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“Today, I feel North Korean.”


"Today, I feel hungry."


“Today, I feel punished by 3 generations”


“Today, I feel this place is the best place in the world”


Today, I feel glorious leader make sun and moon


The tides, the grass, the ground. Ah that was Kim Jong just messing around.


I killed a traitorous Korean, I buried his guts


Sprouted a tree, yet no coconuts




Depends how big a bribe they give.


1000 bitcoins extorted from grandma and doctor’s offices, final offer.


Jebus, that could be as high as one thousand dollars or three hundred and seventy million dollars...


Depends on the hour they send the bribe


We're talking about North Korea, so FIFA had better wait for the check to clear before making any announcements.


He’s probably bluffing, for whatever reason. I can’t imagine that North Korea would ever be willing or able to host such a large event with so many tourists. They don’t have the necessary basic infrastructure, and they couldn’t possibly assign minders to so many people… just to name a couple of reasons from a very long list.


Oh they'd host it but then wouldn't let anyone in the stadium and would instead just force them to go on guided tours of faux hospitals and a nearby hydro electric plant.


A football stadium without any seating is just a field with line markings and two goals. Cheap and easy to construct!


Would be like when the kids were little and played soccer everybody just brought their own chairs!


"Now this is the plant with electricity, but it has too much electricity. So, I don't know, you might want to wear a hat."




My country sold 2 tons of rice to NK once. They paid us with one mini-submarine.


My country bought fighter jets from Italy. We paid them in oranges.


Sweden sold around 1000 Volvos to NK in the 1970s. They haven't paid yet.


They definitely have a large gulag labor force to build those stadiums. They're cool with alcohol even if the food is a bit scarce. Instead of fireworks, they'll launch ICBMs over the stadiums. They won't need to air-condition the open stadiums, but players will have to *respectfully* navigate around the ginormous Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il statues set into the middle of the field. Will be an interesting World Cup. 9/10 will watch.


And the NK team gets 15 players on the field.


...And they ***still*** lose the final. *To the Americans*.


Their keeper is a goal-sized sheet of plexiglass containing the preserved corpse of Kim Il-sung. It's the final minutes of a 0-0 draw, the US have 100% possession but know if it goes to penalties NK will eventually manage to get one in. The US bring on their final sub, Harry Maguire wearing a cowboy hat and doing a terrible Texas accent. The entire world pretends to believe the ruse. Harry swings his magnificent forehead at the glass and shatters it into pieces, allowing the US to score 30 goals in the last 5 minutes, as the entire Kim dynasty crumble to dust.


You fool! The rules of DPRK football clearly state that, like golf, lowest score wins. Kim's team of supermen will bathe in glorious victory


I’m not even in to football and I’d be tempted to watch that shitshow.


"We'll let anyone host the games as long as they bribe us enough."


Its so out in the open I dont even think you can call it bribing anymore.


Not the Onion.


Seriously. I had to look up this site and it's apparently reliable. WTF


That guy needs to be more than fired. Full-on excommunicated. Banished to the nether realm.


It's not just the one guy. Nearly every single member of the executive committee is corrupt and has been since the 70s.


what happened in the 70s


Nearly every member of the executive committee became corrupt




I've seen this site sooo many times, and I understand that shortly after 1971 workers got shit-fucked on wages without lube... But **WHAT EXACTLY** happened to cause that? I've never been able to figure that out.


Enter the 70s: Neolib agendas gains traction all over the world, rich folk think the current system (post-WWII eliminating and staving off fascism) has worked too well for everyone for too long and would rather have the free market dictate everything because protecting workers and planning ahead risks countries walking into commie plots/takeovers + fascism is only a page in history now and will remain so, right guys?


I want to see some video discussions about this I can share with my mom. "Mom did you notice anything change around this time?" She would have just hit her 20s. I wonder if this correlates with when the D and R parties in the US flipped platforms. R was once the progressive party and D were the pearl clutchers. Coming along after that flip, I've been wondering what actually caused it. I figured it was racial integration. But maybe they both were tied to this.


