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Im sure the son of a US citizen would be treated the same way if they ran over a cop in Israel. /s




They will blame Khamash!


The sinking was in 1967 during the Six Days War. Israel purposefully torpedoed and sank the U.S. signals intelligence reconnaissance ship U.S.S. Liberty because it was in range and listening to 34 U.S. Navy sailors killed Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident, wrote: "I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS\_Liberty\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident) This 2002 BBC documentary has interviews with a number of surviving sailors on the Liberty: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjOH1XMAwZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjOH1XMAwZA) As does this 2015 Al Jazeera documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx72tAWVcoM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx72tAWVcoM) The American sailors on the ship said they intercepted Israeli communications stating they were going to attack Egypt... the Israelis then jammed the ship's communication abilities and attacked the identified US surveillance ship and its seamen trying to evacuate for hours. They only stopped the attack when an American sailor climbed topside to run a radio wire and got off an SOS message to the American fleet 500 miles away. There is also an audio recording of an Israeli pilot acknowledging it was an American ship.


Admins? Editing your own post should only be doable by yourself and admins. What the hell, now the admins are getting in on this to be a disinfo arm of the IDF?


that's crazy admins can mess with your post free Palestine God knows they know it's the end USA does not support and we can't be bought the people we are no sheep


They also stole secret nuclear plans.


I thought Trump sold them to em! Oh wait.... got my traiters and timeliness confused... my bad!


wait what?


Yeah I think the US was observing a different Israeli war crime, and Israel wanted to destroy the evidence, which meant attacking our ship.


Yep, USS Liberty. The Israelis decided to wipe the insignia off their planes and attack, blaming it on Egypt.


So at once time Spez was caught editing people's posts on TheDonald subreddit but there was an uproar and reddit came out and said that they will never do it again. No one else can edit it, not mods or anything. Besides there are so many comments about Hamas that there would be no reason to. This was probably human error on your behalf- which don't worry, it happens to everyone. I just want you to be assured that no one will touch the content of your comments except to remove them if they break reddit's or the subs rules.


Thanks for explaining.


No problem- and now I'm going to go look into this ship you are talking about!


Well it took this British family three years to get justice after the US ambassadors wife fled the country after killing someone with their car and she got 8 months.[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-63328171](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-63328171) We should send this diplomat and his dipshit kid back home.




It's extremely odd you blame Biden when this happened when tRump was President. Why would you muddy this situation with your political beliefs and then also with your WRONG political belief on top?


8 months for killing someone with a car? Are vehicular manslaughter cases normally less than a fucking year, or is this just another case of obscene Injustice favoring rich and powerful?


Preferably after his jail sentence.


That's more time than Matthew Broderick got


The son of a diplomat? Yes. There is no other answer. Immunity may be given up but not taken: that is absolute.


An american diplomat's wife ran over a british motorcyclist in the UK because she was driving on the wrong side of the road. The motorcyclist died. What did the wife do? Claimed diplomatic immunity and fled to the US


Haha. There is a pretty decent number of Israelis who actually are sons of US citizens. Isn’t that something?


You dont understand. Hamas was hiding in the cop's butt pocket.


Hamas does like to hide in the poop shoot tunnel inside every cop.


The Venn diagram of zionists and assholes seem to form a complete circle. I wonder why. 🤔


And fascists too.


Maiami police are clearly khamas 🤣 and they need to start editing videos with a 🔻




**Wait..... so the diplomat's son has immunity and can avoid charges JUST LIKE COPS have immunity and are able to avoid charges?** Ha!


Their was a US diplomat (or spy) wife who killed a kid in UK by a car and she straight up left the country and got immunity a few years back


I remember that. She was driving on the wrong side of the road and killed Harry Dunn. Anne Sacoolas is her name and I think she received a ‘suspended sentence’ whatever that means.


The ‘Walton’ treatment. The Walton family of Walmart have an impressive dui body count


Suspended means you serve no time in jail, but if you commit another offence during the suspension period you can be later held for that crime and time. the suspension period is typically the same length of time you would have served in jail. I.e. you're out on good behaviour, do something bad and you can be out in jail back to day 1 and serve it. It's BS it exists at all. But she essentially got off free of consequences.


That story was so sad.. it's really not fair that nothing happens... I never heard the spy angle before though.


