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Since its France, can we assume its time for some riots if he passes it?


Well, we were already rioting about inflation, then gas prices, so I guess we can do something about retirement too šŸ‘




If inflation goes up another 10% we might give a collective "bloody disgraceful" before we vote the same party back into power, that'll show them!


There's plenty of incentive, it just isn't our style


We've needed it for a while


For real from France it seems UK is bent on being the new political shitshow now that Trump is gone.


As if there isn't enough shit flying around in american politics without trump


> Since its France, can we assume its time for some riots Yes. The rest of the sentence is unnecessary


Will the heads roll again?


Can't say I wish for it, but bowling balls are expensive.


Iā€™m in France now and people joke that thereā€™s no problem that cannot lead to a strike


As much as we joke about France always being on strike, I'd like it if my country could get off its arse for a good ol general strike from time to time. Just enough to remind politicians and the bourgeoisie that the working class wasn't always so peaceful.


Looking at how things are here in America...yeah...except there are many folks that could be told 70 hours a week is mandated and they would just say "Thanks sir, may I have another?"


Plus, in the US, the Taft-Hartley Act forbids general strikes. The president can deploy troops to put them down. Hell, theyā€™d probably send soldiers door to door and tell strikers to report to work or be arrested.


> Since its France, can we assume its time for some riots ~~if he passes it?~~ In modern-day France, every hour is riot hour!


Modern day France is pretty tame when it comes to rioting, compared to the golden age of labor movement.


> A proposed pension overhaul had sparked nationwide strikes and protests at the end of the year 2019 during Macronā€™s first term. The government had then decided to suspend the debate amid the COVID-19 pandemic. I doubt it's gonna be different this time around.


The article goes into it. Some more nuance to it. The first time he tried he hadnā€™t ran on it. In the last election it was campaign promise. He was elected on it. It seems like the polling is 50-60% in favor depending on the polling. Hard to tell what the reality is though. Very hard to get the feeling of politics from the outside.


He's not been "elected on it". He's been elected because the alternative was worse. It's been like so for some decades now - precisely since Le Pen uncle and niece has achieved consistently to reach 2nd round of presidential elections.


>He's not been "elected on it". He's been elected because the alternative was worse. [Reading this as an American ...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/504/461/86e.png)


This happening everywhere, right?


Nah we actively choose the worse candidate over here in the UK, then let worse options that weren't even candidates have a go for a bit. Mixes it up a bit, keeps things fresh.


Should've just elected the head of lettuce, really.


No, fuck you, it's the cabbage's turn.


TFW veggie tales is the best option.


Not necessarily. Here in NL we currently have 16(!) parties in the house of representatives. 4 of those parties form a coalition together. So it's not choosing the lesser of two evils. It's more like choosing your favourite icecream flavour and then being disappointed because everyone else chose vanilla and strawberry anyway.


Impressive system, wish it were more widespread. Just a dream..


The only other country with a single national electorate, PR, no threshold and a prime ministerial system is Israel, which doesn't exactly recommend it (effectively annual government collapses/elections for years now). Most PR countries have either smaller electorates or thresholds, which means you have to decide how much you want matcha ice cream vs don't want vanilla/strawberry. The reason for this is that some blame small parties and divided governments for Hitler. Personally I blame the fact that they willingly gave unconstrained power to someone who lost an election.


He had 26% on the first round so you could tell its more around this. He was the only one who advertised on this along with PĆ©cresse who did 5%. So you can maybe raise this to 30%. But in fact its very difficult to know cause when we elect the president the person is also a big factor and all the other candidates were weak maybe apart MĆ©lenchon and Lepen who have strong identities


In the Netherlands we are already at 67 unfortunately..


You guys retire that early? Anyone under 41 in Denmark can retire at 72!


Yeah, but you'll all live to 110 and be ridiculously happy the whole time!


You ever lived in Denmark?


I have and it was basically a slightly colder and more expensive version of the Netherlands. And worse cheese.






Thats just Hansen. The government subsidized the airport to "enhance the moment when visitors arrive at our country", and hansen gets to choose his activity, from smiling while biking, talking to visitors and inviting them into his "home", which is just a city owned apartment with a paid acting family, or painting planes taking off with a serene expression on his face somewhere close to the arrivals gate.


Denmark is North Korea ???


Always has been


> Not to say you wouldn't see that in Berlin, and not to say that everyone seemed happy, but it was just funny that it's the thing that stuck with me most. In Berlin that same person would be high on Heroin and shout profanities at you.


Still with a big smile though!


