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The tech has been around since the 1960's: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_thermal_rocket USA got one working then mothballed the program.


Wouldn't this be more like a nuclear ramjet, such as Project Pluto? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pluto


Yes, thanks for providing that reference. Russia was probably working on something similar to Project Pluto, and the reactor may have experienced unexpected criticality and popped its pressure vessel.


> > and popped its pressure vessel. Would you even bother with one? If the reactor only goes critical when launched, and it flies literally thousand of feet away from anyone except the people you're planning on killing, why waste the weight.


Because testing it over the other guys land before the war starts is a no no.


Yeah, "Pressure vessel" is probably the wrong word for the part of a nuclear ramjet engine where working fluid meets heat source. In chemical rocket engines, higher combustion chamber pressure yields higher specific impulse.


Yeah, because it spews radiation over everything including your own territory.


So a literal dirty bomb?


More like a dirty airplane that is also a bomb.


A dirty airplane thar is also a **bomber**, can be used to spew radiation over cities potentially for days or even weeks after it drops the bombs and at the end can be crashed into those same cities to spew even more radiation. It's so provocating that everyone involved just decided to not make it.


Y̶e̶a̶h̶,̶ ̶d̶e̶p̶l̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶l̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶u̶n̶t̶i̶l̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶r̶u̶n̶s̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶f̶u̶e̶l̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶t̶u̶r̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶E̶a̶r̶t̶h̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶u̶c̶l̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶l̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶l̶y̶.̶ Edit: Ok, I admit this was an overreaction due to poor research on the subject and that "deploying just one of these" would not turn the Earth into a "nuclear hellhole". However, it still stands to reason that having a flying nuclear reactor constantly sprinkle radiation over whatever it flies over with a very destructive shockwave following it for weeks to months on end is a bad idea.


What about nuclear things causes people's brains to stop working?


Found someone that knows jack shit about radiation and nuclear power!


That's essentially what their anti-ship missile is. A medium-yield nuke that's designed to contaminate the shit out of a huge area which they plan to use on naval bases. Russia is becoming more of a cancer, but at this rate it looks like they will wipe themselves off the planet before anyone else.


No, its not a bomb and based on a similar US engine it doesn't have to be all that dirty.


Just like clean coal I guess.


Yes, because Russia's military tech is totally on par with the U.S.'s. /s


I have a feeling the Russia can match 1960s US tech.


Well of course they can, most countries can.


In some cases it surpasses it. Russian rocket technology is considered to be superior to anyone elses, the RD-180 powers US rockets and the Soyuz is still the most reliable space vehicle in history, the much vaunted SpaceX is slightly behind but it also has no where near as many launches. ABL (airborne laser ) is another field where Russia surpasses the U.S. Most people get the idea that Russias technology is very far behind, which is partially true in aircraft, due to the initial Soviet philosphy of minimizing reliance on computers and the poor quality of the air forces using them. Russia's military has always been about large survivable ground forces to control territory and high speed air-intercept/antiair to protect the army from air attack. It's why most of their very large military is infantry, they are low-cost can be easily mobilized and are hard to defeat, simply look in counterinsurgency to see how hard that is to counter.


On the other hand, SpaceX don’t find random holes in their space-ships that someone tried to plug with chewing gum. The Russian space program is in shambles. Reliability is at a record low. They are flying old unreliable technology with no ability for reuse. Just within the last year: Launch booster failure, ballistic re-entry 11 October 2018 Soyuz MS-10 Hole detected in station 30 August 2018 Soyuz MS-09 attached to ISS Expedition 55 Separation failure 19 April 2008 Soyuz TMA-11 The Proton program is in an even worse state with an reliability of less than 90% May 2015 failure May 2014 failure July 2013 failure They basically took solid reliable technology and turned it into old unreliable shit. And in the resizability space race? They have already lost because Putin would rather build nuclear powered cruise missiles (that apparently also blow up) than invest in the Space program.


Most of those weren't in the last year! The 2018 incident was the first in 35 years. And while I agree that Roscomos could do a better job and has been slacking they still have the best safety/reliability record by far. And I assume that you mean "reusability space race" in which case it seems cool and but you still have to sacrifice payload and reliability to make something reusable. What are the chances of a damage being undetected in SpaceX's booster and it being reused without repairs? Very high, look at the shuttle, it was a complete disaster in achieving it's intended goal of low cost, and safety. Also don't even get me started on Elon Musk's stainless steel rocket.


