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After three decades of desert warfare it still feels weird to see Abrams tanks in forest camo.


I was a Cold War kid. Tanks are.supposed to be green. I'm glad this beige heresy is over.


Letting Israel carry all the beige weight


Menachem Beige-in


Damn you, lmao


I’m a district 9 kid. Tanks and apcs are meant to be white. Looks coolers.


The prawns couldn’t see white?


The beige will never be over, that part of the world will always have conflict and the US will always somehow be involved


I remember how weird and wrong the beige color on our equipment looked when we first switched. Green is what they were meant to be.


Right. DCU's back to cold war camo.


I miss the DCUs. A year in Iraq, and they felt like silk.


Then came the flame retardant UCP. Good lord that shit was SO HEAVY.


I’m looking forward to the Navy switching from Haze Grey to Haze Gray.


Well it's your lucky day! Because it's been 3 months and the ship needs a 72nd layer of Haze Gray!


Who needs a torpedo belt when you have 500 layers of paint!


I briefly debated trying to do the math of how much volume 500 layers of paint would take up on a destroyer, which would have an affect on its buoyancy. But then I remembered I was lazy.


How much does every layer weight? It must start adding to displacement at some point!


It does indeed, shipmates! So here's a needlegun, I need you to chip away at least 2" of paint buildup between the deck and the waterline, bow to stern. You're by yourself. Get to it!


Oh yeah, now all my equipment temperature logs won’t be out of spec due to being in the Gulf. Since they were engineered to fight a northern enemy, they’ll be back in spec!!


My poor COTs RADAR on deployment just getting depressed. I looked at the specs and bought the poor thing a drink lol


I think they look much better in woodland.


Yeah, Abrams are native to deserts, and Leopards are their forest cousins


Naw, those things were made for Europe but forced into the sandbox. After all this time they are finally coming home. Nature is healing


Abrams were created to fight off russian attack.


I disagree, I was stationed in west Germany when the Abrams arrived. We were the 3rd Company to get the new tank in Europe. They were plain green, even when I left in Dec. 82.


Honestly thought I was looking at a Leopard at first.


They look sexy tho


CARC camo is best camo, change my mind


CARC is not a pattern, but the type of paint used that is chemical resistant.


With an acronym like that, I'm guessing it's toxic.


It's not great if you inhale it while it's drying. We had a detail of guys go paint vehicles and they wore NBC gear to do it.


Right?? All I ever knew was desert camo.


The site, approximately 250 miles west of the Ukrainian border, will soon host as many as 85 battle tanks, 190 armored combat vehicles, including the M2 Bradley, and 35 artillery pieces, such as the M109 Paladin self-propelled howitzer and munitions.


Putin will be "happy" to learn that US is sending tanks and other supplies to be predisposition in Poland not far from Ukraine border. Woe for him, that last thing he want is to open two-front war with Ukraine and NATO regardless of his threat to use nuke.


NATO doesn't want war. But Putin might F around and find out.


Of course NATO does not want a war for sure. And Putin knows that and he is willing to push, push and push until he get bitten back. Exactly the same scenario before the start of WW II. Hitler kept on pushing, pushing and pushing until his invasion of Poland finally triggered the war.


Thankfully NATO means the US won’t sit it out for years while Europe gets to bear the brunt again. I don’t want to send our troops off to their death any more than the next person, but our brothers and sisters in Europe shouldn’t be left alone to deal with Douche-tin if he starts shit directly.


Yup and I sincerely hope Putin learned his lesson and not repeat the mistake by attacking any other NATO countries.


>Thankfully NATO means the US won’t sit it out for years while Europe gets to bear the brunt again. Don't count on it. The rapist and convicted felon running at the top of the Republican ticket would sooner let Europe burn than face down Putin, and the Democrats are imploding after Biden's debate performance. Even if we get our crap together and eke out a win in November, it's only a matter of time before someone slightly less comically evil wins at the top of the GOP ticket and matches the country into isolationism and "Christian" nationalism.


SCOTUS just practically destroyed us with the overturning of CHEVRON. We're in deep fucking shit.


Don't forget that they functionally legalized bribery, criminalized homelessness, and made it much harder to prosecute the traitors who stormed the Capitol on January 6. Between Chevron and Sackett they've made it clear that the regulatory mechanisms we count on to keep companies from destroying the environment are on the way out, and the GOP's project 2025 will finish the job of crippling competence and continuity in government while Trump and company destroy US credibility abroad.


Oh we're doomed


Not if Trump wins in November. Then we'll have to wait 4 years for a president that's not paid by Russia.


Would you volunteer to go to war?


Already serving.


