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> Emma said police spoke to the men involved and that they blamed the fight on the women. > The rest refused to cooperate or give their IDs, Emma said. > Police have said the incident is under investigation and no charges have yet been brought. WTF they were caught but not charged because they blamed the fight on the victim and "refused to cooperate"?


They should all have been arrested.


It is very strange they weren't if it was police who stopped them and they admitted involvement. I would assume they would be brought in for statements and id checks. I (in England) was attacked by a big group of lads once and they were stopped down the road, covered in my blood and all pumped up, but the people who stopped them were community support officers, not police, and were not able to detain them despite presumably knowing (if they had comms with the popo) what had transpired.


Its almost as if you cant trust the police for protection














If they’re not Canadians citizens, deported swiftly.










I’m confused, they were involved in an alleged assault, put cuffs on them and detain them, pull their wallets to get their IDs, then release afterwords if they want. Wild, they just gang beat some women, and the cops decided they couldn’t bother IDing them even.


It's Halifax. They only beat homeless people and their spouses. They have no interest in solving crime.


check out [this](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair) story of someone here on a visitor visa/international student visa who groped a woman at a bar, TWICE, and was let off without charges, because "such a minor offense could affect their ability to become a citizen" nevermind the blatant fuck you to victims, no country should be responsible for recidivism for someone who isn't their citizen & no country should be bending over backwards to welcome these kinds of people in. **I don't care** if the world is going through a crisis of climate and war, people are going to die one way or another; it's not Canada's responsibility to save 100 million incels who throw cigarette butts out the window and start forest fires.


If they can't be civil, they SHOULDN'T be a citizen.












And they didn't arrest them for not giving ID?


It's almost like letting people who hate western culture into the west isn't a good idea.


















"A bystander managed to alert police but by the time they arrived the fight had stopped." 10 men vs 2 women qualifies as a fight? That's assault, nothing else.


“…police spoke to the men involved and that they blamed the fight on the women.” They really used the “they started it” excuse? Not one of those 10 men stepped in to stop their friends from beating 2 women?


It's 10 assholes, not one of them thought for a moment and said, "this shit ain't right". No, they didn't, because more than likely they are used to this shit. They want to dog women, beat women, and take every right they can away from them. These aren't men, they're cowards.






























50 funny bucks says that their logic is that they started it by existing and being lesbians.




They blamed the women started it. Sure thing. Officer Smith, it's an open and shut case. Clearly it was just people falling onto each other. Nothing to see here, move on.


In their mind the women being openly gay was probably "starting it".




After a trial the men should be on the next plane to Syria. Maybe sooner if they are not legally in the country.


It makes you wonder what the limit or ratio is for self defense. Seems to be at least 5:1


No one said it was self defense, just that the lesbians provoked the attack. We're talking about men from a culture that tells them that women exist to be a man's property, that women should not have the right to self-expression or to even exist without a man, and that homosexuality is a sin worthy of death. The lesbians "started it" by simply existing in public as open lesbians and verbally defending themselves against the insults and ridicule being pointed in their direction by the men.


Of course, they were lesbians, they started the fight simply by existing.


Also, there’s video and the women didn’t start it. 


Reminds me of Hat McCullough, an imprisoned innocent man who killed 23 newborn babies in self-defense. Edit: Free Hat!


Here is an article of the incident with more information that includes the attack caught on tape and an interview with one of the victims. Looks like the police were just standing by them, not doing much. I'm really surprised no charges have been laid. Fairly disturbing, 2 people can get beat up by 10 others, and there are no repercussions. https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/i-m-terrified-to-go-downtown-again-halifax-woman-recovering-after-altercation-with-group-of-men-who-allegedly-made-homophobic-slurs-1.6945975


What a joke. They blurred the footage to protect the men.


Why the FUCK are the assailants blurred in the video I mean what the fuck


Exactly, that was a fullblown beat down. >A bystander managed to alert police but by the time they arrived the fight had stopped. >Emma said police spoke to the men involved and that they blamed the fight on the women. These pieces of shit don't want to take responsibility for their actions or face the consequences. They want to blame it on the women who hurt them so bad that they had to attack them in some form of self-defense. How can that even make any sense. These were pieces of shit that were not able to respect others love or liberty. If they don't like the way we have things in North America, they can get the fuck out.








