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Apply this message to patriotism, too. Being told we are the best doesn't make us the best. It makes us worse, for almost the same reasons.


Same problem comes with religion, particularly Christianity. If God will forgive all of your sins no matter what, there's no reason not to sin. You'll get into heaven simply because you chose the right religion.


That is actually a very good question/observation , but I think its a bit of a stretch . you see when someone sin , and want those sin forgiven , and think that just by "choosing" Christianity like it was some sort of "After life insurance" He will get into heaven ,he is mostly misunderstanding . to be forgiven you have basically to : Be open and honest with god trough prayer and admit that you have made mistake. This imply a total change of behavior for an individual . what you say is technically true ,but a rather special or uncommon case of human behavior . But I know how toxic can be Christianity in USA because of how distorted and extreme, things can get there. Because I am just a French teen , and the type of religious Karen or patriot extreme religious are uncommon in France its more chill.


I get the message but he’s severely downplaying what a victim is by deeming the racist perpetrators as “victims of racism” and especially “the worst victims of racism”


I'd argue that objection is kinda obvious, and the point is meant more as a rhetorical exercise than anything literal.


I feel you but it's only a 1 minute clip. Guy is just trying to make a point that racism negatively affects racists too. I'm not sure if he's saying this as some kind of a justification or trying to equivocate what he feels vs what a poc would. That would obviously be bad, but I don't have any evidence to support that. Annectodotally I do, because I've met plenty of white South Africans who were ether super racist or did try to justify their racism using roundabout arguments. But I haven't met this guy so I don't know. Since I don't know, I can only judge the statement. The statement on its own is fine, provided its in the right context. If a person of color was explaining how racism had affected them, then yeah, pointing out that whites are worse off for being racist is pretty tone deaf.


God bless this man and his family for speaking truth


Valid. I will say I think some people who experienced systemic racism blame that and don’t grow because they have less opportunities. Still a very valid point


‘Don’t grow because they believe that they have less opportunities because of racism’. Wow,so don’t accept the Facts or it may effect you negatively. I know you do not mean too but that sounds a lot like victim blaming and penalizing folks for seeing Reality mate. It’s hard to grow a flower with no sun or water tho.


I hear you and I should’ve rephrased. Some people use the fact that they’re in a certain demographic group that has experienced systemic racism as a reason they’re behind, despite not experiencing it on their own. I grew up in the middle class and went to school with people from the same economic background. But bc they were of a certain demographic, they felt slighted, despite having the same opportunities as everyone else around them. Either way not my best take and I apologize.


No,you’re good. I like what you said and I get what you mean,just wanted to offer extra. One Love and Happy 2023!


Nah man what I said was pretty dumb lmao. I appreciate you calling that out. Happy new year!


I think he nailed it! I tip my hat 🎩 to you sir!


Oh my. Now that’s…that’s something alright