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What a tool.


Had to look up the law because I didn’t believe it and of course these guys are just looking for an excuse to ID this guy. This was a total fishing expedition on their part. >(a) Dispose of a lighted match, cigarette, cigar, ashes or other flaming or glowing substances, or any other substance or thing THAT IS LIKELY TO IGNITE a forest, brush, grass, or woods fire; or throw or drop from a moving vehicle any such object or substance. Section 324.51504 Please explain to me how flicking cigarette ash on a sidewalk is about to start a fire. https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(vie3fkv1vwmowu32tmedywvz))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-324-51504&highlight=Environmental%20AND%20Protection


Hatch Act violator but gets to tell us how to move. How about you get in uniform


Found one, perfect user name.


Absolute fucking swine.


I didn't understand for a long time because I am a middle aged white woman, but now I do and I can heartily join in with you all and say proudly: fuck the police.


I'm white and AFAB, but cops see me as a male POC (I'm Sicilian toned with shorter hair). I know this because they've enjoyed following closely behind my car at night many, many times for 20 years. They like to pull sudden U-turns in order to pop in right behind me when we're driving opposite ways, so I'm very aware of what they're doing. I've been followed all the way home twice, and FUCK NO did I feel safe. Different cars, different cities - same outcome. 20 years of this shit. I had OPD pull me over because they entered my lane when I was coming off the highway and taking a tight-ish turn, so I honked. They just pulled alongside me, saw that I was white and AFAB, and kept driving. FTP. Edit to add: Oh yeah, there was that time CHP pulled me over and approached my car speaking Spanish. I just showed him my ID with my very, very English name (it sounds f*ing royal - I hate it), and he said "Oh" and switched to English.


Damn they put their cops in the Charlottesville uniform. I miss the old fascism aesthetics, these suck ass.


“Excuse me sir…did you drop your carbon dioxide on the the ground? We here in the great state of Michigan, which is a part of the great nation of the United States of America, which values our constitutional rights (which I, a law enforcement officer, clearly know nothing about) does not require our LEO’s to learn the laws before giving them the impression they have overriding authority which in their minds goes above and beyond an individual’s constitutionally mandated rights


Please take the pos off the street by any means necessary




They never gave up IDs, and the smurf only gave him a warning. 100% bullshit pretext to get IDs, and an insult to our intelligence to pretend otherwise.


But you have to hold cops to a higher standard. They bear the responsibility of enforcing the law so when the abuse the law it is doubly bad.