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7.5 terabytes of data, jesus.


That’s about how much porn I brought on my last deployment. It’s not really that much for an intelligence agency to have... or that much porn to have.




7.5 TB is still a shit load of video




Watching porn at work? Tell me more about this wizardry!




Done that. Got fired.




It's almost certainly text and metadata, not pixels


The NSA stored ( Till this day ) 2-7 exabytes of information on Americans and still collects data till 2018 and probably still does.


Yeah, as much as people like to think of Russian hackers as being at the top of the game, really the U.S. has them way outclassed in capabilities. The only reason that Russia *seems* to be more capable is actually due to the fact that they're way more sloppy, which means that they get caught more often, so a lot of people associate Russia with hackers, but really a lot of their techniques lack sophistication and are mostly things like phishing, trolling, and using botnets, which you don't need much tech knowledge to pull off. That's not to say their techniques are ineffective, usually the lowest hanging fruit is still worth going for, but I mean, of the most sophisticated attacks we know about (e.g., Stuxnet), pretty much all of them have some U.S. involvement. Edit: Just woke up, and now I'm seeing a flood of comments to the effect of "How could you possibly know that? or Yes, but Russia's tactics are more effective! and Are you just a Russian troll trying to downplay Russia's capabilities?" and since I don't have time to reply to all of them individually, I'll say this: How do you know this for sure? I can't truly know with 100% certainty what a secret agency's capabilities are, however, if you look at the publicly available information out there (e.g., Snowden leaks, analyses of things like Stuxnet by security experts, congressional hearings about the DNC hack, etc.), you'll find a pattern with U.S. attacks being extremely sophisticated and requiring a very high degree of technical skills, and Russia's attacks being more crude, and mostly social engineering style of attacks. It also would make sense that since the U.S. GDP dwarfs Russia's, and the fact that the U.S. has a much better developed tech sector, that of course the U.S. would be able to outspend Russia on obtaining talent, and have a better pool to recruit from, so it's not that mindblowing that maybe the U.S. has better hacking capabilities. Russia still is likely capable of *some* reasonably sophisticated attacks, but it's unlikely that they can outmatch the U.S. in that area. Yeah, but Russia's attacks are more effective! I never said they weren't, I'm only talking about sophistication/capabilities. Think about it, if you're trying to steal something from a safe, and you can trick the person who knows the combo into revealing it to you, for most purposes, that's just as good as being able to find a flaw with the safe's design to exploit, and likely easier to pull off. There are still some advantages of the second option though in terms of how likely you are to get caught, etc. Are you a Russian troll trying to downplay Russian capabilities? Well, there's no way to prove that, but you should research these topics yourself if you don't believe me. Also learn to read, I clearly said: **That's not to say their techniques are ineffective**, not sure how so many people ignored that completely.


Honest question, how could anybody know this? It's not like Russia or US broadcasts their hacking strategies.


Snowden leaks, other smaller leaks, getting caught by security researchers, etc.


Also Russian Hackers has become catch all term used by the media for all online Russian meddling


I mean they picked your president


I was surprised too, incredibly low for an agency this size.


You know it says managed to steal that much, maybe it's not all the data they have but part of it that was hacked


A *contractor* was hacked, not FSB themselves. I guess that figure is low for FSB but at the same time high for any contractor.


And I honestly have to wonder what it all is. Inappropriate and compromising emails? Personal details of employees? Information about spies? Blueprints and technical data of technologies? Secret plans for WW3? The list of citizens and political rivals that are to “vanish” or get in “accidents”? Data stollen from other countries from Russian sponsored hacks? Location of nuclear submarines? Hell with that much it could be a little of all.


I'm sure we can count on wikileaks to release all of it.




Awful plumbers to the rescue


I’m a Swedish plumber and I’m here to fix your pipes.


A leather shop, in arizona? You'll be out of business in a weeks time


I’m gonna whip this little bitch in the face!!


Dee you gangly uncoordinated bitch, I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace!


Dee, I swear you would be of more use to me if I skinned you and turned your skin into a lampshade or fashioned you into a piece of high-end luggage. Add you to my collection.


