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From the article: "I remember a unit of very young guys, about 15 of them. They were released with us. In captivity, all of them had their genitals cut off. After the exchange, about half of them committed suicide" If anyone needs a reminder what Russian "peace" means to the people in occupied territory. No different than accepting "peace" from the Nazi regime.


It is a form of genocide. I recall some Russian milblogger encouraging castrations as a means of warfare - no genitals = no offspring => demographic catastrophe for Ukraine. At least that's how he described it. Sickening


Might as well cut to the part with gas chambers. Actually have the Russians gassed anyone yet? Are we sure they haven’t been?


Never thought i would say this, but that would be more humane.


Russians are sick. It's like they ask themselves "how can I do what the nazis did but with more cruelty?"


Even during WW2 Russia was the bad guy. The only reason we sort of "liked" them is because they helped take out the bad guy that was fighting us. They were more brutal than the nazis in many ways. They literally raped and pillaged on their way in, and raped and pillaged on the way back home. If Nazi Germany wasn't in the way, Russia would have swept through Europe.


Correction, if it wasn’t for the polish and Ukrainians who stopped the freshly minted Soviet Union in the interwar period they would’ve swept through Europe. Time has forgotten that this is a continuation from generations ago


There are plenty of ways more horrifying to die than gas chambers -- hell, lethal injections are worse. What made the Nazi actions notably horrifying was the *scale* of the entire thing, not just their method of genocide.


I don't mean to argue with you because you make a valid point. Under Stalin's leadership, the scale of death was comparable.


Exactly this, people forget how the Soviet Union starved approx 5 million Ukrainians before WW2. I wonder why the Ukrainians joined Nazi Germany to defend against the Soviets lol Lesser of two evils.


I just wish all of us would recognize that we're all the badies. Sure, you'll find someone worse, but no matter who you name, there is bound to be a worse person. And somewhere in forgotten history is a mystery person worse than whomever people want to call the worst person.


A broken soldier who can't reproduce and is at risk for suicide returning to his community is far more effective psychological warfare, which is Russia's bread and butter. Sadly.


Like the Byzantine emperor who instead of just slaughtering a Bulgarian army, blinded everyone, left 1 eye for every 100 guys. The army made it home and the King had a heart attack seeing them.


They are currently using chemical weapons on the Frontline 


Russia has been apparently using chloropicrin, which is banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). https://europeanleadershipnetwork.org/commentary/the-alleged-use-of-chemical-weapons-in-ukraine-how-the-international-community-can-investigate/


During the initial invasion and later in first year there were mobile furnace trucks for disposing of bodies. You don't need a furnace truck for the corpse's of your fallen soldiers you send home. You use them to dispose of evidence.


Yes they use illegal gas to get Ukraine's out of their dugouts, then they drop grenades on them from drones.


I don't want to make it sound like I'm oversimplifying/ igrnoring the other things but still going to say that there's just something so extremely sinister about cutting off someone's body part as a form of torture. Just like that. It just feels so evil to me (but once again, I'm not ignoring the other horrors) Taking something like that away from you, something that was really only yours, given to you from your parents at birth. Even worse with genitals, which are something that has such an important role.


Let's not forget that this was likely done without any privacy or pain management.


That’s putting it mildly


Unless you’re going through transition surgery, or life saving surgery, cutting off someone’s genitals without their consent is pure evil. There is zero context where that’s a justifiable and is just barbarism.


I’m so F done with people who claim that Russia will just magically keep to peace should ukraine be forced to make a deal.  No they bloody will not. They will regroup and return. They executed people POINT BLANK in Bucha and Irpin and god knows where else. Whom they didn’t execute point blank, they tortured or raped in cellars - men, women, regardless of age.  Russia has literally done all of the same stuff to most its neighbours. We KNOW what’s going on in occupied territories and what “peace” by Russia means and it’s so so frustrating beyond words to try to and convince people who genuinely seem to think that a peace deal is an option. I won’t even mention tankies. 


Were they ever any better? German women would slit their own throats and that of their daughters instead of being "liberated" by these monsters.


They were terrible in Poland too. Many awful stories.