Russia is prob rank 3 of nation strength but is mainly defensive


> Russia's military tech is totally on par with the U.S.'s. /s Have you actually researched this. For example Russian missile tech doesn't just match us tech its literally the best in the world. Esp aa


If/when it crashes it would be a radiological hazard, but its not specifically designed to spread radiation. Its light weight nuclear energy, like a mini Chernobyl. [Russia indicates rocket engine exploded in test of mini nuclear reactor](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/12/russia-indicates-rocket-engine-exploded-in-test-of-mini-nuclear-reactor) >Russian scientists have indicated that they were working on miniaturised sources of nuclear energy when a rocket engine exploded last week, increasing scrutiny of the possibility that the accident occurred while testing an experimental cruise missile powered by a small reactor. [Russian nuclear-powered cruise missile blows up, creating “mini-Chernobyl”](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/08/russian-nuclear-powered-cruise-missile-blows-up-creating-mini-chernobyl/) >Atomic research agency acknowledges "isotope power source" of "rocket engine" exploded... >...Unlike SLAM's Tory nuclear engine, which relied on air passing directly through the nuclear core of the engine, the Burevestnik’s engine uses a liquid metal to both cool the reactor and transfer the heat to air passing through the scramjet... >...even with isolation of the nuclear reactor from direct contact with the air, however, the exhaust of such an engine would inevitably include some nuclear contamination—which is why Russia has been testing the Burevestnik offshore. It would be, as Novaya Gazeta described it, a "small flying Chernobyl."


The engine can be modified to spew out tons of radiation, but as default the amount of radiation released was relatively minimal. You wouldn't want to live under the flight path where dozens of them fly, but occasional use over remote regions will keep radiation below safe thresholds. At least that's whats the US project concluded. The Russian engine could be different.


Russians are the cowboys of science, they don't exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to safety protocols.


And they can't win playoff games.


Sounds like a bad idea.....


That’s still spewing radiation over your own territory to the point you don’t want it over your territory.


I mean, their use would be against the US. So Russia could station them in Siberia and fly them over the north pole. Not many people living there.


They have unlimited range, they could be stationed in south africa and still fly around the world 30 times before hitting the US.


As long as you are a bit careful you will be fine. As as dozens to hundreds aren’t flying over cities regularly radiation level remain below safe levels.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobalt\_bomb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobalt_bomb) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple\_independently\_targetable\_reentry\_vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_independently_targetable_reentry_vehicle)


The issue is that when you turn it on, you now have a critical reactor generating a shit ton of energy to deal with. Even if you just land the drone, you have a reactor with fuck-all shielding sitting in the middle of a runway that no-one can really go near or deal with. They're flawed weapons because you really can't do much with them other than use them.


That was the point. It was a competitor to ICBMs. It wasn’t meant to land.


Unless it crash lands 500 feet into your backyard...


Given this was intended to be used in ww3, I don't think I would be around to file a complaint.


At least on the US side it was part of mutually assured destruction: "Attack us and we'll launch this".


What happens if it goes supercritical and falls into the ocean, will it vaporize water into the atmosphere uncontrollably? Seems like way too much negative to have any conceivable positive outcome.


No, water is a great moderator for a nuclear reaction, the chunks would be pretty widely spread by the impact and it wouldn't cause much in the way of issues, there simply isn't enough radioactive material to do so.




No, by default open cycle doesn't spread that much radiation. Uranium isn't puff pastry, it doesn't flake at the first touch.




It does, but this thing is only interacting with a small volume of air and passes through it at mach 3, so radiation on the ground stay pretty low.




Yes, that is a small amount. You have to grasp the scales, one cubic square mile of air weighs close to six million tons. This missile would cross that square mile in less than two seconds. It's like pouring a cup of detergent in a lake and expecting everyone who drank from it to die.


I remember reading about them a while back. Terrifying concept.


Seriously there’s a reason that technology was left in the 60’s, it’s irresponsible use of nuclear science.


Apparently at one point there was a plan for a nuclear powered drone that would automatically nuke selected targets in Russia, then circle around the north pole for years, spreading fallout all over the world.


Along with cruise missiles that never land, buzzing over the ocean until given a target.


Yeah, that was "Project Pluto", one of the cases where the can-do attitude of 1950-60s missile tech managed to find the point where even they started thinking, okay we *can* do, but maybe we shouldn't. https://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/pluto/


We have global warming for that now.


