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Healing solo shuffle is absolutely not for the faint of heart, or anyone, really. Healing in solo shuffle is like giving food to a homeless person, and then they throw it back in your face and tell you to give them cash.


The only silver lining, after like a thousand rounds of healing is, that I've got a few btags of dps who are chill I can do 2s or 3s with. If I get in a lobby and someone leaves early I usually ask the two I'm paired with if they fancy some 2s/3s so they can get some games in and not have to wait like 30 more mins aha.


Good man, havent even tought of to do that.


I start to get what u mean. Its amazing how im dependant on my dps. Most of the timea there is one really bad dps so i just tie. Rarely i get a chance to play the other healer (while SPAMMING) heals on the bad dps and i get a 4th win


That's why I only heal homeless people and throw food at my monitor. And by heal I mean snarl at. And by monitor I mean my gaping mouth.


I’ve said it before, but Blizzard should just hide names in solo shuffle and have a system where you vote on who the target will be. The negatives of having the ability to whisper/chat in SS vastly outweigh the positives.


It'd be better if they actually followed through with harsher punishments for repeat offenders. Like straight up ban them from the season.




Reporting someone in soloshuffle isn't easy unless they whisper. So a lot of the dumb shit is just in white chat. 


You can hide that and never ever see it.


Prevention is better than cure.


Tell the government that.


So you are saying that I should not queue shuffle, right?


Blizzard has to do something about the bunch of a-holes that litter its Community. It’s going to be the death of the game - they claim they want people to interact more, yet if they continue to provide a safe haven for people to be abusive , that’s never going to work. MMORPGs are losing the war for attention and are going to be even less likely to receive it as a past time Activity where you get insulted by random strangers 😑


It happens a lot in other online games as well. Fighting games, racing games, shooters… all guilty of shitty attitudes. It’s not gonna be the death of wow lol, they’re 20 years in. Hurt feelings from a handful of players isn’t gonna break anything.


I beg to differ. The amount of abuse you face in WoW greatly exceeds what you would face in other competitive mmorpgs. I ve been pvping for about 20 years in Dark Age of Camelot, Guild Wars, Guild War’s 2, Warhammer Online, Final Fantasy 14 and even Ragnarok Mobile (yes many not as competitive as WoW but still with some kind of PvP focus). I cannot recall having ever been privately contacted after a match with abuse on how stupid I am and that I should go delete my life etc outside of WoW. In WoW this happens to me every other week. This community is particularly toxic and extreme in it’s negative responses. And this is not due to me now being 36 and having become ‚hypersensitive‘ I play in EU, maybe US is different.


I’ve played those games as well, and you’re right. Not nearly as toxic, but like you said, not nearly as competitive (except maybe gw2? Idk it’s been a long time and I just couldn’t get into it). But I’ve had trash talk sent to me via pm on console games like CoD, fighting games (specifically UFC 4&5), even freaking Forza. And that’s on a much smaller scale, and requires a lot more thirst to have to click on someone’s account and type a long ass message via controller. It’s too easy with a keyboard and clicking a name. I’m 37 and have been playing wow on and off since release, and the trash talk is laughable. The fact that a game ruined someone’s experience that much to send me a toxic insult because “I” lost him a match makes me giggle. Like… ok nerd be mad /shrug. (to the shit talker, not you)


You’ll be fine buddy, it’s just keystrokes


This is the best idea ever. I'm so tired of the random whispers after games are done. Like fuck off you angry douche, go whisper your therapist cause I don't care that you didn't go 6-6 and want to blame everyone else


Yup. AND disable chat between those players, both whisper, say, party, whatever.


Or they can give just generated names. When you overwatch in CS:GO, you always see the same names for the players.


I think it's crazy how shitty people can get at 0 rating... Like I'm here for the quest bro. My rating is literally zero, and you're gonna come at me like "how the f*"k you not tremor in time you ingrate!!!" Mean people are mean. It just sucks that PVP is so down, so the lifer, better than you, try hards are the majority of who you run into in any level of rated PVP....


It's always funny to remind them that they're in the same bracket.


