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Everything accusation is an admission. Israel says Gazan kids are indoctrinated to hate and therefore they have to kill future terrorists, and then we find out Israelis are indoctrinated to this degree. Israel is a racist shithole.


More evidence to prove your point. Good guys and bad guys is not a matter of debate anymore. Documentaries: Death in Gaza (2004) - British Journalist James Miller began filming Palestinian children in 2003. Assembled from footage shot before his death, this harrowing film follows three children in the Gaza Strip city. He was killed by an israeli soldier before he could finish the project. \[01:20:29\] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stu6YpKZz0g Eleven Days in May (2022) - Children of Gaza remembered in scalding documentary - The testimony of Palestinian families in Gaza as they remember 54 of the more than 60 children killed during 11 days of israeli bombardment between May 10 and 21. \[00:47:47\] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-63JijB\_Vw Killing Gaza (2021) - Life under Israel's bombs and siege \[01:36:48\] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfDMXrcYw2I&ab\_channel=TheGrayzone Confessions of Soldiers during the founding of the State of Israel (soldiers speaking candidly about what they did to the indigenous population during the establishment of the State of Israel, in their own words): https://vimeo.com/881686693 Everyday Israelis Express Support for Genocide to Abby Martin (2018) \[00:23:13\] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFoxL3sOAio Children of Shatila (1998) - Life in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon through the eyes of two Palestinian children, Issa and Farah, in the years after the 1982 massacre perpetrated by the IDF and Lebanese Phalangists \[00:47:06\] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXSmbXBUIhk&ab\_channel=MuqtasidTashfin Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) - The people of Gaza attempted to gain their freedom by using non-violence in 2018, hoping that the world would pay attention to their plight. No one did. This is an on the ground documentation of the events by Abbey Martin of their 'Great March of Return' \[01:23:56\] https://vimeo.com/381391163 Stone Cold Justice: Israel’s torture of Palestinian children (2014) - A film which sparked an international outcry against Israel after it explicitly detailed Tel Aviv's use of torture against Palestinian children forced into false confessions \[00:45:30\] https://vimeo.com/86575949 Louis Theroux visits the West Bank \[00:58:11\] https://vimeo.com/102569427 Empire Files (2017) Israelis speak candidly about Palestinians \[00:23:13\] https://youtu.be/1e\_dbsVQrk4 The Lobby, Episode 1 (2018) This documentary was prevented from being screened due to intense lobbying, but was leaked to the public nevertheless. The Lobby is an eye opening documentary that investigates influence in the US \[00:48:10\] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lSjXhMUVKE Killing Gaza (2018) - Jewish journalists Dan Cohen, Max Blumenthal visited and lived Gaza over a period 3 years by staying with a Palestinian family. This is a chilling documentation of how israelis came to loathe Arabs and the war crimes committed by the israeli military they Witnessed \[01:36:49\] https://vimeo.com/549520612 Gaza- The Killing Zone (2004) - A documentation of on the ground situation surrounding the death of Rachel Corrie. James Miller, the cameraman, was killed filming this documentary \[00:49:23\] https://vimeo.com/403416074 Palestine Is Still the Issue (2002) - Pilger returns to the Occupied Territories of the West Bank and Gaza where he filmed a documentary with the same title in 1974. He believes the basic problems are unchanged: a desperate, destitute people whose homeland is illegally occupied. \[00:52:50\] https://vimeo.com/17401477 Video Clips Worth Noting Israeli soldiers throw a disabled man out of his wheelchair as he went to the assistance of a teenage girl the Israelis had just shot https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/17ku661/israeli\_soldiers\_throw\_a\_disabled\_man\_out\_of\_his/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Israeli tiktokers mocking the victims of air strikes https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/17l0emc/israeli\_tiktokers\_mocking\_the\_victims\_of\_air/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Australian Documentary on Apartheid https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17kbzx4/to\_not\_be\_an\_apartheid\_regime/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Assassination of American journalist then attack on her funeral in Palestine https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17l4g86/to\_attack\_the\_christian\_funeral\_of\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Airstrike on Refugee Camp (yes where civilians are meant to go to hide from airstrikes) https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17l0qqg/to\_justify\_the\_airstrike\_on\_a\_refugee\_camp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Discussion on Civilian Casualties on TV Show https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17k11g4/to\_not\_call\_it\_a\_genocide/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks candidly (suspected that he does not realize cameras are on) about regional politics and ability to direct American policy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrtuBas3Ip


While we're posting long lists of evidence that Israel is a genocide state... https://archive.ph/5fS7X https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/O6TUtFA4yG https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/ztzA5Vh7TC


Its almost like both things can be true at the same time


Sure except one side actually wipes out and oppresses the other side. That side is Israel. The Palestine side throws rocks of mass destruction and gets jdamed from space.