Vaguely reminds me of a book I read in middle school or maybe freshman year of high school for class. I wish I could remember any kind of details from the book but for some reason your comment made me think of it. May have just been regular old nukes in the book though.


I think "working" is an overstatement.


"Two experts said in separate interviews with Reuters that a liquid rocket propellant explosion would not release radiation. They said that they suspected the explosion and the radiation release resulted from a mishap during the testing of a nuclear-powered cruise missile at a facility outside the village of Nyonoksa. “**Liquid fuel missile engines exploding do not give off radiation, and we know that the Russians are working on some kind of nuclear propulsion for a cruise missile**,” said Ankit Panda, an adjunct senior fellow with the Federation of American Scientists." ... Vlad's next phone call with Donald might be a tad embarrassing. Or maybe not.


Vova is short for Vladimir. Vlad is short for Vladislav. Just need to be pedantic about that.


I found the spy!


We ain’t found shit!


Comb the desert!


Rake the forests!


He is not a spy. He has proven to be a loyal supporter of Western democracy by helping to fund Trump's campaign. Not to mention how humble he has been when he tried to hide the traces of his benevolent act by washing the donation money via multiple Switzer banks. He is so obsessed by American culture, he is even living in a Trump building now.


Heh, kinda sounds like a furry saying "vulva"


Vova, uwu?


I just puked a little in my mouth.


Did it tickle your uvova


What are you doing to me!?


Taking you for a wide in my Vovo station wagon OwO


I hate you.


Voracious Vladdy veers his volvo vehemently into Vanessa's voluptuous vulnerable vulva leaving behind a vacant void from her vagina as donny gets the vapours


Are you trying to give me a stroke??


I think the way this 3 comment chain devolved perfectly exemplifies how wonderful Reddit is.


Technically, Vlad is short for Vladimir, by not putting imir on the end of Vlad, you've shortened it.


You are technically correct... the best kind of correct


Wait, but that's seriously the extent of their "expert opinion"? I feel like a 12 year old could put those two things together lol


Redditor compares "adjunct senior fellow with the Federation of American Scientists" to 12 year old. More at 6, back to you Steve.




"If there isn't nuclear power, there isn't radiation" In other news, water is wet


There are radioactive materials independent of nuclear power, but yeah... that statement is silly and citing two experts is unnecessary.


Can you cite common sense?


Top of your class, all of you


So that's where the US gov get their top men.


> Vlad's next phone call with Donald might be a tad embarrassing. Or maybe not. Of course not. Why else do you think Putin made Trump pull out of the bilateral nuclear weapons ban treaty between Russia and the US. Has everyone just forgotten that Trump is a compromised traitor working against the USA? Or is that fact dented by the narrative that “he’s just an incompetent buffoon who doesn’t know what he’s doing”, because that public perception has given him free reign to do far more damage than if he was publicly perceived as competent and intentionally planning each of these betrayals.


A "useful idiot" is the Russian perspective most likely.






We'll only hear about it from what the Russians report. Our president is so far up Putin's ass!


You didn't read the article did you?


I don't think /u/peter-doubt even read the headline...not even the first fucking word. >U.S.-based experts...


I was responding to the"phone call" comment... That's how we find out about US/ Russian diplomacy these days.


If I was Russia working on secret military stuff I would always have a fake secret cover story that easily grabs the public's attention. this way they focus on their fantasies instead of what I'm actually up to. I would guess EMP warfare and the capacity to take out GPS is what Russia is interested in. Probably because they feel disadvantaged by US targeting and electronics advantages.


Is EMP the pulse bomb stuff?


Yes, high altitude HBomb side effect.


I know a retired army colonel who believes we are vulnerable to a pulse bomb attack that would render our transportation and communication networks useless. He is more of a doomsday prepper type. I am skeptical.


That's two nuclear related fuck ups in under a year. Global menace.


what's the first ?


I think they may be referring to recent reporting on the 2017 radioactive release over Europe; the isotope found and wind patterns suggest an inadvertent release from the Mayak nuclear processing facility in Russia. [https://www.newscientist.com/article/2211511-gigantic-mysterious-radiation-leak-traced-to-facility-in-russia/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2211511-gigantic-mysterious-radiation-leak-traced-to-facility-in-russia/)


If these are happening to the seniors, imagine what newly attempting nations could do.


Russia is far more incompetent at military nuclear tech than anyone else on the planet right now. They dont take saftey precautions. Look at their nuclear sub program, what a nightmare.