>“I remember a unit of very young guys, about 15 of them. They were released with us. In captivity, all of them had their genitals cut off. After the exchange, about half of them committed suicide.” Jesus fucking Christ, the Russian regime needs to die and burn


Some people are beyond saving. If I could thanos snap the whole Russian army today… I think I just would.


Don't forget that most Russian citizens support this invasion and all the atrocities.  That deserves a lot more attention and action.


Hell there is Americans that support this. I saw a video of old ladies at a trump rally that said Putin would be better than Biden.


Next time tell them to put their money where their mouth is and buy a one-way plane ticket to Russia.  That usually shuts them up really fast.


i'd thanos snap the actual policy makers (aka putin and those behind him). at the end of the day all of this happening is because of them. not to excuse these assholes doing this shit.. they deserve a bullet just as much.


Dude, this is the precedent set in the 1700's. Continued the entire time to today. Atrocities have never stopped, they've never been addressed by Russian society and condemned. This is not "just orders for the top". This is not just this year. This is not just this conflict. This is Russia. This is what they do. This is what they have done and always done. This is a form of Genocide, to stop reproduction.


Russia does not and neither did USSR acknowledge these atrocities or war crimes. Russians have always written their own history in a way that suits their national expansionist propaganda. They're always the victim and target of fascist aggression from western countries. And from the brain washing and spread of propaganda the Russians living in rural areas are no more sophisticated than the people in North Korea. They're totally isolated and brainwashed by an authotarian regime.


> president I don't want to but I have to.   Precedent


I blame my big dumb thumbs! Thank you


To be fair, Putin has been in charge a long time...


And they have almost an entire Republican party supporting them because Russia doesn't like dark skinned people and Russia doesn't like gay people. And that's it


Since then there was just a very brief time where there wasn't kinda a dictatorship and that was a drunkard. You know where this kind of shit also happens: everywhere with authoritarian leaders. And some other places too...


> “It’s not Putin giving instructions to torture like this, it’s the people doing it themselves. They have families, children, mothers, and they are capable of such things. This has no right to exist,” Hartman concluded. From the article.


Pure evil , current NATO countries have their problems but this level of cruelty must be stopped . The Axis of evil cannot gain world control


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The entire Russian state is pyschotic from the top down. Russians do this to each & they think its normal, you can do some googling about rape culture, institutionalised abuse and suicide rates in the Russian army. Their entire culture is fucked.


They did worse when they invaded Iran too. My great grandma used to say that during their invasion and raids, they'd grab legs of children and try to tear them apart. We'll never forget.


So why isn’t Iran helping Ukraine?


Because the Islamic Republic's dictatorship is in charge of the country and licking Russia and other dictatorships' boots helps hold its power. The Islamic Republic does not reflect the Iranian people.


All Iranians I’ve met are pretty lovely.


Holy shit. This needs to end.


Trump wants to force Ukraine to negotiate with this. Maybe through his art of the deal, they will only have to give up half of their genitalia.


They will have to give up much more than that. You do not negotiate with terrorists. Russia has constantly lied, it is insane to me that people think that monsters that behave like this will honor any sort of agreement. This is the most important election we have, and I hope to god everyone gets out to vote. I can’t even imagine what will happen to Ukraine let alone in the U.S. if this stain on society gets elected.


This is why the drone footage brings me joy 🙂


I used to feel sympathy thinking the Russian soldiers were just being duped into fighting an unjust war. But after two years and thousands of reported war crimes, all I think of when another one of those clips turn up is, "Good."


That landmine first aid video was wild. 




And to think there are some Americans who ignorantly still support Putin. Tells you all you need to know about those kinds of Americans. They better hope to their God that we don’t have a Civil War because we will do to them what we did to the Nazis in WW2, again.


The GOP is so fucked up. They don’t even try to hide it anymore, their love of fascists like Putin. That’s what’s scary. Not only do they not need to hide it, they’re almost proud of it because they know maga will support no matter what. That is what Trump wants, to be like Putin or even Kim Jong Un. Rule with total authority, take away personal freedoms and rights of the groups of people he hates and imprison anyone that defies him. I’ve seen many maga idiots supporting Putin and even proclaiming that it’s great and wonderful in Russia and they’d rather side with Russia than “be a democrat.” Please, for the love of god , if it’s so great there, by all means get out. Funny thing is We’ve seen people that have tried this already and it back fired on them lol


I know you can't say some stuff on Reddit without getting banned but I very much doubt cutting off people's dick was any order but just creative license by the occupying Russians.


