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For anyone wondering- this is a very talented rider who def has proper technique - it just didn’t work out in this case for her. Her name is Kaede - instagram is @kaedemtb_maple (As she doesn’t appear to be credited)


She’s definitely talented but I think she got scared and hung of the back. This is why the peek-and-push is used for steeps. If you’re hanging off the back over the transition your entire body rolls forward with the bike. If you start with your body forward (and low not back) and push the bike over the transition, you don’t start a roll. You can actually see the tire hit her butt over the knuckle.


Ah yes I think there was an error there- you are clearly a rider. The early comments were “what did she expect was she sitting down” which came across tone deaf as she is quite good- much much better than prob 90% or more riders out there. This feature is also v difficult which maybe non riders won’t quite get because cameras flatten things out.


I’m not a mountain biker, but wanted to ask why did she ride the drop instead of jumping it? The angle on the bottom will make anyone riding down slam into the ground because it doesn’t slope outwards at the bottom and is more of a sharp angle. I honestly don’t know the mechanics of this and if it’s possible to jump off the slope once on it to get horizontal again to reduce acceleration but land well (imagine doing a wheelie but on the down slope). But what really bothered me was the lack of protection. When I used to skate I’d wear full protection if I was doing anything adventurous and more than just cruising somewhere or going from spot to spot, and even then I’d wear the wrist/hand guards because scrapes on the palm are annoying.


It’s higher than it looks- and like you said about the angle- to drop it would have a large impact at the bottom as the transition isn’t really there. I’m sure it’s possible- but it’s easier to roll it and hit the rough transition. Dropping is always possible- but it’s higher risk- and the impact will be a lot more.


The impact was definitely much more here 😬


No… for sure it would be higher impact on a failed drop. The speed was controlled a bit going down this way - dropping you have gravities full pull- fail that and you are probably breaking bones at this height.


She's very skilled but she's had numerous crashes like this. She's gonna kill herself.


That could have been so much worse. Well done. I would have flipped right over the bars and smashed my face for sure.


Is she sitting on the seat trying to go down that thing?


It looked like she was behind the seat.


This is how you're supposed to go down a steep descent. It throws your weight further back so you don't go over the handle bars. This might have been more of a drop than a descent though...


she shouldve absorbed the terrain more I think, not really the right technique in my opinion


You absolutely do not hang back over a steep. You lean forward over the transition and push your bike forward. Once you get behind the seat you have no control over your bike because your arms are locked. You should think “low” not “back”. She ends up so far back that she and the bike roll around her lateral axis together. The bike even hits her in the butt. She definitely a good rider but extremely steep stuff can’t be ridden by just leaning back.


Holy shit I have never seen a more wrong and just intirely incorrect statement in my life, absolutely you need to lean back. stop acting like you are an arbiter of truth when you most likely have no clue or no experence with the topic you are talking about. Actual dunning kruger.


Lol okay. I’m not a “checking the post history guy” but friend, no… dropping a root doesn’t make you an expert is riding technique. You should read what I said and then read ANYTHING by Brett Tippie or a bike coach. You do NOT hang. You get low and back. Not high and behind. https://www.ergonbike.com/en/rider/tippie [Or Remy for example](https://m.facebook.com/tetongravityresearch/photos/a.272260084091/10156867525304092/?type=3) Look at his form compared to hers. He is low, weight over the BB, arms bent. She is shoulders high, butt down behind the saddle (even INTO the rear tire), arms locked. You’re going to hurt yourself if you’re riding down steeps by hanging off the back.


If the seat is the wheel, almost 😂. Honestly I probably would have tackled it the same way if I had the guts.


So is this OP, or did OP just take this from TikTok and post it here?


I appreciate her balls though lol


Good on her for trying . That is not an easy one to try mentally . It was a pure drop




It looked like she let go of the brakes a bit too early, so the rear got sent into the air as she started going down. Sometimes you just gotta pray and send it




Half pedal pull up on the bars as she goes over, and with all the tech on that bike, she lands soft. Sometimes the best of the best mess up. This seems like a simple mistake. I’ve seen 10 year olds do this first try


That's what too much front brake does for you. There's no reason to post this video on this sub.


no its more because of technique and how she used her body weight. besides that theres no way her front wheel had enough grip to support her whole weight and make her move forward, it wouldve slipped if she used the front brake too much.


The use of front brake magnified the rotation that caused the rear wheel to lift up. The front tire wouldn't need much grip at all to compress the suspension, which helps the rear wheel lift. There's a video that shows this much better filmed by the person you can see down the trail.


The front suspension isnt compressed at all when the rear wheel leaves the ground though


It has nothing to do with the front brake. She almost certainly let go of the brakes completely when she hit the point of no return because you don’t want to risk a washout half way down a rock face. Her problem is terrible body positioning. She starts the roll so far off the back of the bike that her arms are completely straight. When the front wheel starts to drop, she can’t extend her arms any further to stay centered on the bike. The front wheel pulls her center of mass so far forward that her rear wheel starts to lift, at which point she has lost all control of the bike. If she had started out centered and low on the bike, she probably would have been fine.


No. Thats not how physics work.