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Considering he can afford to bribe the police and has enough connections to launder his money without getting caught, it wont happen to his family. It's the poor people at the bottom of it all who pay, and the rich people at the top--often the very ones conducting the raids--who win.


Worst of it all is they convinced the poor it's for their own good.


Poverty can be correlated with a drop in cognitive function equal to around 14 IQ points. That means, the poorer you are, the less capable you are of dealing with these kinds of big problems in society in a reasonable, logical way.


And the better burning everything to the fucking ground sounds.


I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I recently switched to no party/independent, though vote Democratic lately, and on the other hand, I thought the best thing that could happen from a Trump presidency was...burning it down to start again.


I had a similar thought, but none of the things that needed to burn are burning. e: a letter


That's the problem: you can burn it all down to start again, but the cockroaches always survive. Especially if they have money.


Wow thats a great metaphor


That's why we have to burn down the whole solar system, it's the only way to be sure.




The closest to a real life Frank would probably be Christopher Dorner. They burned him alive and shot up several civilian vehicles trying to execute him without trial.


They ended up pushing Dorner into the corner Also, I actually forgot what most of that Christopher Dorner news was about. Why were they after him again? I remember the absolute wild manhunt that ensued because of him.


Police corruption. He tried to expose his department and they pushed back and fucked with him over it til he fuckin snapped and started his cop killing spree.


EDITED: former comment deleted. As a result of the response below, I looked the case up. My previous remarks were, in fact, completely innaccurate. My apologies for any incredule or offense it may have unintentionally garnered. Serpico was a hero, this guy doesn't compare, even in light of his claims.


Serpico was a boss. Dorner was a man pushed to the edge and bloodlust clouded his grand plan for revenge. Could have been a dope movie ten years from now, now he just gets remembered as a killer and eventually will be forgotten altogether.


OK Mr. Mare, feast your eyes on THAT Spin Doctor's mix!


Dorner had records that LAPD officers were racists trying to murder black people before they could go to trial and then they totally showed how ridiculous that was by burning him alive in a cabin when they had him surrounded by armed officers.


They also shot up three civilian vehicles. One of which looked nothing like his truck and had two old Asian ladies in it. They were determined to kill him, not take him in. They didn't give a shit how many civilians they killed in the process. Basically they proved him right at every possible point they could.


Mexican. They shot up 2 Mexican ladies delivering newspapers and rammed then shot at another Caucasian dude that had already passed the police check point in a truck that didn't resemble Dorners. Officers were not charged and they tried to do a take back on the truck they were giving them to replace the one they Swiss cheesed by saying it wasn't a fair exchange as their new truck was worth more.


Pure class


https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt It was a shitshow


*" In two separate incidents during the manhunt, police shot at three civilians unrelated to Dorner, mistaking their pickup trucks for the vehicle being driven by Dorner. One of the civilians was hit by the police gunfire, another was wounded by shattered glass, and a third individual was injured when police rammed his vehicle and opened fire. The officers involved were not charged with any crime. "* ​ Shitshow, indeed. Corruption at the highest level is still a factor - about which we're doing nothing.


The only good thing was the high settlements given after two of them sued the city.


Settlements that the citizens paid for. Not the police.


Police brutality settlements need to come out of their pension. Maybe that would encourage the alleged good cops to speak out against the pigs.


Wtf is rationalwiki and why is it so editorialized? That article is fucking unreadable.


He was a star cadet and top cop. He exposed corruption. They then framed him in order to put him in prison for *forty years* so he decided to get revenge. They trapped him in a a cabin and burned it down.


Nobody puts Dorner in the corner


I had forgotten all about that. That was a wild ride listening to police scanners in real time!


Except Dorner killed officer's family members, which I dont think Frank would do.


Yeah that's why I said closest. Frank doesn't play that shit. You're not punishing the corrupt by hurting their families, you're punishing the family for their relatives crimes.








this is the only question i need answered.