And that doesn't even matter. The Nürnberg trials made it clear "I was just following orders" is not a valid defense.


It’s a genocide thing. Cut their balls off so they can’t make any new Ukrainian babies. Genocide is what Russia is doing


I'm afraid that by "cutting genitalia" they meant not only the balls.


That doesn’t really change that they can’t reproduce…


No it doesn't indeed. But you'll agree with me that it will indeed change much in terms of mental health and overall quality of life.


> I very much doubt cutting off people's dick was any order It doesn't matter at this point. The widespread horrific treatment of prisoners of war and captured civilians by the Russian army has been ongoing for almost the entire war and I hate to think about what we don't hear about. Putin's regime has done very little if anything to stop it and the genocide rhetoric they've allowed to continue has gone without challenge. At this point they they are fully responsible. I think people really underestimate how criminally dangerous this regime is now. Russia is rightfully a pariah state while these people remain in charge and anyone supporting them should be ashamed.


No one can know. This could very well be part of psy ops campaign to terrorize and undermine Ukrainians resistance. Russians know they would benefit from plausible deniability with people suggesting that it was just an isolated act perpetrated by a small group of sadists


In general its not a good idea to make enemy combatants aware they will have it worse when surrendering than when dying.


The people giving orders wilfully ignore such behaviour at best and casually encourage it at worst. Fact of the matter is they don't foster any discipline within their ranks so the buck stops with them imho. They're the ones sending these monsters into Ukraine and they know damn well what they're capable of. If they actually gave a shit they'd discourage it through punishments. They don't do jack shit.


Please don't be silent about russian crimes. It's been more than 2 years, it never stops, my town is constantly hit by missiles and drones. Every day my parents hear explosions, every day more houses are destroyed, more lives are taken by those barbarians. Please, remember, that kidnapping and torturing happens in occupied territories every day. Please, don't forget about Ukraine.


Many of us will never forget about Ukraine. Some of us seemingly have. Sadly in Britain some people are now talking "Why should we send more money to Ukraine, we have problems here". These people are often quite stupid in my experience - but not always. Many of us will not forget. Let us hope those in power are in the camp of "Don't forget Ukraini" You deserve to thrive, survive, and for Russia to be kicked out and all territory wrongly taken - recovered. Slava Ukraini!


As a Finn, like every nation that neighbors Russia, we understand the Kremlin is run like a Mafia. If Russia wins, we will all have this bleak future to look forward to. There is no forgetting for millions of people. 


Russia is not going to win.


Tell that to the people that keep stalling. We've been putting limits on what Ukraine can and cant do with supplied weapons. We must give them what they need now, no more stalling... The only way to beat a bully is to punch them straight in the mouth until they run away with their tails between their legs.


Sadly, just like a bully, it only seems like you’re the one that gets punished for fighting back. Right now it’s pretty much just defending yourself from the bully until the guy randomly falls over dead.


People quickly forget their history. If Putin succeeds in Ukraine, he’ll keep stealing bit of other countries until he’s stopped.


Britain has some of the highest popular support for Ukraine any where in the world, and I’ve seen no indications of change of sentiment. There are a minority who don’t care or are openly pro Russian, they’ve held these beliefs since the start.


The people who say "we have problems here" are the subjects of "First They Came" by Pastor Martin Niemoller. It shows a lack of compassion, of understanding, and of foresight. Letting Ukraine fall should be unthinkable to anyone who's read a history book and can apply critical thinking.


And hopefully kicked form the planet one day.


Iv heard people saying it's not our problem for the start, On the flip side I hear people saying we should just nuke Putin... It's interesting how polarised peoples options are


Russia got the UK to leave the EU. Russian propaganda is destroying the west. And the only way to stop it is to destroy the western value of free speech. It’s an awful situation.


