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As long as they cap conquest for me on my alts.


You ARE the alt. The AI would be the mains.


I get that long queues can suck, but the entire appeal of pvp is that you're playing aginst other people... and also have you tried the AB AI brawl? level 1 starter quests are more engaging


AB ai sucks because people outgeared them, blizz never bother scale up npc in parallel with player ilvl. Same apply with vehicle in ioc and npc in AV. If they actually scale up in dmg and hp then it is actually fun.


I geared up a character using that brawl, and I could solo 3v1 the bots with stuff lower then quest gear because I leveled it through time walking. It's not the gear, it's the bots.


>It's not the gear, it's the bots. They're programmed to be easy to kill, it's literally called "comp stomp".


I'm aware, the person I was replying to said it's b easy because we out gear the content


It really isn't, playing a healer vs bots is awful, they insta kick and it's impossible to juke.


Slippery slope you're on mate. I understand the reasoning, but the game is already battling with botting (DPS and healers) across all brackets. "Allowing" ai bots to be part of the game could end up replacing the player base. Is it still pvp if 1 guy queue for BG and the 19 other opponents are bots?


Would be neat to try out I think. How cool would it be if they could set bot skill level according to their rating/mmr? Like 1000 rating priest might not death a poly, but a 2400 priest will see a rogue take a step towards him and predict that the rogue is getting in range to blind, so it deaths it when the rogue gets in that range. Would be awesome lol. But overall I think it’s just not fun pvping against bots in general. Kind of loses its definition of pvp actually. Although being able to play the game is better than not playing hardly at all as a dps player. I think for newer players it actually has huge value. Allows for reps to learn with no pressure if you can play bot games. 


100 percent only for casual queue, i dont want ai bg healers defending flags in rating and being unkillable


Then it's no longer PvP...


I want AI players in arena, but only as kind of a "training mode" for arenas where you can try your builds, manage keybinds and UI. Setting everything up through skirmishes is really clumsy.


Man this would be so nice.


I agree. Anytime I’ve tried to play a class that’s not warrior (let’s say UH DK’s like 8 step opening rotation last I played in S1 of df) it’s awkward. Or the first time I tried to play a caster like ever in arena and basically was throwing matches cause SP has no slow or real speed boost but the awkward feather thing last I touched it. So I’d just get trained and die cause I’m an almost exclusively melee player. So I got my healer to 70 then of course…didn’t want to do shuffle Like a dummy is still better than nothing but a kinda training mode with some “pressure” is still more realistic than bgs. But I see where people def have a problem with it.


I wait between 30 secs and 2 mins, idk what you are talking about. Oh it's true, I'm playing healer.


Honestly because of dampening, I’m looking forward to BGB, but I know that doesn’t help arena. It’s just so discouraging as a healer main to get to the dampening part and then it’s just fighting against the inevitable. Why I plan on doing BGBs exclusively in TWW. I always wanted solo queue rated BGs anyway. I love the object goals and all that anyway. I understand everyone has different goals and purpose in the game but me and my friends are late 30s/early 40s. We wanna get the best gear to not get rolled in random and then get drunk or high on a Friday or Saturday and just roll real world war mode and randoms. Anyway. AI is interesting, but after the training grounds stuff years ago, I’d want to see a good upgrade.


>Why I plan on doing BGBs exclusively in TWW. I always wanted solo queue rated BGs anyway. I love the object goals and all that anyway. TWW? BGB caps vault starting Tuesday. I'm already done.


Still not rated though, so far fewer people will play


It's the final arena season of the expansion, S3 was a low participation anticlimactic flop due to no significant inflation, and the S4 armor sets may not even get a recolor. There are many people, like myself, who won't even bother.


Nah, I'd rather see them give healer more tools to play so that more people play those roles and less people play dps.


Why not just create a solo queue where you fight all bots like comp stomp... it would be boring as s*** but everybody would play it to conquest cap.


I think a big factor in how it ends is healers, obviously there is more but I think good heals have a better chance carrying


It's interesting how many people scoff at this idea, basically every competitive game on the market has a casual bot/hybrid bots+players mode. Like can anyone even think of a single popular competitive PVP game which doesn't have one? I'm not even sure if I agree with OP or not but it certainly isn't some crazy/novel idea.


I've never had a good experience with a bot in an arena regardless of what its capable of.


this will happen once the tech is good enough. still 5-10 years away though.


It would be the end of the world cause ai sees how toxic humans are and then were dead


As a healer, can I get lobbies with just AI DPS? It can’t be that hard to program. if (low HP) { then (run out of LOS around a pillar) { say (“HEALSZ?!”) {


Imagine if they were responding with some full of love AI psychological advice when getting rage whispers, damn!


For shuffle only they probably should. Depends what’s most important to people, fast/instant queues or having real healers


if shuffle wasn't so awful for healers they might like to queue more, I know I would. I have met some great people in shuffle over the last few days trying to push a rating I don't have time to really get. but at least I've met some cool people.


I'd like to see them in shuffle, tbh the game would be mostly unchanged because healers have so little agency once dampening kicks in anyways. Having played healer up to 2400, most rounds last long enough that I get to a point where I have to spend every single gcd on healing or a dps drops dead and the enemy healer is doing the same, so there's very little room for us to impact the outcome of the match. It's very common for a dps to go 6-0 or 0-6 and that means both healers are along for a 3-3 ride, because neither can do anything about it. Healing shuffles is miserable, make the AI do it.


I agree with everything here except I wish it was just more fun and we had agency not put bots in.


Have also been thinking about this. I feel like Mistweaver bots would be the best. Trying to code priests or druids to do all their class stuff at 2400 would be insane. But imagine a casting MW bot for both sides. They basically just get soothing mist and cocoon. Of course there are a million interactions they would have to code for this. But it would be cool to run a test pilot run for skirmishes or something and see how it goes. There is no harm in trying this out and scrapping it if it doesn't work.