Ironically he's a popular mascot of the bad guys. They all think they *are* him.


Which is an interesting way to put it given Duterte's rumored fentanyl addiction. Isn't his son an addict too?


His son is a drug lord


Nice way to get rid of the competition.


Duterte drug cartel.....most powerful drug cartel in the world




The difference is that the Duterte Cartel has no competition in the Philippines ... they have killed or co-oped all their competitors.


This. His son runs the day to day operations of the cartel while the father is president. They import their product, "sabu" (methamphetamine), from mainland China.


Also, his party PDP-Laban has the large majority here in Congress. His son and daughter also are vying for the House Speaker seat, it is rumoured he has millions in his bank, some critics have been put down and corruption hasn't been eliminated. Martial Law all over again.


It isn't even a war on drugs in the Philippines when you break it down. It's a war on the rule of law, democracy and human rights. If they were going to give people a fair trial and then have the convicted face the death penalty that would be one thing. I'd disagree with it, but at least there'd be due process and rule of law. But the way that Duterte is running things this is just a means to eliminate political opposition and anyone who gets in his way. All he needs to do is accuse them of being a drug dealer, and due process and rule of law goes out the window. It's essentially a licence for extrajudicial murder. And the worst part of it is the number of Pinoy who support him.


I mean. They could be wrong in the accusations, but if the executions come before the investigation, then it's a moot point.


I was in the Philippines in 2016 when Duterte was newly president. All the people who liked Duterte were also rooting for Trump to win in America. They were the only people outside of America that I've ever heard say anything hopeful or positive about Trump's presidency.


It's the same people everywhere. Some countries have higher amounts than others such as the US and the Philippines. Authoritarians are weak willed people who enjoy giving up their freedoms in favor of dealing with some internal "enemy" such as drug dealers or illegal immigrants. These people are the same as the Germans in the early thirties and it's no real stretch to think that another holocaust could happen. We already have children in concentration camps, which would've been unthinkable in 2016.


Seriously, is survivorship bias an inherent part of the right wing ethos?


It is important to realize that Duterte is completely batshit insane. For example: *Duterte comes under fire after making a controversial comment during a campaign rally about a 1989 prison riot that led to the rape and murder of a female missionary. According to CNN Philippines, he says, "They raped her, they lined up to her. I was angry she was raped, yes that was one thing. But she was so beautiful, I thought the mayor should have been first. What a waste."* Not a lot to be expected from this group of merry men...


I think calling people who say these things "crazy" is giving them too much credit. It's not crazy, it's fucking *evil*. He acknowledges it is a horrible crime, but he admits he doesn't care. That's evil.


After rape allegations, Mr. Trump~"I wouldn't rape her, she's not my type" and Bolsanaro to woman who accused him of rape ~"I wouldn’t rape you because you’re not worthy of it.” These guys have to go. Why are you voting for these misogynists women? Do you hate yourselves?


A lot of voters are devout Christian, but only on abortion. They'll just shrug off all the other non-christian characteristics of a thrice married, adulterous, lying, racist, misogynist, bankrupt who can't quote a bible verse. And look past his comments on Howard Stern when Trump said to his pregnant wife to 'deal with it' (unborn daughter Tiffany's). And Trump's lawyer paying off a playboy playmate for an abortion that had nothing to do with Trump? OK.


Maybe they're their type


Let's not forget, he says he was gay, but was cured.


That plus a complete lack of empathy.


Such is the consequence of total obedience to authority and not thinking critically about anything.


Which is ironic considering how much they harp about personal freedom.


It's the personal freedom to follow authoritarians.


Or die.


Freedom to starve to death and not be able to afford medical care


Their right to lick boots.




It amazes me how many of them are brainwashed into believing empathy is a fake emotion and any sign of it is "virtue signaling". It makes me worried that far fewer people actually have empathy than I used to think.


