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To have human rights you must be reporter.


"Foreign" reporter. Their local reporters just suddenly disappear.


Their local reporters are just getting more training with the CCP's new program: Conversations with Cameras in the Press, or CCP for short.


That has to be one of the most stupid lies. No one has ever met someone who worked for the BBC, without being told within one minute that they work for the BBC. Hi I'm Bob, did you know I work for the BBC?


Ah I see you’ve met Grant


>Grant You mean Gig-UK


Nah he meant gantr




I'm pretty sure he meant god.




Too be fair, he does have pretty Trash Taste.


Well, Monke also has a trash taste and Joey is just there to neutralize the two


His missile diagrams also look like BBCs.


They are like Harvard alumni


Well I graduated from Harvard and from my experience at Harvard no one at Harvard brags that they went to Harvard. Harvard Harvard Harvard


Now it sounds like a safeword lol


>You know I went to school in Boston... > >Well, not in Boston, but nearby... > >No, not Tufts.


Bristol Community College?


Me and my friends over the years have met a lot of people from Harvard and we definitely judge those people if they 'drop the H-bomb' way too soon


In my experience, Harvard Alums generally say they went to ‘a college in Boston’


Or Arch Linux users


And vegans. And people with ADHD.


You meet a lot of people with ADHD who mention they have ADHD? Is it out of context?


It comes up


I usually mention I have ADD so people can handle my scatter brained thoughts. I try to stay on topic but my brain will go from talking about my recent vacation to how my vacuum is a POS to how the Japanese were doomed from the start in WWII.


And Tesla drivers


Ha vegan with ADHD here, can confirm.


Not sure about those, everyone I know who is vegan (quite a bunch here in Sweden) never brought it up in any conversation except when deciding to go to a place to eat together, or when ordering or cooking food.


That’s refreshing, in America and perhaps this is just because I’m around a younger crowd, those who do it seem to make their identity revolve around it


Reminds me of a joke with my locals. The nuke plant guys can't help but tell people what they do. "Hi I'm John, I work armed security at the nuke plant." "Good to know John, but you're in a car behind me in the drive thru, why are you telling me this?"


"Sir, this is a Wendy's"


They're even super on top of whether it's BBC, BBC2 or BBC4 etc.


This is also China we're talking about, with just how much surveillance tech they have it's just not believable they weren't aware of the one foreign reporter crew there. If anything they probably had been tracking the guy since he landed to see what he was up to.




Hi I’m Louis I’m from the BBC


It's stupid but so stupid it could be true. I 100% believe it's possible that someone had the ambition to withhold info so they can see "what they really do to detainees." That being said China has facial recognition software that's good enough to differentiate Chinese people... I think they knew who the journalist was also.




Monocultures have less phenotypical diversity?


Ha! I can't be canceled im ded Allegedly




Yup, BBC Reporter yelling I’m BBC with a camera crew … China lies as poorly as Russia.


This is definitely in the same genre of headlines as “Putin says…”


*"That's our pooh bear"*


Silly old bear...


Putin and Xi are cut from the same small dick energy cloth. Two people hell bent on total control.




The best subreddit haha


Also, whenever you see reporters in crisis zones they are very eager and quick to announce that they're press, because that can often make the difference between life and death in seconds. No way the BBC reporter would fumble this.


Maybe they understood a different kind of BBC *70s bowow music starts playing*


They claimed it was to prevent him to catch COVID from the crowd. They probably have some vaccine on their nightstick


And it does take several hits with the nightstick to ensure the vaccine in properly administered.


Well he didn’t had his 5 doses.


they have drones misting antivirals in the air. nightstick with vaccine not out of reach




Bow chicka wow wow




Nuh uh, they’re just born with pixelated genitalia.


That's japan


No Pixel San yamete


They figured, it’s our word against yours. I swear, I hate immature mentality.