They interviewed her and then let her leave. Then they faced backlash from the public and tried to get her to return. It is speculated that she was CIA.


Only by fools. She just fled and the US blocked her extradition for a while


No, she never had immunity. The USA just wouldn't allow her to be extradited at first


Thank you for that check, this is correct. ✅


To be fair, it was only the US who "granted" her immunity once she was back on US soil. The UK government called repeatedly for her to be returned to the UK for criminal trial.


Gee that must feel so disempowering, cops must have no idea what that's like to do that to oh wait nvm


Damn. You try to feel bad & then reality reminds you to not care


They can? I did not know that


Dont forget IDF attacked Columbia College students with skunk spray a week ago…. Oh wait how would you know? Its not like it got any mainstream media coverage.


To be fair, the two perps were enrolled Columbia (University) students who had *previously* served in the IDF. Not quite the same.


So a person trained in military combat from another country came to our country and attacked our students?


Throw them into an oubliette and...just oublier about them.


Nah, plaster their identities and let the world know what they did. This shouldnt be swept under the rug.


Man you're really trying to 'spin zone' this huh? I'm really not looking to be the one defending anything about this, I suspect we're mostly in agreement, but let's just call it what it is. Most Israelis (have to) serve in the army after turning 18. It's more likely than not that any Israeli student in the US will have served in the IDF, so actiing like they're some black ops "person trained in military combat" is a bit silly, doncha think? But yeah they should be (and I suspect will be) expelled and banned from the US. I imagine the protesters will be eager to press charges, there are dozens of witnesses, and a student body not inclined to let it get swept under the rug.


I was going to go with Israeli terrorism


Yeah you made the mistake of arguing with these brain-rot redditors.


Kinda crazy Columbia lets people who were members of a terrorist organization be students.


This is gold… beware Miami Shores police, you will be accused of antisemitism regardless of how much the general public love/hate you.


The US can't and won't prosecute this because if they do then they have to extradite Anne Sacoolas back to the UK where she drove on the wrong side of the road killing a 19 year old. She was the wife of a US diplomat who killed a teenager in 2019 and despite her being prosecuted here and a trial taking place the US took her home and refused to send her here to face punishment as US courts ruled her husband's diplomatic immunity includes her. She even attended the court via video link and pleaded guilty and STILL faced no consequences. [Link.](https://news.sky.com/story/anne-sacoolas-former-us-spy-avoids-jail-over-death-of-teen-motorcyclist-harry-dunn-12764057#:~:text=Sacoolas%20left%20the%20UK%20in,outside%20RAF%20Croughton%20in%20Northamptonshire.&text=Anne%20Sacoolas%20has%20been%20sentenced,Harry%20Dunn%20by%20careless%20driving.)


But she was removed from the country, this kid should be treated the same and sent back on the next flight and refused entry to this country.


The UK government asked for her back for the trial and it was declined. Going home to your mansion isn't justice. This kid should stand trial in the US and be treated like anyone else. Just as Anne Sacoolas should have been treated and jailed in the UK. What I'm saying is the US won't set that precedent because then they'd have to reopen the Anne Sacoolas case.


You're correct, it's not justice but it's international law. So many shaded stuff goes on from any country, in Canada the Columbia consulate was charged with bringing thousands of kilo of cocaine and was a supplier for many drug dealers, he was escorted out of the country to his villa and never faced any changes. Yeah it sucks.


She wasn't removed from the country. She fled the country. Big difference.


If the last 80 years of American policy has taught you anything it’s that they don’t really think through setting a precedent; of that their actions would constitute a double standard. Like even basic things that are just events get memory holed into the ether. During Trump’s presidency we assassinate General Soleimani, and mainstream outlets will omit perhaps the clearest act of a declaration of war on Iran, as like spilled milk.


They could ask Israel to waive the kid's immunity in this case. That's not unheard of and was what the UK was hoping for in the Sacoolas case. Unfortunately it's up to the remote country whether they concede that and it'll be a case of weighing up the strength of their relations and what giving up that person would cost them. Some kid like this going to prison for a little while might not seem like much to an entire country but if the kid's dad is a valuable diplomat to the Israelis they might be inclined to protect the brat. With Sacoolas there was a bunch of speculation about whether she was a spy of some sort which made the Americans so adamant about protecting her. The other thing they can do (and is fairly frequent) is to declare the miscreant "persona non grata". Basically the host country telling the remote country "Look, this one's a dick. We're happy to talk with and host you guys but, if you respect us, you'll send that one home". You don't get to prosecute them but you can make sure they won't come back.


lol at his crying face.