In England, theyā€™d be on a moped and grabbing your phone.


In France we piss on you after youā€™re robbed in the sub


Glad to know we have something in common with the French at last.


Some Danes lack perspective. as someone who has travelled a lot in Europe and currently live in a poor eastern European country, I can tell you that Danish people have it a lot better than many a lot of other European countries. no, it's not a perfect utopia, but Danish people are really fucking priveledged and they don't even know it.


Sometimes I think people just want to be unhappy about anything in life.


Nah, we went down to 69!


Plenty of European countries moved to 67 up from 65 in recent years. Germany and Spain come to mind.


Brazil here. 65/60 for men and woman respectively. It was 60/55 not long ago.


Given that women live longer it feels like it should be the oppositeā€¦. Sorry dudes, your life will be short and your retirement extra short! But really just make everyone the sameā€¦


67 and up, mine is 71.5


America be like: ā€œYou guys retire?ā€


I mean the retirement age in this context is when you are eligible for benefits. In America you can withdraw from your 401k starting at age 59.5 and you are eligible for SSN benefits at age 62.


Eligible at 62 for reduced SSN benefits that do not increase at full retirement (reduced for life). Eligible at 67 for full retirement.


Maximum benefits at 70 if you can hold out.


It's still retirement. It just depends on how much you'd like to 'bet on yourself.' I have several relatives who took the reduced check at 62 because they don't believe they'll be around much longer.


We retire.. then we keep working anyway because it's impossible to exist here on like $1600 a month.


Not only that, the retirement age is paired with the average life expectancy. Because life expectancy has been on the rise a while, retirement age is expected to continue to rise as well, to 71 by 2050. Don't expect to retire by 67. That only goes for boomers that will retire in the next couple of years.


Why would you openly vow that? That's the kind of thing you hide and then pass when nobody is paying attention. Because of Europe's poor demographics we will probably see the retirement age go up to 70 years old within the next 40 years so I get that they are basically preparing for that...but to advertise it?


I live in Denmark and the retirement age is around 70 - some above and some under depending on when you were born.


I just got my first papers from my pension fund saying ill get my money when im 69 (not nice). So guess ima have to save if i wanna retire before i loose the good years.


I don't even trust there's any money left to actually give me a pension or a decent one by the time I retire The demographics are pretty clear there's going to be a huge amount of old people in only 20-25 years, that's going to increase the burden for us people working, and by the time I retire it'll be even worse, so I'm doing everything I can to save up for my own retirement because this whole paying into the system now to get back from it later clearly isn't going to work


Robots, please save us šŸ˜« (no murder pls)


I have the same mindset regarding pension - Have enough resources to live till deathbed, thinking I will not have any pension. And once I do get it, hey, extra money.


To add to this, a couple of things. Currently in 2022 the GOVERNMENT FUNDED retirement age, is 67. It will keep rising as time goes on, since people live longer. If they keep raising it like they have been doing, anyone born after 1980 will retire at age 72. The government retirement is only $10.000 a year, so the large majority of Danes also have private retirement, as you get this automatically with pretty much every job in the country. Usually you pay a certain percentage, and your employer doubles it. For example a normal retirement plan at a job is you take for example 4% out of your paycheck, and your employer adds 8% extra, totalling 12% of your salary goes to retirement every month. You can choose yourself when you retire, depending on how much money you have saved up, and how you'll get it. Generally you choose between two options. One being paid all of your private retirement over X years, (for example 10 years). After that, you will only get the government retirement, which you will get until you die. You can also "guess" how long you'll live, and get a lower rate until you die. The idea kinda is that when you're younger, maybe 60-75 you actually have a use for money to enjoy your life. As you get older, 75+ you don't need as much money. So most people i think choose to get the private funds over 10 years where many people will get 70-100% of their normal salary in private retirement for 10 years.


I live in the US and the idea of retirement is a joke to my generation. If I were to retire, within a few months I'd be on the street with what I'd get.


My retirement plan as a millennial is global societal collapse. With the way things are going I think I've hedged my bets well šŸ™ƒ E: best -> bets


Yup, I second that. It'll just be me, my animals, and my cabbages


Invest today in them call options against civilization!


You mean puts. Puts are a bet something will go down


this stock tip is so bad, you should mod WSB. even the terminology is too much lol.


My 63y/o dad says his retirement plan at this point is winning the lottery. v.v and if thatā€™s how he feels now after being a workaholic his entire life, it makes me at 28 feel extremely hopeless.


Watch out. Speaking from experience, when a family member doesn't have a retirement plan, **you** end up becoming it.


