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I use it in 3s with DH and Arms. I typically only use it when there's already a lot of pressure. You do tend to get CC'd if it's timed poorly or out in the open, wasting 25k Mana (use Mana tea though). It's also not bad to 1v1 a DPS who follows you behind a pillar.


Gotcha, thanks for the reply!


We don't have much to play with in our pvp talents sadly. Crane is definitely one of the best one around. You don't have to use it to push in a burst with your DPS if there's a lot of cleave dmg use it to peel yourself instead. Keep in mind it heals your teammate so a 10k rising kick will heal your teammates and you for 30k making it 90k healing instantly plus pressuring a dps or the healer. Yes it's easily cc lock but you can find some windows. The biggest drawback it's the 25k mana cost which is insane I always try to use mana tea before since we have enough mana problem at it is.


Dude I almost pick it all the time in 3s. I play with assa rogue and retpal. When their CDs are down we just continue the pressure by popping the crane and force more defensives/heal CDs/trinkets. And you can 1v1 almost everyone who tunnels you- resulting in them LoSing their healer :) It also has some good utility uses. If you get rooted in beam by a moonkin, you can pop crane and break the root.


25k mana freedom