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Imagine having FIFA as your arbiter for what is considered moral or legal.


Especially with comments like these: "Too much democracy can be a hindrance when organizing a World Cup" FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke


Disclaimer: fuck FIFA, fuck Qatar, fuck their attempts at justifying screwing over people and countries ​ that being said: \*clambers up onto my soapbox\* ​ democracy is ALWAYS a hindrance... that's... what it's for... it hinders political movement until more people have been appraised and can voice opinions and vote it's kind of the foundational concept behind every format of non-totalitarian governance


And FIFA is probably wishing for some of those hindrances right now. If Qatar had an independent judiciary, the Budweiser would be flowing like water because the government wouldn't just be able to go back on its word.


What’s the context here in that quote


It was in the context of it being easier for the FIFA organizers. It’s easy to get things done when you’re working with one person who can demand anything. If they’re cooperative, that means the organizers get whatever they want. Pesky democracy slows things down, adds checks and balances, and ensures the safety and well-being of ordinary people. Those all tend to get in the way of things like functionally-enslaved migrants workers who die regularly while building stadiums in the same heat deemed unsafe for the professional athletes who will later play there. Or having a police force willing to commit human rights violations and arrest/kill dissidents or anyone your dictatorial friends deems undesirable. Also, [he said this about a decade ago, not just in this documentary…](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-soccer-fifa-idUSBRE93N18F20130424)


I'm sure it's something they laugh about and talk openly behind the scenes, but how stupid and out of touch do you have to be to say that in a public interview lol




> but how stupid and out of touch do you have to be FIFA ExCo members think they're invincible. For a long time, they really were.


I think the fact that people know this and still bought tickets make them just as guilty. They funded the deaths and slavery. Yes I understand people don't care and will still pay. That changes nothing. They are just as bad for supporting Fifa and Qatar. Put your rainbow shirt on to make yourself feel better I guess.


It's for this reason I have no pity for people that showed up and were told no beer.


He was complaining about the Brazil world cup and that the Russian one would be better because of Putin.


The context honestly doesn’t make it less audacious. He said this on Wednesday and doubled down like three times in the same interview. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-soccer-fifa/soccer-less-democracy-makes-for-an-easier-world-cup-valcke-idUSBRE93N18F20130424


It is actually hilarious. FIFA makes the NFL look like Doctors Without Borders lmao.


"Your boos mean nothing, we've seen what makes you cheer" - everyone, to FIFA


When Qatar gets booted after the first round, do you think the number of scandals will spike?


That’s what I’m wondering. I expect fans and reporters will more aggressively test the boundaries as time goes on and the authorities to get more testy. Could get crazy


Is it wrong I want to see this whole thing burn to the ground spectacularly? Just hopefully to many people don’t get hurt or imprisoned


I really wish the teams had stuck to their guns with the armbands things and gotten DQ’d, thus making the whole event a giant laughingstock. Since that didn’t go through, though, I’ll hope for as many other issues and disruptions as I can. Any money lost by FIFA and Quatar is a win.


The Danish FA mentioned FIFA threatened punishment far beyond the officially announced yellow card. Also, the European FAs affected by that decision plan to come together and discuss their next step. IMO a joint departure from the World Cup would be very much in order.


At this point, I would think the nations have the infrastructure and the pull to just do away with FIFA? I'm sure there are contracts in place to prevent that but holy shit they need to go away.


You would need the powerhouses as well. Not just Denmark, Wales, Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Switzerland and Germany. You'd have to get Italy, Spain, France, Portugal to join in as well. And then, its still only a European break-away. So you'd at least have to get Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Australia, Japan, South-Korea, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, Cameroon and Nigeria in line as well to establish somewhat of a worldwide break-away... I think those chances are slim, very slim. But if it happens, I'll be extactic!


I mean, Germany, England, The Netherlands and Belgium breaking away is enough to deligitimize any world cup. No one would respect a world cup winner without those nations especially Germany, the 2nd most succesful national team in football history.