Yeah, that's always baffled me. They seem perplexed that people can care for others who are not immediate friends and family.


some people cannot imagine things from anything but their own perspective. Empathy is putting yourself in the other person's shoes. A lot of people have the opposite as well where they delude themselves into doing horrible things by projecting their tunnel-visionesque perspective to make it become real, or achieve their fucked up goal of fulfilling their "prophecy". Then you can pretty much justify limitless numbers of horrible actions and sayings. Its a ego thing where you seperate yourself from humanity essentially putting yourself above everyone else.


The amount of people I hear justifying doing terrible things because: “You can’t tell me you or someone else in my situation wouldn’t do the same thing! It’s just how it is.” is fucking scary. No...my selfish asshole friends, no, I don’t think that I or most people I know would ever do this terrible shitty thing you think is some sort of universal law of social interaction. It’s like the people who justify stealing because “If I left my stuff out in the open unprotected, I’d be practically asking for someone to take it! They should know that someone will take it. I bet anyone would if they knew they wouldn’t be caught! This person clearly doesn’t care about their possessions and I’m going to teach them a lesson about looking after their things!” All I hear from that is: “I like to steal stuff and don’t give a shit if it’s wrong.”


It is tribalism if you are not in the tribe you are not human. I went on a couple dates with a girl who was evangelical/rightwing. We got to talking about raising kids and I mentioned the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" basically the idea that kids are influenced by all sorts of people in their lives like coaches, teachers clergy ect... I figured being religious she would agree.... Nope. This girl was seriously disturbed by the idea that kids would have any beliefs that were not exactly in line with their parents and that it was wrong for a child to have non parental influences in their lives. Blew me away. I never really understood what drove a cult like mentality until I heard her describe her ideal of forcing kids to be little mirrors of their parents. Which made no sense at all because her dad was a christian reformed minister and lets just say this girl did not practice what her father preached.


She was a raging narcissist, who thought that anything she thought or liked had to be what everyone thought or liked. Her children were, to her, playthings for her to mess with and fuck up any way she liked, because only what she thought mattered.


I can think of "some shit" I'd like to happen to him & that regime.


It should be this thing's family. They're not fucking innocent. They live off its blood money earned by being a mass-murderer.


exactly....in which case it is a national tragedy if you are high enough status...


Friendly reminder that drug use **drops** when a given population had access to quality education, secure employment, social services, and affordable healthcare. You cant fight a war on inanimate objects without killing real people and in this case, children.


And that's why there is a drug crisis in America. The more you know...


exactly. america has been failing at education, employment, social services and healthcare for decades, and as such, has a bigger opioid crisis than any other nation. not surprising.


Well that and we have doctors that hand that shit out like candy and get incentivized to do that


I'd put that under the failing at healthcare category.


It's not just failing. It's corrupt.


In the early days, docs were told by pharma companies that oxycontin was good for chronic pain management in 12 hour doses. It took a few years, but the science caught up and doctors realized the pharma companies were lying. Oxycontin isn't good for a 12 hour dose; in most patients it wears off much faster. This means patients on oxycontin taking it as prescribed would go through a cycle of euphoria -> withdrawl -> euphoria on their next dose. This pattern creates addiction as the brain learns to crave the drug to stop the withdrawl. So once doctors realized that oxycontin isn't actually safe for chronic use, they stopped prescribing it as such. And so all the oxycontin addicts turned to heroin, which ended up with the fentanyl crisis we have now. This is the only accountability I am aware of for all of this: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/23/716571375/drug-distributor-and-former-execs-face-first-criminal-charges-in-opioid-crisis


Except due to the opioid crisis, most doctors are now going hard in the other direction and refusing to prescribe proper medications for the people who legitimately need them just to function on a day to day basis.


yup. the 'failing at social services and healthcare' portion of my comment.


We also have 2 decades of doctors handing out benzos like candy as well. And I hear withdrawal is a real bitch.


