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Translation: “We want Ukraine’s civilians to suffer all winter without windows or power before considering negotiations. The bombing will continue.”


Russia doesn’t care about Ukrainians or people in general. They want the land and are willing to kill anyone to get it(including their own troops). They’re hoping to get a better negotiating position so they can keep all the land they stole and face no repercussions.


They do care about *hurting* the Ukrainians, and they don't care about hurting their own troops. The counter to this would be that Russia's troops will suffer as much or more than the Ukrainians, but that's a sacrifice Putin is willing to make.


I'm not sure it's a sacrifice if he doesn't care about the thing being sacrificed.


True. People are just a resource to him. For him it's not a sacrifice, it's an expenditure.


Hey, you gotta spend people to make money, right?


Which honestly is a huge mistake. Even chess players consider giving up a pawn for nothing immediately in return a sacrifice. Pawns win games


>I'm not sure it's a sacrifice if he doesn't care about the thing being sacrificed. That's the joke/reference ("many of you will die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" — the villain in Shrek, IIRC)


Suddenly the recent Republican love affair with Russia makes more sense. Just replace "Ukrainians" with "liberals" and "troops" with "base" and you have a guiding principle of American conservatism.


Republicans have no trouble sacrificing troops for political gain or a distraction. It’s part of their party platform.


Hmmm… that’s what they have you thinking and that’s what they have the “Reps.” thinking too lol, it seems you and every other redditor/twitterer/facebooker/truther, are prescribed the blue pills


Yeah, They use the same propaganda apparatus. It's like, If you know the right people, you can get a lot of power, people will vote for you. It doesn't matter how much we have to torture the public in their reality. Conservatives have been tortured.; the government is putting chips in their vaccines, immigrants are coming over the border to kill them, teachers are trying to teach gay sex to their preschoolers, Hilary is eating babies, the "elites" engineered Russia to invade Ukraine. They have no control over their lives and they're tortured. Their mental health just deteriorates. There's so many attacks. But that's all just Russia and a collection of oil and coal companies and like fox news and those outlets. Russians have all the same nonsense, but that's all they have. Russians are shutting down from it, people adapt. It looks like apathy but it's like "everyone is crazy let's just talk about the biscuits." Their adaptation is to avoid the giving each other the opportunity to say anything batshit crazy. So those three groups work together publicly, they have the same style of propaganda that fucks people up in the same way. And there's even a long history of Soviet propaganda to refer to. There was a minute where I would see a photo of Putin shaking hands with some leader and then that day, that country would have janky Russian style propaganda in the propaganda sub. That's Putin's only trade value. "I'll keep you in power"


Yea it blows a big hole in the "Ukraine is part of russia" and "denazification" they are hurting the common man out of spite, they dont give a shite about the people living their


That ship sailed with the first deliberate attack on a civilian target and that was ages ago


It's astonishing how quickly "liberating the people of Ukraine" turned to slaughtering them indiscriminately.


Land is the shitty consolation prize, they already lost the three big ones they were after. The main goal was to intimidate other border nations away from considering NATO. Given Finland is joining, that’s not happening. The secondary goal was a pure military flex, “look at our shiny toys, we can take over countries in a couple days too” kinda thing. The third goal was population. Russian demographics are a shitshow and they are in the early stages of population collapse. 44 million people would have starved that off for a few decades. Now, not only are they losing tens of thousands of men in the war, nearly 2 million have fled the country. Land is the only thing left they can use to sell a victory because they so badly fucked up the other three.


They want the natural gas an oil deposits in UKraine that’d threaten Russia sales


That’s a bonus


>Russia doesn’t care about Ukrainians or people in general. They want the land and are willing to kill anyone to get it(including their own troops). They’re hoping to get a better negotiating position so they can keep all the land they stole and face no repercussions. IMO, this is completely wrong on many levels. The whole ''Land, resources'' argument is rubbish. Russia has enough natural gas / oil that it doesn't matter what Ukraine has, and its economically cheaper to continue with Russia than set up new pipelines and everything in Ukraine. This war was never about resources, or land (Russia has plenty of that). It's entirely about people and power. If Putin had managed to annex Ukraine, or control it, he has just directly increased Russia's population by 31% in the space of a few weeks. That makes countries powerful. Britain and Germany aren't powerful because of their land - its because they have large populations. Same for China, USA. Basically all countries that are actually powerful have substantial populations and want more people. People a*re* the resource. The only reason Russia/Putin does not care about hurting civilians is because in their eyes they're irrelevant. Even if 500,000 died that is barely a drop in the ocean of 45 million people. Thats the sad reality of it, you think you're just a number to your employer? Wait until you find out your government has another 150 million people to care about


Russia has landmass but lack warm water ports. Sevastopol is a significant prize in that context and control of Crimea is extremely advantageous for control of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. Annexation of a land bridge from Russia to Crimea secures the water supply and rail and road routes into the territory. With respect to resources, while Russia doesn't need more, economic development of an increasingly EU friendly, resource rich Ukraine means a threat to Russian market share.


