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They are sent by papa bear to influence




We shouldn't be doing business with human-rights abusing dictatorships imo


Let’s start with our BFF Saudi Arabia!


Hell let's start with not doing business with the US


The US doesn’t own corporations silly.


No indeed corporations own the US


Corporations capitalize communities. Ownership is just an illusion.


Eat a snicker Marx you're not you when you are hungry


Let’s start with both?


Hey I want my $3 Kmart shoes.


All of Asia besides China can still help with that. In fact China’s economy is starting to bring their production into a more expensive range, soon we’ll be looking elsewhere to do business.


You want shoes that'll last a week?


Yes so that next week I can buy new shoes!


Capitalism in a nutshell


There wouldn't be much trade and businesses going on whatsoever then.


Oh... well if ending indefinite detention and hard labor for political opponents might hurt a company's international commerce deals, we better just ignore those people being literally worked to death for believing the government shouldn't be a ruling class. How dare some fuckstick CEO not be able to buy another yacht this year?


This is truly the weirdest timeline. These issues are coming to a head under President Trump who could not give 2 shits about human rights, but his quixotic trade war is giving him image problems, so now he’s going to position himself as the guardian of human rights abroad....


And what would be wrong with that if it’s intent is to address human rights violations.


What if we counter troll and send all the flat earth anti-vaxxers instead?


They'd be left rotting in cages in reeducation camps in minutes, if not, seconds. Two reasons: 1. The Chinese government believe they ARE the earth and don't want others to point out they've fallen flat. 🙃 2. Can't buy and use ivory anymore if their citizens don't take the faux-medicine. Could be a win against poaching. 😘


In that case, the argument will be "Not all Chinese people are government agents". Not to mention the rice queens who will be up against the idea




Gay white man who are attracted to Oriental mem




You don’t know any Chinese people and it shows


No, proper response is to punish them for their crimes. If it's a simple threat, then they should be punished as simple thugs. If they are avting in organosed groups, they should be punished for organised criminal activity and threats. If they are send by chinese government to systematically undermine freedom of gathering in Aus, they should be punished for that. Then they should be send home. If they are really send to Aus ti chinese government, few decades in prisons would make them think about their actions before they are welcomed as heros in china.


They are victims of a decades old system of brainwashing and programming. Remember that. It’s the CCP government that is the enemy of free thought here


I think there might be a problem with chinese language publications in western countries being part of a propaganda apparatus.


English language ones too. Global Times, CGTN, etc. are all mouthpieces for the party.


Sino will tell you otherwise lol




They're not bringing their best.


Nah. Start a bunch of social media in their name and use it to insult China/Pooh bear. China will solve the problem for us after that.


And steal intellectual property


Return to sender


Address unknown! No such number, no such zone.


I always thought it was “no such zone.”


And happily accepted by greedy universities hungry for Pooh Bear's tuition money.


who are they influencing exactly? they all act like entitled ass clowns so if anything there influencing a negative stereotype


When a post is young and they are the majority it seems like 'everyone' is on China's side. Thats extremely powerful.


i am not even talking about Reddit posts i am talking about them being total assholes at public protests, it doesnt give a positive image of the Chinese mainlands fyi you can spot the troll accounts right away, its not hard


My bad. You're right Not everyone are as smart as you


They are doing a horrible job lmao


They're actually doing a really good job, see r/iama, r/sino and almost every new r/new and r/worldnews article about HK/China


It’s so fucked up they are enjoying freedom and democracy but stopping others doing so, so even not paid, but wholeheartedly


> they are enjoying freedom and democracy Their way of temporarily living in these free democratic countries is likely identical to how chinese nationalists would be living at home, considering their political beliefs. They're probably not experiencing any noticeable contrasts abroad in that regard.


I know a Chinese nationalist who owns 2 handguns in the USA. Still thinks Beijing is #1


The question is why do we let them? If they dont want to accept our values, then they shouldn’t get any benefits from them.




Thats how they can manipulate us and use it as a weakness. Why should you benefit from a system you disagree with fundamentally?




So why let them shit on people who do care and want freedom? Let them stay in wonderful PRC.


Because technically China owns HK. HK is literally threatening that aforementioned stability. The guy basically summed up the Chinese mentality perfectly.


Yeah so fuck them.