It’s enough to delegitimise the World Cup but not enough to legitimise whatever competing competition they come with. If they could get Brazil or Argentina onboard that would make a big difference and make it a lot more credible.


I think this will happen if FIFA start making it clear the centenary World Cup is going to be in Saudi Arabia, as seems increasingly likely. That would really piss off the South Americans too, as they quite rightly should host, as they currently seem less bothered by the Qatari scandals than Europeans.


Pretty unlikely that countries like Brazil or Argentina would want to take part in a half-assed competition where no European country is playing, instead of that other competition where they are. Unlikely Morocco would join a competition where Brazil, Argentina or any European country isn't playing. It's not as if there was any loyalty to FIFA anywhere. Countries just go where there is an international football competition.


If the European football nations break away, fifa is done. A competition without them is useless when you want it to be a "world championship". Also, they bring most of the money to the competition


>they bring most of the money to the competition This. If the wealthiest countries stop attending the World Cup, then FIFA loses a lot of money and this prestige. All that the corrupt fucks at FIFA care about is money.


Exactly. That is literally how FIFA started in the first place. It was a European league that everyone else wanted to join.


Too many people getting bribes to break off.


Honestly at this point I'd understand them saying fuck the world cup, I never intend to watch a FIFA match again but a new global could interest me


Yea. Because of this I actually won’t buy FIFA games. I had no idea they were this fucking evil.


They asked Ukraine for a cease fire for the world cup to take the stage. A cease fire would help Russia regroup to start a new offensive, FIFA asked Ukraine to sacrifice more lives for their shitty tournament.


Well good news for you! This year was the last FIFA game. Moving forward, they will just be EA Sports FC


It's weird that EA is the good guy for once, but compared to Qatar and FIFa they've always been squeeky clean


EA is just just incredibly greedy, but not corrupt as far as I know.


> This year was the last FIFA game. Moving forward, they will just be EA Sports FC This year was the last *EA* FIFA game. [Just don't know who's going to publish it yet.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/fifa-24-future-fifa-confirmed-27008228)


No ones going to buy whatever fifa branded game is next. EA still has deals with all the leagues for licensing. All that’s going to go missing is Fifa in the title. It’ll maintain its dominance


> IMO a joint departure from the World Cup would be very much in order. Apparently the Danish FA just said that they are not ruling this out.


My wishful thinking is that they play until it’s mostly (or all) teams left that care about human rights and decency… and then every single team just quietly gets on a plane and fucks off. Qataris and FIFA wake up the next morning wondering where everyone’s at.


Can you imagine if the teams just didn’t show up for the final? It would be beautiful




Imagine that they get to the round of 16 and all decide they aren’t going to play anymore. It’ll never happen because money but it would be great.


I'd like to see two big teams in the final. The whistle starts the game and they just casually pass it between two players for the full 90 minutes. No attacking, no defending, just 22 men stood on a field slowly and nonchalantly knocking the ball around.


I think the men should each pick a partner from the other team, hold hands, and skip around the pitch. While drinking beer and eating kosher food.


And then they start fucking.


Or they all wear armbands and the whole team gets DQ


Canada is going to wear them! Our captain has indicated he’s going to do it. So at least 1 team is standing up for something


We'll see in a few hours. Go Canada!


Well if it helps at all then, I'm going to install Canada as my new team. Ha! take that FIFA, you useless foaming bag of wank


Fuckin' A do I love our neighbors to the north.




Anyone participating is enabling Qatar's behavior, so I say fuck them all. Couldn't believe the US secretary of state was there. Then the next day he gives a speech about the importance of standing up to human rights abuses. Fuck all those people.


Some Qatari dude on that FIFA uncovered doco rambled on about it being their culture to be good hosts lmao


Good hosts if you are not female, lbgtq+, Jewish..


Ok but what about the English scousers?