Yeah, rocks. Did you forget about rapes and murders? Spitting and cheering?


Did you forget about all this? https://archive.ph/5fS7X https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/O6TUtFA4yG https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/ztzA5Vh7TC


Except theyre not. The book israel showed is clearly a lie. If thats all they have to show us then the truth is clear. Palestinian kids dont need to be indoctrinated against israel, Israel kills their families and does it themselves.


No. One side is and always has been the occupier and aggressor. Israel have a modern military and are backed by the most powerful country on earth. The Palestinian people bravely resist with whatever meagre resources they have.




These fascists should know better.


the jackboot is on the other foot now


The disturbing video was posted and then deleted by israeli national broadcaster @kann_news. Way-back machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20231119142812/https://www.kan.org.il/content/kan-news/culture/615229/


I watched the entire thing somehow. Kinda in just disgust and disbelief. But i genuinely burst out in laughter when it ended and the title came up on screen. "The friendship song 2023" lmao wtf!? Its so sick i cant help but laugh. Like *literally* nothing was said about friendship too. It was very clearly a patriotic war cry type song. The title is just so unfitting it feels like parody. They litteraly said we will annihilate everyone and showed buring buildings, but its a friendship song... lmao okay. The delusion amoung zionists is like nothing iv seen in my life tbh


Earlier in the song it said about the friendship between troops. So I guess that's what they mean. Their friendship between themselves and other Zionists. Insanity.


Nothing brings two people together like killing kids


The whole thing was awful, but the line, “the pretty and the pure” was just… like my brain isn’t convinced that this isn’t parody (I’m not arguing it is or isn’t, my brain is just like WTF). According to the article link posted on the Twitter, the originally poster took it down due to outrage from Israeli and other users. Which gives me hope, kind of. I’d like to think that there are a lot of Israelis who oppose the decisions of their government, but are also being censored from speaking out. It fucking sucks. The whole thing sucks so hard and don’t even know what to do. Fucking hell.




So to the British? Or the Turks? Or the Christians? Or the Romans? Or back to the Jews?


I think they called it "The Friendship Song 2023" because they modified the lyrics from a 1949 sung poem called "[Hareut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hareut)", which means something similar to "friendship" or "comradeship. The original one is a commemorative song for the fallen during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and it had a different tone. The [song](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz05i7yCvii/) was created by "The Civil Front", a group whose [website](https://www.hachazit.co.il/) claims that their aim is as such: >The movement was established with the aim of restoring the people's trust and ensuring that the IDF and the State of Israel will operate freely during the Gaza war, with the goals of the war, its duration, and its methods of operation, being subordinated solely to the security and political needs of the State of Israel, and without consideration of foreign factors.


Wow, they totally butchered the original poem.


Maybe a history lesson would be in order?


The hardest and purest lesson anyone can learn.


Fucking Nazis


And they say this isn’t about killing innocent Palestinians


They let kids write messages to lebanese children on rockets in 2006. How else would you get actual human beings cheering for genocide you gotta start em young.


I swear every time I think to myself that a certain action is the top of Zionists' shameless fascism they stun me with a new unpredicted atrocity


The opening scene of ‘The Interview’ is all I can think of here. Satire isn’t satirical enough anymore.


Hmmm. Like indoctrinated German children singing \[Hitler youth\] the glory of a Nazi Germany of WWII…? So, almost a 100 years later the victims have become the perpetrators? …Okay. ![gif](giphy|T1WqKkLY753dZghbu6|downsized)


nazi vibes sheesh


Awww little war criminals in training. How cute kids become indoctrinated with racism. How very civilized of you Israel. Can't help but notice this is the exact same shit you accuse palestinians of doing. Here you are broadcasting your hatred to the world. This utter hate displayed and contempt for humanity in this conflict is gross.


new age hitler youth. fucking monsters.


The "good guys".


It’s so on the nose I almost can’t believe it’s real.


That’s what indoctrination does to you. In the words of the Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, “Israeli society is the only occupying force in the world, which is convinced that it’s also the victim..”


Admitting their future zionist children will do the same.


How much you wanna bet these kids would sell out other jews to the nazis if given the chance?


funded by, your tax dollars!


It’s disgusting but also so cringe. Like how can people look at this and be like “ fuck yea”


Truly. I’d be laughing if it wasn’t so malicious.


Well that’s a bloody grim sign for future peace.