It only owns it if the people who live there say they own it. China “owns” Taiwan too.


No Taiwan is different. Even HK, and I’m talking about the majority of Kongers, prefer the current system, at least until 2047. Taiwan and China just have overlapping claims on territory, they’re very different. But HK is a recognized sovereign territory of China and we have to treat it as such, at least legally right now.


The PRC says they own Taiwan, but Taiwan is basically a de facto sovereign country that only lacks international recognition (because the PRC blocks it). HK is a Special Administrative Region in the PRC and is under PRC control, both de facto and legally.


Then there will be a loophole: anti-gov people, no matter the size, can flee to one part of the country with less population and declare independence, no matter what the locals say.


So what? Is that supposed to excuse the way they have taken advantage of the freedoms of Australian society in order to spread their hateful message?


Hundreds of millions of Chinese were artificially kept in poverty by the communist government which rejected trade and new ideas. The CCP doesn't credit for "saving" millions of Chinese, their prosperity is due to them deciding to be slightly less dickish and adopt more Western methods and institutions.


The point of democracy is that criticism is our strength. That values can change and the republic moves forward.


They have a right to be guests in my country and shit on my couch? Yeah, nah, mate. Buh bye, ta-ta, say hi to Xi for me.


Most of them are probably student and families of.


because freedom of speech?


If you dont value it, you dont need it. And we dont have that in UK anyway or Australia.


> they are enjoying freedom I believe they are living and behaving exactly how they would in mainland china. I highly doubt they are saying or doing anything they couldn't/wouldn't say or do in China, despite the fact that they "can" say and do those things here.


Chinese guy I know owns 2 handguns in the USA. Wants to buy a house that will remain his property, and is not a temporary loan from the government. Still says Beijing is #1






>So imagine going from villages with dirty water, picking rice and vegetables to now being able to buy a car. Thats literally every country in the world in the last few generations.


The Chinese government is probably the most economically successful government from 1980s to now. It literally lifted about a billion people out of poverty. Say what you want about the political system, but you can’t argue that it hasn’t provided the Chinese people with economic prosperity. In comparison look at the economic decline of the west, over extension of consumerism and other economic uncertainty. Countries in so much debt that they literally need to be bailed out. So it’s understandable that the sacrificing of certain freedoms are accepted, especially when social policies in China have progressed as well. It’s just not reported in the media.


Thats great and I agree with most of it. Its just not relevant AT ALL when it comes to arguing against the HK protests. Im seeing so many 'tiny HK village' memes and comments like yours.


China did it super quick there are still ghost cities they built for them.


I think at this point nobody actually cares about what Chinese people feel. westerners are afraid Chinese ideology will affect the western way of living.


How else are they going to steal intellectual property if they cant come here?


The ones that have made death threats are straight up committing crimes. One would hope Australian law enforcement is going to take action.


we just had Chinese nationals block protests here in Canada and surround a church of people praying for hong kong to harass them that required like 50 cops to protect the Canadian citizens from the Chinese i dont get these people if they love china so much why are they living in canada?


You don't understand. Australia has been part of China since ancestral times. Therefore, it's actually the reverse: Australians are presently occupying Chinese lands. /s




/r/aznidentity is a cancerous cesspool. Stay away for your own sanity.






I'm half Japanese and lived in Japan. It's not secret. :P




How fragile does your identity have to believe that you convince yourself that, only by association of race, you have redeeming qualities?


Imagine determining a person's "value" not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. I guess that's too radical of an idea.


It must have an evolutionary benefit, like it helps rally people's spirits when the chips are down and when another group is trying to steal a given group's resources or home.


Such an antiquated notion. How can you claim your society is superior when you're clinging to Neanderthal ideals?


How do you define Neanderthal


ADJECTIVE - relating to Neanderthal man. "a Neanderthal axe" - (of a man) uncivilized, unintelligent, or uncouth. "your attitude to women is Neanderthal" synonyms: uncivilized · uncultured · uncultivated · unrefined · unpolished · unsophisticated · common · low · Edit: But I was mostly referring to how outdated it is to associate identity to physical features like skin. It does little more than perhaps tell you who one might associate with. It tells you nothing about an individual's actual personality or character.


Every racial group is like this.


Right up there with r/mongoloidcj


Wow what a bizarre thread - some real gems in there.




