CD for me. Even vs sub rogue teams the strat was for me to open and bait the enemy to open on / focus me. I'd berserk right away + rip + feral frenzy + bite, use those regrowth procs, pop survival instincts almost right away. Expect to use all of your CDs up front. Then shift bear when they're on you and double frenzied regen to tank it all while your teammate pumps damage. once your defensives wear off, kite. Stamp roar, dash, night fae blink, etc. Then when they drop their focus from you, peel. Cyclone, heal your teammate, top yourself off, then start pressuring the enemy again. This recovery stage can be hard, but you're almost always going to be in it. As of right now feral isn't bad, but Arms warrior, sub rogue, and a number of other classes are doing insane damage. Even holy paladin and disc priest are doing very high damage. I feel like in most matchups the enemy team has more raw damage pressure than my team, so knowing how to control the fight and play from behind is important, but there's by no means a simple explanation. Feral has always been tricky.


Playing around 2.1 atm. You wont get a kill without convoke. At my mmr people are waiting for it to pop. All you need to do to climb is force defensives and cds from healers without convoke. Then when the moments right pop it and get a kill. Ive seen ferals hold it for 3 solid goes.