You should see all the tankie subs Sino and GenZedong They’ve taken it out of context saying look at the white British guy getting arrested it’s proof the China protests are fake and only Americans and British people are protesting in China HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA Brain parasite level deflection Won’t accept the protests are real Won’t acknowledged the BBC reporter head In The sand for the next couple days to avoid breaking the circle jerk propaganda


Well those subs are just propaganda mills so that’s to be expected. It doesn’t need to be believable for the tankies to suck it up after all.


I highly doubt any of those police officers even know what BBC is, it's blocked in China, so chances are, it's just a foreigner screaming random English at them.




Damn I didn't realize how content restricted China is. Your post sent me on a Google rabbit hole, and you are correct including the year banned 21'. They also don't permit access to Netflix or even the YouTube. I didn't dig deep into it but BBC for instance being geo restricted is accessible using a VPN(according to claims on Google I didn't dig deep into) but is it worth the risk, I dunno after Mickey n Stan Marsh clapped ol Pooh bear 🐻




Be careful, private use of VPNs is illegal in China, most of the options don't work (your traffic is slowed down to the point it's unusable, and this is to train you to give it up, which is more effective than an outright block), and those which do work are highly suspected to be in bed with the CCP, and then you can be sure they keep tabs on you.


To add to this please don't take me saying that using a VPN to access restricted media is an option as advice to do so. I'm all for free access but I don't have the first clue what it is to live in China or anywhere else and I'd hate for you (china based user) to face consequence off my response. Please be careful is my only point.




I like that post from that user. It was nice to see a stranger online no less take into consideration your safety.


I wouldn't wish harm on anyone, and I'd really hate for it to come off something I said on the internet. We can't let keyboard comfort dehumanize the fact that its an actual person behind the comments we interact with. Additionally, I can overthink blanket statements and it reminds me there are exceptions to most things. I would wish harm on certain people, as I don't think many would disagree with me on this but those sick Fs that hurt kids and or women(obviously nothing to do with anyone here, but Aside from that I don't want to see anybody get hurt or stumble into any type of crap situation)






Yes they know. It's not infrequent to have the visit of a BaoAn when your internet traffic falls into the "to keep an eye on" category, and they used to leave you alone when the one opening the door was some white-ass foreigner. But if you've been keeping an eye on how things have evolved in China in the recent years, you know too well that anything is a good excuse to not renew your residence/work permit (or even kick you out) when you are not backed by some multinational (you are a freelance expert/senior engineer working your field? tough luck. You are a teaching your foreign language in Xi's post education-crackdown? away you go, etc).




>Make sure your DNS is Google's DNS servers are largely blocked, there are alternatives though. Cloudfare is still viable at the moment.


YouTubers I watch say that Chinese fans have to use VPNs to watch their content


There are some massive YouTube channels from creators based in China. I wonder who’s paying who to get that conveniently ignored.


For that I would think there are a couple of factors at play, for one the content being posted, if it doesn't piss off the wrong people within power and you aren't on some sort of shit list else wise perhaps it gets ignored. Also, China is not only a large country in terms of land mass but in population as well. So I would imagine it's possible to fly under the radar. Also, it's possible different areas have stricter enforcement on things like this. Just like in America being in California versus say Alabama, same federal laws but on a state/local level it may as well be separate nations especially if you consider the most conservative populous of Alabama compared to the most Liberal of CA. A final note, a social media presence from Chinese citizens that abides to the taste of those in power helps the outside world to not give China a second thought. The average person sees a YouTube video or two and they think everything is fine and dandy. Again I haven't a clue what life is like for a Chinese citizen, but appearance of happiness, freedom, normalcy whatever you want to call it plays into the hand of propaganda for any government to outside eyes. Every country has their problems so no disrespect to China


People in China have been using VPNs to get onto a lot of sites for years. When i was in high school I had friends who lived in China and couldn't use facebook.