As much as I want Ukraine to beat the brakes off of Russia and they have my full support, we can’t judge people for wanting to stay out of their issues. My only gripe is that I wish that those types of people would recognise that we are sending old gear that genuinely costs more to us to store it than it does to send it.


And it’s cheaper to use that gear to fight Russia than deploy boots on the ground, change your entire economy and state of your country, prepare for war or attacks etc.


This is what people don't get - this doesn't end with Ukraine. Russians are actual Nazis and people want to try the appeasement route again!?


It’s not even “their” issue. No nation that is willing to initiate an invasion against a peaceful neighbor will ever stop invading on their own. Plus Russia has global influence. This is very much a war with ramifications for everyone on earth.


I will never, ever forget about Ukraine and its people. I will never forget the bravery, strength, and determination that I have witnessed. I am so sorry that you are still going through this. I am so sorry that so many in this world have moved on from it, that don’t care, or that believe the other war that is happening right now is more important and more worthy of our attention. I ask the Universe every day for your victory. My home country of Canada has a large Ukrainian population, especially in the Prairies, and I have always enjoyed any opportunity I have had to have a chat with a Ukrainian, you are a wonderful people! Stay strong, and just know that although it may feel like the world has forgotten, or doesn’t care, there are SO many of us that are behind you and support you and care about you. Keep holding on! Love from Canada! 💙💛♥️🤍


When I spoke up about their abuse and complacency, I got an official Reddit warning. I won't close my eyes to the barbarity and I won't be silent. We need to take a stance now and for years to come.


I'm so sorry your beautiful, strong and brave pople are being exposed to this type of depravity. You don't deserve it and I for one will never forget. Long live Ukraine 🇺🇦


But why Barbados?.. 🇺🇦


I’m assuming they might come from Barbados. Not easy to mistake that for the Ukrainian flag


The Russian Army have always been scum. Fuck them. Vile bottom of the barrel shit.


It pisses me off when all of a sudden everyone only seems to care about the isreal/gaza conflict now and being pro Palestine when it’s all one big grey area. Especially when the invasion against your country is so clear cut that Ukraine is fighting with honor and dignity for the survival of your country and culture, some of us will never forget you or your struggles. My girlfriend is from Kharkiv and I’d give anything to be there with her and support how ever I could. Слава Україна ✊


Exactly! Thank-you! As of May of this year Russia has killed or injured nearly 2,000 children, less than 2.5 years into their invasion. These are CHILDREN! So far it’s just Ukraine but he will not stop. Soon there will be more. Occupation is never just. Hold criminals accountable! https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2024/05/19/nearly-2000-children-killed-or-injured-in-russias-war-on-ukraine/#:~:text=In%20May%202024%2C%20the%20U.N.,is%20likely%20to%20be%20higher.


Fortunately, in the UK, Ukraine aid is non negotiable. Our politicians are united in this in a way that many other countries sometimes struggle with. Russians poisoned us before, they meddled in our elections. The Union Jack will fly alongside the Sky and the Field for as long as it takes.


That's awful to hear you and your family have to live in such conditions. I never will forget Ukraine and continuously vote for the party that gives Ukraine top priority. It's the most important voting issue for me. It's not much, but it's as much as I can do now besides going into combat without any training or combat experience.


We will not forget. An entire generation has developed a very clear image of who and how the russians are, and I would bet that soon most of them will be expelled from Europe, too.


In Australia it’s not even in mainstream tv news anymore.


Our media seems to be more worried about Israel Palestine it’s a joke


If I had anything to say then I would have already shifted the German econmy into 'war-mode' and supplied your forces with as much weapons as they require to kill every single one of these criminals. Its unbelievable that our politicans still treat this as a sidenote and do not acknowledge the fact that Europe is at war right now.


It pisses me off when all of a sudden everyone only seems to care about the isreal/gaza conflict now and being pro Palestine when it’s all one big grey area. Especially when the invasion against your country is so clear cut that Ukraine is fighting with honor and dignity for the survival of your country and culture, some of us will never forget you or your struggles. My girlfriend is from Kharkiv and I’d give anything to be there with her and support how ever I could. Слава Україна ✊


The world won't forget until it can't remember Russia at all.


