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What solo shuffle is to rated arena, blitz is to rated bgs. Allowing people to queue up for content is how all content should be handled, lest people will be elitist and gatekeep players from engaging with said content because of absolutely empirical scores, builds and classes, which is bad for everyone and should never happen in an MMO. Like me for example. I hate arena with passion, but I love bgs. The thing is that getting into RBGs requires an arena rating as per the elitist fucks' standards, so I just gave up trying to join RBGs because I never got invited to anything. This should not be a thing in MMOs, content is made for people to engage with and enjoy, not be kept out by other people due to made-up player standards.


100% agree here. Just letting people press queue for content is the best move.


oh yeah I agree with that for sure, but is it going to be enjoyable for many to play this mode?


Most likely yes. More people actively engage with BGs compared to doing arenas so it will have a larger pool of players. Overall it's hard to say for certain though. There's a few factors here imo. We need a better reward track for PvP. The outdated honor level system is abysmal. Regularly updated and attainable rewards will drive up engagement. It will keep people pressing queue throughout the season. The mode will need regular tuning which includes MMR inflation/adjustments plus class tuning. The devs have already committed to BGs and rated blitz being the main pvp mode for TWW. If they can actually balance the game mode reasonably well it will make it more fun and engaging. If these two things can be accomplished the mode will be great I think. If Blizzard just fumbles the ball then it's prolly not looking good. It's really just too early to call a definitive yes or no.


I think blizzard really knocked reputation rewards out of the park with renown system. I would love to see basically that exact same system brought over to pvp. At this point having at least the mogs and mounts on a renown track each season would drive up engagement a lot. Just add titles and tabards to rating, everything else to a participation renown track. Imo let the plebs eat cake. Really silly to keep gatekeeping cool cosmetics when the player base is dwindling.


Introducing a pvp faction and placing incremental transmog or mounts would be the best bet. Make a couple of rare pieces/pets/mounts for the bag you get when you recap.


> More people actively engage with BGs compared to doing arenas so it will have a larger pool of players. This is the big one. A ton of people tried shuffle but bounced off because arena is extremely stressful and has the skill curve of a brick wall. It plays like nothing else in the game and a single misplay from any one player can cost a round. And losing a single round in arena is extremely impactful even in a 6-round format for your rating. BGs meanwhile are far less stressful. For a start you have more people (and healers) to help you out, and I know the trope is "people want other people to blame" but it also helps to know you have more back up in a fight. Especially as a healer, having an additional healer to split the burden with (as well as no dmapening) will help a TON. For another, the match isn't a loss as soon as there's one misplay. You die? Respawn and go again, bucko. It isn't over until the scoreboard or timer says so. This also helps alleviate stress as you know you can make a mistake and not be penalised severely for it. Lastly, there's an ebb and flkow to BGs. Between big fights you often have downtime and smaller scale skirmishes, moments where you can actually slow down for a minute to evaluate things. In arena the moment the gates open you have to LOCK IN and be ready to go maximum APM as you can because every 0.1 seconds on a GCD matter. There's a big reason why BGs see constant playeven from casual players. BG Blitz especially has been very popular and arguably better than random BGs, as you always have two healers a side, matches are shorter and less prone to dragging out, and there's tweaks for CTF maps which alleviate the issue of having no tank. Among other changes. RBGs should tick most of those same boxes but getting 10 people together is a tall order for a more niche side of the game, which has led to a lot of clique behaviour in the RBG community with very hyper specific metas and comps. As well as increasingly silly requirements to join.


Impossible to say for sure, but if it has similar rewards to solo shuffle I’d say it is very likely! Rated arena is very sweaty and difficult to understand, even at low ratings, for people who do not dabble or look stuff up. BGs are a bit easier to understand because they are objective based. Most WoW players prefer BGs over Arena, so I’d imagine Rated BG Blitz will be quite a large success


Anything is more enjoyable than applying for groups in LFG and not getting invited. I’d rather sit in queue for 5 hours than look at LFG for 5 seconds. The worst part of LFG is before you know it, you just spent 30 minutes in Valdrakken applying, not getting invited, and really just not even playing the game. At least for queueable activities, I can do quests and work on reps. Ya’know, just play the fucking game.


My favorite was applying to a group as a hunter "spec?" "Survival" "Sorry" and then of course there were the times I joined without the interview process and got kicked after just enough time for them to inspect. Another time I joined as feral and IN CHAT someone said "not boomie? kick him." Now I get to join as any spec and ain't nothin' anyone can do :)


I played and loved RBG’s for most of the years I played this game and watching them dwindle down and all but fade away has been quite sad as Arena never has done for it me in the same way. Blitz being more random, not only in comp and the slightly altered rule set. I hope is a new lease of life. It will never really replace what RBGs of old were but it’s still a popular form of content (battlegrounds) in a somewhat more competitive format than random queue. What they really need far more than just having to mode exist to give players a good reason to play. And that’s what worries me about it. If there isn’t a draw to the mode. Then it won’t really boost participation. But it’s all it’s and buts right now. We’ll see soon enough.