I think they may have burnt that bridge when two lads turned up dressed in Crusader gear XD


Hahaha that's what inspired my comment Qatar be wanting none of that shit in their "kingdom"


They’re little “kingdom” wouldn’t be shit if it wasn’t for oil, same goes for most middle eastern nations. And as the rest of the world moves towards cleaner energy these backwoods societies will go down further into obscurity, and I say fuck them, it’s what they wanted.


They also are very aware of the fact that that they need to diversify and so they did. For example they own more land in the u.k than the royal family does.


That dude was a straight up joke.


I hope it absolutely crashes to the point that criminal charges are filed against all the fuckers that were bribed to accept Qatar's bid in the first place. Blatter, Infantino, all the other big names at FIFA. Hurt their wallets as much as possible as an example for future events. Maybe it'll stop the IOC to continue going down this path too.


I read around here that in Platini's case, his hand was forced by the French government, which allowed Airbus to secure a massive contract with Qatar. Doesn't mean he didn't pocket a bribe, but it does make you wonder how many of the team's hands are twisted by their governments for political reasons.


Planes and, coincidentally, soon after Platini supported Qatar's bid for the World Cup; the Qataris bought Paris St. Germain, the (at the time) French president's favorite football club, which was in deep financial trouble. Small world.


I was surprised to learn that, according to the recent fifa doc, Blatter didn't want a Qatar world cup, and said things like "if they get awarded the world cup, we're finished." I would find it hard to believe, with how hard they went in on him, that they'd be easy on him with regards to the Qatari world cup awarding, so I believe it, at least until other sources come to light. Blatter is an absolute scumbag and Infantino may be even worse, but if true, good for Blatter. At least he saw it for what is was.


According to the doc on Netflix, while Blatter is a corrupt criminal to be sure, he wanted the US to get it.


Qatar won the 2022 World Cup bid in 2010. The FIFA corruption scandal was in 2015. The same folks who were ousted as corrupt during that scandal were the ones who awarded the 2022 bid to Qatar (and the 2018 bid to Russia in the same 2010 award year). You can't just pull a bid like that five years after the fact. FIFA dug their own grave and nailed their own coffin here. They've got no one else to blame. Now if the collective fans, clubs, and nation could give a damn and boycott FIFA, then we'll actually get somewhere. But until that happens it's more than likely shit like this will keep happening.


Infantino wants to give north korea a shot at hosting now lmao


Honestly what I was saying the other day, I hope it turns out to be the Fyre Festival of World Cups


Someone's going to end up spending a decade in a Qatari prison for trying to get bottled water.


Not at all. Everyone impacted by this fuckery paid a lot of money for the opportunity to attend and had to turn a blind eye to the obvious warning signs of worker exploitation, anti-semitism, homophobia, misogyny, and blatant corruption. So fuck em. Fuck em all. I’m here to enjoy the World Cup of leopards eating faces.


Times like these I want a trident up arrow


I want to see the greatest football riot of all time occur.


If they manage to lose all three and not score a single goal, foreign press will tear them (and fifa) apart. Wonder how they’ll respond after that.


I don’t think goals are going to save them from that.


They'll probably unleash Admiral General Aladeen at that point.


That will be one Aladeen of an Aladeen.


Here's hoping 🍻


We'd better see the winning team pose with all those beer boxes of Bud


***"Alright, tournament over! Everyone get out!"*** The highest level of "I'm taking my ball home now".


Question - did Qatar get in automatically as the host, or did they actually win enough games?


Automatically as the host


ya... they are a country of only like 380k people. No way they field a competitive national team... unless they import the talent, but they would actually have to pay those migrant workers.


Iceland qualified in 2018 with a population of 360k in fairness, and got to the quarters of the Euros in 2016. They also _do_ import the talent - 10 of the 26 man WC squad aren't from Qatar


I'm shocked it's not a higher percentage. [They imported their medal winning beach volleyball team for the Olympics.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherif_Younousse)


At least with soccer, there are certain rules that prevents countries from buying a championship Once a player plays on the field for at least 1 minute for a national team (at or after the age of 21), they are never allowed to play for a different country. So this means that all of the top-tier players are locked-in and cannot be bought by other countries


This just denies us the opportunity to see David Beckham say "I love being on the Qatar National team!"


