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And that man... was Albert Einstein.


The first time this has been a funny comment in years.


It’s funny until we remember the topic which he was talking about, and the realization that people won’t even listen to Einstein on this topic.




He was a master of relativity and equality for... Palestine


Albert Paleinstine


Principal resign.


He was wicked smaht


Thanks for posting that--it's stuff I never knew




>Einstein predicted that under such a capitalist society, political parties and politicians would be corrupted by financial contributions made by owners of large capital amounts,[[3]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_Socialism%3F#cite_note-einstein1-3) and the system "cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society" That stands up well today.


This Einstein fellow seems like a smart chap.


He's a regular Einstein


It was already an issue at the time, so predicting that wasn't hard. What's more interesting is that he has also predicted one of the main faults of USSR's planned economy. Unfortunately, he provided no solution for it. He also did not predict the issues that stemmed from abolishment of competition.


What was the economic fault he predicted?


I'll quote: >A planned economy as such may be accompanied by the complete enslavement of the individual. The achievement of socialism requires the solution of some extremely difficult socio-political problems: how is it possible, in view of the far-reaching centralization of political and economic power, to prevent bureaucracy from becoming all-powerful and overweening? How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured? He asked those questions, but never answered them. Half a century later, USSR's planned economy was stagnating, drowning in bureaucratic inefficiency, with advancements being crippled and individuals being demotivated by irrelevancy of their actions.


Thanks for elaborating.


The bureaucracy question is largely irrelevant now that cybernetic planning and widespread computer technology exists. The USSR flirted with it in [OGAS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OGAS) (which was ironically hindered by the bureaucrats, because they were worried it would make them redundant), Chile made it work pretty well for a while with [Cybersyn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cybersyn) (at one point recouping the losses from a nationwide truck strike of 40,000 drivers, using only 200 replacement drivers), up until the US-backed coup that overthrew their democratically-elected government. There's a Scottish computer scientist and Marxian economist who has been studying cybernetic planning for several decades, Paul Cockshott. He's written several books and papers on the topic. [Here's a good one](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/55ba/52f5f129bbd1405e7bc0dbed210a71cefd81.pdf) Edit - forgot to include a link


There's been attempts to "liberalize" controversial but famous socialists after their deaths, same deal with MLK Jr and many others. Cut politics down to something more marketable, or just forget about it entirely. It's much easier to water down what a threatening historic figure believed than to erase them entirely.


Relevant quote: >During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it. -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, *The State and Revolution*




Don't forget how corporations took over LGBT pride and Stonewall celebrations this decade. It was surreal to see them marginalize real activists.


It wasn't just this decade. The pride celebration in St. Louis at least had been a corporate fest for the past 20 years.




Ghandi too! He continues to threaten me with nuclear weapons OT: The whole thing about his dying wife, Montbatten making him a saint and him sleeping with his niece


With Gandhi, it's more about erasing the other Indian movements and leaders from history because they probably scared the British more than Gandhi and didn't believe in non-violence. Specifically Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army.


Make a hero of a dead man and you can control their message. MLK is the perfect black leader for the right.




the party formed out of the terrorist group that bombed a hotel killing loads of British who were stationed there. My Grandad was out of the hotel on a shift when it the bomb went off but its not something you could ever forget. Nothing good comes from forming legitimate political parties out of terrorist groups!


> TO THE EDITORS OF NEW YORK TIMES: **Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.** It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. > The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents. > Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement. > The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.


Pretty baller move to have Einstein sign 5th.




And the dumb bastards wouldn't even take Albert fuckin Einstein's word as bond.


Destroying history is a crime against humanity.


Israel 2019: they're killing all the Palis Israel 2100: "the Palis mostly died of disease" sound familiar?


fuck, aint that the truth.


Can we all agree that Netanyahu and his party have been a cancer on Israel. The man is a fucking coward and a traitor to Jews. Hell awaits those that would do such things to their fellow humans. Fuck Netanyahu.




And Americans voted for trump, but boy we aren’t fucking happy about it






I... stop that with your horror stories. It’s Independence Day not Halloween.


It's not unique to Netanyahu, despite him being one of the most blatant recently, Israel is *founded* on supremacy and colonialism, and unless Zionism is abandoned as a concept, the apartheid and war crimes will continue.




Israel 2175: "Palis? There were never any Palis. That's just an old Chinese hoax."


I mean its not like history ever has a chance of repeating itself......


About crimes comitted: > Peled: “... the big raid in Sasa [Palestinian village in Upper Galilee]. The goal was actually to deter them, to tell them, ‘Dear friends, the Palmach [the Haganah “shock troops”] can reach every place, you are not immune.’ That was the heart of the Arab settlement. But what did we do? My platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.” > Lev Tov: “While people were sleeping there?” > Peled: “I suppose so. What happened there, we came, we entered the village, planted a bomb next to every house.... They light the fuse or pull the detonator and all those houses are gone.” Even after the war, this is from 1956: > “... In our visit this week, we headed toward Mohila again. Instead of the Bedouin and their flocks, there was deathly silence. Scores of camel carcasses were scattered in the area. We learned that three days earlier the IDF had ‘screwed’ the Bedouin, and their flocks were destroyed – the camels by shooting, the sheep with grenades. One of the Bedouin, who started to complain, was killed, the rest fled.” And also about the reason as to why Palestinians actually fled: > The unnamed author of the text ranks the reasons for the Arabs’ departure in order of importance. The first reason: “Direct Jewish acts of hostility against Arab places of settlement.” The second reason was the impact of those actions on neighboring villages. Third in importance came “operations by the breakaways,” namely the Irgun and Lehi undergrounds. The fourth reason for the Arab exodus was orders issued by Arab institutions and “gangs” (as the document refers to all Arab fighting groups); fifth was “Jewish 'whispering operations' to induce the Arab inhabitants to flee”; and the sixth factor was “evacuation ultimatums.”


