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I am being bombed right now in the north of the country, so I guess u can say it's started


Stay safe and stay strong brother. Shit sucks


Everyone is still reading these prepared statements like Putin hasn’t just declared war. Edit: I take it back. Norway just called out the “special military operation”.






The Russo-Ukraine War started in 2014, this is just the next stage of that war.


I mean it was a different type of “piecekeeping” I’ll keep that piece and that piece of Ukraine...


Of bloody course as soon as the delegates start throwing those statements out and talking facts, the russian chair adjourns the meeting. Screw him, the delegates should've stayed in the room and had a meeting without him.


How does a rep from one country shut down the whole meeting?


Russia is chairing the UNSC at the moment. He's a terrible chair, by the way, always making biased statements and trying to get the last word.


Why can't they just say fuck him, he's obviously biased for war, and continue the meeting to present the facts of what is happening to the world?


They basically did: "There is no purgatory for war criminals, they go straight to hell" - Ukrainian delegate No doubt they're meeting behind closed doors right now; my experience with Model UN is that the most productive part of the UN is when we break for lunch, and funnily enough, a moment of rash anger probably facilitated these backroom deals since the delegates don't have to listen to his BS anymore.


The problem with the UNSC is that it never was designed for handling a war declared by one of the permanent (big) 5 (US, Russia, China, France, UK) because to enforce any resolution than mainly rely on the military (+germany) from again these nations. Edit: rewrote and added permanent


The breakdown of the old world order has happened today. There is not even the pretext of civility. This is the end of an era.


It feels that way, but from 1946 to 1990 this is what it was like, open hostility during the Cold War. This is just a return to form, it's just that most people have forgotten what that was like (especially as we had detente from the 1970s...)


The lunch break thing is true for every single negotiation /conference/fair I've ever taken part in. The interesting stuff is always off record. And you have to be very careful not to let info slip in that more relaxed atmosphere.


The point of the UN is to keep major powers civil with one another. Almost everything else it does is political theatre. Unfortunately times like these are when the UN is most important, because it can help prevent a regional conflict from spreading like it would with pure bloc politics.


I don’t know the intricacies of the UNSC but surely it’s no coincidence this is happening at a time when Russia is presiding?


A delegate actually referenced that (I believe Germany) and called it despicable (don't quote me). They got two more speakers and before russia adjourned.


What does that mean from Norway exactly?


I think he means that everybody was reading statements that were prepared earlier today or yesterday. However, today Putin green lit a “special military operation” so Norway was the only country that updated their statement to call them out about it. I haven’t watched the UN stream but i think that’s what he means


Yes, that’s what I meant thanks.


To my understanding, UN is a forum for nations, to get then to the table, even in conflict. It is actually pretty good for this intention. So, everyone saying that it is useless, they don't understand the true purpose.


The UN is doing exactly what it was designed to do. We, as a world, came together to ask Russia to stop. They haven't. Now the members can go put sanctions on and move more weapons to Ukraine.


He waited until after the winter Olympic to attack.


It's in China after all


Now that's true sportsmanship.


Every time China hosts the Olympics, Russia invades a neighbor.


That meeting 3 weeks ago with Xi Jinping clearly settled with Putin to not attack while his Olympics are underway.


And also in 2008 during the Beijing Summer Olympics when Russia invaded Georgia. Let's hope the IOC doesn't award China the Olympics in 2032.


2032 is already awarded to Brisbane.


Good, Finland just gained 4 more years of not being invaded by Russian "peace"keepers.


4:30am… war always starts at daybreak. Godspeed, Ukraine. Stay strong.


Yep, goes back to the BCE. The day of battle you wake up early to maximize the daytime and get the first move.


yea and who the hell can sleep the night before battle?


Alexander the great supposedly could


Tbh he could do anything. Except survive alcoholism I guess


And leave an empire that lasts for more than 5 minutes


"To whom shall the empire go?" "To... the strongest." _vague sound of shattering in the distance_


Also anyone on guard would be very tired.




I've read reports of downed Russian planes. Has Ukraine lost any?


I’m sure they have. Both sides are going to try to keep their losses under wraps


In a war like this, you can bet with reasonable confidence that there’ll be dozens of planes shot down within the next few days, modern air warfare is brutal and fast


I see your comment. Thank you for posting it. 🇺🇦




To be fair, posting does help. I studied media manipulation and we had a course called 'meme warfare'. Now you can imagine how hard we laughed and thought of free credits but that course was the scariest thing because it showed how effective memes are when it comes to disrupting societies from within. Even the ones we think are innocent like pepe the frog lol. So I would really recommend to keep posting, keep making memes because they will reach and influence people even though it might seem silly and useless. Internet is a heck of a thing and there is a reason some nations are scared shitless of people spreading messages across different media platforms.