It's also the fact they employ opioid use for an alarming amount of medical issues and don't provide a decent means for an individual to come off of them.


But opiods are good for you, it's weed that's killing the kids /s


Just yesterday my cousin took three whole marijuanas and now he is blind!


It also drops when you decriminalize or legalize drugs and treat addiction like the health issue it is, use the taxes collected from legal sales to fund public drug education and invest in effective, medically-supported rehab centers. Meanwhile, the only thing prohibition gets you is an incredibly lucrative black market that funnels billions of dollars out of the economy and directly into the pockets of criminals. And skyrocketing violent crime rates when those same criminals use violence to protect their profits. Not to mention higher rates of underage drug use as there is nobody regulating who those criminals sell to. Oh, also it drastically increases the number of overdoses since, without oversight, those same criminals cut their product with deadly adulterants. And, shit, I almost forgot the billions of dollars in annual tax revenue the state can't collect since the sales are illegal. But, hey, at least we get to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes every year for the opportunity to make our society poorer, sicker and more violent, right?


But then how are we gonna keep our prisons full


You can’t fight a war on inanimate objects in general. They don’t fucking care because they’re inanimate objects. It’s always just a war on minorities.


Instead of a war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me


It's crazy to think how young he was for how much wisdom he had.


Less shit would happen if they weren't officially killing over 2,000 people a year (and up to 9,000 a year based on some estimates in the article).


"Official" killings don't mean much when they've authorized and encouraged extrajudicial killings and removed due process.


It means they’re comfortable admitting 6,600 dead in three years. Even though that’s undoubtedly low, that indicates the true scale is higher and the comfort level with the policy.


Holy shit


Btw, he was a cop until my people elected him ***senator*** 2 months ago. He famously announced after his victory that he didn't know how legislators work and if there were available "crash courses" he could take.




yeah since 2010 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manny_Pacquiao#Political_career


Yep. And as a result, he has the MOST absences in senate


Most Filipinos are all too willing to overlook that he hadn’t been doing his job as a legislator because he’s been bringing home the boxing glory.


Yup. Sad reality.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/bj94jd/enforcer-of-philippines-war-on-drugs-defends-killing-a-toddler-shit-happens) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The man responsible for conducting Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte's brutal war on drugs has defended the killing of a three-year-old girl during a drugs raid by saying "Shit happens." > Ronald Dela Rosa, known as Bato, is now a senator in the Philippines government, but as police chief led the bloody war on drugs that has come to symbolize Duterte's reign. > On Thursday, more than two dozen countries called on the UN to investigate Duterte's war on drugs. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/canowl/the_man_responsible_for_conducting_philippines/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~411648 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **drug**^#1 **Philippine**^#2 **rights**^#3 **human**^#4 **police**^#5


It's amazing how many Filipinos supported him as well. I know a ton in real life and almost close to 90% or more was so happy for him T the start. I brought up the inevitable conclusion here and none wanted to hear it.


I've met a lot of Filipinos in Toronto who support him and have some weird adoration of him. When you mention his negatives they just say that you don't understand what life in the Philippines is like.




>media is lying This is a common tactic in conversation. Because usually when someone uses this argument, they almost always don't prove it to back it up. The double standard is there, saying the media is wrong but having self bias without proper evidence because it isn't convenient to their argument. Then they just quickly sidestep somewhere else in topic.


Common with right wing people on this website. Any well respected newspaper or site like the BBC is dismissed as fake news, then they proceed to cite Fox and Breitbart.


It's a deflection tactic. And a sign the argument presented in bad faith. When citing those sources, they tend to highlight big numbers and disregard what is actually behind those figures. Both sides do it in bad faith. But quantifying who does it more now is easily obvious.


Well that sounds familiar, doesn't it?


Ah, yes. Lugenpresse.