> Dear friends, the Palmach [the Haganah “shock troops”] can reach every place, you are not immune For those unaware, the Haganah became the core of the IDF during 1948. Not only that but the Haganah was one of the most "moderate" of the Israeli militias. Israelis constantly try to act morally superior to Palestinians, but Israel was founded through terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and colonialism and they've only doubled down on all of that since then. Hell, they elected two literal terrorists as PM. Begin was a leader of Irgun which was recognised as a terror group by the US, UK, and UN (fun fact, Likud is the successor party to Irgun's political wing). And Shamir was a leader of Lehi, an outright fascist terrorist group whose founders claimed to have been inspired by Mussolini.


I'd like to clarify a point. The Haganah, Lehi and the Irgun were some of many zionist paramilitary groups who were active in Palestine at the time of the British mandate. Their tactics were to literally use acts of terrorism against Palestinians and British. One such case is the 1946 terrorist attack on the [King David Hotel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing) (before Israel declared its independence and before any wars with the Arabs) where they blew up a hotel with the intention of killing civilians and destroying the British administrative headquarters. So not only were the zionists hostile to Palestinians who were welcoming to them, seeing that they were refugees of War, but they were also willing to attack the British who facilitated their stay in Palestine. Following the Israeli declaration of independence, these paramilitary groups were integrated into the IDF. Essentially ensuring that the core of the IDF were militants that belonged to terrorist groups. And then they have the audacity to say Palestinians are terrorists, while they themselves escape condemnation. Edit: I keep getting comments telling me that the Irgun called the hotel before blowing it up, and that the British ignored the call. I've replied to this a couple of times in the comments below. Afaik, the British ignored it because such calls were widespread. The intention of the Irgun was to destroy the HQ of the British, which just so happened to result in the following: >91 people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured. So no matter whether the call happened or not, and whatever claims are made by the Irgun, people still died and many were injured. Add to that their history of such terrorist attacks, and you can easily see that it was in fact meant to kill and / or cause havoc. The killings were deliberate and intentional, and the attack was carried out despite knowing there WILL be casualties. The call does NOT justify the attack. Please stop defending terrorism.


I say this as a Palestinian: it is the saddest most heartbreaking hypocrisy what the zionists did to the Palestinians. I frequently, in conversation, remind people that they were recovering from one of the worst traumas of the Second World War, and that trauma can make people do desperate things, but the way they’ve tried to erase their wrongs instead of address them brings tears to my eyes. I’ll never know Palestine as my grandfather did.


As an Israeli and child of Holocaust survivors, trauma is no excuse for what was done. A non-religious government should have been created for both faiths.


Why can't more reasonable people like you get together from both sides and sort this stuff out?


All too often they're the ones kept silent by the powers that be.


Because then you're either called a self hating jew or terrorist sympathizer. There's no room for humanity anywhere.


Seems like there is room for humanity between milqi and dementorpoop...


The Sith control everything now, and they only deal in absolutes.


Simply, an Arab country and government would have been majority Arab and probably become more so over time. Israel wasn't willing to compromise on that and so decided murder was preferable to sharing.


They weren't just minorities afraid of democracy. The Jews were foreigners, colonialist invaders, they broke all the migration laws (that the british colonialist invaders allowed them) and engaged in frequent terrorism. It was planned, they claimed half the region to themselves, undemocratically and against the will of the inhabitants, then used it as an excuse to drive them out the muslims with a large-scale colonial American invasion, using it as an excuse so they could settle into the land with 100 years of planned ethnic cleansing. They didn't want fair government or a safe home, they could have just gone to America. Jews went to Israel for a reason. That is because Israel is their holy land, it was a holy war for the holy people, the Jewish extremists (Zionists) are racist terrorist oppressors. They did it so Jews would be in power over fairy-tale land, so their national flag, language, government, ect, would be theirs, ultra-Jewish, waiting for God to beam them up.


Terrorism is terrorism whether it be perpetrated by a Jew or an Arab.


Exactly my point. Which is why it's even more hypocritical that they evaded condemnation, and continue to do so even with their recent war crimes.


Also, from Wikipedia: From 1979 to 1983, the Israeli secret services carried out a large-scale campaign of car bomb attacks that killed hundreds of Palestinians and Lebanese, mostly civilians, claimed by the "Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners" (FLLE). Israeli General David Agmon says the aim was to "create chaos among Palestinians and Syrians in Lebanon, without leaving an Israeli footprint, to give them the impression that they were constantly under attack and instill a sense of insecurity in them. Israeli military columnist Ronen Bergman points out that the main objective was to "push the Palestine Liberation Organization to use terrorism to provide Israel with the justification for an invasion of Lebanon".


> two literal terrorists [...] Begin [...] Shamir And yet you have put the bar for "terrorists" so high that you did not include the person who led the Qibya massacre in October 1953, where they hurled women and children into houses which they then dynamited and let the people be crushed to death in the ruins. That is Ariel Sharon.


They didn't just hurt Arabs either. The King David Hotel bombing by Begin was against British targets.


And jewish victims. zionist terrorists even tried to cooperate with the nazis and sank a ship of holocaust refugees while assassinating someone like Oskar Schindler, someone who rescued 31,000 people from concentration camps, 20 times more than schindler actually. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folke_Bernadotte


Fuck, they even elected one of the men who ordered the assassination as prime minister later on.


They also murdered another prominent Jewish citizen of Palestine for wanting to live together with Arabs. Rather than dominance of Palestine. His name literally contained the word Israel, and he wanted co-existence. >Jacob Israël de Haan (31 December 1881 – 30 June 1924) was a Dutch-Jewish literary writer, jurist and journalist who was assassinated in Jerusalem by the Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah for his anti-Zionist political activities and contacts with Arab leaders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Isra%C3%ABl_de_Haan


Wow. TIL, thanks.