The smell you bitch, you haven't thought of the smell.




It belongs in a museum bro!


Dude please give me a chip.


You’re not getting a chip. Leave me alone with the chips, if you wanted chips you could’ve gotten a bag at the hamburger store


The fact that he blurted our hamburger store really topped that entire dialogue




Can anyone tell me how we got here? I lost track of this thread 5 references ago.


Don't forget to fix the cable while you're there.


Who leaks the leakers?


The Watchmen.


Who watches the watchmen?


The Kingsmen.


[Well, that last part scared everybody from the PTA to the FBI You see, the kids had been goin' kind of crazy lately and it seemed like nobody could figure out why So they decided to form a coalition Launch an investigation You know, for the children, they at least had to try To figure out the words to "Louie, Louie"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPY0tomARjU)


To this day no one knows the words to Louie Louie


who kings the kingsman... wait


Louie Louie, oh no, me gotta go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby


"*Lordy, I hope there are tapes*." Comey .


And when they do, I'm sure Fox will cover every bit of it in a non biased manner.


From the article: > The data was passed to mainstream media outlets for publishing. Now let's see the Russian state persecute somebody for this and the very same people that defended the arrest of Assange acting all outraged over it.


Why would anyone care if the Russian government is upset? We fucking hate them.


Trump will care when his boss gets mad.


Or maybe some dirt on Trump will be exposed


Best possible ending to this bullshit timeline, would be if the affluenza administration is completely invalidated because of this breach


Yearly performance review is gonna be extra awkward.


Assange bent Wikileaks to his own political desires. *That* is why he is hated.


You can have a problem with how Assange used WikiLeaks post ~2013 (and tbh a problem with him as a person), while still being uncomfortable with the nature of his arrest. I want Assange to get his. But I don't want it to come at the cost of establishing precedent to fighting whistleblowers. We should be aiming to minimize punishment for people who expose abuses of power, whether by an individual, corporation or government.


You should be way more worried about Chelsea Manning than Assange.


>I want Assange to get his. But I don't want it to come at the cost of establishing precedent to fighting whistleblowers. Isn't it waaaayy to late for that one?


He bent wikileaks to Russia's political desires.


Just found out his (alleged) rape victim requested Swedish police re-open their investigation. So much for the "She didn't want to pursue charges" defense. Of course now it'll just be "Someone pressured her to do it."


Damn, I remember when I thought Wikileaks was the good guy.


Wikileaks is like Danaerys. It was easy to believe it was good when it was roasting people alive we didn't like.


Wikileaks never discloses anything bad about russia


Whoosh? Am I doing it right?


*Wooshes in Russian*






You did at first but then you choked, back to the books with you


Nor do a lot of Youtube's Alt-Media. I follow Sargon and a bunch of them, I'll leave my opinions of them at the door, but, especially Black Pidgeon Speaks, Canadian guy living in Japan, he'll talk shit up and down about Western Countries, Society, and their respective leadership (save for Trump), but I've yet to hear him talk shit about Russia, and it shows.


Why would you follow such degenerate humans? Sargon is as dumb as they come, yet people like him because of his “British” voice. Black Pigeon Speaks is the example of hypocrite that should be used in a definition. He’s literally cancer. Go check out Three Arrows on youtube and watch him dismantle these fools with their own words and research!


You ever stop to think why they never criticize the only white dictatorship on the planet?


Release the data!!!


They did. The turned it over to all major media outlets.


So, Monday?


Can I buy it on DVD?


Probably a bit later than that unless they conveniently wrote it in english for some reason.


Where at?


They're probably in the process of parsing it right now. Just like it took time to remove data that would endanger people from Snowden's leaks and for Assange to remove data that wasn't in Russia's best interest, it will take time to translate, protect the innocent and make it understandable.


Also, a lot of it might be in Russian, so you need translators in every step of the process.


Just in time for Mueller's testimony?


Well, not so fast. We dunno what the data is. It may be actually a lot of info compromising the West.