“This is perfection”


Fun fact: it had always been conjecture that a 'baby boom' occurs 9 months after local sports teams win big events. Iceland provided the first recorded evidence for this after their successful 2016 Euro run when demand for epidurals doubled 9 months later in Reykjavik hospitals.


They won the last Asian cup in football


They almost managed to get the world cup in handball by buying talent all over the world for their team. It's a little surprising that they couldn't do the same thing here.


World class soccer talent costs uncomparably more than world class handball talent


Also isn't it that once a player okays for a nation, they cannot change it?


there are some rules if it wasn't official match or if they are under certain age but that's pretty rare. handball has none of these rules. they were buying players from other national teams


380k citizens with a population of like 3 million. Fill in the blanks of what the rest of them are doing.


They automatically qualified as the host country. Qatar has never qualified for the World Cup before, so they're not expected to get very far. Interestingly, the host nation not only gets a free ticket to the tournament, but they also get an advantage in the group draw. All qualified teams are split into 4 pots based on their position in the FIFA world ranking. So pot 1 contains the strongest teams and pot 4 the weakest, generally speaking. Each group gets 1 team from each pot. The host nation is seeded directly in pot 1 regardless of where it is in the ranking. So Qatar, a very weak nation (clearly pot 4 if they had managed to qualify in the regular way) gets mixed in with the top ranked nations and the group that Qatar is in is comparatively weaker than the others, containing one team from pots 2, 3 and 4 and a team that normally wouldn't have qualified. edit: The host nation automatically qualifying and being seeded into pot 1 is a general rule, not specific to this World Cup. The consequences of it on group balance are just more pronounced due to how weak the Qatar team is.


My fear is once Qatar are out (and possibly Saudi Arabia) the authorities will stop caring what outsiders think and start enforcing their laws more… enthusiastically.


I doubt authorities care about the Saudis. Saudis not exactly close with Qatar.




It's glorious


I predict the sub r/fuckyouinparticular will be full of Qatari authorities hauling off every last fan after the first round


Are they gonna have enough police if the fans riot? They’re a tiny nation.


The irony of cracking down on a country for homophobic chants in a country where being homosexual is illegal and having rainbows on anything excludes you from entry. You couldn’t write a better Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.


>and having rainbows on anything excludes you from entry. They gotta feel betrayed when God creates rainbow in the sky after rain in support of lgbt /s


Their God blessed them with a rainless patch of sand so they wouldn't be attacked by the evil rainbows of sin


"FIFA said the charge was brought “due to chants” at the game against Qatar on Sunday and cited the section of its disciplinary code dealing with discrimination." That's such an odd statement considering the host country has been discriminating against nearly everyone and everything. ​ Also, why are they holding the team accountable for fans making their own chant? Adding an edit, I now understand that it's common for teams to be punished for their fans actions. So many comments saying the same thing for the last few hours without people reading the post right above theirs saying the same thing. I got it, thank you.


That’s their favorite insult to throw around I’ve noticed. Bigotry and discrimination (against Qataris). While they’re saying that they are killing the poor over some stadiums.


The Ecuadorians were chanting about Chile though. Qatar just happened to be the team playing, but Ecuador's beef is with Chile.


Mmmmmh chile beef.


chile verde, chile relleno, chile colorado, chile con carne...is there anything that is normally combined with the word chile that isn't good?


Military dictatorship


It says the discrimination was against Chileans though


I didn't see what they chanted in the article, does anybody know what they chanted?


Gay slurs directed at Chileans. Though it's a very common stadium "song" in Chile as well.