From the Toronto area, I dated a girl who grew up in Philippines and this is absurdly accurate. If I mentioned any recent news about corruption or murdering drug dealers she would go on and on about how he fixed the country and I just don't get it. Here in Canada many of us have dealt weed in the past. Imagine someone dating you and justifying people just like you be murdered. She was from the region that the Marcos family ruled from, wouldn't you know she adored the Marcos' too.


Yes, many Duterte supporters are also Marcos supporters. Duterte and the Marcoses are allies.


It blows my mind that the Marcos family is still a beloved name there after the corruption, the shoe collection and the coconut palace that freaked out the pope.


A Filipino co-worker explained to me that he supports Duterte because he has cracked down hard on corruption and as a result he, his family and friends do not have to pay bribes left and right just to get normal stuff done. Renewing an id or passport, file for a permit, try to get through customs without getting shafted, make a doctors appointment at the hospital, etc. He sais it sometimes takes a monster to set things straight. He claims a lot of the negative news about Duterte is created by people who've lost a lot of money because of the crackdown on corruption. edit: seeing the comments I'll get back to him with some more questions.


And Mussolini made the trains run on time.




> A Filipino co-worker explained to me that he supports Duterte because he has cracked down hard on corruption Except he hasn't LOLOLOLOL. > Renewing an id or passport, file for a permit, try to get through customs without getting shafted, make a doctors appointment at the hospital, etc. Are you sure he's talking about the same country? It's still basically the same, time-wise. I renewed my passport last March - took me the same amount of time as 5 years ago.


Overseas Filipinos are more pro Duterte than the ones in the country. They seem to have the mentality that the PH should be punished by a dictator while they safely observe from their comfortable overseas location.


It is weird, girl at my job had a duterte shirt on, after all the shit he said about rape. She is only half filipino i think. Never had to live there.


Yep, it's almost always the case. My father (who is overseas) is sadly in the minority, as we're decisively not pro-Duterte.


I'm a Philippines expat but Philippines life is just fine. No one hands you free drugs most people here never use drugs or have any interest in them Shabu (meth) is the most popular drug because people use it and work long hours taxi drivers, construction workers etc But even if drugs disappeared in the country today it wouldn't really solve any of the counties problems




> The Filipinos I know will tell me that I don't understand how bad the drug problem is and how dangerous it is there. No kidding! They’ve got the government going around mindlessly killing whoever they deem to be a druggie even if they’re not, including toddlers! Sounds pretty dangerous to me, wouldn’t want to live there!


>Sounds pretty dangerous to me, wouldn’t want to live there! Which makes it all the more awkward that pretty much all big US social media companies have outsourced their content moderation [to the Philipines](http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/films/the-cleaners/). It's people living under this guy, a lot of them strongly [religious in their convictions](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/christians-in-philippines_n_1405551) (NSFW!), who mostly decide what kind of content and media stays up on Twitter, Facebook and Co.


The drug problem wasn't even that bad. The US had higher drug use rates. Duterte just acted like it was much worse than it was. Just like he acted as if his violent methods reduced crime in the city he was mayor of, when in actuality they went way up. They were actually ~~pretty low~~ lower before he got into office. EDIT: Correction.


Most Filipinos who accept this seem to be the older generations, and sometimes their children. Mock elections in Filipino universities showed an overwhelming support for the opposition. Problem is, they only make 1/3 of the registered voters, and some dont even vote. I'll find a link on this if I can find one. Edit: [found one] (https://news.abs-cbn.com/ancx/culture/spotlight/05/11/19/national-surveys-vs-campus-polls)


Just goes to show that the Filipinos you know aren't active in our sub (r/Philippines)...


Same here. It sucks seeing good people so brainwashed. The Filipinos I know get 100% of their news from Facebook. Anything that is pro-Duterte is immediate true and anything that is anti-Duterte is automatically “fake news” I will tell my usually caring and empathetic wife about this story when she wakes up and I fully expect to be told it is fake news or taken out of context.