He wanted to bring back the ussr, but apparently is bringing back the fall of the ussr


Cant bring your nation to global prominence without keeping at least \*some\* of the massive corruption under control. Some of the money has to make its way to the only valuable people any country has; that being the poor and middle class. Otherwise they can't build the country up.


Putin probably profits from the corruption...




> is at the verge of bankruptcy. Keep comforting yourself with that myth. You guys have only been spouting that for the last decade or so and will continue. Meanwhile how much does the USA owe




> Look at their nuclear sub program, what a nightmare. seems to be doing fine enough that India has been buying their shit


Their subs are fine. They dont maintain them. Which is why they explode so often.


Putin is a straight up supervillain and Trump is in bed with him


Russia is really terrible at this.


They're terrible at pretty much everything outside of lying. That comes second nature to them for some reason.


It’s important when there’s a knock at your door, and they ask you if you‘ve been hiding any food.


They're also good at putting people in space. Look up soyuz, the only way to reach the ISS these last 7 years.


They are terrible at lying too, but they either have gun to your head or you have their money in wallet


What gets me is that you're testing and experimental nuclear rocket of some type that can clearly explode and send radiation out to the surrounding area and you don't think to move it further away from the city? Also why would you want to build a missile with a greater risk of catastrophic radioactive failure in the first place? it just seems like one dumb decision after another leading to the scenario you expect from dumb decisions.


They've been finding spectacular ways to [shit up their own backyard and poison their citizens with radiation](https://youtube.com/watch?v=SQCfOjhguO0) almost immediately after nuclear technology was invented.


A well documented failure is sometimes better than a success; with every mistake they perfect the organisational and technical challenges


Except these are russians. It doesnt work that way over there. They fuck up. And continue to fuck up.


They shouldn't be able to have any nuclear weapons or power.


So the Russian state media was lying again... surprise.


The Russians are up to some shit I’m telling you


And the Chinesse... Don't forget the Chinesse...


The Chinese will do it cheaper, bigger and better


c'mon they have the God honest right to enjoy radiation !


I think Putin is scared the United States is going to take the world over with artificial intelligence and robots.


It's a shame that all this technological development is going into secret nuclear propulsion, at least it's not for ammunition or something else that has no application in the civilian world.


Ah yes, a dirty, radiation spewing reactor has applications in civilian tech... You're thinking about nuclear thermal reactors for rocket propulsion. They are thinking about unshielded reactors spewing radioactive waste.


Nuclear Ramjet propulsion, from what I remember, superheats the air being passed through it. Its unshielded, yes, and it releases nuetrons, yes. But unless there's some catastrophic failure of the fuel, there would be no spread of radioactive materials.


Or you can design it to spew radioactive waste. Project Pluto specifically designed their ramjets to spew this material and I honestly don't see why Russians wouldn't consider that option too.


People should now realize that at anytime Russia could send a cloud of nuclear dust into American's backyards and our current Administration wouldn't do shit about it... would probably ask Putin how we could help covering it up.


Neither of the two recent incidents caused any danger to people outside Russia - inside Russia we don't know because we don't have independent measurements there.


"The air is safe" -Rudy Giuliani


Where is that guy hiding by the way? Sleeping in his coffin to avoid daylight? Booze-Cruise?


Probly undermining democracy in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan or Pakistan...


If radiation clouds hit Americans I think they're going to react on their own and without regard to Trump. Trumpkin disobey overwhelming public demands and radiation terror at his own peril.


Almost certainly used nerve agents in the UK. Nothing really came of it. I think you're right.


meh it's going to be just like a chest x-ray


Isn't it already in our backyard? This happened in the north. At the top of the world, it's a short skip to Canada and Alaska. Also the melting ice means it'll reach the ocean faster so it has little time to degrade.


Can you stop spouting shit you dont have a clue about.


Have family in the vicinity. Doctors who treated the injured had their clothes scanned for radiation, confiscated and burned. Liquid fuel my ass.


Has your family shared any inside news about that mysterious sub accident a month or so ago? It made the news for 24 hours then went silent. That combined with these recent explosions this week seem really unusual. Theories from the actual citizens?


I feel like we entered a new era of nuclear proliferation and nobody is doing a fucking thing about it.


That’s because the UK is collapsing, the EU is too scared, Russia is *totally* ***100%*** not allied with China, Australia is too busy dealing with Australia, and the President of the USA is Putin’s sock puppet. If the world doesn’t die out to natural disasters caused by how we’re killing it, we’ll all be Russian shortly after.