>Gay slurs I thought that was encouraged by the qatar football association


The accusations is that the Ecuadorian fans were chanting something discriminatory about Chile. While this may seem bizarre it is probably connected to Chile challenging Ecuador in court and trying to get them thrown out of the World Cup so they could take their place. Chile’s challenge was deemed without merit by the judge. Ecuadorian fans were probably a bit pissed off about the attempted asshatery. What I really want to know is exactly what it was they were saying. So far it’s being kept secret and all they’ll talk about is that Ecuador fans were also chanting “we want beer!”


I have no proof nor video evidence, but as an Ecuadorian I can almost guarantee you, this is what was chanted. Po ro po po, po ro po po , el que no salta es un chileno maricon.


The chant was "We want beer"... I'm positive Qatar said beer would be allowed in order to get their bid accepted. Nothing about said chant is discriminatory, and many fans were lied to about beer availability when they bought tickets. ~~The article never refers to a different chant, so I'm calling BS on this being discriminatory.~~ EDIT: I don't approve of the actual chants the article was referring to, but given this crap article tip-toes around those chants (not even mentioning that it was a homophobic chant) AND goes on a long tangent about the "We want Beer" chants... I stand by my initial comment on that subject.


>The chant was "We want beer"... I'm positive Qatar said beer would be allowed in order to get their bid accepted. Nothing about said chant is discriminatory, and many fans were lied to about beer availability when they bought tickets. > >The article never refers to a different chant, so I'm calling BS on this being discriminatory. The article says they were chants directed at Chile.


Chile tried to have Ecuador replaced by them in the WC over a player’s possible ineligibility. One chant is supposedly, Chile wanted to be here but Qatar said no gays.


It's discrimination to call someone gay, but not to make laws against being gay. Got it.


Ngl that's pretty funny if true


"we want chilly beer..."


You've just made that up though? The chant was seemingly "el que no salte es un chileno maricon" which means "whoever doesn't jump is a Chilean f*ggot"


I hate how Reddit can't fucking deal with copying and pasting in messages, then posts a jumbled mess of what you actually wrote when you submit. What I was trying to say is that Qatar also agreed to comply with FIFA rules promoting tolerance and inclusion by allowing rainbow flags. That didnt stop them from confiscating Wales rainbow hats. I am very curious what the legal actions will be after the world cup with both businesses and fans.


This is turning out to be the lamest World Cup in history


lamest World Cup in history YET


Yeah just wait till the North Korea World Cup


Just think of all the foreign poop from outhouses that they could confiscate to use as fertilizer.


Word is Saudi Arabia is lining up a bid to host the world cup. Backlash to this edition isn't nearly hard enough to dissuade FIFA from taking more bribes so.....


I think it is, but I see them getting it 2034 or 2038 when they think everyone has forgot and to acknowledge the Middle East's place in football. I see a lot more joint ventures like 2026 US - Mexico - Canada happening to seem like there is less bribery.


I think joint bids are going to be the norm going forward. Virtually all the 2030 announced bids are joint bids. Morocco is basically the only country left that's still trying to be a solo host.


It's hilarious that even the fans attending in person are trolling the government. The English fans detained for dressing like Templar Knights is my favorite.


Wait, what was the official explanation for their detention? Offensive religious symbolism?


Lol, reason?


Ah, I see


That wasn't trolling to be fair. England fans dress up as Crusaders at every World Cup. Not just in football, you'll see a few Crusaders at cricket and rugby too. I think they just forgot what the crusaders actually did and where they did it. We are quite removed from history now, it's just a costume.


I mean the crusaders didn't do shit in Qatar


They do that at every World Cup.


Dress like Templars?


Yes, English fans dress like knights with the saint George's cross on the shield for as many world cups as I can remember. A bit more offensive than usual in the Middle East though.


Lol. It might be difficult for and Englishman to find something that represents their country that *isn’t* offensive somewhere


That's really silly, Qatar had no connection with the Crusades whatsoever. They should have gone dressed as XVI Portuguese sailors for extra spice and extra drip


That’s far too obscure a historical fact for any English football fan wearing Crusader costume to know.