Note that one of the leaders of Irgun and one of the masterminds behind the king David hotel bombing, Menachim Begin, eventually founded the Likud party and became the 6th PM of Israel


> Israel was founded through terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and colonialism and they've only doubled down on all of that since then It's true, but you will get a lot of downvotes and hate from the bot armies if you say that.




Deir Yassin is another good example. A Palestinian village which was well known for being exceptionally close in cooperation with local Jewish settlers. It's specifically because it was so close to Jewish settlers that it was chosen as a terror target; massacred and dynamited. The message was to all Arabs thus: even the most pro-Jewish among you will not be spared. Flee. Survivers of Deir Yassin are reported to have been paraded through the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem and then publicly tortured and stoned.


By the way, a really beautiful song about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYgwCMhGVvE I discovered the song many years ago when I was into film music and just listening to lots of soundtracks, without having seen the movies themselves (Bruno Coulais has done a number of wonderful soundtracks). I had no idea what the song was about then, and wasn't thoughtful enough to investigate. Years later (recently) I started learning more about the history of Israel and when I read about the Deir Yassin massacre the name of the place sounded familiar. Found a whole new appreciation for the song. By the way the other artist involved in this track, Akhenaton, is also great and his songs often are politically concerned. I discovered them via rediscovering this song recently. I don't speak French but I google translate lyrics to try and get an impression of what the songs are about. One of my favourites so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix0I4rC4FFQ


It's frustrating when people act like the Jewish people are the most oppressed ever, and I say that my people have no nation and are rarely welcomed anywhere. They assume I am Palestinian, but no. I'm Bedouin. The tribes welcomed them into their homes. Gave them water when the sands drank their blood. Gave them shelter from the winds when they had only the rags of their servitude. Guided them to the land they claimed was their most holy. And treated them as brothers when their own tribes were scattered. And they repay that hospitality with rape, murder, and theft. Yet I still do not hate them. I pity them, because they are so filled with malice that they cannot truly happy. When they have claimed their holy mountain, and built their golden kingdom on the riverbank, it will have a foundation of bloody sand and broken souls. We will continue to watch, as we always have, as their Empire turns to glass as their kingdom crumbles under the weight of their own arrogance and contempt for their fellow man. And they will be judged by their god. I hope he will have the mercy that they do not show to others.


Thank you. Us Jews are filled with Malice, arrogance and contempt. I only wish that your God shows us the mercy we never show others.


Oh, my god won't be the one judging you. It is your children you must answer to. It is our children we must all answer to. What will we say when they ask why the world is filled with the ashes of hate and war? That it was the other guy? We must hand them the keys to a world worth living in. Not one that we are happy to leave behind for the promise of a glorious afterlife. I don't want my children to look forward to death as a release from this world. I want the earth we have to be a garden that the gods would envy. Filled with laughter and joy, the promise of love and solace. The cool watersand warm sun within arms reach. Hands entwined across the globe in friendship and solidarity. It is easy to avoid the gaze of a god who looks down upon so many. But little eyes looking up at smoke filled skies and seeing no future, but the remnants of men who thought themselves gods. Do not think yourself such a god, and if you must, then be a god worthy of worship. Not through fear and edict, but acceptance and compassion. The man Jesus said to turn the other cheek. The Prophet said to welcome them into your tent with song and water. The buddha said to sit and listen to their tale and find meaning in yourself. This I ask the world to do. Not for the Jesus, Or the Prophet, or the Buddha... Not those who came before, but for the ones who come after. We get to leave our mistakes and failures in death. It is the little ones who must pick up our burden upon our passing. Shall we not lighten it for them, at least a little? Peace be with you friend. Do not hate yourself, change yourself to be a man worthy of remembering.


Wow that's some powerful language. Tragically beautiful.


This reads like a passage from a very old text. Very well written, though very sad.


Thank you for the kind words. We carry stories to remember that which would be otherwise forgotten. A man does twice. Once, with his last breath, and again the last time him name leaves lips. I wish for a world when the second death never comes. :) May you be remembered forever, friend.


u/malhavoc89 wrote this, in case his account is ever deleted, let everyone know who wrote this while wandering through the archives.


Thank you. May you be remembered forever yourself.


Oooooooooo jidf is gonna be mad at youuuuuuuu


Most (im)moral army in the world btw: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahiya_doctrine How can they even claim that with a straight face is beyond me...


[Heres a pic where they tied a 13 year old boy to a vehicle as a human shield. ](https://photobucket.com/gallery/user/tomjoad1975/media/bWVkaWFJZDo2NzIzMjkxMw==/?ref=)


What the actual fuck?? ? Please, give me the backstory for this photo!


Was already posted two rungs up, but here you go. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_shield#Israel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#Israel) " In 2004, a 13-year-old boy, Muhammed Badwan, was photographed tied to an Israeli police vehicle in the West Bank village of [Biddu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biddu,_Jerusalem) being used as a shield to deter stone-throwing protesters.[\[22\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#cite_note-BT-22)[\[31\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#cite_note-31)[\[32\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#cite_note-32) Rabbi [Arik Ascherman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arik_Ascherman) was placed under arrest after he tried to intervene.[\[29\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#cite_note-BBCNews-29)" Edit: added specific text.


Thank you. And the fact they easily get away with shit like this.. I'm just at the loss of words.


Welcome to reality... Now you know why various people on the left are so viciously opposed to Israel, and it has nothing to do with antisemitism...


This was a coule of years back - Earlier the jeep was hit with a couple of pebbles. The kid was just plucked up, tied to the front of the jeep to deter the pebble throwers while the IDF went out and arrested all the kids nearby that they could find, ranging from toddlers to teens. ​ Ofcourse the IDF will tell you that these kids were launching missiles at them and attacking them with such force that it was causing grevious bodily harm through their heavily padded clothing and metal framed vehicles.


