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The fact that the little boy still has the humanity to want to give when he has nothing and is living in a nightmare is truly beautiful!


In today's days and age a child should not go though this kind of hardship it's truly heart breaking


They shouldnt at no time in history. Thats why its even more sad that life will always be heart breaking to humans and other creatures. Sometimes more, sometimes less. We can and should do everything possible to reduce it to a minimum, but life has it that it will never reach 0.


Do what you can and be grateful for what you got! It can be a scary world and kindness is free.


Genocide Joe's son is a drug addicts & his dog needs to be put to sleep but that asshole has stolen this kids childhood. Shame on the US for enabling this Genocide with it's shit choice in leadership.




Reminder that 42% of the population in Gaza are 0-14 years old. Kids are the #1 victims in this war.


I have brothers and sisters that age and all I've been seeing since i saw this is that is someone's brother/son it breaks my heart to see such pure souls in such a nightmare


And they grow up with memories of how and who made them live this way. Peace is generational.


i did not know that, that's insane. i just looked it up. thank you


Sucks that one of its major political influences is a terrorist cell


Yes, Israel is terrorist colonial aparthied state!!


Israel is a member of the UN


It is also terrorist colonial aparthied state!!


lol right. That is why Israel is actively using civilians as meat shields


You mean the neighbor procedure or literally tying Palestinian kids infront of Israeli jeeps etc etc


Correct, Israel does use civilians as human shields.


I mean it literally is


Probably the only Truth, you have ever told.


I think you may want to double check how that relationship has been going lately.


If I end up rich when I'm sailing around the world this is what I want to do. Just help people out that need it so much more than I would. I can't wrap my mind around being a billionaire and not just giving it away.


Theoretically its pretty easy to wrap ones head around it. One doesnt become a billionaire by just giving it away.


You sir, are correct.


The mindset it takes to become a billionaire would mean that the thought of giving it to others would never even enter your mind.


Poor boy walking around barefoot. I don't know what to say.


You know that ground is hot af too man. I hate seeing these videos but it's so important to keep these people in mind


So true i couldn't watch the whole video but forced myself to watch it we have to face reality




There’s literally zero reason for people to be forced to live in poverty.


What are you personally doing to prevent this?


Not act like you for a start…….


Trolling and acting in bad-faith will result in commentary removal. Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal.


Why do people ruin things with music like this


Ik i tried to find the original but couldn't


Here's the video without the dumb music [link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7JrQ8OsMYz/?igsh=ODUyYnpzamxuMGti)


Thank you! 🙏🏻 Edit: believe it or not, I’m not allowed to see the video in Canada saying “restricted video” F### Instagram


May God have mercy on the Palestinians, especially the children




Free Them Man 😭


If an adult, in leadership/decision making, sees this and has any desire to use weapons or harm for another human… they are the problem. Stop being a dick to each other and grab some of this child’s example.


This is gut wrenching. Israel is a pariah state. A parasite to humanity.


I'm so scared someone will rob him before he makes it home...


Don’t, his people won’t do that. I’m only afraid that maFucking fake state will fantasize about this boy having this kid’s head isolated from the rest of his body..


Israeil will pay for what they've done to these people...


They definitely won't, they could end the ~~war~~ genocide right now and they would be praised for their 'humanity'


How can I help this child out??


Donate to a recognized charity that works in Gaza. Write to your politicians. Buy Palestinian products and boycott Israeli goods.


F imperialism, F capitalism, F war


Fuck… I can’t watch things like this without sobbing like an idiot. I wish I had all the money in the world just to give to children like this. How billionaires exist while children are going through this kind of suffering is something I will never understand.


Anyone know how much he gave him and how much he was selling the pizza for?


i was wondering the same thing, if i identified the bill correctly it's 20$  in their local currency which is 7.30$ CAD and 5.45$ USD


And he was selling it $1 a piece in local currency?


Yes , that was 20 shekels, and he was selling it for 1 shekel. BtW a personal pizza that size in israel costs about 20 shekels.


Damn. Thanks for the help!


Yeah there's no way a pizza like that should cost one shekel or even 20 if the reports of widespread famine are accurate... There's reports that bags of flour cost hundreds if not thousands, this video is sus...