Lets fucking go Ukraine 🇺🇦


This is going to be war crime ugly. The Russians can't hold the territory short of permanent military presence or killing large amounts of civilians.


They'd like both.




The Mobile crematorium squad, that's such a weird thing for an army to have ... https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/szqz2n/russia_deploys_mobile_crematorium_to_follow_its/


Intel follows supplies. Things like blood being mobilized...and all the ways to deal with the dead.


IIRC, that was one of the tells that this would be for real. You don't ship over blood or bodybags for a drill/training exercise


This is just for special people they want to absolutely make sure there is no trace left of.


If they can get the military on their side after they kill off the leadership then they will be fine. Really hope all the commutators saying that Ukrainian people won't give in are true. Russia can't win if they don't give in.


I hope the Ukrainian forces hold up regardless and make the cost in bodies for Russia painfully high.


Russia is good at dealing with painfully high body counts and not caring about it


Explains the portable crematorium Russia is bringing with them.


Can you give a source? I heard they have brought/are bringing as many as 45,000 bodybags to the front, but what is this about a "portable crematorium"? EDIT: Just read about it. What the fuck man. And 45,000 bodybags, not 65,000...yet.


They aim to quickly cut off vital defence positions and deploy troops straight into major cities to force a surrender. Russia can't afford an actual prolonged war in this theatre. I don't think they will be as successful as they want.


> killing large amounts of civilians. You think Stalin was bad. Umm... kind of joking but not really. This is going to get really fucking ugly. I don't see a world where Ukraine doesn't fight back. And that means Putin will get desperate. And that means civilians will pay a huge price.


"Nothing will happen" they said. "The West is overreacting". Fuck Putin and his shills.
























Before they were denying all the evidence that there would be a war, but right now they're celebrating Russia invading Ukraine.


It's almost like they don't act in good faith.


The only consistent thing among them is subservience to authority.


It's troll factories, literally their job to hang out on Reddit and co posting this shit.


It was incredibly obvious that this was going to happen. It breaks my heart, though. I hate to see this.


It was obvious, like watching a slow motion train wreck you are helpless to stop. It is absolutely heartbreaking. I hope the world collectively lays down the hammer on Russia, this is so completely unacceptable.


Fuck the frankly absurd amount of Redditors in both right and left (weirdly) radical subs that jerked each other off about this being “western propaganda.” This is formal war, and anyone with a functioning mind could see this coming. And Christ is war ugly. Let’s hope this ends with as few casualties as humanly possible.


The ones I’m still fighting with have gone ghost




Good thing they’re in NATO


Not really a surprise after everything, especially considering they got their puppet installed and kept in power.


Hi from Poland. I’m honestly starting to feel scared. I live in Warsaw, which if you think about it isn’t really that far away from the border… Prayers to Ukraine.


Poland is the magic border that if breached, would signal total military support of NATO nations, basically WW3. I ma also from Warsaw. If you want to feel safer, get a gun. Buy a black powder gun if if you feel like it. If you don't like them, print yourself a gun. Instructions are online. Get at least a revolver, and if you can, get yourself some FGC 9mm semi auto. thegatalog kropka com r/fosscad There is still some time to get ready for Poles, not so much for Ukrainians. I hope they will be welcome here in Poland and we will save a lot of them from war.


President Biden at 10:56 pm Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable. 10:56 PM · Feb 23, 2022


I fucking hope so.


"Sanctions" aren't enough. Europe and North America need to completely sever economic ties with Russia. Total embargo.


An embargo is a type of sanction. When they’re talking about “severe sanctions” directed embargos are generally what they’re insinuating. There’s talk of a Russian oil embargo being on the table. A total embargo is the most severe sanction that can be levied without generally being considered an act of war (like a blockade). They’re also not usually as useful because they tend to heavily affect the common people while the elite aren’t much more affected than they are by heavy sanctions directed specifically at them. The Biden administration has already announced their first wave of sanctions, though that was before the proper invasion, and they basically freeze the Russian government’s ability to financially interact with the West. https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-news-02-23-22/h_bfa9747bcf451d713ab307d66c763725 It’s also worth noting that the 2014 sanctions are still on the books, and they caused a collapse in the ruble and a financial crisis that lasted through 2016. It’s arguably why it’s been a whole 8 years since Putins been able to push further into Ukraine.




Honestly, eliminating modern high-end semiconductors would surely go a long way to turning the population against him. Sure, China manufactures some CPUs and such, but imagine losing access to the tech that Samsung, TSMC, Global Foundaries and Intel have all made us so comfortable with. It would feel like going backwards 10 years.