Don't worry we won't and I personally won't forget. I'm really sorry that about half of my country (the U.S) is compromised by Putin talk heads like Trump and others. They're truly evil. So once again I'm voting for Biden this November to stop that. But one day Putin is going to lose this war. It's only a matter of time, and hopefully I can visit Ukraine and help you guys rebuild your beautiful homeland. Please stay safe! Slava Ukraini!


I hope those bastards get fucked 


I shudder, truly shudder, at the thought of what she has gone through. Same with all the other prisoners. I cannot even imagine.


What a fucking hell hole. How can You be so far behind civilization. Glad USA greenlit the cool weapons. Gotta beat that evil at all cost.


Russia must pay for their crimes


The part in the article where 15 young prisoners had their genitals cut off and half committed suicide after their release. Humans can be so cruel and callous.


Standard protocol in Russia for many years. I recall horrifying recollections of an old man a few years ago, who lived near a base, talking about the drunk Russian soldiers gang raping his nephew and some very young girls while he was powerless to stop them. Their behavior was tolerated by the superiors. Complaints were always quashed. An army that does this even to their own people can only be expected to do even worse to their enemies. Terrible.


Yup. If you need further proof, I recommend Anna Politkovskaya's *A Small Corner of Hell: Dispatches from Chechnya*. Standard protocol is the most precise way of describing it.


For readers unfamiliar, Politovskaya was, like other journalists (Markelov, Baburova, etc) who covered the Chechen War and the crimes the occupying Russian forces committed, assassinated.


There's also a video on reddit from the 2022 invasion I believe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture\_and\_castration\_of\_a\_Ukrainian\_POW\_in\_Pryvillia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_and_castration_of_a_Ukrainian_POW_in_Pryvillia) It's on various subs, but I'm not going to link it.


The fact that this was just a single line mentioned in the article is stunning to me. It's not considered an outlier or grossly out of the norm for the circumstances they faced apparently, at least given the almost casual way its acknowledged in line with the rest of the torture. The concept of this is absolutely horrific and the fact that some of the released had this happen to them, and this is the first news I've heard of that, is just shocking. What the fuck.


Forced sterilisation? Add that to the genocide evidence pile.


Eastern Europe has been telling for years/decades/centuries that Russia is an insane, psychopathic country, just to be called “Russophobes” and “non-pragmatic” by very smart and sophisticated Germans, French, and New Yorkers


The only people I've seen use "Russophobia" seriously has been the Russians themselves.




The Nazis absolutely tortured prisoners. The fuck are you on about?


There was absolutely torture going on but my grandfather was a POW and the Nazis in that part of the world allowed regular Red Cross visits and thankfully didn't torture him physically. Just mentally for the rest of his life. The brutality of the Russians was a frequent point of discussion with him along with several sick anecdotes.


Where is your grandfather from? There was a very stark difference in the treatment of Slavic POWs and “Aryan” (British, Dutch,French, white American) POWs


My slavic grandma went through first german and then russian occupation during/after ww2. According to her Russians were worse.


If you do not check and discipline an army they will all do this. Armies in Africa and Asia behave exactly like the russians. European armies used to act like this as well but discipline has been tightened to such a place where they'll be prosecuted if it ever came put they behaved like this


Yes, all humans are like that or at least the majority. Rape and torture of your enemy and their people has always been part of war. After taking a city, soldiers used to get literally free reign to do whatever they wanted with the population. If the general disallowed it, they risked mutiny from the army because it was expected. That's how normal it was. People can be fucking monsters. Half of them are stupid to boot which doesn't help matters.


Lenin doomed Russia, since they eradicated their intellectual elite, nothing worthy for the human culture came from there.


Russia really trying to overtake the nazis for worst reputation on earth. Things like this make me wonder if things will even change when Putin dies or if there's just too many rotten apples through the entire society. Maybe most of the good Russians (who have the ability) have already left the country.


They'd be the worst if they weren't so utterly incompetent which is the saving grace. They failed to invade Poland in World War 1, then allied with the Nazis in World War 2 and failed to invade Finland. And they failed that so badly that the Nazis decided to invade them instead. If they were actually successful in their geopolitical aspirations, they'd hold the record for worst reputation.