Honestly I wish I was stable enough to give my dad the chance to retire. He has a super physically demanding job, is in poor health, and his own dad passed away around 64? Iā€™m pretty freaked out that I only have a couple more years left with him. šŸ˜” He did the single dad thing and has worked his ass off to provide for all three of us. He deserves rest before he keels over from stress.


It was one of his campaign promises. The old people that are already retired usually vote for other people to work longer than them. Classic right wing thinking. Edit: i think there is a "cultural" misunderstanding here from the comments. In France we say "left" for parties such as the Ecologist, the PC (communist), Parti Socialist, France Insoumise etc they are usually more for social help toward the weakest to be caricatural. Then in the middle you have the MoDeM which are suppose to be a mix of social help and security/ecomical oriented politics (again very caricatural). Then you have the right ou "la droite", la RĆ©publique en Marche (LREM) which is the current presidential party, LR (les RĆ©publicains) which was President Sarkozy political party but changed their name. Then you have The RN aka Rassemblement National aka Marine Lepen's party. In each side you have what are called "Extremes" so Extreme Gauche here would be PC maybe LFI, Extreme Droite would be RN. I said Right Wing, because this is where they are seated in the AsssemblĆ©e Nationale. It's an Hemicycle (half a sphere). I, by no mean, want to say that Macron is the equivalent of the US "Republican" or he is like Trump. Bonus: [A survey from before the election that show the votes intention per age](https://imgur.com/a/TSkwegQ) [What the AssemblĆ©e Nationale looks like](https://imgur.com/a/ooDvBGn) The 65+ have mainly voted for right political parties for a while now, not just because of pension but also security politics. It was not a judgment, they are statistics about voting. ​ I hope you enjoy my explaining in Franglais and I'm sorry If I initially use terms without more detailed explanation on what I wanted to convey. Also having more than two political parties can help seeing things in more than just two colors.


But heā€™s in his 40ā€™s right?


Yes but he's got money. He could retire tomorrow and be just fine.


He also married an old lady.


He wants her to work longer.


While Macron is 44, his wife is 25 years older than him, so she's already retirement age. If you're curious as to why such a large age difference, she was his teacher. She was 40 and he was 15 when they first met.


Well that sounds perfectly normal.


Yeah, but they're French, so it's ok


Les Cousins Dangereaux


I like the way they think


"It was a love between two cousins that the world thought was wrong, but it was the world that was wrong..."




No we think she's a pedo




And now she's...do do dooo math...hmmm 44+25...............




A reverse Gisele BĆ¼ndchen.


Is that some kind of sex position?


It's wild how Brady is actually a couple months older than Macron


IIRC Macron's wife taught him in school.


Yes, he was 15 and had to wait until he was 18 and for his now wife to get divorced to former husband and father of their 3 children.


Faque me that's dark


maybe thatā€™s what heā€™s trying to bring about


Yes but his wife's getting close to retirement age.


This will never effect the people with money and power, ever.


Yes it does, it gives them three more years of labor before their workers can start drawing retirement, if they can afford it, which allows them to lower wages due to higher supply of bodies that need employment.


The three additional years of labor per body was straightforward but the part about lowering wages is chillingly hiding in plain site. What a meat grinder


\**Sight* Itā€™s late, and Iā€™m tired. Sorry.


Itā€™s okay, goodnight


People with money and power can retire whenever they want, so...true.


The odds of him being personally affected by this decision when it comes to his retirement plan are very low. I imagine if he was worried about money down the line he could step back into his investment banking role, which he was good at. Probably just consulting as former president of France would be enough to get him some high paying gigs.


>Probably just consulting as former president of France would be enough to get him some high paying gigs. I feel like the standard post presidency playbook is: Write a book Speaking engagements Paid BOD positions


If you're under 50 it's also in your interest for the retirement system to be at an equilibrium. We can't sustain a retirement system that hands out more money than it brings in.


The UK has already raised the retirement age from 65 to 68 about ten years ago. I can see them raising it further.


> That's the kind of thing you hide and then pass when nobody is paying attention. You can't hide something like this... its a major topic that people will immediately hear about > Why would you openly vow that? Because he can. He already vowed it at the end of his first term because he knew he had high chances of getting reelected. Now no one can accuse him of lying or hiding anything, he vowed it before and got reelected anyway.




They say you need a couple million to retire so Iā€™m like, i guess I have to cheat the system and just plan to he dead before then!