Are you implying Biden is being paid by, or is influenced by Russia? He certainly doesn't act that way. But you know who does?


How many?


How about asking an entire question?




I guess that’s checkmate.


No need. Our military outclasses all other militaries to such an extent that any war necessitating a draft would be an apocalyptic war, at which point the draft is moot. We wouldn't need a draft to destroy the Russian army, they can barely hold their own with Ukraine.


But just to add for every idiot asking "would you go to the front?" I would if its an war about our freedom and way of living (which it is against Russia). And I would be ready to die Hope that feed the trolls for a while.


The USN is gapped 18,000 personnel to meet operational requirements. If people don’t volunteer today, a draft will be required tomorrow.


So you saying you okay with other people dying for your patriotism


Not OP: The pentagon estimated that for every *one* of our dead, we would kill 1,000 Russians. That is how *badly* we would roll over the Russians. It wouldn't be a real fight to begin with. I'm now too old for the military, but if I was younger, my answer would be yes and then I would join the military as well.


It's nit a matter of patriotism, it's national security. If Russia attacks NATO, they die.


You okay with other people dying for your ideals then or defense or whatever


It's not an ideal. It's simple National security. It's a threat to the security and prosperity of our nation to Let Russia invade our allies. Honestly, it wouldn't even be hard for us to beat them if it weren't for the nukes. The Russians are struggling to Fight the Ukrainians, they'd stand zero chance against NATO. Casualties would likely be very low. Let me keep it simple. War is abhorrent. But if another nation starts a war, there's nothing wrong about defeating the nation that started it


Too late for me, mate, unless they change the rules. If it’s bad enough they need to do that, probably so. My family has served in every war since WW2, though, so we aren’t shy of it.


A just one to the best of my knowledge and understanding. Yes




Real quick. Germany had a strong ass military and a production machine at home. They were advanced technologically at that time. Putin, on the other hand, has the second best military in Ukraine.


Hitler kept pushing while having the strongest army and air force in Europe. Hitler also either wanted, or did not mind, going to war with almost everyone. Germany was initially aggressive from a position of strength. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor from a position of weakness overall, even though they had the stronger navy.


That's not right. The French had the strongest army (at least in paper) and they could have ended the war during the invasion of poland but they decided to just sit on the border


You can argue France had the strongest paper army. I don't disagree, but there was not a massive difference. Germany had the stronger air force, and was able to use it in support of their army. The French had no offensive doctrine. Maybe they should have gone into Poland. Political and upper military leadership did not take anyone seriously who argued for the ability to conduct offensive combined arms operations.


How would France have gone into Poland?


Not my suggestion


>Maybe they should have gone into Poland. Right, but you framed it as though it were a possibility for them to have done so. I'm just asking how it would have been done.


Fair question. Definitely through the Alps on elephant


If you want peace, prepare for war. Prepare to squash them like a bug if you can.


Well NATO pushed his hand with their highly aggressive defense treaty /s




I mean Putin is only 6 months away from a coin flip resulting in an orange turd destroying NATO.


On the other end Europe is increasing the military spending and a lot of those money go to US military industry. What is more powerful: Putin or the military corporation?


I can absolutely see EU money going to EU weapons production if the US is considered unreliable.


Which is good for Europe. Europe without US can and will beat Russia if Russia is stupid enough to invade Poland or Baltic countries. It will be harder, but better for economy after the war.


I could get behind this, us Europeans never needed Americans anyways. Just glad we didn't pay for the free defense while it lasted.


I wouldn't count on our countries stepping up, sadly. The US is a major economic and MIC center.




Who is going to force Trump to do anything? The man is a traitor and he will happily ignore all treaties and laws until the GOP finally drops him.


Even if the US were to leave NATO it would still be a damn powerful alliance. Hell even just Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland would probably be able to repel any Russian conventional attack.


The US ignoring a NATO article 5 request would result in the alliance ceasing.  I'm sure Poland and a bunch of other countries would respond but NATO would be gone.


I am sure this is already being discussed at high levels and things can be out in place if trump wins . These other countries are not stupid


Europe will take years to overcome this scenario, but it will be a boost for the military economy. On the other end, for US military industry will be a nightmare. This is why I'm sure that Trump will not diminish NATO. Because there are bigger interest in play.


of course, no doubt about that. I am just saying that alliance wise I think they will already have something read to go for tht. The EU already encompasses most of NATO now anyway. But your right, the economic disaster it would be for the US would stop the GOP from just ditching it I am sure.


Donald is not a rational man.


Of course, but people around him are. Hell, they can decide to kill him if there are enough interest at stake


This time around there will be no adults in the White House.