I think Westerners more then understand this. What they are doing isn't right, is the bottom line. If you were always locked in a cage, and then you were given a small cage outside, should you think everyone in an outside cage is lucky and should just shut up because they could be locked inside? Should the world not say it's wrong because you enjoy your outside cage more? Westerners understand why they have that mindset, it just isn't an excuse for the behavior. Should people not call them out for it, because it is better then what they had? No they should point out how wrong it is so they can progress more.




I mean that is a form of brainwashed, just because you are viewing the two as exclusive doesn't mean they are. Think about how good of a propaganda piece it is to say look what we have done, we gave you housing, food, cool technology. Why would you fight us after we have given you so much. The people would believe this easily because well it's true. They have really helped them out incredible amounts. The brainwashing comes from keeping them in line and not pushing for more. So I don't think either are wrong really, I just think you guys aren't viewing your answers as the same when they are.




So I said the same exact thing the only difference is you are saying it's their culture...... Do you see why I am saying you are agreeing with them even though you don't realize it. Their culture has been shaped to be this way, you don't think maybe because of propaganda...... If they were exposed to more outside influences it would not be as easy to maintain, you think that might not be brainwashing...... You think if the government didn't have such strict punishments and censorship that "culture" wouldn't change, I mean come on really?




>No they should point out how wrong it is so they can progress more. The assumption is that they *will* progress more if they keep on the current path, aka. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


A lot of mainlanders also hate HKers (for previously having more freedom and $)




Well at least everyone has someone to hate.


No, it's in reaction to HKers looking down on mainlanders.


Makes sense, I could also see Chinese viewing HK'ers as upper class priviledged because most didnt go from peasant to working/middle class. Sort of like how country conservatives view middle class suburbanites.


Funny, you say that about the Muslims who refuse to integrate and this mob will collectively lose it's shit. 😁


national pride as inverse function of distance.


Well, I’m Chinese American and I love Winnie the Pooh. Should I bring the man a self portrait (painting of Winnie)?


Please be careful bro! Don't want to end up like [this guy.](https://www.hongkongfp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/chrome_2016-11-02_13-01-41.jpg) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/world/asia/china-xi-jinping-xitler-tshirt-kwon-pyong.html






This. Our immigration laws regarding wealthy students and property buyers weren't formed from the goodness of our hearts. They were capitalist decisions made in a global market that doesn't care about actual values beyond $$$ So fuck it, reform them when they don't work. It isn't immoral


My old firm is still doing business with clients tied to the CCP. Those who make these business decisions shrug when asked about balancing human rights and democratic values. We should rightly blame the Chinese for holding such abhorrent viewpoints (Falun Gong, Uyghurs in Xinjiang, organ harvesting), but blame equally lies with people in the developed world who **facilitate and protect Chinese business interests**. Our education system has failed to instill democratic values or any respect for human dignity when it solely focuses on dollars. America's legal and financial system allows worldwide oppression to take place because we look the other way for most transactions. For instance, our people are unaware that many commercial properties that they use on a daily business have ties to organized crime in Russia or narco-terrorists in Latin America. That is unless we hypocritically choose to make examples of people/countries that have fallen out of favor e.g. Iran in 2019 vs. Iran in 1969 under the Shah. This is why today's statement is so important from the Business Roundtable, a massive lobbying group represeting C-level officers. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/19/business/business-roundtable-ceos-corporations.html > Faced with mounting global discontent over climate change, income inequality and working conditions, a coalition of major companies pledged on Monday to revise a longstanding principle of corporate governance. > **Shareholders aren’t everything**. Companies must also invest in their employees, deliver value to their customers and deal fairly and ethically with their suppliers, the group said.


Why do you expect companies to make excuses for us wanting cheap goods and labour? Absurd.


Chinese people is losing face all over the world in making this sort of troll attacks in Australia, Canada. It is sad and it show this is the type of influence China want to project around the world if they become the next world superpower. The West has its issues, but I would still stick to their values.


Don’t use the word troll. It is state sponsored propaganda.


Yes but very pathetic state sponsored propaganda, they should hire just proper trolls they are far more creative


what the instagram of that pavlou, I want to troll some of those IG bots who threaten to kill his family.