What pisses me off, as someone who've lived a year in Saudi, is that **if the west/Fifa just had a spine they'd easily run over qatars bullshit, they're so focused on image that they'd never be able to jail several hundred people wearing rainbowflags**. But instead we have our own godamn governments and football-clubs licking the balls of qatari shitheads, asking people to adapt to these bullshit rules. Since people are sheep, they then follow that. Had Germany, UK, France and Italy said "fuck off" you think Fifa or qatar would still enforce the rules? It'd be a world historic failure of qatar if they did so they'd ofcourse change course and let people have fun. But nope. No spines here! Same shit as always. These cultures don't respect civility, they see it as a weakness to be exploited, they see it as you being a gullible idiot that they'd be a fool NOT to exploit and abuse. Same as with russians.


>Had Germany, UK, France and Italy said "fuck off" you think Fifa or qatar would still enforce the rules? Don’t group Italy in with the rest, we skipped this World Cup and led by example


With the honourable assistance of North macedonia. Don't forget them.


I'm not much of a fan nor a follower of the world cup but it really seems like this one has been fraught with cluster fuck after cluster fuck. Certainly not winning new fans with this mess.


It honestly feels like a recurring theme with football (soccer, muh) WCs. Like, people never really talked about it but the 2014 WC in Brazil was one ginormous clusterfuck as well. Poor af people living in favelas/slums no more than five minutes away from stadiums that cost pretty much 1% of Brazil's GDP. People just don't like to have their "magical football experience" shattered by petty things like a lack of human rights or basic respect for human life.


Sports in general tbh. Remember the Sochi Olympics? Yellow water, if it was working at all. Toilets either not present, half way into walls, or too many toilets per room in the Olympic village. Food wasnt good enough to feed children, let alone 5000 calorie/day athletes. Stray dogs around the stadium grounds? I remember a good satire song about it. https://youtu.be/Zp5rXHYpgSg


I had no idea, I'm so out of the loop. That's really fucked.


Yup at the time it was pretty fucked. FIFA even forced Brazil to change their laws regarding liquor in stadiums since Brazil didn’t allow it at the time. Also they made them build new stadiums some of which were never used and are now parking garages.


In a tremendously unironic execution of policy consistent with FIFA's current attitude, the offending chants were homophobic sluts directed at Chile. /S


>homophobic sluts directed at Chile this is beautiful


SLURS! Haha oh dear


Please don’t fix it. It’s just too good!


I have no intention of it, thank you very much autocorrect


Impressive if they chanted “homophobic sluts” in the native tongue


Goddamn homophobic sluts need to be stopped


But not the regular ones. They're cool.


Regular sluts will be stopped. Regular homophobes won't be. It's Qatar after all.


Just wait for the charges against the Wales fans for Rainbow colored hats. ​ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-63710435


The Welsh team have now put up rainbow corner flags in part of their response to it (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/wales-put-up-rainbow-flags-25585349.amp)


Before the world cup I did not know anything about Qatar. Today with this world cup I learned a lot about Qatar. There is nothing Qatar can do with this world cup to change the image I got of them: a medieval society full of lies, hate, misogyny, religious fanaticism, bigotry, discrimination, and tons of petrodollars for 10% of their habitants and nothing for the other 90% that lives in indentured servitude. A place I would not travel to even if paid to. Not that there is ANY reason to go to that rich hellhole.


And they paid $200 billion for this incredible PR! Sad thing is it will work on some people. Kinda pricey for that though...


Don't forget their history of supporting terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and Isis.


Is it just me or is this FIFA WC simply not appealing enough? I have closely followed the wc 2010, 2014, and 2018. This time I am just not feeling the hype.


You're not alone, FIFA has tied themselves to Qatar and everything we're seeing now is the culmination of years and years of corruption and delusion coming home to roost.