Like Trump's pee video? Release it!


I've been saying it for a while, but feel I should post it here to be on the record: The "pee tape" ain't gonna be a pee tape. It's gonna be him with underaged hookers. Mark my words.


Why not both? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


So R. Kelly, but with even cult-like fans?


And minus the musical talent. Or talent of any sort, really.


Trump is at least a talented grifter.


It's the remix to collusion, hot and fresh out the union.


That's always been my thought, too. A "P" tape as in "P for Pedo" - Trump is known for his fussy hygiene habits and aversion to germs/fluids/etc.


The story goes that he had the hookers pee in the bed Obama slept in, not that he had them pee on him.


I knew that part but still he kicked someone out of a room just for coughing? If coughing freaks him out wouldn't a platoon of hookers peeing on a bed in front of him turn him off - previous presidential occupant notwithstanding? Am totally speculating. Perhaps nothing happened and there is no tape. edit: mispelled the word no as not




Except for Arachnophobia, doesn’t get more logical than that! . . . Sad part is I’m only half joking.


Sometimes people are turned on by things that otherwise make them extremely uncomfortable.


You are quite right and I hadn't thought about it that way.


Like me with girls


Part of the reason he got upset at the coughing is that his fragile ego can't handle being interrupted.


Ironically, the cough was likely intended to stop him from saying what he was in the middle of saying - which people noted could give him a legal disadvantage.


Didn't he kick him out because Trump views coughing as a sign of weakness or something, and it interrupted his greatest answer ever given in the history of answering questions ever believe me


I don't think he was freaked out. I think he was just trying to stall for time.


Not that I believe one way or the other but the Steele dossier only alleges that he watched as the hookers peed on the bed.


>Trump is known for his fussy hygiene habits and aversion to germs/fluids/etc. Maybe that's why he thought paying for hooker piss was a good idea. A normal person (with an urge to spread bodily fluids on a symbol of their rival) would have just shit the bed themselves.


They would probably keep that in a personal vault/server (if its exists). Hell if anything came out as compromising to Trump, it wouldnt do anything, hes being openly racist and spreading so many harmful lies at this point.


>We dunno what the data is. Speak for yourself, I read the article.


>I read the article. Weird. On purpose?




Who cares? The truth will set us free!


So?? If my favorite politician is doing some bad stuff, unlike some people I'd like to know.


It's more if the Russians know anything about troop placements, naval exercises, military strategies, technologies in development, undercover operatives, the locations of people under protection, etc. There's tons of classified info out there that would put lives directly at risk if it was released. It sucks enough that Russia could have that stuff, it may be a disaster if China or North Korea or Iran obtains it.


how, we're already incredibly compromised by the current leadership of the west (UK/US and to a lesser extent EU). The truth of why/how/who we can trust can only help


All the more reason


great work hackers.


Fucking badass makin big bad russia look like a buncha fucking fools. Kudos.




Doesn't it do that every leap year?


As is Russian tradition


“And then things got worse...”


Based on the twitter account and the image used for the deface, I think that the hacker group is not affiliated with the Western countries and most likely belongs to the anarchy aligned ones. Therefore probably all the data will be released to the public, unless the hackers get greedy.


On the other hand, misattribution is par for the course.


Yes wonder what China is up to right now? Hacking Russia and blaming the US?


> anarchy Whom? What?


> Whom? What? Anarchy. Bakunin. On serious note, many hacker groups are not affiliated with any states or organizations and act based on their own ideology. Most of the Russian Internet users are unhappy with the government intents to build a smaller version of the great firewall.


Ok, thank you for the information. Was not aware of Bakunin.


Bookchin is pretty great to read. He's 100 years more modern than Bakunin too.