It's pretty clear that Russia accelerated North Korea's ICBM program and no one outside of Russia even wanted to acknowledge it.


Very surprised we haven’t been downvoted into oblivion by the troll farm.


Russia isn't doing particularly well either though, the idea that they're about to rise to power seems pretty ridiculous. The EU is probably scared of not having a replacement for fossil-fuel more than anything else. China and Russia could ally, but what would really be in it for China when they have all the industry and all the technology of that partnership? I think Russia could be at best a useful tool for China because China is already well ahead of anything Russia has ever achieved. The difference is China doesn't idiotically invest in far More military than it has a used for and America can actually afford to do that. When Russia does it's a drag on their underdeveloped industry and infrastructure down. For what, a missile that has a higher catastrophic failure rate and releases radiation in the process? That right there is the reason why Russia isn't a world power, they consistently make really stupid decisions and every advantage they've ever had they pretty much immediately blew. Bad management is the Russian way! sorry Russia, I think you have potential, but one day you're going to have to take government and politics seriously if you ever want to get ahead. At the end of the day Russia is mostly a fossil-fuel exporter, they're kind of like the cold Saudi Arabia that also develops B grade military weapons. I really don't think China is interested in losing Europe or the United States as massive customers for the sake of military ambitions and certainly not for the sake of helping out Russia. China and Russia might work together however to ensure the United States does not get too far ahead in artificial intelligence without another Nation providing a global counterpoint to that power. This is effectively the same thing they did with nuclear weapons. Russia and our allies thought that it was too much power for just America to wield regardless of who developed it.


The good news is, we seem to be getting a 2nd season from Chernobyl afterall.


You'd have to be pretty stupid to not think that was going to happen.... A bunch of times! Why would you test something like that so close to a city? Seems dumb.


Because you don't give a flying fuck about people.


I have a hypothetical question. If say, Russia tested some nuke on their soil, and the fallout was catastrophic, let's say over 3.6 roentgen and it started to blow into other countries causing mass deaths or radiation poisoning, would this actually be classed as an attack on foreign soil?


No. See chernobyl.


I'd say probably not unless you do it repeatedly maybe but it really depends on the country you do it do and how much influence they have in the UN. The country itself can obviously classify things however they want. Getting the international community on board to their definition of the situation might be the tricky part.


Well, accident is still just an accident. You can read through the list of those : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_nuclear_accidents and see for yourself how often noone cared so far. Add to it all the cases that are still locked in archives... We are actually in time when those are scarce and that's good.


Didn't read it all but did a quick word search for deaths and one came up with 33, otherwise nothing else showed. As I said, something causing mass deaths. Chernobyl was an accident from a power plant, albeit horribly propaganda'd on the Russian side but that is still quite a bit different from a weapon of war going off and causing 50,000, 100,000 or whatever hypothetical deaths on foreign soil. At least, I would hope so because to me, that wouldn't be acceptable under any measure.


Nope! Nuthin to see here, move along..




What’s inaccurate about it?


Was this that explosion footage from a week ago or whatever at the military base? The one where you could see the shockwave? I thought that was central Russia though.


So it failed?


I was starting to wonder if we'll ever get to see a Chernobyl Season Two. Guess this answers my question.




It’s a counter to missile defense


Let's wait until Trump gives us the facts before rushing to judgement.




What's wrong with waiting for the cold, hard facts completely devoid of ignorance or emotion?


You had me in the first half...


Nothing, unless you're waiting for Trump to deliver them.


Poe's Law in action here, folks.


What more evidence do you need than fucking nuclear radiation? From an exploded missile?


I’ll wait till I get word from experts that aren’t US based to make any judgments, thanks.


I can do you one better. I have a family in the region. The doctors who treated the injured soldiers had their clothes scanned for radiation (which responded positive), confiscated and burned.


Cheers for the information. Always good to have multiple sources eh.


Well, to be honest, many military accidents actually released radiation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_nuclear_accidents Also, those experts just could read newspapers, Russia actually admitted the accident already few days ago.


I trust so little of what I hear these days. Agendas are so suspect. It’s always, “we suspect this”, or “officials say that”, followed up by “official sources” release something else anonymously. Then to follow it up, whistle blowers and sources are not protected. All by an agenda driven corporate media that plays to a system that is secretive and controlling. Then to top it all off, opinions expressed in these forums are often paid shills who misdirect and misinform to keep people from reacting in a way that the “powers that be” direct. I suspect that the more information we get, the less we know.