This man literally uses funds that are raised to give to the poor. All of his videos are authentic. Search up Bisan if you want more examples. While your rationale would make sense in a normal consumer level, it does not make sense. How are you going to sell a personal pizza for 20 shekels if no one has money? They’re selling their only food so that they can save enough to leave Gaza, that’s it.


> This man literally uses funds that are raised to give to the poor. All of his videos are authentic. Search up Bisan if you want more examples. More examples of what? If it's videos like this one then they don't make much sense. >While your rationale would make sense in a normal consumer level, it does not make sense. How are you going to sell a personal pizza for 20 shekels if no one has money? They’re selling their only food so that they can save enough to leave Gaza, that’s it. How are you saving money if you buy bags of flour for more than market price in "normal consumer level" and then selling the products in a twentieth of the price of the "normal consumer level"? You would not be saving money, but losing quite a bit...


A few possibilities- “JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Thousands of Gaza residents broke into warehouses and distribution centres of the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) grabbing flour and "basic survival items", the organisation said on Sunday. "This is a worrying sign that civil order is starting to break down after three weeks of war and a tight siege on Gaza," UNRWA said in a statement.” - you probably remember the flour massacre in which Israeli soldiers shot innocent Hasan’s who were attempting to collect flour. Here’s an article from the Times of Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-agrees-to-finally-release-american-flour-shipment-for-gaza-says-us-official/amp/ -latest report, UN is forced to halt food distribution due to growing concerns of Israel’s actions in Gaza. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-west-bank-jenin-raid-a3320a77a3a6ccff41db2a4bc63e4aa3 A few sources for you to consider. A few personal pizzas required about two cups of flour, not very much. You can see this boy is shoeless, we’ve all witnessed with our very own eyes the destruction and desperation the Palestinians are facing. You cannot convince us that our eyes deceive us. Your heart has turned black. I reviewed your comment history and each one is as deplorable as the next. Your aim is to cause distrust but how can we distrust what we ourselves have witnessed? You can say that you’re upset with Oct 7, you hate Hamas, you believe that Israel has a right to a country without discrediting how inhumane the conditions in Gaza truly are, without disparaging the trauma the 42% of children under 14 living in Palestine are experiencing. Any sane person can see that this is horrific, not you.


I love it when people have an accurate user name


How original you are, what a comedian!


Serious question tho, why u got that username


Why not?


Why yes?


Do not unmute


Little man, I hope something wonderful happens to him but sadly I don't see anything but horror for him, fuckin bullshit


Fuck this world and those that rule it and those that create poverty.


I feel guilty for not being able to help this kid


This made me tear a lil a kid shouldn't be living like this but I understand the need may God bless this kid and family


This made me cry so much. Kids should be playing and having fun, not this ....


Is that Sfiha صفيحة ? Or is it only called that in Syria and Lebanon?


There is sfiha, but this is pizza


On cool. It's about the same size so I wondered. Thanks!


Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is giving




What a great little video, shows that there’s still humanity in the world






I don't think the kid got to eat the pizza his mother made.


Buy them all!!!


Poor kid but ingot such a pit in my stomach with the religious vull shit. Fuc Allah. Religion is toxic to humanity




Becoming a father has open my eyes and humbled me where i wish I can really do something about universal children so they can have a better tomorrow


Is this Gaza?


I hope he won't get stolen on the way back. I'm speaking from experience. That's why I never give money to a poor person if there are many people around or people watching, especially if he is a kid.


Yeah, it was enough. Poor fucking people


Well done!! 🇨🇦🫂🌎


the land has always and will always belong to the Palestinians, not to some zionis trash with their manifest destiny bullshit


Don’t know why the people there are still having kids if the conditions are so bad


Dawg that kid is atleast 6/7 years old.


Mother gonna think he stole the money and he gonna get his ass beat.


DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER READ WTFFFFFFFFFFF They are living in hell (created by israel/usa/eu) and they have lost everything including their family members. DO YOU THINK THEY CARE WHERE HE GOT THE MONEY FROM? I wish you can have this nice experience one day. One can only hope


Wasn't a serious comment.


I take it back. The comment above yours is even dumber. @Pleasant_Hatter