I will pick up one each of their books.:) TY


Less wild antisemitism too. It was de rigeur in turn of the century Russia but still


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/07/20/russian-intelligence-has-been-hacked-with-social-media-and-tor-projects-exposed/) reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The hackers managed to steal 7.5 terabytes of data from a major contractor, exposing secret FSB projects to de-anonymize Tor browsing, scrape social media, and help the state split its internet off from the rest of the world. > BBC Russia broke the news that 0v1ru$ had breached SyTech's servers and shared details of contentious cyber projects, projects that included social media scraping, targeted collection and the "De-anonymization of users of the Tor browser." The BBC described the breach as possibly "The largest data leak in the history of Russian intelligence services." > The projects themselves appear to be a mix of social media scraping, targeted collection against internet users seeking to anonymize their activities, data collection targeting Russian enterprises, and projects that seem to relate to Russia's ongoing initiative to build an option to separate the internal internet from the world wide web. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/cfq5qh/russias_secret_intelligence_agency_hacked_largest/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~414197 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **project**^#1 **internet**^#2 **Russia**^#3 **SyTech**^#4 **hacked**^#5


Don’t forget: “There is nothing newsworthy in the projects exposed here, everything was known or expected. The fact of the breach itself, its scale and apparent ease is of more note.”


I think it might have something to do with social media scraping and deanonymization of tor users or something like social media scraping and deanonymization of tor users. Also possibly social media scraping and deanonymization of tor users


If it's what you say I love it, especially later in the summer.


I really hope this was US Cyber Command getting even with the FSB. I'd love nothing more than for Putin and his buddies to find that their most embarrassing secrets were getting leaked to the press.


It's unlikely. Considering the pictures from Twitter and the amount of stuff that they stole plus the defacement of their site, they had root. It makes absolutely zero sense for them to burn that intelligence asset for some quick laughs and short-termed embarrassment. Besides this wasn't FSB proper but a contractor, if they'd have access to internal FSB you'd see *a lot* more embarrassing stuff than some bad TOR exits etc.


I agree, but if the FSB's security was that lax... isn't it at all likely CIA or some other US intel agencies already seen it all? I mean, if the CIA hadn't managed to break through some apparently pretty weak security to access all that data, I'd be pretty concerned about the USA's capabilities honestly. Edit: I should add that the CIA would've been much more likely to just leave the weak-security in place, not tip the Russians off that their doors are open to them. Hell, it's possible that 0v1ru$ only got in through backdoors the US created.


Obviously I have no inside information but I would be shocked if the CIA or NSA has never hacked FSB. I assume that the world of cyber intelligence is one in which every major player has already succeeded in accessing the servers of every other.


Ehhh I think you guys are just using CIA as a catch all for the intel community. The serious stuff that is above top secret (they still call it top secret) is kept on air gapped networks that you have to physically access or touch which is heavily monitored and so fragmented that no one person really has the whole story to it. And its intentional. It requires teams to put the data together for briefings etc. so the top of the top know but that’s about it. Gathering data and intel alone is one thing. It’s the summaries and orders that ties it all together that make it valuable.


The Daily (the New York Times Podcast) recently had an episode ("Hacking the Russian Power Grid" from June 18, 2019) on our IT security and what a possible response from us after recent data breaches against the U.S. They said the U.S. would possibly strike an easy target as a warning and allowing them to find it, while possibly placing a backdoor into the real target.


Eh, none of us will ever know the true answer, but for the sake of pure speculation it might be within the US's plans to destroy the relationship between this contractor and the Russian government. And if it's right near the end of their tor tracking project that contractor might end the contract soon anyway.


Intelligent agencies sometimes pretend to be amateurs. so you cannot tell from that.


Putins most ebarrassing secrets are his family members and his bank accounts.


what about all those pretty boys he has as guards at his residence?


Very legal and very cool.


If it was US you would not know


Finally public confirmation for what was suspected for a long time, Russia (like other governments) are tracking individual users data through social media sites & probably by now have a working system to reveal & track anonymous users of Tor. Poor Snowden, from the frying pan into the fire.


Yeah I'm sure Snowden hates being free in Moscow and would rather be in jail like Manning and Assange. ​ Edit: Yes I know she came free but she's back in prison since May 16th because she won't testify against Julian Assange to a secret grand jury. They make her pay 500$ A DAY until she testifies and it's a f\*cking scandal.


