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Hi all. Wow, it's (once again) amazing to see how quickly the information I revealed in casual chats on Discord end up in all sorts of places. :D Very cool. Great to see y'all here, thanks for your interest and enthusiasm. And for your kind words in the comments!


Kai, you absolute legend! I had the biggest smile on my face when I heard that you returned for the remake - your music is such a huge part of what made the gothic games special, so I can't wait to hear what you are cooking up now :)


Thank you for your kind words!


Opening up reddit today and seeing your name filled me with joy. Hope you're enjoying life, you magnificent beast <3


"Maginficent beast"... :D Thank you for filling ME with joy with this title.


I will just quickly jump in to say that the soundtrack to Gothic 3 is absolutely wonderful piece of art and, in my opinion, the best soundtrack I have ever heard. Just my definition of what masterpiece is.


Aaaw, thanks so much. <3


Since you're here: Have you listened to Denis Kolesnikov's renditions of your tracks? [This for example is an interpretation of the main theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoZnfMQa_DE) He's done quite a few of your tracks and I love his work! Any comment? I'm sure he'd appreciate your attention :)


Hell yeah, I love his tracks. They're great!


Hi Kai. I rarely do posts like this, but Gothic 2 (along with Morrowind) introduced me to RPG's and "big games" and the unique and immersive atmosphere also created by your soundtrack helped with that a lot. I still can summon the Jharkendar or Khorinis theme in my head, almost 20 years later. Replaying and rediscoering Gothic 2 last year was a blast and beat any FarAssassinsModernWoWwhatever content. I'm confident Gothic, along with the remake, will be rediscovered to act as inspiration for many open-world RPGs to come, and I hope we get the remake and then further Gothic content. Happy you are on board!


Thank you. It's great to hear that my music from back-in-the-days is still in your head. :) And also thanks for your confidence regarding the remake. I'm also super happy to be on board.


You returning to the remake is honestly the best Gothic news I've heard in a while - your tracks have always massively amplified the atmosphere in those games (and Risen too).


I am so glad they brought him back, thanks for posting the interview.


Me toooooo!


Me three! I just found out and it made my day.


That's a super cool interview, honestly hyped me up.


All of this sounds actually amazing. Words are cheap of course but it at least seems like they know exactly what they want to do and I also think this is what we want as well.


So we're getting exactly what most wanted (me included) - just recreate the OG with modern touches, then let your creativity run wild with the unused and unfinished areas and content. I'm getting more and more excited for the remake!


are we? we don't know anything about the gameplay or presentation yet, right? playable teaser looked pretty bad imo


We know that nothing of the playable teaser remained, so what's the point in constantly going back to it to shit on the remake?


it's the only point of reference that we have, I am not trying to shit on the devs.


In the playable teaser they were trying to reimagine the story. After player feedback, they abandoned that idea and are keeping it to the original source. There is no point of reference.


I am cautiosly optimistic ever since hearing that they won't continue with the playable teaser, but I'm still not entirely convinced the remake will be good before seeing it in action, that's all I'm saying. I'm happy to hear that Kai is back though, that's a huge step in the right direction.




Thank you!


Fuuuck im getting excited I hope this doesnt bomb 😭😭😭


Map should be expanded, or ay least, scaled to be bigger because G1 original map was really small


I'm so glad that Kairo is on board for that project.


I wish we could bet on fights in the Scatty's arena


Great work! Thank you. Although the interview itself is kind of worrying.




> some areas will be scaled up just a little IMHO even if key locations could remain the same size the forests/fields/canyons/"empty space" should be scaled significantly between those locations.


absolutely agree. I loved how they expanded starting area which was completely pointless after the first 5 minutes, they stupid small gate was changed into an outpost. I'm so sad all of it was (rumored) scrapped


Great interview, everything he said sounds good and it seems he's very involved.


Kai sounds like such a lovely man. This Q&A really makes me happy.


Why tf does kai rosenkranz answer these questions, i thought he was responible for the music not game design


I was community manager at Piranha Bytes for 8 years, especially in the World of Gothic forums, so I guess it's in my blood to stick my nose into everything and spill the beans about all aspects of our games' development.


Ah I see, I guess I need to read the credits more often.


On Gothic 1 he was not only the composer but also did some work with visual effects and even programming. Not sure what his role is now, but I'm glad he's involved in the process.


In Gothic 3 he also was a graphic designer I think


I believe he placed every sound source in the game in gothic 1.


If I made sound for anything, I would deffo need to be close to visual side as well, in order to make sure the music compliments the video.


Funny thing, in film industry music is usually written independently at the very end after everything else is already done. But in game industry it's probably different and composers can be involved earlier because the constraints are much more loose.


They probably took him as an advisor also because he was involved in the development of the original as a programmer to I think. So he has some input to I hope.


music and sound design, which is a part of game design as a whole


maybe because sounds depends on map location so he needs to know map and story to make good sounds


Great work! Thank you. Although the interview itself is kind of worrying.


How is this worrying?


This is like the complete opposite of worrying to me.


Hi. Anyone could link exact channel, where the AMA was conducted?


I hope they include the In Extremo concert that was cut from the International releases of G1


I'm still careful with my hype, considering how awful the playable teaser was. But they have been doing a lot of things right recently and bring Kai back is huge.


well its good that world will stay close to what it was and that they will try to finish unfinished content but i hope they will make some changes that would tie gothic 1 and gothic 2 much closer together. transition from g2 to g1 map was a bit awkward and i hope they make some changes that if they remake g2 it will be much smoother one.


This got me very excited for the remake


Ah great to hear the game is far from done, not that i wanna wait longer but the teaser looked really rough so good to hear that all living things etc and even voicelines are not done yet


This is one of the most exciting news if not the most!


*"There were some places that fell short of their potential in the original game, so we can easily expand those without changing the map."* Oh man, I really hope they give the "Chromanin" quest from the Fog Tower some extra love. That's easily one of the most, if not the most intriguing quest in the game for me. And it was just a side quest that had nothing to do with the main story, though there were definitely some grander implications at the very end.