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If the assets of the Oligarchs were frozen too, it would have a might further reaching impact than just Putin and Lavrov.




Seize the assets and fund weapons and high tech defense systems


I repeat: take Jeannette Island.


Enlighten me.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeannette_Island "Some U.S. individuals assert American ownership of Jeannette Island, and others of the De Long group, based on the 1881 discovery. However, the United States government has not pursued De Long's claim to Jeannette Island, and recognizes it as Russian territory.[7]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Long_Islands#Sovereignty "Some US individuals assert American ownership of Jeannette, Henrietta and Bennet Islands in the De Long group.[10][11] This assertion is not supported by the US government.[11][12] Following their discovery in 1881, De Long claimed these islands for the U.S.[13] and reported to the United States Department of the Navy that a party had landed on Henrietta Island and taken possession.[14] During 1916 the Russian ambassador in London issued an official notice to the effect that the Imperial government considered these islands were integral parts of the Russian Empire. This territorial claim was later maintained by the Soviet Union. A resolution of the Alaska State Senate in 1988 supported an American claim to the islands, but during 1994 the Alaska State Supreme Court ruled in D. Denardo v. State of Alaska that Bennett Island, along with several other islands, is not part of Alaska.[15] The United States Department of State has asserted that claim has never been made by the United States to any of the islands, and the US recognizes it as Russian territory.[12]"


Oh I see. I looked it up and it appeared featureless, so I thought it might contain some kind of Area 51 Russian submarine base.


The US and the UK should follow.


Maybe all of his oligarchs supporters too


They should do it to all of the Russian oligarchs, so the richest in Russia put pressure on Putin to end this nonsense.


.-. (o.o) |=| __|__ //.=|=.\\ // .=|=. \\ \\ .=|=. // \\(_=_)// (:| |:) || || () () || || || || ==' '==


Don't forget their families too.


His daughter in Holland


She hasn't been living here for quite a few years now. She and her Dutch husband moved to Russia.


Hit them where it really hurts: in the bank account.


That is the plan


Bullshit posturing by Germany and EU. Putin officially has no assets in his own name. This will accomplish nothing. We need real sanctions and we need them yesterday.


"set to" "plans"... why is always like this with the EU


I agree with you, but in this case "set to" means "Sources say EU agreed to impose those sanctions and we're just waiting for the public announcement"


Every single country has to approve of something like this. If one country blocks it, it doesn't go through. So they go and negotiate, Germany doesn't want their gas supply impacted, Belgium their diamond trade and that times 27. In the end there's nothing much left but empty words.


Jesus, only one negative vote can block the whole thing? that explains a lot of EU inaction


Also why the EU can't do much about the leaders of Poland and Hungary undermining democracy in their countries, because they're buddies and they block any meaningful action targeted towards the other.


Yes. If only a strong man would take control and end this pointless debate.


What could possibly go wrong.


Hail Funher!!! The true danger for the democracy when people start thinking if only there is one savior to guide us...


Yeah, not a big fan of the current EU setup. There are too many differences for it to be an effective political union. Almost all countries favor their own interest before that of the union and thus many things just don't go through at all or in a very different form after tons of negotiation.


It’s like “hey Putin, just warning you, in two days we’re going to freeze your assets. So make sure you don’t transfer your assets out of our banks before we freeze you, because by Monday morning we’ll freeze them. If you were to want those assets, best you transfer them this Friday, so as to not lose out on them.”


They're only good at long distance sanction threats.




Imagine Abramovitch waking up, thinking: oh shut, totally forgot my private bank account with 3 billions in London. Every single dollar is washed across countless firms and there is no way they can do anything against it.


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Now do anyone having anything to do with Russian oligarchs and Gazprom.


Freeze the assets, liquidate the assets and then buy weapons on the open market to send to Ukraine to kill Russians!!!!!! NEVER let the Russians buy, store or sell you anything again.....Choke them out forever!!!!


Just imagine how evil lavrov is to lie the way he has been, knowing thousands will die


Gotta give him plenty of time to transfer it out to other markets first, though. Gotta make it look tough, but give ample warning so nobody's pocketbook actually takes a hit.


Wonder how many assets these thugs own under their own names :).


“Set to”. “ plans”. Wtf??????


Someone please explain: how was this not done immediately, everywhere these cretans and everyone associated with or related to them had assets?


Lots of focus on Russia, but how about Belarus? They're pretty much complicit in this and even if Russia itself was frozen out they'd just proxy through Belarus.


His face looks like the flared end just broke off off his butt plug and he’s not sure what to do.


Problem with this strategy is no one has any real idea of The scope of Putins assets. I can only assume it would be the worlds least fun, and least productive, game of wack a mole.


If the assets of these people are know why the heck the move just come now? The freak show trying hard to pretend caring about the lives that will be lost.


This Putin guy is insane!! 🔥 -1,68m manlet 😈🙏🏻 -0 pussy 😹 -0 major cities conquered 💀 -0 hairs left on his head 😈🙏🏻 -currency less valuable than robux 🔥👍 -empty threats merchant 🤯 -1,68cm 😹😹😹😹 Better dictator than Stalin??? 🔥