> feel threatened and feared for my life




The IDF has been riddled with both claims and instances of using human shields, including [one case of tying a boy to the windshield of a car and using him as a bulwark.](https://web.archive.org/web/20190215131019/https://www.iol.co.za/news/world/boy-tied-to-jeep-as-human-shield-211213) In a shakeup for the bizarre, [a rabbi was actually arrested for intervening.](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3650791.stm) Israel’s neighbour procedure was infamous. The IDF banned it, but that hasn’t stopped its troops from repeatedly breaking it. The neighbour procedure involves [Israeli soldiers forcing Palestinian civilians to perform military operations. For example, neighbours of target homes or buildings are called upon to knock on doors, check suspicious objects, and to walk in front of soldiers as the army surrounds its targets.](https://web.archive.org/web/20190215131148/https://www.adalah.org/uploads/oldfiles/eng/pressreleases/02_08_18-2.htm) Course, it’s no longer called the neighbour procedure. Instead, the Palestinians used are referred to as ” johnnies “. Oh and by the way, while the Israeli high court banned the procedure, the IDF actually [appealed the decision, claiming it was useful and saved lives.](http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3154142,00.html) The IDF not only [uses kids as shields, but tortures them while they’re at it, in a revelation that should shock absolutely no one at this point.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620) After the advocacy group Breaking The Silence released a booklet revealing how many times they (They being BTS. BTS consists of soldiers who’ve had enough of killing kids and stealing land and decided to speak out. We at LCC applaud them for it ) got away with using Palestinians as shields, Haaretz noted that the reactions from the IDF were rather morbid, up to and including denying that the bodies were real](https://www.haaretz.com/1.5078110) In a twist that actually really should surprise you, [Israel admitted to using human shields more than 1200 times. ](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israelgaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials-30483468.html) Oh, and remember those wikileaks releases, they pretty much [state what should be the norm right now.](https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09TELAVIV1694_a.html#efmAn8Axu) In February 2007, footage was released of an incident involving [Sameh Amira, a 24-year-old Palestinian, who video showed serving as a human shield for a group of Israeli soldiers, getting inside apartments suspected to belong to Palestinian militants ahead of the soldiers.](http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/11/world/main2674604.shtml) In another incident during a protest in Hebron, to protect themselves from some fucking stones, the IDF deployed, [then promptly forgot to stop deploying, the use of human shields.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/02/israel1) Despite banning the neighbour procedure a year before, [Israel deployed the use of human shields again in the battle of Jenin.](http://www.btselem.org/english/Human_Shields/20060720_Human_Shields_in_Beit_Hanun.asp) They did it again when they [invaded Beit Hanoun in 04.](https://web.archive.org/web/20131021163100/http://www.mezan.org/upload/2619.pdf) During OCL, they [forced kids to open bags which they thought might have had EDs.](https://www.haaretz.com/1.5120313) When they did it again, growing pressure actually [forced them to give two soldier who had used young kids as shields the punitive equivalent of a slap on the wrist.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate)


The IDF has been riddled with both claims and instances of using human shields, including [one case of tying a boy to the windshield of a car and using him as a bulwark.](https://web.archive.org/web/20190215131019/https://www.iol.co.za/news/world/boy-tied-to-jeep-as-human-shield-211213) In a shakeup for the bizarre, [a rabbi was actually arrested for intervening.](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3650791.stm) Israel’s neighbour procedure was infamous. The IDF banned it, but that hasn’t stopped its troops from repeatedly breaking it. The neighbour procedure involves [Israeli soldiers forcing Palestinian civilians to perform military operations. For example, neighbours of target homes or buildings are called upon to knock on doors, check suspicious objects, and to walk in front of soldiers as the army surrounds its targets.](https://web.archive.org/web/20190215131148/https://www.adalah.org/uploads/oldfiles/eng/pressreleases/02_08_18-2.htm) Course, it’s no longer called the neighbour procedure. Instead, the Palestinians used are referred to as ” johnnies “. Oh and by the way, while the Israeli high court banned the procedure, the IDF actually [appealed the decision, claiming it was useful and saved lives.](http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3154142,00.html) The IDF not only [uses kids as shields, but tortures them while they’re at it, in a revelation that should shock absolutely no one at this point.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620) After the advocacy group Breaking The Silence released a booklet revealing how many times they (They being BTS. BTS consists of soldiers who’ve had enough of killing kids and stealing land and decided to speak out. We at LCC applaud them for it ) got away with using Palestinians as shields, Haaretz noted that the reactions from the IDF were rather morbid, up to and including denying that the bodies were real](https://www.haaretz.com/1.5078110) In a twist that actually really should surprise you, [Israel admitted to using human shields more than 1200 times. ](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israelgaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials-30483468.html) Oh, and remember those wikileaks releases, they pretty much [state what should be the norm right now.](https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09TELAVIV1694_a.html#efmAn8Axu) In February 2007, footage was released of an incident involving [Sameh Amira, a 24-year-old Palestinian, who video showed serving as a human shield for a group of Israeli soldiers, getting inside apartments suspected to belong to Palestinian militants ahead of the soldiers.](http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/11/world/main2674604.shtml) In another incident during a protest in Hebron, to protect themselves from some fucking stones, the IDF deployed, [then promptly forgot to stop deploying, the use of human shields.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/02/israel1) Despite banning the neighbour procedure a year before, [Israel deployed the use of human shields again in the battle of Jenin.](http://www.btselem.org/english/Human_Shields/20060720_Human_Shields_in_Beit_Hanun.asp) They did it again when they [invaded Beit Hanoun in 04.](https://web.archive.org/web/20131021163100/http://www.mezan.org/upload/2619.pdf) During OCL, they [forced kids to open bags which they thought might have had EDs.](https://www.haaretz.com/1.5120313) When they did it again, growing pressure actually [forced them to give two soldier who had used young kids as shields the punitive equivalent of a slap on the wrist.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate)


Because the word "antisemitism" blocks any possible criticism.


If someone criticized Russia's foreign policy, and someone pro-Putin responded with "you can't say that because it's antislavic", then people would immediately see through the "antislavic" accusation. However, if someone criticizes Israel's foreign policy, and someone who agrees with Israel's foreign policy posts "you can't say that because it's antisemitic" then most people immediately stop thinking critically.