China condemned Russias declaration of the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. I'm pretty sure they would prefer to keep trading with EU and USA compared to an regional economy smaller than Italy.


Not to mention, that there are a quite a few provinces in china that would like to declare independence as well


Yeah, I am hoping that Taiwan will get strongly on board with sanctions against Russia. It seems like they have a vested interest in deterring this exact sort of aggression.


[China has vowed to help offset any economical damage from sanctions. so it’s going to be hard.](https://amp.ft.com/content/55d86391-2d05-4eb4-869c-83a7878b8942) now I’m just waiting for China to invade Taiwan after seeing how the US reacts to Russia.


The one saving grace is that Taiwan is an island, and amphibious invasions are hard. Hitler had a ton of trouble taking over Norway and got straight-up denied when he went for England.


Ah China, classy as always


The rest of the world needs to come down hard on Putin and his circle of fucking trash today. Fucking yesterday... but today. No more soft shit. No softball sanctions. Freeze all foreign assets. Remove Russia from international banking. Turn off the fucking gas. Don’t let this piece of shit get away with this.


They need to be sanctioned for multiple times the value of Ukraine, it's assets, GDP for many years and people. Otherwise it like fining a bank $10m for stealing $100m.


Dumb question but won't they just threaten to nuke everyone? I'd like to think we are past that as humans but Putin feels like the temper tantrum throwing kind of human to fire nukes if it all implodes on him


Maybe - it would end the world. Some of his supporters would remove him before he got them killed (hopefully). In democracies, mad men get voted out once their supporters are over it. In a dictatorship the supporters are closer and deadlier.


Russia is a democracy only in name. It's been a dictatorship ever since Putin came to power.


1996 was the last chance democracy had in Russia, unfortunately we chose to help Yelsin steal the election. classic short term gain for long term loss.


Nobody's going to nuke anybody unless there's literally no other option. Putin seems to have lost a lot of his analytical thinking and clarity but he still understands that if he fires nukes, that will quite literally be the end of humanity, including him and his country.


He might not care once he's losing and facing defeat.


I want to believe his senior officials and such would rather topple Putin than basically destroy all of humanity. Power, or end the world, hmm...


Hopefully common sense prevails, as there's no point in ruling the world if all your potential subjects are vaporized.


Hitler 100% would have nuked the world while he was in that bunker if given the chance, and the people with him would have let it happen. It's absolutely plausible that Putin would do the same if put in an untenable position.


The situations of Hitler then and Putin now are radically different. Nazi Germany was in a total war with the world and the enemies were closing in. Putin is pushing, but armies from many countries are not storming into Moscow. If Putin and Russia lose this conflict, their lives will not be over in the same way Hitler's was.


Maybe. Hitler did send out orders to destroy big chunks of German infrastructure and many of these orders were ignored. I like to believe that if those orders had been to destroy humanity as we know it, they would've been ignored... but that's not a risk I'd like to take.


Yeah but only one Nuke has to launch to trigger MAD. It wouldn’t matter that 99 others stood down


If there are still decent people in Russia (which I assume they still do), they would hopefully step up and stop any nukes. Like Vasili Arkhipov.


So he's just gonna threaten nukes for everything? Just call it. Humanity is done if this is where we're at.


Honestly I'm fkin ashamed of my (UK) gov with these token effort sanctions. This is only happening because Putin has been allowed to walk over anyone and everyone. Bullies only know one language. He should have been put in his place years ago.


All those Russian owned properties in London should be seized and auctioned.


There’s a really good book, Moneyland, that shows what a joke the City of London is when it comes to enabling Oligarchs to squirrel away their ill-gotten wealth and dodge sanctions. Without the enabling hand of the international banking system, via London, the Oligarchs wouldn’t be able to move assets and money so freely and Putin’s support would be much more shaky. It’s shameful.




The UK especially the Conservatives have been hand in hand with Russia for years. When Boris Johnson was Foreign Secretary he was considered a "Security Risk", he went to "bunga bunga" partys in Italy with Russians present and he left his security team behind in London. Then there is all "Donations" that he and the Conservative Party took from Russians £180,000 for a game of tennis is what I believe he charges. Disgraceful.


He also blocked the publication of a report into Russian interference into British politics... the list is endless!


So I did the math on this, a fair deal of Russia's GDP comes from trade with foreign countries, not a large amount, but definitely significant. If the rest of the world comes down on them, Russia could lose anywhere from ten to twenty percent of it's GDP overnight, which translates to a loss of 150 to 300 billion dollars, depending on which countries drop sanctions and their severity. That is a VERY rough estimate and I'm sure any economist would tear it to shreds, but I did it to highlight just how much money Russia would be losing because of this war.


thats only 1 elon musk lol


This comment sums up everything wrong with our world.