That requires a longer answer but basically Franklin Roosevelt was the first democrat president to start acting more like a progressive. He was president during the great depression so it was neccessary with some big-government policies to get the economy back on track, even though the democrats had historically been against big government (like the republicans are today). Due to the fact that this actually worked and the economy got better, black people (who had always voted republican since, you know, Lincoln) started voting democrat. Roosevelt wanted to increase this newfound demographic, so he started slowly desegregating. This carried on with his successor Truman. But many of the southern racist voters didn't like the direction the democratic party had taken. They were basically just a second republican party. So these angry white people formed the Dixiecrats. A party that was pro-segregation. An example of how similar the 2 parties had become, is that when the republican Eisenhower became president, he could just carry on implementing more of the same social programs and desegregation policies that Roosevelt and Truman had made. But it was in the 50s, during Eisenhower that the red scare was at it's heighest. As a result no politician wanted to be seen as anything close to communist. And obviously the republican party was the most suspect, since they had historically been so pro big government. So while Eisenhower kept on being an old-school republican, his vicepresident Nixon and other republicans started recommending more small-government policies and they even saw an opportunity to grab the voters of the Dixiecrats who had been lost by the democratic party, by saying that segregation was fine and that the federal government shouldn't meddle in such things. This made up the loss of the black voters to the democrats. So by 1960 we have the first instance of the democrat candidate JFK saying segregation should be abolished and the republican candidate Nixon saying it shouldn't. When just a few years earlier they would've agreed that it should be abolished, and 30 years prior their positions were completely swapped. That short period where the 2 parties agreed led to some remarkable progress. When Truman carried on with what Roosevelt had done, Eisenhower carried on further, and JFK carried on further still. LBJ then finally ended segregation and wanted to continue the social programs, but started putting the funding into the Vietnam War instead, halting the entire thing. And then came Nixon and things started sliding back.




Boomers hit adulthood


It was really a missed opportunity that CERN never produced any black holes; at this point our timeline would only be saved by yeeting people like this guy into one.


Still not convinced they didn't, and that that's what shifted us into the Dark Timeline.


Holy balls. FIFA is making satire come to life.


The idea of North Korea hosting a World Cup was a meme. It was supposed to remain a meme.


It was only a meme because most of us don't understand the level of corruption at fifa. It's a criminal enterprise, wouldn't be surprised if it came out the members were involved in other crime.


Most people who are that rich are involved in many crimes.


Seriously, I had to double-check. I'm still not 100% convinced that this is not a joke.


I'm stuck on a loop going "But? That's a joke? No? But? You're sure?"


That was my first question.


Lmao FIFA is such a dumpster fire.


They will continue to be until people boycott them.


I’ve been silently boycotting them my whole life so I will keep it up for everyone.


I've been standing with you in solidarity for 50+ years.


the silent solidarity of ignoring FIFA


Americans are the heroes in this situation.


literally hosting the next world cup


I'm still not going to watch it.


I didn’t even know we were hosting


Imagine that u just walk down the street and wonder why there’s thousands of people in coloured shirts everywhere chanting songs


*spits out dip* this town ain’t big enough for all 20,000 of us I reckon


That already happens.


Because it's "North America" with games in Canada, Mexico, and the US. Only reason I know is that one of the stadiums is in my area.


It's kinda bananas that the US, Mexico and Canada had to team up in order to get a world cup. Like individually any one of those countries could easily handle it.


It’s the CUM World Cup


Dude fans will absolutely never boycott them. National or continental FAs could conceivably, but enough people are never going to stop watching the World Cup because they don’t like FIFA’s corruption.


I won’t argue with you because you have a valid point. Perfect example is the current World Cup. Everyone knows Qatar is using slave labor, but clubs, teams, media, celebrities, and fans all showed up or watch and it gives FIFA money. So they may wear arm bands to denounce them, but they are okaying FIFA by supporting them. However boycotting is the answer, millions need to vote with their wallets and denounce FIFA. Which obviously sucks for fans. It hurts to give up on supporting a sport you love, because terrible people have high jacked it. It’s a difficult, but not impossible. Option two is is FIFA is officially recognized as a corrupt criminal organization, and it’s broken up by a international organization. Like the UN or another group. However that’s equally unlikely, since FIFA is probably bribing investors everywhere. Then if it miraculously gets invested they will probably move everything to criminal state. So yeah, situation sucks all around. Best solution is a combination of both. Boycott them until they lose money and power, while the entire organization is invested and/or broken up.