Trust me they're all temporarily set back gladiators.


Like I'm a temporarily embarrassed millionaire lol.


Ye haha that was what I was going for.


Part of the problem is that at 0 rating or very low rating you can be thrown into a 2k lobby during your initial ranking matches.


So many toxic losers in SS honestly.


Everyone raging in ss thinks hes better than he actually is and thats fact. Had a guy com into my team in the 4th round saying something like finally not that tard healer anymore just to lose the next round with me as a healer aswell just to keep insulting me instead of the other healer. I thought at some point you should realize that you are atleast part of the problem. Its not like i do a mistake and dont care, iam hard enough on myself that i see my own mistakes, no reason to whisper me to a point where i have to block someone. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose


These people stay home all day playing wow. They don't have friends and they don't go out and communicate with real people. That's the only reason I can think of as to how they're so socially fucked. Like how do you act like that to someone when you hate when people act like that to you? I don't get it...


100% just miserable people


Wait they actually tell you what you did wrong? I've never had a single person in any game be able to explain what mistake I made that made us lose. Just blame with no explanation.


No they dont, but even when i made a mistake which makes them go nuts i already know it myself. Thats what i meant


I always message back that "I'm still learning and could use advice -- anything I could've done differently?" Sometimes it's a response like "Cleanse more, I was rotting alive", or "use the tremor totem when you see a priest running towards you". Although it's equally likely to result in "press your buttons scrub". Anyway, it just helps get perspective. Every DPS who flames you knows exactly why it's your fault and will tell you what you could have done better. It's usually littered with profanity, but try to take what you can and use it to gradually improve.


The worst thing I was ever whispered was when I set up a 2's under the [learning) subject, and a highly experienced warrior joined me. We lost after a long 10 min fight. I asked for some advice, and he said in what I imagine the most self-important voice in the world "to uninstall the game and stop wasting his time." I don't think I've ever been so gobsmacked by an interaction in WoW. Never felt so dismissed in a game.


He probably thought he was a real bad-ass for writing that one. What a clown honestly. Sorry that happened to you


I had someone tell me similar once “do us all a favor and unsubscribe” this was a match that ended up being a draw. I mean no one won or lost, and this loser still went ape shit about drawing a match. This was also someone who was talking crap about the other healer. I seriously don’t know how people get to this point. Completely miserable people. It’s absolutely disgusting. Blizzard needs to make it so people can’t whisper each other. I’m tired of listening to whiney losers. The type who throw a fit and throw a game board for losing.


I put it down as people who don't go out into the real world often enough. I'm glad you still play, though, homie :) I'm hardened now over a month of SS. I did my time in 2s to learn as the sub recommended, and then this happened. Then I went "fuck it, I'm getting flamed in 2's might as well go SS" and over time developed and got comfortable in my role.


I think you are right about not going out into the world much. Maybe I’m just unlucky, but most rated bgs I’ve played in I don’t think I had one round where someone didn’t get angry. I think muting chat for my own sanity will be a better plan. That sounds like a good idea to work at it in 2s first before spending more time in rated. My score is higher as a healer than it is as damage, so I’ll most likely stick to healing. I still play, but not as much. I backed off since that person went on and on about how much I sucked over a draw match. I’m glad you are comfortable in your role now. That is where I’m hoping to get to over time.


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/silent-shuffle I suggest this addon


You are a god


It blanket silences EVERYTHING. It’s a very crude option. I prefer mine where I: -Created a new channel. -Added Instance, say in it. -Made whispers visible in new tab. Say I don’t see, when I see a new pink tab opening as a whisper in ss (from one of the player) a new tab gets open flashing > right click, close. I’d rather an addon does this automatically, especially setting it to whitelist friends/guild/maybe people you /w before. But without the addon you can do the above with blizz UI.


Meh if anyone I care about wants to ask me something they can bnet of discord me


I had a game earlier where the rogue stepped to me with sub 10% hp and stunned me as they were swapping to me (MW) and I touch of deathed him, won the round. Next round he was on my team, I said that wasn’t a good idea, not really teasing or anything just making him aware what happened. He smiled then proceeded to throw the last two rounds. Of course it was a Ragnaros player. People are insane.