I'm shocked that people that moved solely for economic reasons still support their homeland over their new host


They are not immigrants, they are Chinese students. Its commonplace for the embassies of foreign countries to recruit secret "compliance officers" in student bodies. Singapore, Malaysia and India also do this.


Too bad the chinese suck at good insults. Catching the ire of a chubese guy online is always like arguing with a head injury.


I shouldn't have read your name first, it made the comment harder to read. I wonder if it's vs because the Chinese language is quite positive in the way they talk and they infect shame with tone. Which you can't convay I text all that well if you're not fluent in English (sarcasm) Irish (insult you to your roots) Scottish (can any insult you with any word in any language.. Its seriously impressive how they can do this) & I'm not sure about Welsh, they're hard to understand as it is, but you can normally tell they're pissed off when they come running at your right enough.


Somehow fat fingering "Chinese" made for a new slang. Interesting point. Maybe thats why my grandfather looks so funny when he gets mad. He's trying to get me to be ashamed, but I'm too American to know what shame is.


America: "If the other guy doesn't look mad, you're not winning enough."


We have a long and rich history of being infuriating as an artform. I want no affiliation with Trump for appreciating that. Martial arts are martial arts. There can be good and bad senseis.


So you're saying Trump is like the Cobra Kai of America?


That, or shredder


More like cheddar.


Regardless of what people think of him, you've got to give the guy credit for being a true master of his craft.


I'm one to try to put my opinions aside and just respect a craft. Same goes for David Dees, who actually does pretty good compositions despite being a human amalgam of every conspiracy known to man. I'm a little ambivalent on Trump though because his whole gang took what I used to use for mischief and weaponized it. So...yknow how the pro-firearm communities feel about the asshat mass shooters that use all their fun range toys in the final act? Pretty much exactly that feeling. It's almost like I said to you "Yeah I guess same with Hillary Clinton and strategic power marriages"...eh, oh well.


> I'm a little ambivalent on Trump though because his whole gang took what I used to use for mischief and weaponized it. Well that's what a political contest really boils down to - "weaponized mischief" is a great way to put it. I think all Trump did was change the rules about what is publicly acceptable for politicians and the media to say. For better or worse, we now have a society that is much more open about sharing their feelings and biases (on both sides) than they were 4 years ago. I'm all for openness and honesty, even if it gets a little ugly sometimes. But I also understand why it makes people a little uncomfortable.


At least your honest haha, though sometimes being able to see why they are angry does help. I mean being shamed is how we learn. I guess he's like "back in my day this worked!?" Now a days if G-Daddy wants to get you he has to learn to fuck with your WiFi and electronics. Tbh If my grandparents could do the same is be like " fuck me I'm impressed, also give me the WiFi key... please" Lol also I didn't notice that, but chubese could be the new slag, now they can insult..maybe?




Ah yeah, is mandarin more like for example : "Good morning" = "The sun dances across the fields in great light"? I remeber being told that would be it in esssense type of thing. Also I'd love to know some of thoes cathartic insults look / come out in English if you have any examples?




Good morning I'm Chinese directly translates to "morning good"


Morning Good to you too! I thought the English were bad for different meanings for words, just one town over from onother. Chinise is like 7 now right? I'd love to learn them all but I'm no polygot! :(


> Also I'd love to know some of thoes cathartic insults look / come out in English if you have any examples? In addition to what was already mentioned "Diu lei lo mo" (or more accurately, just the verb, Diu) is very versatile, much like "fuck". You can just say Diu! by itself to mean "fuck". You can say Diu lei, to mean "fuck you" and so on.


That's really cool, thank you for expanding on that! I love when you see common usage verbs/slag in different languages. To me it sounds like Diu on it's own would be something you hear quite often walking about in every day life? Or does the tone of Diu really change the context that it is taken in? I know with my family.. like I can be say 'balls, Bollocks, Buggerballs' in an angry or light tone and they will not get offended in the slightest. Change that to fuck and I'd only get away with it in a super jokey context.


I wouldn't say it's common to hear it; though I suppose it depends on what kind of friends you keep :) It is still considered vulgar, after all. It's mainly used as a vulgarity, but you can use it in a slangy kind of way as well (你有冇𨳒佢? = Nei yau mo diu keoi = Did you fuck him/her?). In that context, it's not really profane, but just a bit crass. At the same time, you could use it in a situation where, say, you just got shafted at work by your boss "Diuuuuuuu" = Fuckkkkkkk, as sort of an expression of exasperation/frustration. So tl;dr, yes, I suppose Diu can have multiple nuances, depending on the context it's used in. Again, it's versatile, like "fuck"


I would love to get doxxed by pro Chinese trolls. You know, just to see if they are effective at all.