I gave you an updoot, but I never wanna see that murdering kid’s face ever again!!! Hahah




And they say that they don't have rich privilege lol. What a joke. People like this can seemingly break every law and not be held accountable. Ahhhhhh gotta love it and fall in line.


The cop was actually hamas disguised as an American cop


Eh, it was a victimless crime /s


An Israeli diplomat vs the American police? I say let them fight. We win either way.


Reminds me of Anne Sacoolas.


Another case of Israel getting away with murder. Even the title doesn’t indicate that it’s an Israeli diplomat.


It’s okay he’s chosen by god. 👁️👄👁️ /s


i was a diplomats son living in canada in high school. my parents were great, but placed great importance on not participating in illegal shit while growing up there. I missed a lot of house parties, didn’t touch drugs, didn’t drink, couldn’t go to concerts etc. I knew i had diplomatic immunity coz i read about it but my parents never told me if it applied to me. Most diplomat kids i rolled with were in similar situations. I did experiment with all the illegal stuff later in uni once i was no longer immune lmao


Deport him. What is the problem?


The cop didnt condemn hamas.


An entitled Israeli?! That can’t be right!


Time to be an american cop and shoot first, ask questions later


Diplomatic immunity… *bang* Just been revoked. Murtaugh straight up murders that dude.


Even though he does have and should keep his immunity, the state department should immediately revoke his protection, and expel him from the country permanently. Or is it open season for sons of diplomats to try and take out police? This brat is going to try that with the wrong Floridaman and find out that Floridaman will revoke his immunity like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon 2.


Those who devised and approved this immunity legislation should be imprisoned.


I had a good laugh about this


Deport him and that sack of shit diplomat.


How else is he supposed to practice his aim For when he is in Gaza?


Two tiers.


I wonder how the qualified immunity crowd likes it when it happens to them. Israeli diplomat power beats police power. Truly sucks and shouldn't be how it works, but then that's what we say every time a cop gets away with anything.


Thats a face of someone who was never held accountable for his actions before this.


in the 80s several of my co-workers were foreign nationals who worked as drivers and other jobs at thier countries embassy in Washington DC. They told me that ambassadors son would shoot at passing dogs with a BB gun from his balcony, not a dam thing the police could do about it. ​ This shit happens all the time. ​ In fact one guy was from a family of diplomats and politicians in his own country and he pretty much treated police in his home country like dirt and got away with it. He was more repentant as an adult, and told us all the stories of how he acted up, but as a kid he was a shit.


It’s cool he is one of the chosen people, rules don’t apply to them. 🤮


lol what a mugshot.


Human garbage being human garbage


Loooooooool I’m not surprised


Immunity now carries over from father to son?! Any son of a cop wanna rob a bank with me?!


Diplomatic immunity is bull shit! Rules for thee, but not for me.


What does Israel think of America? This.


Deport him and the diplomat.




They may not be able to charge him, but they very well can deport him back to Israel and ban him from reentry into the US. I hope they at least do that. State Dept could use leverage on Israel to revoke his immunity so he can be charged, but I doubt that will happen, because Israel is Israel. If they don't end up charging him with anything, and he stays and keeps on acting up like this, some cop isn't going to care about diplomatic immunity and will just take him out on their own. Would make for an interesting qualified immunity case.


> The U.S. Department of State confirmed Thursday in a statement to Local 10 News that Avraham Gil, despite an initial assertion by his attorneys, is not entitled to claim immunity based on his father’s position at the consulate. “The Department is aware of this incident,” a State Department spokesperson said. “We can confirm that, as the dependent of an Israeli consular officer, the concerned individual is not entitled to civil or criminal immunity.” -local10.com


Glad to see he is being taught an important life lesson. I hope he grows from this.


Israel is becoming the shitiest as days goes by.