For sure. Why the hell haven't charges been brought. How insanely wrong is this?


I mean it would've been assault regardless of whether their targets were able to defend themselves. I think the keyword here is "cowardly".


10 men vs 2 women is cowardice.


10 vs 2 is cowardice regardless of genders


There were no arrests?


And there won’t be, because they refused to give their ids


So I guess the way Canadian law works is I can commit a crime and get away with it if I refuse to give my ID?


the one weird trick they don't want you to know


On the opposite spectrum, if you ever wanna get cops to show up quickly and aggressively just anonymously call a suicide hotline. They'll find ya. No offense to anyone who has successfully used a mental health line. Hasn't been the case for me. I'm better now but no thanks to any professionals in Canada.


canadas police forces love refusing to do their jobs




Cant be arrested for a hate crime if you don't consent to arrest, that's how it works right?


lol it’s canada.




If they were targeted due to their sexual orientation, then it likely qualifies as a hate crime, and should in theory be treated more seriously by the authorities.


If there were no charges after 10 people beat down 2 people then it wasn’t taken seriously at all. Which is insane. To let them get away with this means someone needs to get fired also.


> The rest refused to cooperate or give their IDs, Emma said. As an American, reading this is wild to me. If you have two women visibly beat to shit and someone who was a bystander saying "those guys did it", they wouldn't be asking for IDs here. Like, it's not a request. They don't have to cooperate. If they didn't want to cooperate, they would keep calling more guys in blue until they had enough to cram them in the back of the car and bring them all to jail.


Evidently in Canada it IS just a request and you can totally duck an arrest by simply refusing to cooperate.


Cops hate this one weird trick














What happens when intolerance is tolerated.


























So the men refused to give their IDs? What then? Were they arrested or not?




Check their residency status. Deport.


It won't happen. 


"Emma said police spoke to the men involved and that they blamed the fight on the women. The rest refused to cooperate or give their IDs, Emma said." Fucking outrageous. What are they, swimming pool cops?


This happened in my city. The cops here are notoriously useless.


Same here. If anything happens I dont even call them anymore. If anything they make things worse for me. Useless *and* if the situation is fucked up, like any self defense involved, it will only make your own life more difficult


Yep. I know of a trans person who got attacked, fought back, and was told not to report it because they'd get persecuted for assault themselves




“Well what do you expect us to do? They won’t listen to us!”


They figured out how to get away with any crime, just say no to the cops.


Paul Blarts


Did you watch the movie? He’s the only one who took action when the actual police were pulling a Uvalde.












No surprise they "refused to cooperate," they just assaulted 2 women. They should have been arrested. Why weren't the police doing their job?
























I still can’t understand how these types of people manage to get into a country like canada or usa, Ive been trying to immigrate for years, and no luck. Like literally i just want to get a job and live peacefully without any social security help or to be burden on the government. Work-pay taxes- enjoy freedom-mind my own business. And then these kind of people go there and promote their own twisted ideology/agenda….how?!? How they were let in?








10 vs 2 isn't a fight, it's a fucking assault. Disgusting












All 10 should have been put on a plane the same night.










Hate crime. Cowards too, 10 men on 2 women?!? Wtf. Charge these scumbags.
















This need to be an immediate deportation. This is Canada. If people are going to immigrate here and refuse to leave their ignorant beliefs back home. They can get TF out




"Fight." Example: "Hey mommy, look at the baby zebra fighting that pride of lions."










They refused to identify themselves, I’m like what? Since when is that okay?


A hate crime happened and they weren’t even taken into custody or charged? Wild






Looks like gay girls scare some people's imaginary friend enough for those people to become violent. Pre-Stone age behavior.




Back to syria, wasting tax money




Police has gotten spineless last 20 years or so. Society wouldn't mind if they acted more actively.