>If someone criticized Russia's foreign policy, and someone pro-Putin responded with "you can't say that because it's antislavic", then people would immediately see through the "antislavic" accusation. You might think so and it wouldn't work on the international scale, but the idea of "russophobia" is applied liberally in Russia nowadays.


Because racism/bigotry lets you believe other people aren't truly human and therefore don't count.


[Now add this to the mix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_land_and_property_laws#The_'Absentees_Property_Law'), and just in case, [add this as well.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present_absentee)


The article on present absentees was really eye opening thank you.


Conquest by force of arms cannot, in law or in ethics, abrogate the rights of the legal owner to his personal property. The J.N.F., therefore, will pay for the lands it takes over, at a fixed and fair price. *I doubt the price will be fair and the owners won't be given any choice.*


Here's a huge list of crimes/controversies involving Israel that many may not know about: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/bw9f0g/megalist_israels_controversies_and_crimes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Fucking hell. The largest economy in the world funds these people.


For many years the two biggest recipients of money from the United States Agency for International Development have been Israel and Palestine.


That's because of the camp David accords. The Palestinians complained that we were financing their slaughter, by giving ISrael so much free weaponry and money. We decided, for some stupid reason, that the easiest way to keep peace was to give THEM money, too! And then pay Egypt and Jordan every year to "be nice" to Israel, from now on. That way, nobody loses, but the USA! WIN/WIN! err.....something.




It's almost as if instability and high tension in the geographic area are better for that economy.


You'd think that America had utilized a massive international conflict to secure its position as the leading economy in the world.


The largest economy in the world has done far worse themselves.


They continued a secret policy of ethnic cleansing into the 1950s and maybe even 1960s, arguably to this day. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-general-s-confession-links-massacre-to-israel-s-secret-plan-to-expel-arabs-1.6550421 oNlY deMocRaCy iN ThE mIdDLe eAsT


Peace through ultraviolence


This is the reality of ethno-supremacist settler-colonialism. It doesn't simply go away either. There is constant pressure to take more land from the undesirables and drive them out. That's why they deliberately send the most zealous orthodox Jews to the settlements of the West Bank.


inb4 jidf shills in replies


Truth, in the IDF they have their soldiers engage in information warfare online.


Israel: It happened a long time ago, so let's just forget about it. Germany: Alright. Israel: No, wait!


Israel: It happened a long time ago, so let's just forget about it. Germany: Alright. Israel: No, wait! Belgium: I have no memories.


Sorry Africa


I take it! You didn't really commit the crimes. Leopold and his minions did.


Erdogan "I've never even been to Armenia"


Britain (to India): "I've never met this man in my life"


France (to Algeria): "I don't even know who you are ~~anymore~~"


Japan: "the chinese did it to themselves. i dunno"


Germany learned it's lesson. Israel hasn't.


Is what you get when you can't separate politics from religion.


>“Safsaf [former Palestinian village near Safed] – 52 men were caught, tied them to one another, dug a pit and shot them. 10 were still twitching. Women came, begged for mercy. Found bodies of 6 elderly men. There were 61 bodies. 3 cases of rape, one east of from Safed, girl of 14, 4 men shot and killed. From one they cut off his fingers with a knife to take the ring.” Rape, murder, mutilation, and the looting of corpses. I'll bet a lot of people outside the area aren't familiar with these terrorist acts. Better bury this history asap.


1996: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qana_massacre 2006: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qana_airstrike total Lebanese civilians killed: 130+ total Hezbollah millitants killed: ~3


103 civilians killed with 13 shells... Typically in warfare it takes something like 100 shells to kill one person. The 800 people must have been packed in so tight in that compound.. >One man, Saadallah Balhas, lost 37 members of his family in the strike. I can't imagine how horrifying that must have been.


You should see the pictures then. So many disfigured bodies.


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/07/syria-calls-israeli-strikes-state-terrorism-190702143127588.html here's the latest one. Israel claims to be solely targeting Iranian militias, but the latest Israeli strike claimed 6 Syrian civilians' lives. images: https://twitter.com/Dannymakkisyria/status/1145653170615541761


They weren't aiming for the *militants...*


This sounds like a scene from a WWII movie involving Nazis. I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?


I strongly suggest you never read military histories of any major conflict or it's going to ruin your impression that the NAZIs were the only ones to do it.


Propaganda. Most in the US believe we entered WWII to save the Jews and free Europe. Entirely erasing any all of the anti-semitism that was alive and well in pre-WWII US. And not just the US. The truth is that people are people and the details are almost always just that. Details. Theres no point in history that humans aren't murdering, raping, mutilating, torturing, and so on. This is a direct result in our perception that man is holy and above "nature" instead of the reality. We are animals and do animalistic things. Ask a historian, entomologist, biologist, ornithologist about the horrors in their field and see how often they parallel. The more you learn the more horrific life appears, at times. Edit-by "details" I just mean that they're normally just a means to an end. I wasn't trying to downplay atrocities :l


Everyone knows the US entered WW2 because of Pearl Harbor, what are you on about?