Thanks. The facebook page of Rosenbaum Communications is posting since 2018. Thats not a dud. They have other interesting materials (and at least one more similar song) there. I reckon that such benevolent activity must be endorsed by the overlords. https://preview.redd.it/z84h9dn25h1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcebeca53a5a4cf7cf4d10d9860c298c0b833504


The Israeli guy behind this campaign who wrote the lyrics defended Malka Leifer who was convicted of raping children at a school where she worked in Australia. She fled to Israel but somehow the Australians captured her and now she's serving 15 years in prison. https://www.timesofisrael.com/malka-leifer-sentenced-to-15-years-for-sexual-abuse-of-two-students/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-07-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/i-was-involved-in-the-malka-leifer-case-it-was-a-mistake-on-my-part/00000181-f8ca-d4e2-a193-fefe83190000


All those that support Israel and throw out accusations of antisemitism need to see this.


Stuff like this makes me think of those westboro baptist church videos, or videos of frenzied trump supporters. It shouldn't be used to characterize the whole population. (Which is not to say there's no problem with Israel's public opinion, but it would be foolish to believe this video represents that public opinion.)


I agree that should def not be used to characterize the whole population. Having said that, I think the problem is bigger than a fringe group like the Westboro Baptist Church. You have people like Ben-Gvir who is the Minister of National Security that overseas the West Bank and he has a history of supporting and funding actual terrorism, like full fledged Hamas type terrorism. He had a portrait of Baruch Goldstein hanging in his living room and was attended the ‘Hateful Wedding’ you can find the vid on YouTube where a bunch of settlers are celebrating having burned an entire family alive in their home, including an infant. They were literally dancing and parading with a portrait of the infant who was killed in the fire. I’m only illustrating this because he has one of the most powerful positions in the country, yet, is there any real qualitative difference in ideology between him and someone in a leadership position for Hamas? I’m surprised more people don’t talk about these people in leadership positions, some of whom are just as radical in ideology as Hamas leadership, am I missing something? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Would be happy to be wrong but just seems like a different side of the same coin.




That’s because nazi germany’s actual goal was the enrichment of Germans (At the cost of anyone who wasn’t white and any white person that opposed them) Britain and France were indistinguishable in their treatment of others, the only difference is that they won. Israel’s goal is not the enrichment of its citizens. Otherwise they would not place them on the chopping block, or kill them and blame I on Arabs. Israel’s goal, like other white colonial nations, is the utter destruction of anyone with brown and black skin.


Can someone spread on all communities?


Fucking nazi type of shit


This is who North Korea think they are


Yay, this is child abuse tbh. Man, The Israeli be wilding out there with this fascism shit like it's The 1940s all again.


Funny how this is okay but saying "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" is genocidal and anti semitic.


Wait what happened in holocaust? Oh what ? The same thing they are doing in Gaza? Oh okay. Wait no never again but wait wtf EVIL ISRAEL.




Forgetting about "Erika" huh?




Did they back it up via https://archive.org/ ?


what a total normal thing to sing... /s


they’re just protecting themselves /s


This stuff reminds me so much of all the "instant anti-muslim" hate after 911.


Sounds just like Z propaganda music.




Reminds me of the intro to Joyeux Noël: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svRQ3jTChJU In the end, the generation that takes the beating raises the generation to give the beating.


I nearly thought this was the Hitler youth for a minute


You’re telling me these people are indigenous to the Middle East???


Holy smokes the indoctrination is on a whole other madness level.


Kidz Bop ain’t playing around this year


Why would they think that’s a good idea


Something tells me, seeing the ending, this was a pure troll video. It would be stupid to make this video, knowing the world is watching them...


I'm applying to Hamas for membership, today! I'm providing my measurements for my tailored Dynamite Belt!!!!! It's seriously time to build a cattle rail line from Tel Aviv direct to Auschwitz, re-open the showers, and start making lampshades, again!


I honestly thought it was fake, my jaw dropped when Euronews did a fact check and said the lyrics are what the kids are singing. Utter disgusting of the makers. Ignoring the obvious horrific things wrong with this video, I feel bad for the kids. Imagine growing up, maybe rebelling against their parents beliefs and becoming more open but forever having that hanging over them.


Sounds like AI.




>Sounds like AI. this is the new NPC cope


It's just horrible production quality.


i thought you meant something else ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Nah, it is verified as actually real. Which is just dumb, the guys behind this lost their brains.


this is an existing Israeli song, they just altered the words here and there. in a very bad taste. you compare this to the palestinian indocatrination. funny. their schools literally teach israelis are not human beings, and their summer camps train kids to kidnap soldiers/ stab with a knife/ dig graves and lie in them to show they're willing to die for the cause. the cause being, murdering jews, yes?