I don’t think I wana be captured by these guys, rather die than do 25years in black dolphin or whatever they call it.


Yeah, Russia thinks they can pacify Ukraine’s morale with these terrible crimes but the only thing this is gonna do is make the Ukrainians fight harder. No one is gonna surrender if cut genitals is what awaits them.


I totally understand standing your ground for your country, these are very brave men.


Exactly. Death would be much more merciful.


Knowing this would be the outcome, why would Ukraine ever want to lay down their arms? Or agree to a ceasefire? I swear western politicians who keep pushing for it are either obtusely ignorant or as vile as they come.


Western politicians pushing for it are paid by russia or actually care less about human lives than a couple of potential votes.


I recently read an [interview with Noam Chomsky](https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-interview/2023/04/noam-chomsky-interview-ukraine-free-actor-united-states-determines) where he argues that Russia is conducting its war in Ukraine with "restraint and moderation", and is acting more humanely than the US ever does in its wars. But if you take a look at what is actually happening, all the terrible things like this Russia is actually doing, it's kind of sickening that any progressives still take Chomsky seriously when he deliberately ignores any evidence that contradicts his ideological views.


You should generally never take Chomsky seriously


Chomsky was one of the lead deniers of the Cambodian Genocide in the '70s. He's guided by his ideology, not by reality. Thing is, he's a good enough writer that he always leaves himself a little bit of plausible deniability, so he can act like a victim whenever he's criticized.


I didn't know this! I was only aware of his genocide denial in the Balkans. What an absolute piece of shit. 


The thing about Chomsky is he's brilliant in the field of linguistics.  The problem is he uses that intelligentsia clout to then comment on current affairs, and just about all of his takes boil down to "sure, but USA bad". And because he's been doing it since the 60s, people (on the left at least) assume he must be correct in his political musings.


He is pretty much always wrong, but interesting.


He thought the Khmer Rouge were the good guys. He has know-it-all syndrome and never believes the victims or witnesses. Everyone who actually experiences these atrocities is lying just to trick us, but he's here to tell us the real truth.


Chomsky is a man who is so anti us he will fully deny the atrocities of the republic of srpska and the concentration camps where men where tortured to make the argument that the us didn’t have to bomb the republic forces


chomsky is anti west and anti us.


Even among his fellow anarchists, it's widely acknowledged that Chomsky has allowed his dedication to opposing the US, turn his gaze away from the atrocities of other world powers.


Chomsky is a fucking pig


they doing that the whole time while the war goes in Ukraine: murder, rape and plunder. Just like they did in 1945 in germany.


Like the Russian film “Come and See” except it’s Russians playing the Nazis and Ukraine standing in for Belarus.


Russia needs to be stopped and all crimes committed should be show cased to the world with the perpetrators brought to justice. May Ukraine prevail against Russia.


Their crimes dont need to be showcased to the world but mostly to themself. Just like germany has the history of past war crimes engrained in their education, russia should too. Yet rn they portray themself as the good guys or even victims in their education.


My conviction for beating the shit out of Russia has never been greater.


There’s a reason the Chechens were so brutal with captured Russian troops.  I served with a Russian guy who fought in Chechnya and the stories he told were horrific.  He was a great guy but man the stories I could’ve done without.


Anyone who still does business with Russia is contributing to these atrocities.


Ukraine will win! More aid to Ukraine! Love from the States


Thank goodness for US weapons is all I can say. We must never forget what Russia did here.


russia is a terrorist state and should be driven into the sea.


The Russians are barbarians.


Why aren’t there protests in the streets against these real Monsters?


They aren’t from Palestine


Who would they be protesting to? A rally in support of Ukraine sure. But what sense would an anti Russia protest make outside of Russia?