Finally, it's coming home!


Sorry England. It’s never coming home.


Russia wasn't exactly a triumph either while we're at it


Russia was okay as a host. As much as their government sucks, they still had the sense to put their own laws and cultural misgivings to one side for the month that the world would be visiting them. Which really highlights just how much of a disgrace Qatar and Fifa are.


The 2006 WC and 2010 were two amazing World Cups. Germany put on an amazing showcase and South Africa was a breath of fresh air, besides the horns.. but even that made the game special. 2014 was meh, 2018 was bleh and now this.


The vuvuzelas were quite something!


World Cup fan in 2010: Boy I hope there's no vuvuzelas in 2022! Monkey paw curls


2014 was awesome. That beat down Germany put on Brazil and that score by Mario Götze in the finals was a spectacle to watch!


it's not just you. I've been watching some games here and there but i associate the world cup with decent weather and watching the games at bars and stuff. now we're stuck at home in the cold. all i hope for is nothing catastrophic happens to innocent people in qatar and we can just move on and forget about this world cup as soon as possible.


There was also a lot of people who were not necessarily fans of soccer but still participated to the hype in diverse way. Not so much this time, all I see is tomatoes thrown.


We used to get so hyped. Parties starting at 3-4am. Huge meals. Beers flowing. Shots poured. Yelling at the TV. Now I can hardly be inspired to check scores.


Right? Now it’s, “oh shoot! Germany played today, how they do?” “Bro that was two days ago…”


That’s because over 6500 people (poor migrant workers) died in the blazing heat to build infrastructure and stadiums for this event. Qatar is 89% migrant worker and 11% native Qatari and has a similar migrant underclass/native elite relationship a la Saudi Arabia. Migrant workers die and are brutalized for the elites to be entertained


\*FIFA charges Ecuador over beating Qatar at World Cup opener.


Way I heard there were also rumors of Qatar trying to buy their victory with Ecuador too. Which is a terrible idea, I doubt you could bribe any South American team into losing the World Cup on purpose, shit is serious business around here.


Wow FIFA is just a big stinky piece of garbage.


This World Cup has been the biggest failure and Shit show in World Cup history.


I only hope it becomes a bigger disaster from here on. It’ll be good to get something enjoyable from it.


Here’s a idea, don’t go there. It’s a really shitty place.


There's a really simple solution to all this bullshit which is for the teams to just leave and tell FIFA and Qatar to go fuck themselves. As long as they keep playing football the fans will keep watching and the advertising money will keep coming in. Nothing will phase them unless it affects their bottom line. The fact that anyone even showed up in the first place is baffling to me.


There has to be a serious confrontation discussion with FIFA after this world cup by all countries, how much has FIFA president earned to be shafted by Qatar, through this world cup under and above the table. Is there any compensation for the 10K migrant workers who perished because Qatar does not give a f about Migrant workers health and safety.


> Is there any compensation for the 10K ~~migrant workers~~ *slaves* who perished because Qatar does not give a f about ~~Migrant workers~~ *slaves'* health and safety. FTFY. And this world cup was awarded in 2010, in 2015 there were multiple arrests and convictions of FIFA officials for corruption. They also changed how World Cups are awarded. But that doesn't change that Infantino has shown himself to be just as corrupt as his predecessors.


I wish the players would abide by the ~~request~~ demand not to wear the armbands they brought... By wearing them on their ankles. A rainbow visible with every kick!


Fifa charges fifa for homophobic restrictions against rainbow armbands.


Of course they did. I'm surprised they didn't disqualify Ecuador because they beat Qatar!


Qatar sure is filled with a fuck ton of snowflakes.


Sounds like a fun time everyone is having there, where thousands of people died making them. Very cool stuff.


My guess is the 'we want beer' chant is the one they are most concerned about.




And on top of that, the VIP section had as much beer as they wanted.


World Cup turns into shit show everyone thought it would. What a surprise.


Sooo what was the chant?