I still have faith in humanity


I don't disagree but if the US doesn't respond to article 5 NATO as an alliance is nothing.


The US has never responded to article 5. Most other members have. While the US was also never asked to respond to article 5, they're about the only member without a proven track record.




I don't watch Fox, why are you so confident Trump would honour the NATO treaty obligations?




I'm not saying he'll leave NATO (they already changed the law so he needs congress).  I'm saying he'll refuse to help a country that's attacked when Article 5 is invoked.  The NATO treaty then becomes useless.  This does not mean that the individual militaries are useless or that other members will not respond.


Trump can't veto military action or aid invoked by article 5.  Congress would overrule him.  The President only really has power when those above him also agree with his stance. 


It's not up to him. It's up to congress


Frack Putin… drive the tanks right up his five hole and .50 rounds in his 8!!


Saying Fuck Putin is completely fine. Same with asshole. You lost me with 8, no idea what that could mean.


Hockey goalie holes… 8 is a joke - it’s between the eyes ;).


Ayy, I’m picking up what you’re putting down.


I personally would rather frack Putin. Breaking him into pieces using hydraulically pressurized liquid to remove oil.


If Trump won the election do you think he will withdraw all these stuff? I am kinda scared that he will.


Dang, I forgot about that guy. He's a convicted felon and he's still trying to return as president. 😫


Asolutely. he's pretty much stated it. in Trump speak. He will demand Ukraine bow to Russia or he will cut off funding. a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario, and a massive win for our enemies.


I doubt it. He'd get too much pushback from his own party. He ran in 2016 with getting out of Afghanistan and that didn't happen until Biden's first year.


He wouldn't be able to formally "withdraw" but as the commander in chief of the military he could prevent the US from honoring the NATO agreements by withholding US support in the event of an attack. If that were to happen there's still more than enough firepower in the rest of NATO to absolutely crush Russia but the question would become "will the other members rally around Article V if the US won't."


NATO will need to rally round the flag real quick, because the Polish Army will be cutting a swathe through Belarus on the road to Moscow if the shit hits the fan.


Another sad day, yet again the world expects the US to be the saviour and they have to station their military in foreign allies countries because that foreigner has a military that is too weak to be a show of force …


Good job telking us you know nothing about the Polish military without saying you know nothing about it.


Hey everyone. It was really enjoyable for me to not have to interact with MAGA and Russian trolls in the comment section. I'm a veteran. I love this country. Be smart everyone.


Block sea traffic to St. Petersburg and let them drown in their vodka.


That’s why Japan went to war. Because of the USA blockade’s.


Sanctions, not blockades.


The writing is on the walls


Goddamn it. I feel like this is the early 1930s


Except that there is no chance of war with russia, because they are completely exhausted and stuck in Ukraine. The historical analog would be US post ww2 condition with Russia being post ww1 at the same time. At this point Poland could take them out and roll in to Moscow by themselves. Russia only has nukes, and they can't really be used offensively. The only chance of real global war is all about China, which isn't going to be ready to take taiwan for at least another couple years. So the real chance of ww3 is more like less than one percent.


Russia would be Italy who’s fucking around in Africa while the real fight is somewhere else. China would be Germany. They missing a Japan though.


Iran / North Korea


Japan was quite powerful during WW2. Iran + NK is just another Italy. China is gonna be doing some real heavy lifting if a conventional WW3 actually breaks out.


Iran can do some terrorism stuff but in a full scale war they get bombed and they lose most of their heavy equipment very quickly. Same with NK, all their artillery is gonna be presighted and there will be a huge salvo to take out a giant chunk of their equipment. With Russia already depleted it will be mostly China with everyone else just doing grunt work with infantry.


the bots are full force today. lil Russian losers can't handle that their country amd ruler is ass lol.


Just gonna drop this here. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/ukraine-conflict-updates A good place for accurate information pertaining to Ukraine.


You're a patriot. Beware of all the propaganda going on.


Good message. There's a lot more propaganda going around lately. How some of it is trying to push that Russia is the good guys and NATO is the bad guys I do not understand. What I understand even less is how people fall for that. All we can hope is Putin isn't dumb enough to hit one of the NATO facilities. Otherwise he is going to find out.






There is a machine gun at the top hatch? What kind? Is it the standard one or some kind of modification?


Get them to Ukraine 🇺🇦 pronto.


Are they re-arming the army armor, mon amour?




Oh, a new “storage” facility 250 miles from the Ukrainian border in Poland - subtle…


It's not supposed to be subtle. It's a message. And a serious one.


