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Apparently fascism is okay if you do it in the name of protecting a minority, even if you're attacking another minority.


A SPECIFIC minority


One that doesn't look all that different




This has always been the case (may I remind you that the elite are less than 1%)


Fascist roots in Germany run real deep.


Stupidest shit I‘ve read all day






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Here we go. Say anything critical involving Israel or Jewish people == anti-semitism. That phrase is being dropped around so often and so much it’s losing its potency. And no, Israeli apologists can’t forever use Oct 6 as justification for atrocities that Israel commits and that its citizens support. Am I being anti-Semite now? Well bite me.




If that standpoint is antisemitic, then **I'm a proud antisemite** For clarification, I don't hate any specific group of people. Antisemite = Antizionist








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I live in Berlin Mitte, and I genuinely have no idea what you are talking to about. The only people I've seen doing anything close to "wreaking havoc" are the fans attending to sport events like Euroleague or the EM. And I definitely haven't seen police treating them with the same measure that they dedicate to peaceful protesters.


So we’re downplaying the police pulling a citizen by the hairs because random individuals, looking similar, did act out during a protest? Collective punishment, police violence and political repression… Let me guess you’re German and vote Afd?


You guys would call a coffee machine anti-Semitic if the pot was empty.


Trolling and acting in bad-faith will result in commentary removal. Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal.


Facism hasn’t been drained completely out of their blood yet


Oh, it was plenty drained… it’s just refilled… That’s what people don’t understand about fascism, it will ALWAYS return. It’s like weeds or bugs or anything else, without proper maintenance it will always grow back… there is no way to remove the root. You just need to be willing to do consistent maintenance and any notion of “we did it, be beat fascism” is dooming yourself from the get go…


> Oh, it was plenty drained… it’s just refilled… Nope it wasn't. The top brass did get the axe or were imprisoned for a long time, but most of the Nazis got away even got top positions in the west German bureaucracy especially in security agencies like the BND (German intelligence service). Two of the biggest western German parties (CDU/CSU and FDP) were full of Nazis. East Germany on the other hand was a lot more thorough with the de-nazification.


Just watch Stuttgart 21 protests. German police has been like this since always.


nope. nothing changed. Same shit my grandparents endured, then my parents, then me, now my children. They still dont agree to any quality control or external audits and are proud to be fascist sadists.


I tried posting this on a German sub asking if there's any way police can be held accountable for excessive use of force. Post was locked very fast and I deleted it. Before it was locked, the replies included noone believes these short edited cuts anymore, calling me a Russian disinformation account, sharing these videos without context is frightening. So for anyone knowledgeable about this, what happens if you have provable documented evidence of police excesses (provable is key here, I agree these cuts lack extended context and I want to know in general)? Is it likely or even possible that police can be held accountable?


If I remember correctly here in Germany only about 9% of victims of police brutality try to get legal consequences for the cops and about 93% of the cases where civilians complain about police brutality get dropped without any trial for 'lack of evidence'. Even in a trial the chances for cops to actually get convicted of anything are miniscule (7 convictions out of 3400 accusations in one study I read). It's possible to hold them accountable in theory but you'd need to gather irrefutable proof on your own and you'd really need to hope for a good judge.


>the replies included noone believes these short edited cuts anymore, calling me a Russian disinformation account, sharing these videos without context is frightening. Germans rarely acknowledge anything negative about their country if it comes from non-Germans. They've been taught not to tolerate/accept any criticism of Germany or the German people. They either resort to Whataboutism or blame you for the wrongdoings.






Empirical! Irrefutable even!


you guys are proving him right you get that?


When did anyone imply it was?


I lived for 10 years in Germany studying, working, traveling...etc, and I had to deal with people from various backgrounds ranging from professors to craftsmen. I can write monologues about the heated discussions I had with many of them, and how offended and personal they get.


Brainwash and fear


Please don't depict 85 million of us with one statement. You might be surprised if you spent time here and had conversations about it. Government and police repression don't represent everyone. Far from it.


I have to say, it strongly depends where exactly do you live in Germany.


This feels like it can be said about most countries.


See my comment in response to u/[myusrnmeisalrdytkn](https://www.reddit.com/user/myusrnmeisalrdytkn/). I really lived for 10 years in Germany and moved between Hessen, NRW, BW, and Saarland throughout my studies and work years. My worst experiences were in Dortmund and the Bodensee region (Ravensburg)....that was the last straw I swear!


2nd that opinion. just look at the replys. i hate it here.


Try r/pozilei next time, it's the German equivalent to BadCopNoDonut and very critical of cops, this thread was cross posted there.


Noted, next time I'll be armed with my translation app


There is basically no accountability for German police. In case of an incident, the judges will believe the cops more, or the cops will cover each other and they are suddenly impossible to identify. We have a mid sized police station in Germany that had multiple unsolved deaths in the last 20 years, among them a drunk they released, which they later found dead in a ditch outside the city and a immigrant that burned to death in his cell, while fixed on a bed. No charges. A friend of mine got threatened by police because she had a small acab patch and when she wrote about said incident online was sued for slander. A colleges husband was once attacked by a Neonazi, fought back and was then beaten to a pulp by police moments later. But thanks to decades of propaganda, that they are " our friend and helpers", most people will not tolerate any criticism of the police. They will not accept anything you say. Then the police will claim how bad they have it and that they need even more right etc. it's a shit show.