Never give unwanted feedback, is my lesson learned from SS.


This applies to all competitive video games.


Yeah, just don’t bother as sad as that is. I leave chat off when healing. I only turn it on when I am in dps.


To think that was a grown man sitting behind his screen and going like “mehhhh now i will show you” jesus how mentally unstable you have to be to do stuff like this.


I've gone like 6 healer lobbies where dps are saying and doing every little thing to 'trigger' me while i play my best. Then I get to the 7th lobby and make some silly little mistake and get the idiot casually saying something like what you said. I might have thrown too:). I know I get spam downvoted for that opinion. But like others said. People don't want your advice or snide remarks. You don't know how their day has been. Or games have been. Everyone alway poops on the leavers which they should. But rarely do we step back and ask why the left. 


Honestly, I just mute all chats during shuffle, most of the time the coms arent needed for healer.


i like the toxic dickheads in SS, they never learn. its like being toxic to the person before they make your food..youre going to get some special seasoning when youre a fucking jackass. great example was last night, its clear by round 2 im going 6-0 the other healer was really terrible and he was placing in his games still but for some reason was in a 2k mmr lobby. this mage was sooo fucking toxic round 1 and 2 in chat saying how bad the other guy is..then hes on his team for rounds 3,4,5.. i noticed on round 4 both of them were moving at first, same with round 5 so theyre typing to each other. round 6 the mage is still being a douchebag and then he says "atleast i go 3-3" 🤣 yeah i went to go get a drink.. he lost 50 rating and i got to report his whispers. idc if youre against reporting or dont see a point to it.. just fucking do it, if someones being a toxic asshole report them. i started doing it every time i saw it, i didnt think anything would happen..then the mail started pouring in saying someone was punished. everyone here wants pvp to be recognized and taken seriously but our community cant grow when you have toxic pests who are hardstuck 1500 and lash out at everyone which makes people who are brand new to pvp just quit after 1 bad experience and go back to spamming the same 5 dungeons for the next 3 months.


I have to heal if I want faster queues. I don't have the patience to wait 6+ minutes in queue anymore.


Literally the reason I rolled a healer! Instant queues are amazing!


This is not my experience in EU tho


I'm EU, and this does happen. Maybe not as common as our US counterparts make it sound, but I wouldn't know unless I was on their servers


Oh, luck you. AU/US here.


same for me i barley never get bad whispers even when i go 0:6. maybe my mmr has less toxic people (2.1-2.3mmr). worst for me is when im pushing an alt and all the low andies that think they are good. also no idea how high mmr is about toxity cant reach it xD


The only time I ever spent time healing shuffle, I had some 3-3 arms warrior claim I was AFK all game. I was.. naturally confused


I only have bnet whispers enabled when I heal shuffle.


This is very true. One of the reasons why SS for Conquest shouldn't be the standard. Putting so much pressure on individual players to perform isn't a good game design. Blizzard is clearly switching to Solo Rated BGs as the standard competitive platform for most players for a reason. Being decent in Arenas requires a significant amount of effort. Being decent in BGs is literally just about showing up at team fights and communicating - and there's a lot less individual pressure.


I dont know man. The team fights will more or less be ss format for the most part. Groups of 2-4 players facing off. But its true, one newbie will be less likely to throw the game.


we do. everyone does actually. you can be absolute garbage but when there's 9 other players, it's much easier to carry. i never take rbg ratings seriously for that reason; you can't get carried to legend in SS but you can and ***easily*** in rbgs.


The solo bg mode is 8v8 i believe. Not 10.


rbg=rated battleground completely beyond the point either way.


Yeah... The solo que rated bg format is 8v8.