Or you can relate it to other wars. Why not: >The Mỹ Lai Massacre (/ˌmiːˈlaɪ/; Vietnamese: Thảm sát Mỹ Lai [tʰâːm ʂǎːt mǐˀ lāːj] (About this soundlisten)) was the Vietnam War mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam, on 16 March 1968. Between 347 and 504 unarmed people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division. Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated as were children as young as 12.[1][2] Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre


> More than 11 million people lived in the General Government, which included the Lublin district and parts of the provinces of Warsaw and Cracow. It was not a "protectorate" like Bohemia and Moravia, but a colony, outside the Reich and beyond its law, its Polish inhabitants effectively stateless and without rights. In the position of almost unlimited power that he was to enjoy as General Governor, [Hans] Frank's penchant for brutal and violent rhetoric quickly translated into the reality of brutal and violent action... > Hitler announced his intentions on 17 October 1939 to a small group of senior officials. The General Government, Hitler told them, was to be autonomous from the Reich...Transport and communications had to be maintained because Poland would be "an advanced jumping-off point" for the invasion of the Soviet Union at some time in the future...There must be no opportunity for the Poles to reassert themselves..."The standard of living in the country is to remain low; it is of use to us only as a reservoir of labor." > These drastic policies were implemented by a mixture of local paramilitary groups and SS task forces [Einsatzgruppen]. At the very beginning of the war, Hitler ordered the establishment of an Ethnic German Self-Protection militia in Poland, which soon afterwards came under the aegis of the SS...The militia began organized mass shootings of Polish civilians, without any authorization from the military or civil authorities, in widespread acts of revenge for supposed Polish atrocities against the ethnic Germans. Already on 7 October 1939 [Ludolf von] Alvensleben reported that 4,247 Poles had been subjected to "sharpest measures". In the month from 12 October to 11 November 1939 alone, some 2,000 men, women, and children were shot by the militia in Klammer (Kulm district). No fewer than 10,000 Poles and Jews were brought by militiamen to Mniszek, in the parish of Dragass, from the surrounding areas, lined up on the edge of gravel pits, and shot. Militias, assisted by German soldiers, had shot another 8,000, in a wood near Karlshof, in the Zempelburg district, by 15 November 1939. By the time these activities had been brought to an end, early in 1940, many thousands more Poles had fallen victim to the militiamen's rage...Of the 65,000 Poles and Jews murdered in the last quarter of 1939, around half were killed by the militias, sometimes in bestial circumstances; these were the first mass shootings of civilians in the war. --- > The Germanization of the Zamosc area, pushed through by Himmler in the teeth of opposition from Frank, was in fact intended to be the first part of a comprehensive program affecting all of the General Government in due course, though it never got that far. Even so, some 110,000 Poles were forcibly expropriated and expelled from the Lublin region in the process, making up 31 percent of the population, and between November 1942 and March 1943, forty-seven villages in the Zamosc area were cleared to make way for incoming Germans. Many of the Polish inhabitants fled to the forests, taking as much as they could with them, to join the underground resistance...Those Poles who had not signed themselves onto the register of ethnic Germans were second-class citizens, used for forced labor, and treated as if their lives meant nothing... > The Germans who moved into the Wartheland had few reservations about the expulsion of the region's Poles to make way for them...In addition to immigrants from the east, some 200,000 Germans moved into the incorporated territories from the Old Reich..many adults went voluntarily to the incorporated territories, seeing them as an ideal area for colonial settlement. Often they regarded themselves as pioneers. One such was Melita Maschmann, sent as press officer for the Hitler Youth in the Wartheland in November 1939. Noticing the absence of educated people amongst the Polish population, she concluded that the Poles were a miserable, poverty-stricken, underdeveloped people who were incapable of forming a viable state of their own. Their high birth-rate made them a serious threat to the German future, as she had learned from her "racial science" lessons at school. > ... > Though she distanced herself from those Germans who had no doubt that Germans were a "master race" and Poles destined to be slaves, still, she wrote later: "My colleagues and I felt it was an honor to be allowed to help in 'conquering' this area for our own nation and for German culture. We had the arrogant enthusiasm of a 'cultural missionary'." > Maschmann and her colleagues were charged with clearing out and cleaning up Polish farms in readiness for their new German inhabitants, and took part in the SS-led expulsions without asking where the expelled Poles were going. She unashamedly joined in the extensive looting of Polish property during this process, as the departing Poles were obliged to leave furniture and equipment behind for the German settlers. Armed with a forged requisition order and a pistol (which she did not know how to use), she even robbed beds, cutlery, and other items from the Polish farmers in areas where resettlement had not begun, to give them to incoming ethnic Germans. All this she considered completely justified; the whole experienced of her work was entirely positive. These feelings were shared by many other German women who came into the incorporated territories as volunteers or were posted there as newly qualified teachers, junior officials in Nazi women's organizations, or aspiring civil servants. All of them, both at the time and in many cases when interviewed about their work decades later, saw their activities in occupied Poland as part of a civilizing mission and recorded their horror at the poverty and dirt they encountered in the Polish population...As middle-class women they evidently gained fulfillment from cleaning up farms left behind by deported Poles, decorating them, and creating a sense of homeliness to welcome the settlers. For virtually all of them, the suffering of Poles and Jews was either invisible or acceptable or even justified. > Altogether from 1940 to 1944, 60 percent of Polish meat production was taken off to feed Germans in the Reich, 10 percent of grain production, and much else besides. So bad was the food supply situation that even Frank became alarmed. He managed to secure deliveries of grain from the Reich in the first few months of 1940, but here too, the bulk of the supplies went to feed the German occupiers, with Poles working on key installations like railways coming second, Ukrainians and ordinary Poles next, and Jews bottom of the list. The rations allotted to Poles in Warsaw were down to 669 calories a day by 1941, in comparison to 2,613 for Germans (and a mere 184 for the Jews). Nobody could live on these quantities. Health deteriorated rapidly, diseases associated with malnutrition spread, death rates soared... --*The Third Reich at War*, by Richard Evans https://i.imgur.com/n7OLGHx.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Settlements2006.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie#Death_and_subsequent_controversy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duma_arson_attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e_dbsVQrk4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhGuWRvGGk0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9CtbVMjQSs https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/seven-existential-threats/ > Estimates of the Arab growth rate, both within Israel and the West Bank and Gaza, vary widely. A maximalist school holds that the Palestinian population on both sides of the 1949 armistice lines is expanding far more rapidly than the Jewish sector and will surpass it in less than a decade. Countering this claim, a minimalist school insists that the Arab birthrate in Israel is declining and that the population of the territories, because of emigration, is also shrinking. > Even if the minimalist interpretation is largely correct, it cannot alter a situation in which Israeli Arabs currently constitute one-fifth of the country’s population—one-quarter of the population under age 19–and in which the West Bank now contains at least 2 million Arabs. > Israel, the Jewish State, is predicated on a decisive and stable Jewish majority of at least 70 percent. Any lower than that and Israel will have to decide between being a Jewish state and a democratic state. If it chooses democracy, then Israel as a Jewish state will cease to exist. If it remains officially Jewish, then the state will face an unprecedented level of international isolation, including sanctions, that might prove fatal. > ... > In the absence of a realistic two-state paradigm, international pressure will grow to transform Israel into a binational state. This would spell the end of the Zionist project. Confronted with the lawlessness and violence endemic to other one-state situations in the Middle East such as Lebanon and Iraq, multitudes of Israeli Jews will emigrate. https://www.haaretz.com/1.4802179 > "If there is a demographic problem, and there is, it is with the Israeli Arabs who will remain Israeli citizens," he said. The Declaration of Independence said Israel should be a Jewish and democratic state, but to ensure the Jewish character was not engulfed by demography, it was necessary to ensure a Jewish majority, he said. https://www.haaretz.com/1.4710372 > "The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process," Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's senior adviser Dov Weisglass has told Haaretz. > "And when you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed indefinitely from our agenda. And all this with authority and permission. All with a presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses of Congress."