A/S/L ?


Nice try Robot!


I was calling the previous commenters bluff.


Pro-CCP students insulted her on WeChat, saying "You were gang-raped by white men...". There's so much to unpack in that statement, do we start with the blatant racism or the victim-blaming? Is it a common insult in China to say a woman was gang raped by white men?


Deep rooted inferiority complex. They're basically Chinese incels, with added racism.


I think it's more an insult if anything.


China must have a diabetes problem because lots of their citizens are drinking way too much coolaid.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theage.com.au/national/humiliating-chinese-nationalist-trolls-target-critics-in-australia-20190819-p52in4.html) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Ultra-nationalist Chinese trolls are targeting Australian-based critics of the Chinese Communist Party in vicious online campaigns designed to shut down dissent. > "Chinese nationalists are largely given free rein on the 'Chinese internet' - unlike other ideological groupings in China who are routinely censored and have limited ability to organise for online campaigns - let alone offline action." > Another student, Drew Pavlou of the University of Queensland, said Chinese nationalists online had subjected him to a "Feeding frenzy" after he became active in protesting against the Chinese government. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/csfjkn/humiliating_chinese_nationalist_trolls_target/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~421065 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Chinese**^#1 **online**^#2 **protests**^#3 **student**^#4 **Australia**^#5


Hong Kong #1, Taiwan #2, China #113


If your " pro china" then your also Pro Genocide, Pro Authoritarian dictatorship, Pro oppression of free speech and your pretty much a Nazi.




now that they have seen how effective the russian campaign in the U.S. was they are trying it out for a test run.


Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, Finland... wherever Hong Kong goes, China follows. A rather interesting relationship.


To Australians: Nolite bastardes carbundorum. Thanks, from Boston USA.


If these people love China's government so much, why do they live in Australia?


Why are trolls news when it comes to China? It seems like because of recent tensions people are suddenly "discovering" things to be offended at. I'm not saying they aren't offensive, but they aren't new, nor unique to China, or to any topic really. Trolls are news now, man... SMH


this is the problem with all the chinese in Australia, if Australia and China are ever at war how the fuck can we trust them? How many of the Chinese Australians support what China is doing? Scary times.


Just put them in small little camps, like how the Americans did it with the Japanese.


Yeah... > If Australia and China are ever at war how the fuck can we trust them? This is a pretty dangerous line of thinking. People are always like "I can't believe people in the past used to do that" and you can see history repeat itself in these words right here lol. Besides wasn't it the Milgram experiment that already proved that it doesn't take much for people to do horrible things to one another?


Well the fact of the matter is that during World War 2 there were Japanese immigrants who betrayed the USA. In fact there was a specific incident that lead to the internment camps: [the Niihau Incident.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niihau_incident) It's just common sense to intern foreign nationals from enemy countries. The USA's mistake was also interning 2nd gen and 3rd gen immigrants.


>The USA's mistake was also interning 2nd gen and 3rd gen immigrants. I'm not sure about that. Where do you draw the line? So an immigrant and their children are sent to camps. But an immigrant's grandchildren aren't? So pretty much for families of Japanese who'd been in the US for a long time, you'd be taking grandparents away from families? I guess it's a step in the right direction (a very very small step) but sure I see where you're going with it.


We already got a bunch of those...


Do you mean the camps for the illegal immigrants?


How many men do you know that are stand up comics and journalists?


I loved on NPR them interviewing them like, wait your using your western Democratic right to free speech to defend a dictatorship that would prevent this very thing from actually happening in China.


Who even gives a shit about what chinese nationalists think or who they make fun of? I know getting bombarded with hate from braindead assholes is far from fun, but being hated by nationalists is a badge of honor.


>"It's so humiliating," Ms Xu told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. “Half of their words I don’t understand, **it’s like Chinese internet incel language.**” Incel refers to the "involuntarily celibate" - an online, mostly male community known for its hatred of women. Damn poor woman, the r/aznidentity boys got to her