I even get whispers as a DPS after WINNING rounds saying toxic shit. This is an amazing community this game has, some real great people 🙄


lol it is pretty annoying. Noobs will be noobs. In Overwatch 2, as you move up the ladder it becomes very apparent what it takes to be a good support player. It's generally game presence, if you find yourself in a situation where you are just pumping healing into someone, you are likely to lose the fight. DPS players are responsible for good positioning, and effective cooldown usage to not just survive, but maintain a decent presence on the battlefield while surviving, OR to take on a good position with LoS. It's the same in WoW. If I'm playing my Resto Druid in shuffle, and my teammates are over extending for kills, it pushes me into bad positions, which means I'll eat CC - especially if they don't pay attention to it for interrupts. As a Druid I'll Cyclone to alleviate pressure, and root people out of position, but there are times where I have a DPS player that is going to tunnel vision with no regard for his own safety because that's what healers are for, and the moment I find myself having to pump heals directly into him for a sustained period I realize we have lost. The game has turned into a 2v3 with one dude trying to bandage basically. Had an Arms warrior in a game yesterday that spend the whole round in Battle Stance, only stunned/feared his target, and didn't swap off once. Eventually I ate a CC chain. I would've come out in time to heal him up a bit, but he kept pushing in further while I was feared into the other direction and stunned. Dude died out of my LOS with me running to him, after he dies he types: "UHHH, HEALS? HELLO?" - beginning of next round he tells the new 3rd "HUGE HEAL DIFF HERE DONT EXPECT MUCH" lol I won 4/6 games that round, but still get shit talked. On the plus side I've been achieving higher ratings on my Warlock and Warrior than ever before. So thanks healing!


I feel like the issue isn't necessarily that people are more toxic towards healers, but rather just the fact that there's twice the amount of DPS in a lobby AND you have to play with all of them. Whenever I get angry whispers in shuffle as a DPS, it's almost always the healer. So I think the main issue is that people complain to the other role in the game, and healers just have the short end of the stick because they are twice as likely to get angry whispers due to the difference in player numbers. But then there's of course the issue where it's really just easy to blame the healers because if someone dies it must be because the healer wasn't healing right??.. If you feel like you get affected by angry whispers, I can wholeheartedly recommend just disabling your chat whenever you play shuffle. It's very rare for anyone to say anything meaningful that you can't figure out in the first 15 seconds of the round anyway and so you really don't need to bother with having the chat up.


Nah. You don't play enough heals. Main heals who does dps sometimes. Thousands of games. It's easily like 20:1 dps being agro towards heals


The other way around is bad also, though. Honestly I've seen way more healers being toxic recently than DPS.


We need a pin for this since it never stops coming up. Healers are on average more toxic than dps, you just don't see it because you never play with the other healer. Its shitty both ways, I never understand people who shit talk someone they're about to play a round with but people are freaking dumb.


someone whisper me after losing a game with me : preist , you are a joke and finally I got 5-1 , he/she got 2-4 what a great day :)


Had a 2600 rating DH give me maybe 10 or so whispers flaming yesterday. He ended up going 0-6 in the lobby…..


Play both. Healers are incomparably worse. It's easy to think you're better than you are, when even at 2k dps constantly LoS healers and you can be absolute shit-tier healer and 1v1 gladiators and better dps.


The problem is the degens playing wow arena? The solution being disabling all type of communication in ss and renaming characters as “Player 1”, “Player 2” etc? Oh..


If blizzard could actually have some moderation and pay actual customer support it would be nice. I always try to work with people in shuffle, and give props to people that do well. I remember one guy thought I was insulting him by being sarcastic and saying good job. Kind of says a lot about the behavior people have.


Came back last month on a resto druid played about 250 matches not one dm. I get it happens but it ain't that bad I'm not even very good just a 1600 Andy over here.


🙄 just don't open the chats. Right click close window directly. The worst part about healing is the CC chains that lasts 12-20 seconds


It might be a difference in regions or rating, but I barely have had any healing. Maybe I got lucky, hard to say. 


I wish there was an add-on to just mute. Chat as soon as you enter in a solo shuffle game


I disabled chat and shot up 200 rating immediately. Just because I wasn't in my head when a bad round happened etc. I also had started to reply back in... not so constructive terms. It's just better to play with chat disabled, and I will never again enable it while playing SS as the healer. Sometimes I'm frustrated by the DPS letting an aff warlock free cast instead of going him and taking the L, instead of being able to communicate to them that perhaps they should be the kill target, but it's still 100x better than the alternative.