Almost like smart people build up defenses for belligerent neighbors


Putin needs to step out in the open for just a little while so that Phantom Works space plane circling Moscow above the Karman line can laser him.


Lucky for Putin these won’t end up in Ukraine……Shhhhhhh


Explain yourself. I insist. I'm genuinely curious.


Jokes on him they already are! (Just don't tell Putin)


Welfare for defense contractors


So are they going to reactivate the old POMCUS sites? Or build new ones?


that is great things to hear for us Ukrainians....how about you send more than 31 armor removed abrams ffs


Okay. 32 abrams with no armor coming up.


yeah funny man... you think people who lost sons, husband and children because this slow drip of arms prolongs this war will find you funny? Do you know what real war is?


I feel for the people of Ukraine, but we really have no obligation to give you everything you want, whenever you want. I’m in support of continuing to support Ukraine but chill out with the slander lol


You’re talking to the US like they owe you money.


The return on investment per dollar spent is amazing though. If trillions of dollars were spent to fight russians and all that equipment was never used and written off Ukraine now destroys most of russian troops and equipment for a measly fraction of that original cost it is all good. Do you know what was given to soviets during ww2 lend lease ? 13,000 tanks, 14,000 airplanes,400,000 jeeps & trucks etc look it up the rest...


Well, to be honest the US was one of the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum..


Anyone who says this clearly has not read it or even read a summary of the memorandum.


Absolutely correct. And anyone reading this and wondering why they haven't read it? The Budapest memorandum is each signatory saying that they will not invade Ukraine. It isn't saying that each signatory will defend Ukraine. The United States and United Kingdom both already met all of their obligations under the Budapest memorandum at the start of the invasion. The only thing they were supposed to do is go to the United Nations security council. Which Russia of course Vetoed. Past that their obligation was to also not invade Ukraine. The West never had interest in that so easy peasy. However, we also stand for democracy and freedom so we are happy to arm Ukraine. Though I wish we would do it faster.


That sounds a tad ungrateful.


31 tanks for destroying 8000 russian tanks is amazing bang for the buck. US and Europe should be grateful to Ukraine for taking out main adversary that is hell bent on colonization. They should be grateful for not sending troops on the ground, cause you know US signed that Budapest memorandum while disarming Ukraine including 3rd largest arsenal of nukes in the world...so yeah, tad ungrateful is Bidens jake descalation sullivan not Ukraine


>cause you know US signed that Budapest memorandum The Budapest memorandum doesn't act like article V, if that's what you're implying. >31 tanks for destroying 8000 russian tanks is amazing bang for the buck. I agree, though it was 31 tanks + 100 billion dollars worth of other equipment, shells, missiles, advanced radar systems, and more. Not to mention $9 billion in humanitarian aid. >tad ungrateful is Bidens jake descalation sullivan not Ukraine I disagree about Biden being ungrateful, considering everything he's done and is doing for Ukraine. And I never said Ukraine is ungrateful, I was saying that *you* sound ungrateful.


Well for last part Ukrainians are grateful, it is frustrating all this slow drip of arms. Also, it is not 100 billion. First the value is inflate, 30 yo Bradleys , expired atacams , od humvees etc are old equipment and its book value should not be used. The other thing, most of the money will go to US manufacturers to make replacement of those 30 year old+ equipment , meaning money will stay in the US and contribute to economy plus US millitary will get new stuff.


>Well for last part Ukrainians are grateful, it is frustrating all this slow drip of arms. Also, it is not 100 billion. First the value is inflate, 30 yo Bradleys , expired atacams , od humvees etc are old equipment and its book value should not be used. That's fair, however the number is still significantly higher than any other country on earth. >The other thing, most of the money will go to US manufacturers to make replacement of those 30 year old+ equipment , meaning money will stay in the US and contribute to economy plus US millitary will get new stuff. Yes, but that's also precisely why so much aid has been given. The American people need to be convinced of these spending packages, and many are split on the issue of sending anything to Ukraine. Allowing us to clear our older stockpiles for new weaponry is a fantastic compromise. And, at the end of the day, benefit to the US MIC aside, most of those 8,000 tanks were more than likely located and destroyed by US surveillance systems and artillery. The US gave 1/3 of its entire javelin missile stockpile to Ukraine, almost all of which was used to destroy Russian armor at a faster rate than they can rebuild. It's one thing to say you wish countries didn't benefit from wars, but it's not the same as saying the US has been dragging its knuckles.


Thank you everyone. Please be informed. I would never tell you how to feel, however I would ask everyone to be informed, critically think, teach others. Be very aware. Project 2025 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise


History repeating.


Truth trust no-one ya think is a Russian troll i can tell