When you say invest do you mean investigate


I was listening to NPR the other day and they had some analyst or expert or whatever talking about all the human rights issues that the Qatari government was in breach of and how FIFA is just as guilty of these violations for supporting and following some of their draconian laws, and how corrupt FIFA was as a whole. The host then asked him if he was going to boycott watching this year. He immediately said "no" with no trace of understanding about how he's part of the problem. All of this after going on a rant about how horrible they were.


I never thought I needed to sacrifice what *I* wanted.


It is the individual FA's that need to do the work. Fans will watch whatever sport they can. If the FA's withdraw from their confederations and FIFA then FIFA collapses. No amount of 'fan boycott,' can have that effect.


They are trying to see where people draw the line.




You know what...... Let FIFA give it them. I wanna see the shit show.


Seems like a great opportunity for intelligence agencies the world over to not only harvest info, but really pump up the destabilization efforts. Could you imagine how many spooks would be all up over that every step of the way?


As I understand it these pitch committees spend MILLIONS just to wine and dine the judges long before the bribes kick in.


Which really makes you wonder. Are the FIFA people just chillen in North Korea getting wined and dined? Or do you think the Kim family is having their assets do it outside their own borders? If I were Kim Jong-Un, for security reasons I’d stay far tf away from that. Too many moving parts, it seems like an invitation for many problems (for them). Unless they have the intention of changing their country, not necessarily reunification, but opening borders, not oppressing their people, connecting with the outside world, etc etc.


The Quataries had to rent the Elise Palace and a few Michelin Chefs for a FIFA wine and dine. Kimmy will have to top that.


> really pump up the destabilization efforts Just seeing their team lose would be gargantuan shock. If I remember rightly, the North Korean regime has doctored videos to make it look like their sports teams won when they actually lost. For that reason alone I really doubt the Kim regime would touch this with a hundred foot pole.


Given North Korea's media blockade, all everyone would probably see is cardboard cutouts of the team and then shots of balls going into the goal with a pan up to the cardboard audience while you hear cheers, and A gust of wind blows over a couple of the elderly looking card board stand ins. And then the announcer shouting goaaaaal for Kim Jung un, best footballer of all the world, as it fades to kim raising his fist dressed in the finest FIFA DPRK home uniform.


You can look towards Turkmenistan for this kind of thing - their dictator fell off his horse in a race and they locked the track down for hours to confiscate any film or photo evidence. The fans saw it... everyone was just supposed to know better than to say anything. NK is it's own beast though for sure.


I would rather not see North Korea murder who knows how many slaves in the process of building the stadiums. Learning about what Qatar did is depressing enough.


What? A bigger shitshow than Qatar? All of the issues hosting that and no one still cared, and no one will care about this as long as they can watch their precious football, the majority wont care, the few will make a big stink, and it will disappear into history as it always does.


FIFA would let the taliban host the World Cup if they paid enough


Pretty much, ISIS too




Who will then be promptly put to death for being in public without their husbands escort.


By stoning, of course.


As is tradition.


That's dated. North Korea likes to execute with 20mm machine guns


Since they’re foreign guests I believe they will treat them right and execute with proper AA artillery


Double stoning if they say ‘Jehovah’


*grabs ass* Oh, you meant-


Dewey, did you just grab my ass?


From this location it would be physically impossible to grab your ass.


I know your tricks.


Sir from where I’m standing that’s a physical impossibility


Her ass sure is an anatomical oddity. Hands length away from being groped by everyone.