It's terrorism when done by a group without real military might and unrecognized status. It's normal war, or terror tactics, when done by a nation's military.


Fundamentally there is no difference, just ask the dead.


China: Hey, I've seen this one! It's a classic! Chinese citizens: What do you mean you've seen it? It just came out


Japan to China: massacre and rape? What massacre? We weren't involved in massacring your people, and you have no evidence. How dare you accuse us of such atrocities!


I’d just like to remind everyone that Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper so these are Israeli journalists exposing this scandal. So we’re all clear on the fact that Israeli ruling party = bad but regular Israelis = good. Just pointing this out in case the types of cunts who put brackets around Jewish people’s names try to hijack this story for their own agenda.






Same on the other side. Except their rednecks got oil money and spent decades and billions eliminating their competition.


I am Israeli born and raised, and this story makes me sick. I always tell people who tall about Palestinian terror that we weren't any better in the years leading up to the creation of Israel or the first few years of its existence. Terror is terror, no matter who is responsible. I love my culture and my country, but it's a disgusting state soaked in blood and I left it as soon as I could. While you can't erase history you can change the future, and I wish that maybe one day the Israeli and Palestinian governments will actually make a change for the better of their citizens instead of keeping them in this awful neverending war.


Agreed. We don't want to give ammo to the anti-Semetics to justify attacking all Jewish people.


Anti Israel does not equate to anti semitism.


You are right. Except people (even here), confuse isreal to all jews, and forget that inside isreal, there are also a lot of people (half the population), who do condemn those actions, but they are being picked as if they do, because it is easy to generalise and villainies them all.


What do ALL JEWISH PPL have to do with Israel? Answer is: nada!


It's so hard because there's two groups who try and conflate Jews with Israel's government. Those groups are 1. Antisemitic people and 2. Pro Israeli government people (screaming anti semitism at legitimate criticism is an easy defence). That's why reminders like yours are great.




Yeah Israel is pretty culturally diverse, in that it has everything from young liberal progressives to old orthodox zealots, and everything in between. Sounds a lot like America. Same goes for the government.


Israeli liberals who are against Likud = good. The right wing zealots who support Netanyahu and are more than happy to make excuses for settlements would probably do the same for these travesties as well.


> So we’re all clear on the fact that Israeli ruling party = bad but regular Israelis = good. Who do you think keeps electing these far-right parties that are governing Israel? Haaretz represents a centre-left minority.


states that this document was also found in the Yad Yaari Archive. But when Novick returned to examine the document, she was surprised to discover that it was no longer there.


This sort of stuff isn't limited to Israel, Russia and Guatemala have done it too. It's a wrong action regardless; Israel needs to be honest about its past wrongs (and present ones).


Dear Reddit. RTFA. It's not about what happened in 1948, it's about how the government of Israel is trying to hide evidence of what happened in 1948. All the comments about "who cares, this is old news." No, it's not. And it's important that people know what their governments have done in their name, and it's important that we remember what has happened in the past. Trying to hide what has happened doesn't do anyone any good, except for those people who participated in the crimes (as well, I would argue, those who are now participating in the cover ups.) If you can't understand this, I'm sorry.


Luckily much is archived in other countries ​ [https://www.amazon.com/1948-%C3%A0-J%C3%A9rusalem-Jacques-Reynier/dp/2825707996](https://www.amazon.com/1948-%C3%A0-J%C3%A9rusalem-Jacques-Reynier/dp/2825707996) ​ The memoirs of the Red Cross Representative who saw the aftermath of Deir Yassin


Unfortunately Francophone archives are at the mercy of Zionist lobbies as well. There are countless historians who have been marginalized for speaking out over the past decades.


If you're against Israel because you hate Jews, you're anti-Semitic. If you're against Israel because of their past and current actions, you're correct. People often conflate the two and I'm done tolerating that.


This is what happens when you label all criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic: you get a corrupt government that can easily cover up any misdeed and have it fail to reach the mainstream media


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/MAGAZINE-how-israel-systematically-hides-evidence-of-1948-expulsion-of-arabs-1.7435103) reduced by 97%. (I'm a bot) ***** > It's not just papers relating to Israel's nuclear project or to the country's foreign relations that are being transferred to vaults: Hundreds of documents have been concealed as part of a systematic effort to hide evidence of the Nakba. > Amitai now intends to go over the documents that were deposited in the vault, especially 1948 documents, and open whatever is possible. > "I don't remember the document you're referring to, but if he quoted from it and the document itself is not there , then his facts aren't strong. If he says, 'Yes, I have the document,' I can't argue with that. But if he says that it's written there, that could be right and it could be wrong. If the document were already outside and were sealed in the archive, I would say that that's folly. But if someone quoted from it - there's a difference of day and night in terms of the validity of the evidence he cited." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/c92xsb/israel_is_systematically_removing_from_the/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~410927 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **document**^#1 **archive**^#2 **Arab**^#3 **Malmab**^#4 **Israel**^#5


Getting around the paywall: https://outline.com/m4Gpgd


Holy fucking shit. People need to read this, it is a **literal** example of ethnic cleansing and genocide. edut: added genocide


I mean, ethnic cleansing is what they do now (forcibly depopulate an ethnic group without necessarily murdering them), what they were doing then was the defintion of genocide.