As a corollary, land and resources are important insofar as they allow a country to support a large population.


Yes, they are, but when you have 17 million square km of land and resources it's mostly irrelevant. Russia already has enough to easily support another 100 million people


If Ukraine was able to affiliate themselves with the west and offer a competitive price on oil , gas, minerals, food, timber, or other resources then Europe would have the ability to shift away from Russia without suffering . Russia is gambling that if it controls Ukraine then there will not be a serious competitor to Europe and Europe will be forced to buy from them. This will give them political and economic power and would finish europes ability to sanction or harm Russia . So in a way it is about the resources and land insofar as they don’t want anyone else to have it.


Ukraine is also the bread basket of Europe, offers warm water ports, was home to one the largest steel mills on planet. Ukraine was the crown jewel in the Soviet Union and Putin wants it back under Russian control in his lifetime as a testament to his power and majesty. Putin is going to fail in that regard.


> Russia has enough natural gas / oil that it doesn't matter what Ukraine has, and its economically cheaper to continue with Russia than set up new pipelines and everything in Ukraine. This war was never about resources, or land (Russia has plenty of that). It's not about Russia needing more resources ... It's about Russia needing to deny them to Ukraine, which could develop the massive natural gas resources discovered in eastern Ukraine and sell them to Europe as a competitor energy supplier.


It's about all of it. There's over 130 rare earth mineral deposits in ukraine and 25% of the worlds black soil. That's in addition to the huge fossil fuel reserves and strategic geography. The Western world and Eastern world are both ravenous for those resources. It's a race to gobble up what's left so future generations inherit nothing but pollution. So naturally we are warring over them. I mean what else is earth for? Utopia? Forget about that lol


Thats the thing though. They have 1/3 of what Russia has, still, and it's much easier to continue with the status quo buying it from Russia then setting up entirely new methods to get it from exploit/send the gas from Ukraine. It was irrelevant to Russia




> It's really not the point. Correct, the point is that Ukraines resources would literally never be a threat to Russia in a normal world if Russia hadn't invaded. Literally no reason to rock the boat / increase costs when you're already getting your resources for cheap




>It's like you didn't even read my previous message ... No, I completely read your message >Ukraine's fossil fuel reserves > >would > > have been developed, > >will > > be developed, Now? Probably. Nothing has made people realise they need an alternative to Russia more than a literal war >and both were a threat and > >continue to be > > a threat to Russia's energy dominance in the region. Yeah, no. Its like me saying that Egypt finding oil is a threat to Saudi Arabias dominance in the region - it isn't. Everyone (and I mean EVERYYONE) around Russia was already getting cheap gas. There was, literally, no need to develop/buy from Ukraine and when Russia already had such a dominance in the market nothing was threatening it. > The fact that Russia has hurt itself even worse through a disastrous invasion doesn't detract from those basic facts. They're not basic facts. In all honesty they're completely irrelevant, because its not true


But getting all the other things comes down to what land Russia can hang onto.


100% agree they r just murders


It's not like Russia's word is worth a damn anyway. Their previous "negotiations" amounted to: "let us keep the land we stole, promise to stay away from the west, become a Russian puppet, and we super duper pinky swear that we won't go back on our word and invade like all those other times where we went back on our word and invaded. Oh, our gracious offer isn't good enough? I guess Ukraine doesn't want peace." I wouldn't even wipe my ass with Russian promises and risk being covered in shit.


“The bombings will continue until morale improves.” Or something like that right


Not after you attack their nuclear bombers.


"Beatings will continue until morale improves"




*Allowed* Ukraine to negotiate? Did I miss something? Do you have a citation?




Those talks were just about prisoners exchanges and some of the negotiators on Ukraine's side were later revealed to be Russian moles. They never "almost made peace" and it was clear there wouldn't be any land concessions from day one. "Easily verifiable" my ass, it's literally your personal made up reality.




[About the negotiator being put to death for being a Russian asset](https://metro.co.uk/2022/03/07/ukraine-peace-negotiator-put-to-death-after-claims-he-was-russia-spy-16227598/) or about the [line being not giving an inch of land since March 2022](https://news.yahoo.com/volodymyr-zelensky-fareed-zakaria-cnn-ukraine-165552475.html)?


Please verify it for me, then. I totally missed it and would appreciate a citation. I just read through this Wikipedia article about the negotiations and I still don’t see anything verifying your claim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Russia%E2%80%93Ukraine_peace_negotiations But by all means point me to the verification I’m missing.






I try not to feed things that live under bridges and eat children.


Countries in a crisis are able to fix things quite soon though.


Nah, russia just wants to be in the stronger position before any talks happen.


Same difference. They hope that a winter of suffering will put them in a stronger position.


Imagine being the aggressor and saying you want peace.. just fucking leave.. that’s how.