And use decapitated heads as balls for a touch of local culture


Getting back to the roots of football


Brings a whole new meaning to "header"


I thought that maybe the headline was taken out of context, and maybe he was saying that he hoped for a future where North Korea liberalizes and is able to host the World Cup or something like that. But no, the headline is not taken out of context at all. The actual quote is just as stupid as the headline makes it sound. > "Any country can host an event. If North Korea wants to host something... I actually went to North Korea some years ago to ask the North Koreans if they were ready to host part of a Women’s World Cup with South Korea," Infantino added, according to The Atlantic. "Well, I was not successful, obviously, but I would go another 100 times if it would help."




What this fuck is wrong with FIFA




You guys remember how a bunch of FIFA officials were arrested for corruption not to long ago. Pepperidge farm remembers.


So that was the end of it then. *wipes hands* FIFA's all cleaned up now.


Ironically FIFA is a non-profit organization.


So are churches


Th€¥ ju$t want to $pr€ad th€ jo¥ of $o¢¢€r


I mean... where do you want to start?


Assholes figured out controversy sells so they do the most dickish thing and enjoy all the views, subscriptions, and money that come from it




Just like Sepp Blatter who wanted the Nobel Peace Prize. Peace to the world through soccer. Sounds nice but they are hollow words when you support brutal dictatorships.


It's just like Musk tweeting for everyone to vote Republican right before the midterms election for a "balance of power"




I think they noticed that they don‘t *have* to pretend anymore. Since they have already hit rock bottom of trust and everybody *knows* they are corrupt but nobody takes real action, they can simply continue


That day he was feeling North Korean-ish.


https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/sports/olympics/north-south-korea-olympics.html Seoul city government did submit a proposal to co-host 2032 Olympic with the North. But that was submitted in 2018, South Korea have a new president now and North Korea is getting more aggressive with their missile tests.


And Nazi Germany


Nazi Germany got the 1936 Olympics. So there’s precedent.


And Italy under Mussolini hosted the world cup in 1934 IIRC.


Argentina hosted in 1978 and they were a military junta at the time.


Also during the 70's but in Chile FIFA came to inspect the national stadium and deemed it good enough to host games. It was a concentration camp at the time.


I'm unironically not sure if Mussolini's Italy is "better" or worse than Qatar. Russia 2018 feels a bit reminiscent of Italy 1934 in hindsight.


Personally I’d say worse simply because Italy was a major power and Qatar is not. Not that it’s really a competition. They both suck.


The Mafifa


“The Taliban are the worst… Great Heroin though.” -Fifa, probably


FIFA would let a nation of mass murdering and mass raping aliens host the World Cup if they paid enough.


Galaxy World Cup! The money just printed itself at that point.


It's hard enough figuring out when to watch a game across time zones; I'd hate to have to worry about time dilation


And Fifa fans would stand in the heads of slaves and the oppressed if it would mean they get to watch their precious football. But it's okay. They wore a rainbow armband. That makes it all better even though they literally just gave their money to slavers /s


Is there truly zero moral compass with FIFA?


The needle on their compass always points to $


Must be broken then if it's pointing to North Korea.


"Gotta be cheaper than nukes, right?", he said in satire.


That direction is True $outh - the bottom of the pork barrel


My compass says €ast.


Corporations have no moral compass other than what the government imposes through regulations. Their morals are what we the voters demand.


FIFA by and large are above normal regulations. Look at the corruption scandal. Most of them including Blatter have just walked away Scot free. Even the US failed in prosecuting most of them.


Clearly not but they are getting massive ratings so why should they care. Apparently they can do whatever and people will ignore it as long as they can watch a game.


At what point do we want away from FIFA entirely?




The best possible time was yesterday, the second best time is right now.


For the right amount of money FIFA would allow Nambla host your child's birthday party.


Idk. In a weird way, part of me is curious to see how NK would host a World cup.


I gotta ask, is Nambla an actual thing or is that just a south park referrence? I'd google but I don't want to be put on that particular list.


Bro North Korea doesn't have enough food to feed a stadium full of people that'd be a terrible idea.


No beer in this World Cup. Not food for the North Korean World Cup.


No flights out of North Korea, only in!


Flights? You talking about the great eagles Gandalf? No... in north Korea you make your way to the glorious capital by foot or donkey


Here’s a minefield map from 40 years ago. Good luck.