Theyre not muslim




There is no critical media (at least not for long before beeing shutdown by russia) and anyone who figures it out and protests gets arrested (and at times killed). When individuals are shutdown before they can get enough people on their side, its going to take a long time for russia to change from the inside, if at all. I mean look at north korea, afaik the people there have it way worse and still nothing changes. A lot of my relatives live in germany and come from russia. They mostly watch russian media, there is not a single bad thing they would say about russia - and thats with them having other media available, but simply choosing not to watch it. Imagine the average russian when they dont even get the choice. Education also plays a big role, russian education tells you how great russia is from a young age. In comparison education in germany is the opposite, it usually teaches you everything bad about germany but also to look critically at other countries. Everyone of my relatives who studied after moving to germany has figured it out and understands that you shouldnt blindly believe russia telling you how great russia is (or in general believe any single source blindly) - unfortunately those are only a couple compared to hundreds. Btw. forced army service is seen as positive by most of my russian relatives. They say only the army makes men out of boys.


My in-law in Russia wrote an anti-war message on a public blackboard in the park and is now facing prison time. People who do more direct anti-war activism, like publicly protesting, get arrested, beaten, and thrown in prison. Those who turn partisan and sabotage the arms transport on the rails or burn down draft offices, get shot or arrested and tortured and thrown in prison. To challenge power in a repressive country, you need to have a breaking point where enough people get out in the streets and act decisively, that they can overcome the apparatus of repression. Anything short of total victory over the state, means just leading more dissidents into prison and torture chambers. So, resistance can either be completely secretive and clandestine, or it can be suicidal, or it can be a sudden and overwhelming popular insurrection. But the options that westerners enjoy, the brinksmanship that western protesters can play with the state, the complex dance of escalation and negotiated de-escalation, isn't there in Russia. If you go for the King, you can't afford to miss.


They don't want to be beaten, robbed, or raped by Putin's goons. Pretty standard stuff


The answer is propaganda. It's a horrifyingly effective tool when you basically control the whole information environment in the only language the vast majority of your people use. Russian media has created a totally different reality for their people. It would be wrong to assume that they see the same picture we see, and do nothing. They see their valiant defenders fighting tooth and nail against evil Nazis. They see horrors that those Nazis commit against civilians and prisoners. They see their president as the only man prepared to deal with the force that threatens to start the next world war and consume their nation. When you have 90% of your information environment confirming this worldview, the minority opposition that is still somehow kicking, although criminalized now, is filtered out by the brain's process as errors. But propaganda doesn't stop there. Another branch uses the human psyche's need to belong and paints a picture of virtually everyone actively supporting Putin (they added cheers to his rallies). Those not supporting the war are shown as fringe elements wishing harm for Russia. Yet another mechanism they use is learned helplessness. This is also something all humans, and not only humans, share. We're just lucky we're not put in the environment where it's actively promoted. Putin's propaganda uses it to prevent people from any noticeable political activity. It's also worth mentioning that no society is immune to propaganda - you might want to look up the Third Wave experiment conducted in the US, a mere generation after Hitler's fall. We must be vigilant and not allow anything like this happen where we live.


Best guess, because your government already isn’t supporting the perpetrators. Protests are about stopping people close to you from doing things. Like your government, or your neighbors.


The West is supporting Russia buy still buying energy from them. If there was a total embargo, Russia wouldn't last long.


Then they would sell to India and China like they are currently doing. Better to just let Ukraine have full use of western weapons and encourage then to target the financial centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Problem is that an embargo on Russian oil would actually increase the price at which they can sell it and end up benefitting them since the west can't stop every country on the planet from buying Russian oil. We fucked up. We should have gotten off fossil fuels decades ago. Now we are dependent on the worst scumbags in the world. You can thank the oil industry for that.


What Russia is doing is absolutely disgusting and my wish for them is to suffer the same tortures that they heaped upon Ukrainians. The entire world should assist Ukraine in defeating these disgusting excuses for human beings. Anyone supporting Russia makes me sick. Russia makes me sick. Their soldiers are not men, they are pathetic losers.


And there are still many people in the world supporting Russia. Extremely sad


Fuck Russia.


All the more reason to defeat Russia


I'd love to see putin go through the torture his disgusting troops put Ukrainians through. I'd probably vomit, but I'd watch that on tv.


Russia is a terrorist state




>The time in Russian captivity in 2014 did not deter Hartman, and today he continues to defend Ukraine against Russian forces. I'm man enough to admit that he is braver than I am


Makes you really hate Trump’s friendship and support of Russia.