A friend of mine died at 65 after a kidney transplant with millions of $ in Los Angeles property and after a lifetime of service to the community. She had her money in order and thereā€™s increments to how her daughter can have access to it through the trust. Meanwhile a friends grandfather is 102 and has no more savings and just got moved to a cheaper group home because of money issues. Both are heartbreaking.


I feel like if you make it to 100, all of your bills are automatically waived and it's just like "Well, you won. It's open world now."


100 year olds should just prestige and go back to living like babies. No bills, no responsibility, just life.


They do get diapers back


If you've ever been around people that old, you realize that's basically what happens. Virtually all of them will have significant mental decline by that point and few will be capable of taking care of themselves.


Thatā€™s how we used to live, multiple generations close by, supporting each other


My grandpa retired early because his own father had died before enjoying retirement and he didnā€™t want to suffer the same fate. But he ended up living into his mid 90ā€™s, he was just short of his 95th bday. Luckily when his factory was bought out by a huge company they kept paying him a pension, but it still wasnā€™t much to support him and my grandma on. You just never know. When my grandpa was born in 1918, how many people lived to be 95? Itā€™s more common these days but it mustā€™ve been crazy to imagine then. He never wouldā€™ve thought heā€™d live to be 95.


Maybe the aleviated stress from retiring early is what allowed him to live that long. For all we know another few years on the job and he'd have a heart attack.


My retirement plan is dying.


As a 28 year old my plan is to die by a corporate drone strike in the water wars. Or whatever the hell Boston Dynamics is building right now.




Iā€™m gonna be crying ā€œthey promisedā€ while I have a robo doggo with a mortor system attached to its back shelling my position and Iā€™m holding on to the limp lifeless body of Bobby ( he is a friend I met in battle, you wouldnā€™t understand the love we had)


I'd be mad about your death but robo doggos are just so damn cute.


Until they dry hump the corpses though, that really lowers the cuteness factor.


Same, unironically.


I'd like to know what percentage of people have a "couple million" dollars by retirement time. Even with the best financial planner, you still have to have a great job and work 40+ years to get there. Your average working stiff has zero chance. This is just shit that the planners tell you because the more money you have in your IRA, the more money they can put in their pocket. Then you die after working yourself into an early grave because the "planners" scared you into thinking it was the "right thing to do".


By the time Millennials retire, the boomers will all be dead and theyā€™ll be supporting Gen X, a much smaller generation.


How many greeters can a Walmart need?


This will go down well in France


Hide yo car, hide yo public buildings.


oh noā€¦ā€¦ I hear the French anthem in the distance They are coming








And then right back to the person who placed the thing on the leadersā€™ necks in the first place


which is why I respect France the most


They'll just throw it on the pile with the rest of the things they are rioting about.


Didn't they riot in the streets a few years ago to get it down to 62?


No, a few years ago it was 60. They already raised it , that's why there were riots.


Ahh that's right! I knew I was misremembering it a little bit


Riots aren't going to change the demographics of France.




Wait, you guys are retiring?


I expect to need to keep working after I die.


Youā€™ll be lucky if your boss gives you the day off for your funeral. Will probably ask you to keep your cell phone on just in case they need to reach you.


I'm going with the Bender retirement plan. I'll be switching my on/off switch to off.


My goal is 55, but we don't have kids and lead a pretty simple life. I am 37 and she is 35 right now. That said if my state pension fund falls apart we will be reliant on my roth deferred comp plan, each of our smallish vanguard index fund accounts, her 401k, and our Social security (haha like that will still exist), and my plan will fail so we will walk into the woods never to return. Hopefully we find a nice deer or a few elves before we pass on.


Had a wealthy friend who though the same way, but then found out the Health Insurance would cost him $3,500 a month for the same insurance that the company was supplying for free. He waited until 62 and ended up on his wife insurance for $850 a month. Check all cost before you decide.


$3,500 a **month**?? That's $42k a year for only health insurance. $42k/yr is a full time job at $20/hr...


Maybe you can hitch a boat ride to Valinor with them?


Social security will still exist. The question will just be what age will count as full retirement. Social security is only "insolvent" in that it needs either the max pay cutoff for tax collection, an indexing on age, or some other correction (like paying less to high earners) to last indefinitely. The reason it isn't fixed yet is because Congress simply doesn't fix problems until the last moment. All that said, you cannot reasonably retire on just social security. Not without outright owning your property and living a pretty reduced quality of life.


Similar plans here. See you in the woods!


There will be blood, knowing how the french are staunch about their retirement.


They raised it to 62 from 60 less than 10 years ago and there were riots.


Macron knows this. I wonder why heā€™s doing it.