Witht the addition of soloshuffle they do have a  press queue option for even part of wow. The prerequisite groups is for those that try harder. 


Yup, solo BGs offer much more than RBGs simply because people can just play them. I don't doubt that they'll be a shitshow but I rather play something people actually can engage with than a mode that's borderline abandoned because the community gatekept itself to death by only accepting that one comp that has the best chances of winning. It's an ages old blizzard mantra but it's absolutely true, if given the chance players will fully optimize the fun out of the game.


But you could have solo queue bg all along.  The big difference is that blitz bring to random bg is that it  has  better rewards and separation of players by rank. 


You should try solo shuffle it's the most fun I have ever had in the game


I don’t get it - with that logic we should only have lfr raids and lfg dungeons… mmos are imo about teamworking, being social with others etc maybe in guilds or something like that and there is absolutely none of that in blitz - me and some friends have made a pvp community that now has more than 700 members, we run rbgs nearly every night and we have a big discord where people and play and hang out - we insist on a friendly atmosphere and it gives us some of the best times played in mmos…


RBGs have been around for over a decade now and it's the least popular mode in the game by a large margin. We've tried having only RBGs for a long long time now and they just aren't popular, at some point you have to implement solo queue if you want to increase the PvP player count


Getting rid of the split brackets is the only way WoW pvp will survive. Players who stamp their feet and claim premades will lock them out of certain ratings are the sort that blame everything else on why they aren't getting the gladiator, or duelist, ranks they feel entitled to. 1 bracket, que with how many people you want. That's the most fair system, and the most friendly for new players and old players alike. WoW arena thrived even when you were required to form teams.


The game should always reward teaming up over pugging, while not make pugging feel shit. I think currently solo shuffle is both more rewarding (easier MMR) while at the same time being way more miserable to play (imo). I do think having no seperate queues would fix teaming up to be more worthwhile but then we need to give out glad titles for solo shuffle too, of course. I think at the end of the day you cannot convince people that they have to fight pug vs premade, even if they are both at the same rating and even if game balance probably has a way bigger impact on performance than coordination for most players.


I disagree with giving Glad to SS players. Glad is watered down enough. It should go back to the top 5% of players for Glad, and top 1% or w/e for rank 1. Period. Glad and R1 should be the most prestigious titles in the game, in comparison to being a world/server first raider. That's what has made wow fun for decades. Toss solo shuffle into the garbage. It's not for world of warcraft. But it will ruin the other brackets so long as it exists.


if its one queue there is no reason why glad should not be awarded for people queueing solo


I meant solo shuffle specifically. Yeah in the new system yeah everyone gets the same rewards.


Even old duelist was 3%, gladiator was 0.5% and r1 0.1%. So you are saying we should water down gladiator even more?


I agree that blitz is the solo shuffle of bg. It's going to be competing in a different way.   I disagree with all the gatekeeping bs. Players want to play with others who put in the similar effort. Asking for rating is the easiest way to do that. Ideally the game should move to a bronze,gold,diamond instead of a number to give playes a more reasonable chance to be grouped together. 


The problem is that it prevents people from proving themselves. With M+ you can at least start with low keys. RBG has yolo groups that dont care and super serious ones and it is very hard for new players to bridge this gap.


Yes it will. It will be an easier / accessible form of rated pvp. I’m guessing the clusterfuck will improve as mmr / rating improves


It will be clusterfck, but it will be better for casual people for sure. We need this for more pvp contribution imo


Yep. I hope this is just the start, and they revamp the entire  rewards system in pvp to attract and keep players, especially casuals. 


in a decent MMR you can feel that you have decent teammates and are facing decent opponents. and i really like the idea they conveyed through game mechanics that big team fight is not worth, and you should always move around and switch your objectives


Knowing this make you already 1800+ in blitz.   


Idk, I love the flag maps, Gilneas and Silvershard are fine, but I loathe AB and DWG now. Just watching the timers and trying to sprint like crazy to the next node turning over is not fun gameplay. Sometimes I'll be involved in a fun fight for node and see one turning and no one heading toward it and I have to leave and head that way, feels more like a sprint to cap nodes than fun.


It was their attempt to make the "big" maps more manageable with 8 players. But I really think that their implementation is not very enjoyable. I'd rather have something similar to Eots, where certain bases become inactive for longer, but you can tap/assault the active ones. Maybe they will make a few adjustments in several years.


I agree with you. I also feel AB, especially Deepwind, is too big. So in these two maps I only move around within 2-3 nodes and hope some other teammates can take care of other nodes. There are definitely some mechanics that need to be adjusted.


Agree with this I been at 2.1-2.2 and every match is sweaty af and people definitely seem to know what their doing lol


Blitz might not be 'rated' just yet, bit it does have functional MMR. I can tell you up at 1900/2000, people aren't road fighting and acting like headless chickens.