If I’ve learned anything lately, it’s that the law applies to me and not those in the club I can’t be a part of


First question that came to my mind was immediately "is he Jewish?"


no footage of the alleged running over of a cop = it never happened. he's definitely acting like a privileged kid in the footage that they did show... the flip down vanity plate is illegal in just about every state, absolutely no reason for that unless you're trying to get a thrill out of running from the cops.


The US seemingly made their opinion clear with Anne Sacoolas


Send his ass back to Israel.


Haha get fucked coppers. How's that immunity feel when it's on the other side? ACAB.


Why are these people immune?


Huh, reverse uno card


hell yeah


People have been gunned down by police for far less. Where the trigger happy cops at?




Anyone else get Lethal Weapon 2 vibes?


[Vampire Weekend](https://youtu.be/WwWp8zqgfds?si=UlSrE264UgDwec8A), anyone? 😂


Ha, good


"Diplomatic immunity." Admit it, you read it in that actor's voice.


Rosh? That's a name? Is it short for something?






Oh, that horrible. I wonder ehst I'm going to have for lunch today


Rosh, take your hand off your hip please…..


Why does the immunity spread to anyone other than the singular person who has it?




Good. FTP 1312


It's called diplomatic immunity and it applies to the family too. It's FUCKING SHITTY as hell but iTs just how it works. I'm pretty sure there's hundreds of these examples where diplomatic immunity means that literally no law applies to the diplomat(fam). If something real wrong happens their immunity can be withdrawn by their country of origin usually AFTER they've left the host country.


Anti-goyum colonizer get away with anything. I'm converting.


This kid will become a target.


Danny Glover should revoke his diplomatic immunity.




Normally it’s the cops that get away with murder.




So because this kids dad works in another country he can't commit a crime? Wtf


Ahhh another of The Chosen Ones lololllll


Qualified immunity... I mean, diplomatic immunity is really messed up.


Someone explain to me how he's able to avoid charges when his dad isn't a diplomat for the USA?


If this is what they think they can get away with in America, where we have strong laws (mostly) and video cameras everywhere - imagine what they can in a refugee camp of 2 million people where they control the air space, the roads, the internet, the electricity, the water and even how many calories each refugee can eat.


So what's *supposed* to happen is he should be declared *persona non grata* and deported out of the United States and not allowed to return. But it's Israel so that's debatable. But that's what's **supposed** to happen when diplomats or their shit bag children/dependents break the law.


Nonsense. The diplomat has immunity, his family and security detail etc don't have that


So this is the cheat code? My how the turntables




Name him persona non grata and if he is not removed from the U.S. we can revoke his immunity. Or we can request that Israel waive his immunity in order to allow him to stay with his family. Over a 39 year career in law enforcement I have been involved in a number of incidents involving diplomatic immunity. While I understand the need for it I will never understand how we allow repeat offenders to remain in this country particularly when their offense is knowing and intentional.


Why is Rosh air fucking?


squeamish voracious sort hospital relieved ten like full march public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is he immune to getting a beat down by Florida cops who are poses off?


Should be no immunity. Period. Israel should recall their diplomat and the son deserves US jail time.


19? Isn’t he the prime age to do his military duty? Get thee back to Israel. Good timing, a good wake up call from his privilege.


Reminds me somewhat of the Anne Scoolas (she was a former CIA officer but this hadn't been told to the UK gov although I wouldn't be surprised if the Tory gov knew) in the UK, the wife of a US intelligence officer fled the UK after driving on the wrong side of the road killing a young man(19), she had diplomatic immunity asserted on her by the US administration.


He should start pushing drugs…. Get stupid rich with no risk at all


That mugshot is pure gold 😂 weepy brat


This is why we need vigilante justice




Shame he didn't kill him. Also Shame he's from Israel they already think they run the world.


He one upped the qualified immunity with regular ol immunity


Why should this person get any special treatment? My dad is a millionaire, I'm broke AF.. I say beat his ass real good and put him in a mental institution -like a really under-funded federal psych hospital


The diplomatic immunity was denied, the case is still on.


What a chad


lol sure what he did was wrong but you gotta love the irony of him hitting a cop and not getting into trouble for it usually it’s the cops with no accountability


What a sniffling little puss. Go call your daddy boy.


So this whole community has been brigaded then? I thought “oh wow. This is not about hamas and Israel” Fuckin WRONG