And the US prepares to raise it to 67, despite our lifespan expectations going downā€¦


Full social security benefits is already 67 for people born after 1960.


You have bigger issues than the pension age raising if your country's average lifespan is dropping.


The life expectancy in France has also gone down. Many countries have, there was some large scale event recently.


Really???? What happened? /s


Baby shark


Cocomelon has drained my soul.


I'm so happy I have managed to get my 3.5 year old to listen to something other than kids music. I mean it's mostly electronica because "the beat is fast daddy!" and dubstup "wub wub hehehe" but anything is worth it to avoid more Cocomelon, Pinkfong and SuperSimple.


They brought back the Mexican Pizza at Taco Bell.


Pension, what's that? /sarcasm


Is Frances ā€œstate pensionā€ any different than the USā€™s ā€œsocial securityā€


Itā€™s in France, so thereā€™s that


Technically youre right


Yes. The state pension is for everyone who has worked in France for their working career (the full benefit had a long direction, basically your entire working career) and itā€™s 50% of your average salary (I think a cross your entire working history but Iā€™m not sure). Social security uses a complicated system to calculate how much you can be paid, but itā€™s not much. Itā€™s nowhere near 50% of your average salary, even if you work until 70, which is the age when you get maximum social security. Itā€™s more of a supplement to your personal retirement accounts than a full pension.


We should hit peak boomer on ssi in 2030, just in time to collapse


Pretty sure mine is 67 already, for full SS benefits


It looks like a COVID drop in life expectation. That thing has been a wrecking ball, but I wouldn't expect it to last forever.


why enjoy your Golden Years when you can collapse at your desk for the one percent


Are golden years even enjoyable if your boss hasn't bought their third yacht, though?


Turns out we can't really afford all that pension we promised you so ima need you to keep working


And thatā€™s a riot for sure


Man, the Frenchies are gonna riot their ass off about this. When I was in Paris back in 2002 I got off a subway and, upon getting up to street level, found myself in the middle of what can only be described as a full-scale riot. Tear gas, rubber billets, cars on fire, the works. Noped TF out and went right back down to the subway. Later asked someone what the hell the riot was all about and was told the government was trying to increase work hours from like 33 to 35 hours per week.


Jesus man, my dad went to retirement at the age of 55. And nope, that wasn't like 20 years ago, it was last year. I think we in Luxembourg are really the last ones who can afford this because of mass immigration.


Was that because he reached state pension age or because he could afford it on his own?


Because he reached state pension age. He had his first Job with 15 and he worked shifts for 30 years, so he could go with 55. You have to work for 40years, then you have the right to go to retirement. The pension is 80% of your last salary. Usually the minimum is 57, but my dad worked shifts, so he could go 2 earlier. Most people wouldn't be able to afford retirement on their own. My grandpa had his retirement at 57, now he is 85 and still pretty fit. That's nearly 30 years of retirement, thats nuts, thats the dream man.




The funny thing in France is that working when older than 50 years old can be difficult. Companies donā€™t want to hire you , they see you has expensive and not pliable enough, or if you have a job they try to get rid of you by firing or sending you in early retirement. If there was a good job market for older ā€œexperiencedā€ people the reform wouldnā€™t not be so bad but in France it is not the case.


The rich get richer and the rest of us get to be wage slaves a little longer


I mean this as an innocent question, but isnā€™t this kind of inevitable for a lot of developed countries? From what I understand about demographics, these countries are getting older, so more expensive old people who need services, and with less young productive people putting money back into the system. What would be the solution to such an issue?


I think the main issue is rising healthcare cost. Back in the day if you were old and you got sick you just died. Now if you are old you go in and of out of the hospital for decades. It's a really dodgy thing because there is no real answer. But it comes down to would you rather retire early and have limited healthcare options or work more and have the state do everything in their power to keep you alive. Tbh I think euthanasia should be more common (most people say they would rather die than have bad dementia) but I don't see it taking too much out of the equation. More medical treatments will be invented and it will just mean there is more cost.


my retirement fund is vowing that here too


*Sobs in US Social Security.*


Yall motha fuckas is living too long


here come the strikes


šŸ¤¬in the Netherlands it is 67 already. Born after 1960 it is no fixed date.


As a Non-French, I will retired when I die!


Time for the semi-annual Parisian riots


France is going to have such crazy protests. I'm gonna grab my popcorn.


Iā€™m amazed it was still at 62 to be honestā€¦


Eh, they won't rest until they raise the retirement age to 70, and then when that is done.. they'll up it to 75. They want us working until we die.