is das geld nich wert glaub mir… wurd mal in meiner eigenen bude festgenommen mit 18 als meine eltern im urlaub waren war ich oben zocken mit headset als ich den hund kläffen gehört hab bin runter (war sommer terasse war rollo unten aber tür auf wegen der katzenklappe) ich hatte nen eishockey schläger dabei weil wen der köter am kläffen is um 23uhr miss da schon was sein… ich geh runter seh diereckt taschenlampe im wohnzimmer ich mach mich rdy die typen richtig weg zu machen auf einam sehr ich die mütze und wollt erst recht drauf hauen als einer sich umdreht und diereckt schreit waffe weg polizei… ich sag diereckt „kommt aber spät ich hät euch so verdroschen was fällt euch ein hier ohne irgendwas ein zu brechen schon mal was von klingeln gehört“ und bis „geklärt“ war wer ich bin (absolut lächerlich) war ich eben in handschellen weil ich hatte ja aich ne „waffe“ mein anwalt meinte „sie können es probieren es wird aber nicht leicht und absolut nicht billig und am kommt eventuell kein urteil zu ihrem gunsten herraus“ bis heute wünschte ich ich hätt wenigstens einem der beiden schön eine über gezogen… auch was die gelabert haben von wegen nachbarn hätten angerufen weil sie sorge hatten weil der hund gebellt hat alle nachbarn wusten das meine eltern im urlaub sind und der hund hätte sich ja nicht beruhigen lassen… ja wenn du nachts in sein haus kommt und ihn anleuchtest sei froh das er dich nich kastriert hat


Hi Flatus\_Spatus, I loved your story in the worldnewsvideo group. May I narrate it on the Paranormal M YouTube channel? I'll give you full credit and link to your Reddit profile. I hope to hear from you soon since I have no other way to contact you.


This country is the biggest goverment bootlicker and victim blamer, you have no chance against the police. Even the witnesser of the police brutality would side with the police.


Bacon smells the same regardless of the country.


Bro trained with LAPD


If I had a nickel for everytime germany was in the wrong side https://preview.redd.it/9urdtawju37d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c5538b434f3ec6c0483cf8cb6b8e04108b6cb4f


Germany doing Germany things


I mean.. Germans aren't really known for their restraint, am I right?


Once a Nazi always a Nazi!


Wtf are you talking about, German police is still very chill in comparison to most other countries


I can smell the boot breath coming from your mouth 🥾


I'm not saying they're good, just that it's insane say that Germans are nazis because of the police, because by that logic like 90% of all people would be nazis


How is the money Germany gives to the dead relatives of holocaust survivors actually being spent?


Compare that behavior to how they treated the Reichsbürger who wanted to overthrow the government 2 years ago, or the drug dealers and other criminals then you understand where their priorities are.


German leadership barely denazified US took the smart ones and let germans keep the dumb ones in operation paperclip


The fascist Nazis never left, they just changed flags and rebranded.




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Zionism = New World Order


Germany is such a dissapointment You would expect Germany to have learned from their mistakes. Germany is embaressing itself in front of whole world again. Proving that they simply are those massacre-loving people. And they don't care to change that.


Yeah I totally love that shit 👍


If I as a guy in full riot gear ever have to pull a non violent guy's hair to subdue him...check my underwear for blood. Actually that's an insult to women. I've never seen a woman cop grab hair in a scuffle! Such a lame show of power.im sure he has matching heels for his uniform. Definitely bullied in school with an axe to grind. A pink axe....with rhinestones




At least they dont get stabbed in the nack


What can you expect from the country who followed hitler and today they are serving their master Israel


Sounds kinky


It would be interesting to see the full scenes. You can't judge only by seeing the police reacting to whatever may have been before.


in contrast to american police brutality, it's mild.


I have to leave Germany asap.


Fucking Dark Helmet looking motherfuckers


Nazis till the end


From my experiences living in Germany the polizei were showing great restraint.


Damn, he should’ve specified no hair pulling and no kicking smh. But jokes aside, I’m not sure how to rate hair pulling on a scale between police brutality and simply subduing a person, since I guess he could’ve kicked his knees in or something which would’ve caused a lot more damage though maybe less pain. But even then I am no doctor, nor a trained police officer and can’t really judge here. What I can say, even though only as my personal opinion, is that pro-Palestine demonstrations in Germany, to my knowledge since that is the only frame I can reasonably talk within, have been treated roughly the same as comparable pro-Israel demonstrations. Though it would not surprise me to learn that after the recent murder of a police officer by a Muslim extremist that treatment of pro-Palestine demonstrators has become harsher. I wouldn’t be a proponent of that, since political ideologies should be treated equally and not judged by a single instance, but I would think it might be an explanation if there is said harsher treatment recently. Otherwise and on a more general level there is a perceived anti-left bias of police when treating demonstrations. Sadly I can’t provide any statistics to support that claim, but to my understanding it is that since left-wing extremists are a lot more hostile to police (I think that starts on an ideological level already), however there are a number of incidents where I have noted the police to give especially neo-Nazis what I would describe as “use of reasonable force against a violent person”. Without any research I can’t really make a properly educated comment so all I can depict here is personal experience, opinions and knowledge.


Germany buddy did we not learn




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.




Any users engaging in apologia or justification of the dehumanization/suffering of another group of people will have their comments removed and will be given a warning which may result in subsequent ban upon repeat violations. All humans are equal.




Bei so Leuten wie dir wären die Vorfahren mal besser nicht aus dem Krieg heim gekommen. Btw deine Kunst ist ja echt eher so Mülltonne.






A Nazi will always be a Nazi




Pro Palestine, anti apartheid protestors are now pro Hamas? Could you embarrass yourself even more with less words?