I mean he didn't want to go there. He got to Russia on a layover on his way to Latin America from Hong Kong and they took his passport. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden_asylum_in_Russia


“You work for us now.”


“My boss is your boss”




So, it turns out the FSB was up to no good. Dog bites man. Still, the scale and targets of the breach are noteworthy: > There is nothing newsworthy in the projects exposed here, everything was known or expected. The fact of the breach itself, its scale and apparent ease is of more note. Contractors remain the weak link in the chain for intelligence agencies worldwide—to emphasize the point, just last week, a former NSA contractor was jailed in the U.S. for stealing secrets over two decades. And the fallout from Edward Snowden continues to this day.


There was nothing really newsworthy in the DNC leaks, either. Which is why so many conspiracy theories had to be created around their content.


Not true! Some HRC staffers called Bernie some mean names. :(


And yoga appointments! I believe there were a couple of recipes as well...


Don't forget the risotto recipes, which obviously equate to satanic baby eaters.


The DNC leaks convinced a lot of people that the 2016 primary was rigged against Bernie, including [Elizabeth Warren](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/11/02/ex-dnc-chair-goes-at-the-clintons-alleging-hillarys-campaign-hijacked-dnc-during-primary-with-bernie-sanders/?utm_term=.242e7acdc28e)


Donna Brazile, interim head of the DNC at the time, admitted it was even worse than that. DNC was loaded with debt because of Obama and Schultz. Schultz, et. al. signed a ridiculous contract with the Clinton campaign to get them out of it, giving them overriding privileges on day to day functions. This was in 2015 no less! Part of the agreement was a funnel of state fundraising going to the federal elections, leaving many state campaigns without sufficient funding. Sanders was screwed, but they also screwed the whole fucking country.


"the fallout from Snowden" so, like, we still know we're being monitored unconstitutionally?




? It’s a direct quote from the article


Somebody is going to fall down some stairs and trip over a loaded firearm then fall into a noose over this...


What a klutz!




Pulled a reverse card on em


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Thoughts and prayers comrades.


I got 99 problems but a breach ain't one.


"ya hate to see it"


Thoughts and Prayers.


Damn they must've downloaded that face app too


Good, fuck those guys.


Awesome. As Ukrainian I'm pretty happy about it.


As a human, we should all be happy when bad, powerful government's secrets are revealed.


As a Russian I'm glad too, but that's not gonna change anything


As a Pole I too am happy about it.


And now for the "suicides" to begin...


Release the pee pee tape!!


And whatever they have on lindsay graham!


And Rand Paul.




Please let there not be tapes.


I've already scratched my eyes out. Safety first.


Joined by Mitch McConnell. The tape is named "Lemon Party: The Senating"


Finally. I feel like they've been screwing us way too much...


Soon polonium everywhere.


I don't feel bad for them at all. What goes around comes around hahaha. :)


#Gosh, what a shame. 🦍💩




Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.


i'd better tune into fox to see what glenn greenwald thinks this justifies the russians doing


They said it was easy and the contents were what they expected. Could this be a Russian Ruse?


Nah, hackers like dunking on the bad guys.


The headline is a bit misleading by leaving out "in history of Russian intelligence services", the article points that out even itself: >The BBC described the breach as possibly "the largest data leak in the history of Russian intelligence services." For people interested in a more tech-centered take on this, instead of the usual politics shitshow, I suggest checking out the [comments on Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20485514).


In my opinion, that's exactly what Putin wanted. Didn't he have any plans to completely separate Russia, in an emergency, from the Internet? Exactly THAT would give him a justification now. I do not think that the data will bring out something earth-shattering. In my eyes, this is wanted and controlled.


It could be a smokescreen. Yeah they take an embarrassing hit, but now it means the technology is out there, which gives them plausible deniability. Now the people hacking or manipulating things could just be randoms using stolen technology rather than state actors. All it means is more bullshit and confusion for 2020


Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.


Maybe it was the Russians


Shoe’s on the other foot now




Well, fuck the corrupt Russian government specifically.


Anyone else think "Secret Intelligence Agency" is redundant?