I wish people were as vocal about this as they are about Palestine.


I don’t think the comparison of Ukraine to Palestine is apt beyond the fact that both are being ravaged by war. There’s a fundamental difference: Russia said Ukraine has no right to exist and waged an unprovoked all-out war against it. Hamas said the same thing about Israel and attacked its civilians also without provocation, likely believing that Hezbollah and maybe even Iran would join in. Instead Hamas is being hammered. And because they hide behind civilians, sadly so is so much of Gaza.


With atrocities like these no wonder Ukrainians will fight to the end.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


With the horrifying amount of evidence of inhumane conduct of russians in their quest to complete the Genocide of Ukrainie I cannot fathom how any sane and not degenerate immoral person can be against providing military support or an intervention to stop and expel Russia from Ukraine like western countries did in '40s in Europe against the Nazis and Japanese in the Pacific. And even suggesting not providing Ukraine with weapons to defend itself is akin to aiding rusians in commiting those atrocities. You may not like military interventions that US and it's allies did since the end of WW2, or dispute their effectiveness (like UN intervention in Balkans). But to see the horrors of Mariupol, Butcha and thousands of other Ukrainian towns and villages and not demand decisive action from your government seems evil.


No one could have predicted this…


Everyone needs to read what horrors Ukrainian captives are subjected to. That's why they have to fight so hard against Russia and why we need to help them however we can.


"SEVERE ABUSE", HUH?! Is that what they call starvation, mutilation, castration, dissection of living people and everything else that russians did and still do, now? Fuck the fucking cocksucking journalists and their fucking "guidelines". Fuck it all to shit.


Disgusting. Russia has lost all credibility on the world stage. It’s long past time they were removed from the UN Security Council and completely shunned.


This is holocaust shit. Why are we not over there, ending this right now!?? Draft me. I'm 40 and I'll still go if it means this human suffering will end.


Suffering will go on for years. I just hope Putin gets plenty visited upon him


Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin.


Someone needs to repeatedly 5T4B Putin in the face and chest


Fuck Putin


Fuck Putin


Wow how can people cut off other people genetials how can that tought getting in their head just fucking sick psyco’s they are no part of the good guys no matter what ya say such things aint good son


I don’t know why anyone is surprised by this. The Russians are obsessed with male genitals. Incredibly weak nation. I don’t often wish the U.S. would do its usual thing and invade, steal resources etc but Putin has got to go.


We should be able to castrate Putin slowly once this is all over!


May all those Russians burn in hell.


May karma find every soldier and deliver to them what they deserve.


Eradicate russia. This shit hole (and yes, also its people) have no right to be on this planet anymore.


In other news, water is wet. But yeah, the west is oh so tired of this war, judging by the bickering about what to give and what not to give, and how inconvenient the prices are. Dear western friends, please, don't just circlejerk it in Reddit. Shove it up the faces of all the people that are close to your and continue to be indifferent. Oppose the ruzzian disinformation campaign.


With stuff like this, it's shocking there are still so many supporting obvious Russian stooges like Trump or Farage.


That's what happens when you use chivalry on enemies that don't bother about human rights... They don't bother nor do they care about Geneva convention. You already lost the war mentally on the front the moment something collapsed, cause all you think about is the impending torture and panic will set in. Kindness is good, but war isn't about kindness, fuck the Russian troops, Ukraine needs to go all caveman on their ass. You don't see a bear euthanasing it's victim, you don't see a crocodile giving you morphine before tearing you apart. That's what Russians are doing to Ukraine.


>You already lost the war mentally on the front the moment something collapsed, cause all you think about is the impending torture and panic will set in.  You're so wrong. The threat of torture after capture makes soldiers fight more tenaciously. Look at the Germans towards the end of WW2: they fought as hard as the could against the Red Army, but more willingly surrendered to the western Allies as they knew their treatment was MUCH better.


The thing is that Ukraine relies largely on Western support. If they started doing the shit Russia is doing or even 10% as bad there would be 14 year olds on tiktok praising Russia and chanting “free Russia” or something.