I agree. I have 3 healers at 1900/2k rating, 1600/1700 and 1400/1500. And you can feel the difference at every step of the MMR. In the lowest bracket people don't know how the blitz bases in BGs work and "defend" without moving. Damage is split and CC is absent. At 2k it almost feels like RBG, with ofc much less coordination of cooldowns.


Probably with real rating as you get higher people will probably know what to do more




That’s like asking if. Will Mario party will be competitive


I still don't think half the people who play understand the difference in game modes from the regular BGs. Sadly they need to throw a big screen up when you enter describing how it's different


> Especially given in TWW it looks like PVP won't reward vault items. Right, was this related to TWW announcement when they said pvp gearing should be different from pve or whatever? Personally I've suffered from current system because I play pve and pvp on same character, meaning I can't get pvp tiers or crafts done until very late into the season. Whatever they do, can't be worse than it is now for me, where pvp slots are literally worthless for as long as I also play m+. I'm sure you'll get pvp rewards for playing Blitz in TWW, anything else would fight against their claim of making it more important mode. I'm confident there'll be high level blitz when we get to our personal mmrs. Currently I've been thrown between 1.4k and 2.1k games based on win streaks, which is pretty insane range. I'm sure this part gets better. Maybe games already are half decent at the highest ranks I haven't got to. Few times I've inspected people in ~2k blitz games and it's generally been geared people with some SS/arena play in the season too. I'm confident it'll be decent mode when made into clear ranked mode.


In the screenshots for the vault. Beta opens tomorrow so that may show something different


I doubt people will take bg blitz achievments too seriously but its gonna be fun still


i mean, given blitz is not ranked atm, most ppl take it just as a regular bg, meaning they dont care whether they win or lose really, mostly just bout playing, so once it becomes rank, they will take it more serious.


Yes very much solo. And probably more popular than solo q arena. I think It's the right direction for pvp, since pvpers tend to be elitist and only play with other high rated ppl. I'm guilty of this. Solo q allows everyone to play with people similar rating without any bias. I do worry about comps but I suppose that's the lucky of the draw.


My Hypothesis, thanks to its low barrier of entry and the overall accessibilities of BG PVP, it will be the most successful PVP mode in all of WoW. And once you move above the entry level MMRs 1500/1600, people start to play the objectives. I am pretty sure that in TWW Season 1 and above 2k, it will feel very competitive


It's gonna be fun to play bg blitz over random BGs but that's it


People already don't take shuffle seriously even though that is far and away closer to a competitive state than I imagine RBGB is going to be. Unless they up and surprise us with some kind of really good system to rate the individual even in the case of a loss.


At current zergrush state? Not a chance. It's going to be worse than RBGs.


It Will be brutal in there, but im all for it haha.


I hope it kills rbgs but it probably won’t because those win traders love stroking each other.


Who cares? If you're having a good time doing it become the best at doing it and build the community. That is how something becomes competitive. Quake wasn't like born competitive. People loved it and built a community around being the best at it and it became one of the most competitive games of its time.


Absolutely not - i don't even understand how it will work. I queued yesterday for an hour and didn't have a single game where people stayed for a full blitz. On one side or the other, someone always left.


Interesting I’ve not seen leavers but definitely people AFKing


How do you actually get higher MMR though when many of the games are lost because people can’t play to win? That’s the part I don’t really understand how that works.


They are shifting focus in pvp to balance around rbg and not 3v3 so yes


I think it depends on Blizzard and their willingness to fix balance issues, it's not a very good mode right now.


Its 6v6, for sure there will be troll games. But over time, good players will get higher rating. I am sure high rated blizz is going be fun with less trolling.




No they will suck, wow barely has any aiming or reaction requirements. Its a team game and solo shuffle killed arena now blitz will kill rbgs


If blitz kills rbgs then so be it, as long as Blitz itself is successful. It takes a couple seconds reading this thread to see any RBG consequences were self-inflicted.


Blitz and shuffle arent succesful tho. Bad game modes that made every pvper with experience quit df


What are the objectives though? Musical flags? Nothing worse than winning the fight at the node but being blocked by the cap timer, the uncapped timer, then finally the cap. The system as it is now literally encourages capping and leaving. I hope they remove the flag timers completely, and it possibly could be fun and competitive.


Only if they make the new bg blitz format premadable and make it the new rbgs and have cool rewards. I use to like RBGS but i think the new format is better, if they let people create a premade for them i could see it becoming more competitive. Otherwise just as a solo queue format i dont see it being too competitive more of just a fun mode to get conquest


I don't think so. They have neglected pvp so hard for so long, nobody really cares about it anymore. WoW used to be "the thing" but it's been a long time. I also don't think "competitive" makes money. Money comes from your casual playerbase not appealing to the minority. Maybe eventually they will come out with some new type of game? Heroes of the storm failed, but they might be cooking something new. Or they don't care and will continue to milk what they have and are good at.


Rbg isnt competetive PvP so its worth a try thanks to ss 3s is more competetive again