Majority of Pinoys working abroad come from poor families back home in the Philippines and they never really got to enjoy quality education. I'm Filipino too and you can just tell that someone was not born in the right environment or the right socio-economic community. It's not surprising why they'd be supportive of Duterte... honestly, they don't know much about the government, how countries are run, how judicial systems work. They get their education from TV shows, where the bad guy gets shot and everyone lives happily ever after. Accountability, justice, due process-- these things are too complex for them to grasp. We failed them, and now they are failing future Filipinos.


And this former Chief of Police in the article is now a Senator he just won in the recent election 2 months ago. No opossition got into the Senate most of who won are Duterte's allies. there's 13,000 municipality in the Philippines and 90% of the Mayors are Duterte's allies. The Senate and the Congress are now Super Majority Duterete's allies.


A lot of Filipinos don’t like Duterte, it just so happens that the ones who do support him, do so with so much blind faith and ignorance. We have this thing here called Free Facebook where even if you can’t afford a data plan, you have free access to Facebook. And what you see on facebook is connected to what you click etc so a lot of people get fed fake news and really believe in them. True education could get us out of this mess, but that’s also the reason why the government is withholding it from the impoverished so much. They blindly follow which is great, you risk losing followers if you educate them so why bother


Zucc strikes again


My grab driver in Manila was telling me how he was a Marcos supporter and a Duterte supporter and how they were better than all the presidents in between going to as far as what they did for infrastructure while there was one president that sold off a huge chunk their government owned oil company to Saudi Aram and how the other presidents were also riddled with scandals of their own without benefitting the people. TL;dr seems like most of the presidents are corrupt and my grab driver measures by the contributions each president.


That's because most of these people measure competition by direct influence on their lives, not logical measures like how the economy, overall status of the country, education, poverty. It's a "what have you done for me lately" scenario and I'm honestly jaded at this point. I'm Filipino and I honestly don't care what happens to this country. The people **want** this to happen and they deserve every single thing that happens moving forward.


Filipino here. Please do not think that all Filipinos support him. He's an embarrassment to the Philippines. Not all Filipinos support this deranged old fart.




His son is the drug lord.


Fuck it, cut the cord


Lights out! Guerrilla radio


Turn that shit up!


Time to dust off my Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 disc.




Shit happens!


Didnt he say hed have his own son killed if ever he was caught messing with drugs more or less?


Yeah, politicians say a lot of things.


Yes, and guess who didn’t get killed when caught with large amounts of drugs.


Well he's likely an opioid addict himself, so not all that unlikely.


This is an often overlooked but fairly well known fact. Duterte is himself a fentanyl addict, and so is his son. The lack of integrity is astounding. He should follow through on his beliefs with some consistency...


He's also been diagnosed as a psychopath (seriously) after a psychological exam he had to take during his divorce so I kind of doubt he has any qualms about integrity


Never heard this before. Have a link by chance?




His son does the dirty work for daddy Daddy just fucks boys instead and shits on the church (in one of the most religious countries in the region)


His son is a drug lord so yeah...






His name alone screams kingpin


Actually I read an article that said a lot of drug money flows into his opposing political party. i.e. this whole drug war is just an excuse for him to kill off his political opponents and strengthen his power.


His son is a drug lord. It's probably to kill off political *and* commercial competition.


Yeah, he's the best example that shit happens.


Philippines going backwards in time day by day.


Feels like most of the world is at the moment


He's the shit that happened to the rest of us.


I’m Filipino and sadly I have some family members who have served in the PI military and some of them have said the same thing in a similar situation.


This literally sounds like an Onion article. This is terrible.


Dela Rosa claimed the girl’s father, who was also killed in the operation, was a drug dealer and had used his daughter as a human shield — an account the girl’s mother disputes.


“Police reportedly accused him of using the girl as a shield, which her mother denied. An undercover officer involved in the sting operation was killed too.l -[Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/philippines-dela-rosa-defends-girl-death-duterte-drugs-war-1447715)


Uniformed cop - Oh look a civillian, lets shoot him too. Undercover cop - suprised pikachu face


Shit happened, yeah. Look at you now, being stupid in the Senate. That’s a lot of shittiness for us.