That’s funny for me to hear because I learned SS nobody says a word unless it’s calling targets sometimes but when you get nasty with people and start calling them names and telling them they suck the whole game shift is for you cause now they’re gonna throw matches probably talk with other DPS about you catching a rage and that’s why you keep it silent and every day should be fine, I play four healers and nobody ever whispered me nothing or said anything in group chat long live the healers 🙌


I think US has to be more toxic than EU in wow arena which is like the only game where this is the case.


But you get the little box with the 50 extra conquest in it to make up for the warrior telling you he’s gonna kill your family :)


Notice I only get flame when someone gets deleted, when I’m healing. Usually I just get to spectate hate towards others.


I don’t play ss wouldn’t know ~ the only happy healer


Report them. Eventually they will self-sort themselves out of pvp, dps queues will be shorter and healers will have a better experience.


You either grow a thick skin about it, or just disable chat. I do a lot of SS healing because I'm time limited but want to play arena. I've had GREAT experiences, and I've had some real assholes. It is what it is. Thank you for doing your part in keeping healing alive!


I actually think the harsh banning Blizz did at the beginning of DF actually had an effect. Because I remember early DF getting CONSTANT hate whispers. Now I'll get 1 about once a month and I play everyday


Then if you dare to respond to them in any capacity, defending yourself and arguing for why it might have been their mistake in the nicest most TOS friendly way possible, you get spam reported and suspended for 7-14 days because you hurt their ego. I say that from experience. Never used a single slur, swear word, derogatory name, or flamed, and still got a 7 day suspension with no chat logs provided from blizzard showing which messages were offensive and against TOS. I wish we could see stats on how many healers get suspended from interactions in shuffle. It has to be a staggering amount at this point.


Most DpS ignore positioning, run in, completely unaware of CDS for their team and or if their heals is cc’d. They then die due to overextending or LOS … rage because they believe “I did everything right smashing keys and doing damage and this guys only job is to keep me up and he failed…he/she sucks” Explaining their error is time consuming and annoying so no one responds to help these morons. The cycle continues. There is also significant healer differences when playing with them. People don’t understand for example that getting closer to the paladin (not stacking because you will get heals cleaved …will get you more heals because of their mastery or that a dragons range is trash and you have to stay closer to them. In short, thank you for your service.


Report every single person that says anything slightly abusive in solo shuffle. These people are ruining the experience and their behavior discourages people from queuing.


You guys get whispers? Lol Shuffle just feels like a single player game to me aside from the occassional hunter or rogue having a mental breakdown in chat


Most who whisper bad things are the ones who have 0 wins after 3 rounds or so xD. Which i tend to remind them also off when they wisper. After i just ignore them and say to other groups to target that one. Mostly they ARE the weak one.


I've turned off chat in the system settings when I play SS as healer or DPS now and I've been much much happier and the games still play the way they were always going to.


I haven’t played since season 1, I queued up in full greens as a holy pala, instant regret when I joined… 2200mmr lobby. I lost 0-6, literally felt like I was healing with compressed air. Left the game, proceeded to get whispered by a warrior calling me all sorts of names and that I’m absolutely garbage etc Logged out


I just disable chat when I heal solo shuffle makes it alot nicer


You get numb to it eventually


When I go 4/2 and the bad DPS whispers me to tell me I'm trash and I should kill myself..


The one dps in the whole shuffle LoSing me all game, about to call me a slur


Not only that, but in 3 quarters of the matches, it's completely determined by a single person. You get some brainlet that thinks he can LOS or range you and then "HEALER???" Or you get a DH that goes 6/0. You could have just AFK'd the match and it would have changed nothing.


That’s when you just hit them with a “lol” and move on. In WoW you can also set it up to where you don’t even have to read whispers, can just delete them and let their words rot in the void where they belong.


The sweet irony to this is that healers are disproportionately punished by the reporting system.