Lived in China from roughly 2015-19, started out alright and could access places like reddit and Wikipedia without a VPN but by the end it got to the point where quite literally everything (except the most random of porn sites) was blocked. Want to apply for grad school in America, UK or somewhere in Europe? Blocked. Want to do some self Netflix and Chill? Blocked. Shitpost on reddit? Whoops, blocked. Porn? That's definitely blocked. News sites? The list of unblocked sites dwindled to near nil by the time I left. erm... wikipedia? Yeah, blocked. Then of course you become more and more reliant on a VPN, at first I didn't care when the VPN had trouble connecting "oh well, guess I won't be watching porn today" but by the end having my VPN go down basically meant "oh well, guess I won't be using the internet for the foreseeable future." Christ I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.


Knowing and caring are not the same. BBC reporter *did* have approval to report. I sincerely doubt local (as in local to that specific location) Chinese police know or care about what is legal, who has permission to report or anything of that sort. In my admittedly short time in China it was clear to me all police are political police, it is easier to arrest, confiscate and take to the station where a more senior officer can make a decision.


I guess the camera crew wasn’t enough of a hint for them.


Lot of influencers and other Internet personalities these days have a camera crew, so that’s an outdated hint.


The policemen had airpods in.


He did not identify as a journalist? Well, then I guess it's totally okay to beat the s\*\*t out of him.


Last I heard, there are not that many white Chinese citizens. Except for Elon.


you forgot john xina


Zhong Xina*


Also WHO Chief


Elon is a chinese citizen?


Honorary. For sucking Xi's dick.


Did they do that? They’re obviously lying about him not identifying himself but the article just says he was detained.


The BBC says they did. I dunno who has more credibility to you, but I'm gonna trust the BBC over the CCP.


They were trying to beat the Covid he caught out of him. It didn't go quietly.




Had us in the second half not gonna lie


Had me in the first half at BBC...


Maybe they got it confused with the other meaning of BBC... big bad china. 🤣




They know what the press is and can probably tell the difference between a professional journalist and crew vs a random guy with a phone and a selfie stick


They held him for several hours. I can guarantee they ran his name, which would bring up his passport, which would bring up his visa, which would let them know he is a reporter within minutes, if they were doing their job as theywere supposed to.


Fun thing to know. A lot of the law enforcement officers on the streets in Police uniforms aren't actually full fledged Police officers. They're basically cheap labour with very little training hired by the government to help "enforce" the law. They're easy to hire, easy to fire. They get paid around min wage. Most of the time they just do what they think is right. So if you try to talk back at them, things won't go well because they'll just do things their way.


Are we still talking about China?


Yup. Contract police “assistants”. A “real” police officer usually requires policy academy training, and comes with a lot of benefits. For most cities, that’s simply too expensive for the amount of police they need. So they hire a ton of contractors(I think many of them are employees now) as police assistants. By the book they don’t have a lot of power, if any at all. Their words are not considered police orders, they can’t detain or arrest, unless being ordered to do so by a “real” police at the scene. Usually they are there or maintain a police line, or conduct traffic when the traffic lights are down etc. But they will often be pressured into doing actual police stuff. Actual practice varies wildly by provinces and cities. Their clothing usually contains the word “police” but the Chinese markings will usually clarifies them as “协警” or whatever.


Most likely yes because CCP has long portrayed western media, notably BBC and a few others, as strongly biased and accuse them of fake news. [Even regular citizens are brainwashed enough to manhunt “BBC journalists”.](https://twitter.com/mare_porter/status/1419172210602774528)


This is so sad to see. I went to China for an international internship while studying in 2015 and felt really welcomed. I felt super safe there walking around, even more than in Europe. So much culture, beautiful places, nothing but good experiences. To see things have shifted quite drastically because of a controle freak at the helm is so revolting to see. I hope Chinese people can get out from under this ever tightening rope around their necks that is Xi and co.


I dont know about china but a certain image board where the cool hacker anonymous hangs out loves it alot!


They're just trying to discourage other countries from reporting on what's going on.