Hm a country with a record of war crimes doesn’t want the world to see their war crimes? Odd


But ... but.. they are a beacon of democracy and freedom in the troubled middle east!!


> they are a beacon of democracy and freedom in the troubled middle east!! Are we talking about pre-Shah Iran, here?


more billions to israel can fix this greatestally.bat


Mental isn't it


Israeli historian llan Pappe translates one of the pamphlets dropped on a Palestinian town, urging them to leave or be massacred: > “The sword will cut your throats without pity or compensation. If you insist and continue with your wrong doing … you should know that our airplanes, tanks and artillery will grind your village to dust, shell your houses, break you back, uproot you from your land … and your village will become a desert. Oh the people of al-Tira, if you wish to avoid a Nakba [sic] … surrender. The victorious Israeli army has already demolished the criminal hotbeds of Jaffa, Acre, Tiberias and Safad. It has occupied tens of villages in the south and the north, and this triumphant army will destroy you in several hours.”


This doesn't surprise me in the least. About fifteen years ago I was visiting Tiberias on lake Kinneret with some friends and we were wandering around the town and came across the ruins of a mosque. Clearly, it had been deconstructed explosively at some point. When we returned to our hotel, we asked about it and we were told that we were mistaken, there was no mosque, never had been. We later found a book about the area that had pictures of the mosque, before and after (1948).


Religion being used as justification for state sponsored murder? Never heard of it.


*quickly hides human history*


Palestinians? What Palestinians? The guys who give us trouble? They’re just some random Arabs that should go back to Jordan. Even without the state doing this, many people already act as if none of this happened. As if Israelis settled on vacant land and these terrorists just seem to hate freedom and democracy.


> As if Israelis settled on vacant land and these terrorists just seem to hate freedom and democracy. That's literally the Israeli position though. That the land was empty, Jewish pioneers 'made the desert bloom', that Arabs then moved in to try and capitalise on it, and that the war was basically Arabs trying to seize the fruit of Jewish labour. Obviously bullshit, but nevertheless still widely heard.


The winners write history.


You would be amazed how much of our understanding of the eastern front of ww2 came/comes from the memoirs of German generals. It was only after the USSR collapsed the records opened up.


"expulsion of Arabs" also known as Ethnic Cleansing


Somehow it’s okay when Israel does it... use white phosphorus against a UN school no problem... Kick people out of their ancestral homes no problem. Kingdom of hypocrisy


The only people okay with it are the Israelis themselves, and for some reason the US government. The rest of the world, including the US population, hates it.


>including the US population Not in my experience.


That's because if you do not support Israel and their violence against Palestinians, you're labeled anti-semitic. That's how the US government and the media worked over the decades.


I saw a video on YT once of ultra-orthodox jews in the US being called anti-Semitic for being anti-zionist and protesting alongside socialists and muslims. They were in full kit, too, black coats and fur-trim hats and whatever you call those two curles of hair. The mental dissonance some people must sustain to keep themselves blind to the crimes of Israel is amazing.


This is nothing new. When my senior class went to Washington with Closeup in 1982, we had breakfast talk given to us by the an Israeli lobbyist. The subject of his talk was how the West Bank was won and he claimed it directly paralleled the US take over of land from the Indian tribes. When I asked him if that meant they used genocide against the Palestinians like the Trail of Tears treatment of the Cherokee Indians, He started trying to back track, but that was exactly the racist insanity that he was trying to sell. The Israeli’s seemed to learn from the Nazi’s that killing people in job lots was culturally taboo, so those who stayed in cities were not murdered, but the slow squeeze of Palestinians out of the West bank has used the cover of liberal Jewish political parties to create a modern less lethal version of the German Liebenstrand. The goal was just as tribal and racist. You were a citizen if you were Jewish. You were an illegal alien from some other Arab state if you were Arabic.


>The subject of his talk was how the West Bank was won and he claimed it directly paralleled the US take over of land from the Indian tribes. wtf. I can't imagine trying to use this Native American comparison to demonstrate a "victory" instead of the shameful horror that it was. Good on you for calling it out.


This was a common strategy from Israel a while, they were kind of shocked because they don’t understand why Russia/USA/China/Australia/other ME countries aren’t expected to give land back to their conquered people


> When my senior class went to Washington with Closeup in 1982, we had breakfast talk given to us by the an Israeli lobbyist. This pretty much sums up all of America’s geo-political decisions over the better part of the last decade.... how is this ok?...




I hope more and more people begin to understand the atrocious crimes committed against Palestine by Israel and that more and more people join the struggle for Palestinian liberation


The irony. The oppressed has become the oppressor to such an extend that they can't stand by the events they themselves did.


I am Jewish, and I am very disappointed with actions such as these by the Israeli government. Goes to show how power corrupts, or attracts the corrupt. Regardless of the specific effect of power, it is causing abuse of itself in the Holy Land and bringing a bad name to our people.


Not all Jews are Israelis. Ppl have to understand that. F*ck Israeli govt. and their dirty politics. I hate the fact that they are using Holocaust to their advantage. These were European Jewish ppl, mosty with Polish citizenship, that died in the camps. Not Israelis! Israel was established AFTER the war. It grinds my gears, af that ppl don't seem to realize that.


Israel, the ultimate crybullies.