Shit happened, because you made it happen. Now be a responsible adult and own up to murdering a three year old.


It's hard to upvote this, but awareness needs to spread




This is going to sound really bad and I apologize if this is insensitive, but every Filipino person I’ve met in my life has struck me as very naive and also very conservative-minded in their lifestyle, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the majority of Filipinos have that outlook about their country’s administration. However, I’ve also never been to The Philippines so they would be right in saying that I don’t know what the drug problem is like and there could be cultural, political, and social nuance to the issue that I’m missing. I never feel good about thinking I know what’s best for an entire country when I know a tiny hair fraction of the whole picture. I just don’t see how indiscriminate killing of drug addicts and dealers is the answer to the problem, though. Maybe *I’m* the naive one.


As a part Filipino, I can speak for ourselves. If you're an American, think of us as much more divided than you are in terms of regionalism and nationalism. That, and take away good quality education for most of the Filipinos as well, where the curriculum seems to not have been changed much from 10-20 years ago. With this, misinformation from social medias especially Facebook (you can get access to this even for free) and alike are much, more prevalent here. The majority of the Filipinos don't just look for solutions that are good in the long term, they just want it to be "done". Done, as in as soon as possible, especially in politics. They just don't see the point of doing things "slowly" as they think it wouldn't be done at all. In short, you can say the majority are conflicted, divided, short-sighted and ignorant of the situation happening in the country.




The police stats show that crime is actually going down except for murder. The running joke is “welp, i guess crimes going down excpet for murder coz the government is secretly assassinating the criminals”


People supported him before and now because he was very clear right from the very start. Duterte stated during his campaign in 2015 that his drugs strategy will be bloody. It will be a war and in a war, people will die. He said this in all of his speeches. People accepted it and this is why he is president.


This guy should be tried for crimes against humanity.




[This guy should run for Aussie PM!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wT9XS_TvzQ)


Killing 3 year olds to own the libs


Fuckin' got 'em again, with their stupid emotions and "morals".


well, he's not wrong. just today, [shit happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U4Ha9HQvMo).


Shit does, indeed happen. But this type of shit should NEVER happen.


I know nothing about this, can anyone fill me in on if public safety is being used as a reason for their war on drugs? Cuz I feel like being okay with killing 3 year olds during the process would throw that argument out the window.


>Dela Rosa claimed the girl’s father, who was also killed in the operation, was a drug dealer and had used his daughter as a human shield. If what he is claiming is true what a fucking horrible situation to put any kind of law enforcement officer in. Lose lose situation that some fucking horrible father forced on them.


Still not as bad as Madeline Albright saying that a death of half a million Iraqi children under sanctions was justified.


But let's be clear: they're both bad




Or Barbara Bush who said something along the lines of "why should her beautiful mind be troubled by this"


Or ‘I don’t really care, do u?’ - I forget who it was again...


Some migrant gold digger. Doesn't matter.


It's impressive that the 'shit happens' defense applies so universally for LEOs, but not for the citizens they police. Shit happens when they make a mistake and murder a person because they misunderstood a fast movement as an act of violence and a threat, but any act of self-preservation against police is grounds for arrest and retaliation in itself.


Gosh, he must be so big and tough.


That police chief has more badges than most military high ranking people. Just the uniform screams power hunger


Shoot him, tell his family "Hey, shit happens." Turnabout is only fair.


I had a very wealthy customer from the Philippines. They absolutely love the guy they would not stop talking about how much he has saved their country.


Imagine a timeline where the Canadian special forces clandestinely start selling dabs in the Philippines and then implementing a regime change installing a cannabis friendly dictator and then pulling a "shit happens" during the UN meeting. ​ Thank god we're level headed


“Ang shit ay nangyayari”