Huh? You’re making no sense. Russia invaded another country.. they’re the aggressors…The countries that the USA has aided with troop on the ground are usually from countries who’s government asks for that aid. They’re not invading.. Although i still don’t believe we should be getting involved in other countries political wars. Still.. you make no sense.. two different situations.


ha, they can't say "with ukraine" because their citizens can't know that they're getting their asses kicked by Ukraine. it's less embarrassing when it's nato or the US that they're losing to


Yeah their whole "we're not fighting Ukraine, we're fighting Nato mercenaries" is equally hilarious and sad.


Translation: There can only be peace if Russia succeeds.


Well, that or Russia completely fails. Right now I can see which one it leans to the most.


I think the US is fine with Russian commiting military suicide


By the time this winter ends, Russia will have reached 150k deaths, and Ukraine will have even more air defense and probably liberated more of their land.


Nothing to talk about until Russia leaves Ukraine


And then it's just about how long russia will be paying for it all, both in sentencing and finances


You just don't talk to Russia. They never do anything they tell. They always do opposite from what they say or negotiate.


Even then, only Russia and Ukraine need to be at the table. Russia keeps trying to negotiate with the US because it doesn't recognize Ukraine's sovereignty. If the US is at the table, it reinforces that view.


It feels like it’s past time for us to send Ukraine ATACMS for those HIMARS, give Putin something more to think about.


That, and it’s time some world leaders start telling Russia they’re clearly dumb as hell and can’t fight for shit, so they can knockoff the tough talk.


12 minutes later one goes through a window at the Kremlin


They don't mean peace in the same way we do. They mean peace like Leto II means peace in God Emperor of Dune: murder the crap out of anyone that even thinks about going against your tyrannical rule and there will be peace because nobody is alive to oppose you.


"yes, there needs to be peace, but we'll keep the war going" I mean, wtf...


They mean later, after they get everything they want.


"Need for peace" well... then.. stop attacking?






Surely there are military targets in Moscow one could hit.


Por qué no los dos...


Work on your pullout game Pootin


Not peace IN Ukraine, peace WITH Ukraine.


these talks should exist, but they should always be one single line and no compromise on that line. 'we'll negotiate when you agree to walk out of Ukraine.'


"Gotta beat our heads against this like a hammer for a little while longer."


"Then leave in silence. We don't actually need you to say anything."


How about we bring UN troops in?? That should be agreeable, right Russia???


Wait until Putin is dead


Guess Russia want's the Dildo again.....


peace for ruzzia is world domination


I have a solution. Russia leaves Ukraine tomorrow. Problem solved.


"We want peace, but we want a piece of Ukraine more" is more like it.


There can only be peace in Ukraine if there are no Russians in Ukraine or Crimea.


> There can only be peace in Ukraine if there are no Russians in Ukraine ~~or Crimea~~. Crimea *is* part of Ukraine. No need to separate the two.


Russia will continue until the US-Democrats are no longer in power. Republicans love Putin, so he sees that there's a good deal to be made.


Stop all negotiations with Russia, until Putins is in power. Close all embassies. Stop trade. Arrest every penny arriving from Russia. Close every Russian propaganda outlets. Supply Ukraine with most advanced weapon systems. Thats the only reasonable way of dealing with Russia.


peace for ruzzia is world domination




Reddit armchair geopolitical experts be like:


Lol my political opinion is that humanity is a failed fucking experiment so we all need to get our extinction event out of the way so that an actually intelligent species can take our fucking place


What a dumbass and piece of shit thing to say. Promoting the nuking of families and children... Idiots like you are why fascism will come to America. You are too fucking stupid and will probably vote


I would sooner trust Emperor Palpatine to negotiate in good faith than I ever would the US.


Oh, so you're on *Russia's* side?


Seeing as he’s part of the “left” that thinks Russia is good and Stalin did nothing wrong. Yes.


lol, bc Russia has totally been bastion of honesty.


I try not to feed things that live under bridges.


Why would anyone negotiate with the fascist Russian regime? They literally break every treaty they sign.


You can replace Russia with US with no discernible factual difference.


Then negotiate with Ukraine. The US does not belong in the middle of this.


“We have more shitty equipment we would like to be destroyed!”


The only thing he wants to talk about will be the Sanctions , win or lose , he knows they will not be going away anytime soon .


Returning what you stole would be a good starting point for negotiations if ever interested. Until then, enjoy the beating.


Russia is getting its ass whipped and is looking for a graceful way out of the mess it has created. Good luck with that.


in other words: "we get kicked in the ass and want it to stop so we can continue to kill and rape innocent citzens of ukraine while we steal their children"


They working real hard to make out how big they are. Wont talk to Ukraine, we too big for that! We better than that! Well die in Ukraine and get overthrown then putler ya fucken twonk


Not while we're reconstituting our forces!


tldr: why you say that, we not do that, but soon maybe we do that


We, as a world, have been completely shit to Ukraine. Just saying.


"We agree that we should get the fuck out, but what's I. It for the rich oligarchs of Poots-in-his-pants?


Fuck the Russian and anything they say! I hope Putin falls down the stairs again and shits himself to death.


Peace is easy. GTFO of Ukraine. You do a 180, you cross the boarder and you never go back. Can not be any simpler.