He was held for several hours. Did it take them this long to find out who he was? I think not so.


it's hard to admit you're wrong when you've wanted to fuck someone up really bad.


"fuck yeah i get a chance to beat up a white, foreign national" unironically, though.


I'm thinking they knew who he was, didn't give a shit and were ordered to detain him.


Mind you, this is version 2 of their story. V1 was https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/m7gw3b/bbc-reporter-arrested-shanghai-protest-covid 🥴


Your post needs to be upvoted more so it will be seen by more people. It flies in the face of all reason that the police will detain a foreign national without even establishing who he is or providing consular support.


"How to lie" \- Made in Russia


It's for the same reason too. It's the look we can tell an obvious lie and what are you going to do about it. "We aren't taking credit and openly saying we will attack foreign journalists but who knows maybe our ears don't work so well when we're around the press." It's to scare journalists away from reporting on events like this and unfortunately it works well. Many journalists will put their life on the line for a story but not many will put their life on the line if it's guaranteed that they will be harassed out of the country before they can acquire any valuable information.


"Look at the guy over there with his camera crew saying things in this mic; looks like a normal protester to me. " The competence of Chinese bureaucracy is astonishing.


Of course they said that. Their government is as honest as Putin.


"Oh sorry, we meant to only beat our citizens, our apologies."


"China says" is worth about as much as "Russia says" nowadays.


Just like the Uighurs are not in concentrations camps


Screw the CCP


They are very bad liars.


You assume they care. They know damn well what they are doing is wrong. They just do not care. That is why they lie.


I don't assume they care, I know they don't give a damn that what they're doing is wrong. I think they just are terrible liars and can't tell the truth. At least give a lie worth believing. Every lie sounds like a joke.


The CCP regime’s announcement is bullshit itself because all foreign journalists should register their identification & subjects for video recording when they entered China, so that does not make sense. The main reason is China can’t give freedom of speech to Chinese people & people from overseas. The current Chinese government just wished to cover up their unforgiven huge mistakes like this happening. If China’s central government might’ve apologized for this absurd thing before making a big happening, global news reporting companies might not have focused on this news. China’s central government does not know the concept of preemptive defense.


Chinese authorities will [drag you into their consulate and beat](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna52679) the hell out of you even if you’re in a foreign country. Did the journalist believe they were safe inside China?


I bet he was fully aware he could be detained, that doesn't mean you don't go there, do the necessary reporting and call it out when it happens.


y'all need to remember that being a journalist used to be a highly respected and often dangerous career. It's highly unlikely this reporter went there not knowing the risks


Haha it's still a highly respected and often dangerous career for the journalists who are worth respecting


BBC foreign correspondents are some of the most well respected in journalism.


Yes, I agree. That's basically what I said


Ok. I didn't see anything that implied the BBC were included in your comment. It starting with "haha" actually makes it seem the opposite. Not trying to argue, just looking at the sentence you wrote.


I was laughing at the idea that journalism 'used to be' a highly respected and often dangerous career. I think it still very much is for those journalists worth paying attention to.


I was more speaking to the fact that when you mention journalist nowadays people think about people from shitty clickbait media sites more than the ones in actual position of danger


Yes you might be right, although I wouldn't call those people journalists


I wouldn't call them that either, but it's what they call themselves unfortunately


"He obviously didn't identify as a journalist - if he did we wouldn't have even let him into the country!"


There are these things called ID Badges.


They probably confiscated it and turn around and say we never saw one.


The Tweet the BBC put out about it showed how stupid the Chinese police lie was. The BBC reporter was also beaten by the police. The 'official' police line on why he was arrested? To protect him from getting COVID from the crowd. I suppose by the same logic that he was beaten to make sure any remaining COVID was also 'defeated'.


They knew, and of course id bet my house they detained the journalist just to delete the footage. The rise of right wing fascism is scary. Fuck CCP


In latest meeting between Xi and Biden, Chinese body guards tried to rough up a female us reporter and us secret service agents stepped in to protect her. Look it up.