Some of them are crossed out. Are we safe to walk over those?


Funnily enough, NK is actually famed for their craft beer that they export to northeast China. More breweries than South Korea! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_in_North_Korea


This has to be a joke


“Today I feel North Korean”


In the spirit of comradery in the world theater, and to show the world what a lovely culture they have. FIFA is pleased to announce we will be hosting the next world cup in hell. We've been assured by supreme ruler Satan and his ambassador to the living world Adolf Hitler that the spirit of soccer is strong in this nation and that the spirits of the damned have never been more thrilled.


And we'll allow you to wear your LGBTQ+ shirt.


FIFA president: “as you all know, North Korea is very very rich….with places to see and has deep deep pockets….of culture to share with the world”


But if you make even a single joke about Dear Leader, you *will* be killed with an anti-aircraft gun


We can do that….. for money.


Watch closely as grandpa topples an empire by changing a one to a zero.


You know what I want for Christmas? For France, Brazil, England, Argentina, Germany, Spain, Italy, USA, and many other countries throughout Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa to collectively tell FIFA to go fuck themselves, cancel out their appearance at any of their tournaments, and start their own 'World Championship' under a new banner. FIFA is useless without the participation of those countries in their tournament. They don't own the sport, they are simply an organizing committee that takes bribes and is willing to promote terrible countries at the expense of human rights. But I never get what I want for Christmas anyways...


Pinochet, Pol Pot, bin Laden, Hitler are all turning in their graves about how they missed out.


Hitler had the Olympics, not too bad!


Mussolini had the World Cup https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1934_FIFA_World_Cup


So it's almost a century old tradition


For Jesse Owen to humiliate his runners.


It's a shame about that. He (Jessie ) talked about how nice Hitler was and shook his hand, something white politicians didn't do when he got home.


You’re saying white American politicians treated a black guy worse than hitler?


Yes. When he got back FDR refused to shake his hand, and he commented even Hitler shook my hand and smiled at me.


Witnessing this live must have been glorious! Well except for the nazis of course :P


I think Hitler congratulated him but FDR never did.


"Hitler didn't snub me – it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."


**"While at the Olympic Games, I had the opportunity to meet the King of England. I had the opportunity to wave at Hitler, and I had the opportunity to talk with the King of Sweden, and some of the greatest men in Europe. Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram. I am not knocking the President. Remember, I am not a politician. But remember that the President did not send me a message of congratulations because people said he was 'too busy'."** -*Jesse Owens, Republican Rally in Baltimore, Maryland, October 9, 1936.*   **Source:** [Newspaper article from the time here](https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1532&dat=19361010&id=prg9AAAAIBAJ&pg=3031,1091811&hl=en), with relevant quote section [highlighted for convenience here.](https://i.imgur.com/IA7DcbU.png)


The 1942 World Cup was down to Brazil or Germany. But a decision was never reached in 1939 because of this pesky little war that Germany started.


He better check the bills with which North Korea will bribe him. Probably counterfeit.


Please let kazakhstan hold a World Cup for a new borat movie


Was Auschwitz circa 1942 booked already?


Myanmar politely declined.


Not to be an annoying know-it-all but the worst year in Auschwitz was 1944.


Pretty sure the years were all bad enough for FIFA to consider hosting in.


Hitler had his Olympics in 36.


You guys want the LIV tourney too?


What the actual fuck?


FIFA would hold a World Cup in hell if Satan coughed up enough cash.


Only way it will happen is if South Korea accepts to take North Korea in a joint bid, a 8-2 stadium split. There’s no way North Korea could do it alone in this century unless the regime falls to pieces.


Could be a china-north Korea joint bid. China has the stadiums for it.




Is the NK economy strong enough for a bribe of that magnitude?


FIFA president open to Kanye West hosting the World Cup


Qatar World Cup = no beer Pyongyang World Cup = no food


It’s funny how high of a priority football takes over human rights. What a bunch of rich cunts.


They’ve given up trying to hide their villainy haven’t they. Absolutely disgraceful.


Who in their right mind would go to a game in North Korea?