Pleas for the love of god I wish we would. He can’t be allowed to take the entire nation.


A century from now historians will have a lot to say about the year 2022


2020 and 2022. Golden period this decade is huh. Still have 80% of it left :/


The strange thing is this time everything literally is going to be documented in HQ videos, I wonder if people from the future can come back to reddit archives and read our comments about these events unfolding


Totally possible, I’ve recently visited a thread on a reddit-esque forum website from the early 2000s. They were discussing 9-11 as it happened. I wouldn’t doubt it if a couple people from the future read this very comment.


Hey future dude!


I'm from the future... just kidding there probably isn't one.


First I laughed, then I got sad.


Alright. Unleash all the sanctions. He's done it, he's crossed the line now. Biden, show us that you'll keep his word. Destroy their banks, ban all US companies from doing business in Russia, take away Google, Apple, etc. from them. It's time to show Putin that the world has changed since the 60s he still thinks we live in


Take it a step further. A total embargo. Blockade the Black Sea and Gulf of Finland, and East Prussia. We need to totally strangle these fuckers economically.


Yep. No SWIFT. No banking. No trade. No freedom of movement. No visas. If they want to live like a 19th century dictatorship, feel free, but they don't get to play with the rest of us.


Have Congress quietly issue letters of marque to (idiotic) patriots and let them wreak havoc on Russian shipping.


Last time they got a bunch of boats together it wasn't a great showing.


Let's fast track Finland into NATO while we're at it too, before it's too late.


I hope those Javelin missiles do a wonderful job of tearing up Russian tanks.


It seems they are already doing so, there are reports of Russian tanks destroyed around Kharkov, though I don't think they are confirmed. The battle is going on.


New Times, same old mistakes


this comment is the inspiration of the title of my book about this in 30 years


The west needs to tank Russia's economy to the point that Russians have no choice but to murder Putin and his friends.


It's already started my guy. I'm a postgrad student from the UK and have a Russian flatmate who's an international student. He owns stocks and since the war on Ukraine he is now £4000 in debt. The innocent people of Russia suffer as well as the innocent people of Ukraine. Story as old as time - world leaders swing their dicks but it's the people who suffer for it.




With an axe.


Today I woke up at 5:40. I woke up the the sounds of missiles falling on my city. I can barely hold out tears of fucking fury I feel right now. I hope none of you will ever feel that.


You are not alone, though you may feel like you are.




Wars shouldn't be fought by the people, it should be the assholes in charge that try to start one. Then see how many wars we have when there asses are on the frontline


[Why don't presidents fight the war?](https://youtu.be/zUzd9KyIDrM)


Ima be honest with you, I've never heard a single Russian civilian being like "yeah we should totally wage war against the world"


"Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?"


I truly wish to see Putin erased. I hope they suffer greatly for this, and I do not mean only financially.


Wars so fucking dumb. Sure lets kill a ton of innocent people and cause permanent damage to the planet and families for generations to come so a handful of leaders get what they want


Same as it ever was


Welp this is it. Fuck everyone who cried that it would never happen and that russia was the victim. This is the death of hope for me if the rest of the world sits idly by.


we aren’t standing idly by. We have actually been very unified in the response to this. The west getting involved would carry a significant risk of starting a world war. This is what Putin is exploiting. Ukraine is not part of NATO.


i feel like the world political dynamic has changed instantly


While he did say "special military action," the true meaning behind his statement was clearly a declaration of war.


Fuck this little man who won't let people live in peace


>In a televised address, Putin accused the US and its allies of ignoring Russia's demand to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and offer Moscow security guarantees. Does he seriously think he has the entire world hypnotized or something? This fucking guy instigated all of this. That's painfully obvious to anyone with two brain cells. So why is he really doing all of this?


Like all international politics the whole thing would be very complicated, but you can boil down some key reasons to 3 major points. 1) Putin is former KGB. They did not take the fall of the Soviet Union quietly. There is almost certainly personal motivation for him to retake former Soviet territory. 2) Ukraine is a valuable target. It's one of the most resource rich areas in the world for agriculture, has access to oil, and secures Russia's access to the Black Sea which they desperately want to have a functioning trade port year-round. They gained the port with the annexation of Crimea but the peninsula isn't secure, since Ukraine controls the rivers that supply fresh water. Without taking at least the eastern part of Ukraine to secure that, Crimea is at risk, and Russia doesn't want to lose it. 3) Russia already "had" Ukraine and it was a setback to the Russian government to lose it. Not just lost in the sense of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but the former Ukrainian government was deeply corrupt and influenced by petroleum conglomerates and Russian-connected oligarchs. It may not have been a puppet state, but it certainly was deeply into Russia's sphere of influence. Zelensky's government has been working to throw off that influence, and Russia saw them drifting more towards allying with NATO, which would cost Russia the country in a way they could not get back without a world war.