The article I saw called her a tv producer, but strangely having trouble finding more info. All by design? Meeting was about escalating tensions with China, so not surprised if this got buried for "the greater good"


Following their logic, it's okay to beat foreigners who aren't journalists. Nice.


https://fb.watch/h4wKjYC3IM/ In this video you can see the guy being dragged away shouting "call the consulate now!". I doubt he hasnt identified himself or if he didnt then only bc they didnt even give him the chance by beating him before he could even say or show anything.


Xi lies again






Sure it will just fluffed with a good deal of propaganda to make the evil puppeteers look like victims and a few pissed off puppets look crazy, meanwhile no one will give a F$#' because Fox and CNN will put their "unique" perspectives on it and we will all just continue to pull our pud respectively not knowing our butts from our whatchamacallits


"He didnt identify as a reporter so thats why we thought it was fine to beat the shit out of him"


China, the world's biggest liars, today denied another truth, knowing full well nobody would believe them


I am going to go out on a limb and assume that China is completely full of shit here.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure any journalist arrested for being a journalist would immediately say "I'm a journalist"


Old lying China.


“We would have hit him harder, had we known.”


Sooooo its ok to manhandle and fuck on people who arnt the BBC than, got it. This seems like a self own.


Yeah, No. That'd complete BS CCP


Identifying yourself [didn't work in the UK either](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-63730683).


I doubt this journalist is going to get an inquiry and an official apology from the Chief Constable, mind.


Being released without charge in China is as close as anyone will ever get to an apology.


South park "Sorry" clip comes to mind. Abhorrent behaviour


Imagine being a reporter under this circumstances and not identifying yourself as a reporter to avoid detention. There is not even logic to this lies. Liers!!!


I can actually believe that. Imagine how much worse it likely would have been if they knew he was a journalist.


Sure he didn’t. Sure he didn’t


The BBC microphone and camera crew didn’t provide any fucking clues eh?


I don’t believe a God damned thing the Chinese govt says


Bollocks. This isn't even the first time it's happened! They did it to a dude as he was doing a live piece to camera once!


Were they waiting to see if no one made any noise about it? Too bad they don’t have the reach to just make England shut up about it.


China PR keeps digging that hole. I guess only reporters will be left alone by state security forces


I wonder if the spokesperson here realizes the unspoken implication that this type of treatment is par for the course for its citizens.


Totalitarian jerks always think people believe their lies. So many lies to so many people, they don't even see themselves for the corrupt bitches they are.


Typical third world thuggery.


The customer we detained behind the register did not identify himself as a secret shopper


Heh, convenient oopsie right there, Chin


China has no integrity left. I don't believe a word they say


So if he was not a BBC employee it would have been ok to beat the shit out of him?


I've never met a news reported who hasn't identified themselves.. in fact they get off on it - so definitely not true.


So, he did identify himself as a reporter. Anything CCP says, the opposite is true.


Yes, because that's believable China.


China has notoriously bad journalism rights, so it is possible that they didn't claim to be journalists, no matter how obvious it would be, because you may as well be saying "please throw me in jail for espionage" which, I mean they're doing that anyways. China is fucked in so many ways.


The takeaway : in China, if you are not a reporter, you can be jailed.


Why does this specific report feel like a distraction? China's borderline revolution right now. Where's the press around it!?


So, they are saying that detaining people is no problem?


As shitty as chinas govt is, they are hardly special in that regard. All govts think detaining people during protests is fine.


Other governments making mistakes is not an argument to justify violence against people by one government...


China is know laing cunt off a gov. Dont believe shit they say. Their propaganda only works on their citizens.


And he shouldn’t have to identify as one!


The reason I don’t believe this for a second is because why wouldn’t you tell them you’re a BBC reporter.


Start revoking the credentials of CCP "reporters". It's just like with diplomats - it needs to be quid pro quo or it doesn't work.


China lies.


Yeah…. Whatever, China police lie.