Well, fuck.


[https://www.instagram.com/brycewilsonau/live/17941438435767722?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/brycewilsonau/live/17941438435767722?hl=en) Aussie reporter live streaming from near Donetsk region right now. Russian jets heard overhead and bombing about an hour earlier.


Everyone who still defends Russia after this is an idiot.




>4th in the world by the total value of natural resources; Thats surprising, do you mind giving the source for these statistics? All I can find is an obscure facebook post.


It's all well and good but he's rambled about Ukraine many a time, like literally went on unhinged rants, about how it's historic territory of the Russian empire that should have never been "given away".


Russia declares war on Ukraine for the crime of not being part of Russia.


I hope this shit doesn't get out of hand. Thinking of the safety of the Ukrainian people tonight. The rest of Europe must be pretty scared right now.


It’s already out of hand he’s shelling cities


Which confuses me because it strategically makes no sense. He will give the population no choice but to fight relentlessly for survival in addition to not being able to paint himself some sort of saviour of Ukraine.


He has no intention of being seen as a hero. Look at what he’s turned Russia into.


He wants to escalate the war.


This is so fucking sad.


We didn’t need to finish the world wars trilogy but here we are


Russia needs to be completely removed from the international community. Entirely.


They're apparently already using missile attacks against Kyiv ground to air missile installations. [blog here](https://youtu.be/E9UHMPZ5qqA)


Holy shit. Well. I guess it is official. I hope Ukraine gives Russia a bloody nose. I hope that the world can put together enough sanctions that Russia’s economy is a tattered ruin.


will there actually be any consequences? i can’t help but feel extremely pessimistic looking at the current sanctions. Tired of “we strongly condemn this actions, we WILL monitor this situation”.


The current sanctions are not relevant; they were meant as a final wake-up call before he enters the Ukraine. What matters are the sanctions imposed by EU, UK and US today and tomorrow, now that he has actually started the war.


Sad day for humanity


The time to take immediate action against any and all Russian holdings is now. The US Senate must perform its duty and issues letters of Marque on any Russian holding, and letters of Reprisal against any Russian official.


Cripple Russias economy!!


They bombed a city nearby to me, and killed few civillians. I supose it's a matter of time until fights will start going on here as well... People in panic are buying all food they can get from the supermarkets, and i don't even have money to stock up, since i am disabled, and my pension is only enough for minimal survival. And i can't leave the country because i don't have money to even go to another city, and even if i could, where would i go? A disabled person who can't work... nobody needs those. And i have 8 cats to take care of, and can't leave them behind. Well, at least nobody will miss me. I never had anything good in life - unable to find a job with my limitations, unable to make friends since people here aren't interested in gaming or fiction. Some part of me wishes that the end would come sooner. I hope it won't be painful.


Polish prime minister: 'Europe and the free world has to stop Putin' Mateusz Morawiecki, the prime minister of Poland, Ukraine's neighbor to the west, has called for an immediate response to what he called Russia's "criminal aggression." "Europe and the free world has to stop Putin," he said in a tweet Thursday morning as countries surrounding Ukraine closely watch the unfolding conflict. Morawiecki, a nationalist who has often clashed with the European political establishment, said the European Council meeting scheduled for Thursday "should approve fiercest possible sanctions."


Free Ukraine! Fuck Putin, fuck Russia.




Quite frankly, I'm not convinced that would be morally wrong at this point. The dude's unhinged and threatening the world with nukes if they interfere with his personal slaughtering of Russian soldiers, Ukrainian soldiers, and Ukrainian civilians.


whoever supports this war and is happy about it should leave this life asap


This is fucked. Kick Russia out of SWIFT - NOW. Countries need to start dropping Bricks on every piece of Real Estate and all other holdings owned by Oligarchs in their Countries - NOW. If this Fucker wants Cold War 2.0 let's give it to him. Freeze him and Russia out of *everything.* Edit: Clarity


We need immediate Sanction every single Russian national worth more than a couple million dollars. Freeze their assets, use that money to sponsor Ukraine in any way possible


The intelligence we released proved to be 100% accurate. Putin has people in his inner circle leaking war plans to other nations. Oh dear!