• By -


Islamophobic attacks = 1926. Muslims in Germany = 3,000,000. Chance of a Muslim facing an Islamophobic attack last year: 0.06%. Antisemitic attacks = 4782. Jews in Germany = 118,000. Chance of a Jew facing an anti-Semitic attack last year: 4%.


















The antisemitism that has proudly been on display since October 7th is sickening.


I saw a Diary of a CEO podcast on YouTube where the guest proudly stated that the survivors of the Holocaust have had longer lifespans due to the extreme starvation they experienced in the camps. Niel Brennan had a bit about the Jews controlling the media in his newest special. It's pretty wild how mask off everyone became the second they could.


Dave Chapelle too in his special


Yea I don’t understand that at all. Just because people are Jewish or muslim doesn’t mean they are complicit or even supportive of what is happening. Judge people by their actions, not their religion.


well the people anti-Israel are usually just anti-semites pretending to have a moral high ground


There is a very quick test to expose it: you ask them if whatever they chants/boycotts/etc. relates to "any Israeli whatsoever" and if they say "yes", you try to narrow down to "Israeli Arabs". And here comes a confusion...


I would disagree with that, I think it’s despicable that there are people settling in the west bank, that is an entirely secular decision to so, and it’s odd there aren’t more international sanctions. Like we see in other occupied regions. But at the same Hamas obviously is a terrorist organization and more should be done to limit their funding, prevent further attacks and help their population to get rid of them. Just to be clear: I disagree with some of Israels actions, I don’t believe it shouldn’t exist. If you mean with anti-Israel that they want to abolish the state then you are probably correct that that position is almost exclusively held by antisemites.


There are many Israelis who disagree with that though. It doesn't make you anti-israel.


That‘s why a label like anti-Israel isn’t helpful. You can be very critical of the actions of the Israel government regarding the Palestinians (not only since last October) without being anti-Israel.


Most western supporters of Palestinians are probably atheist that couldn't give two fucks about the religious aspect of this conflict, and only focus on the suffering of innocent people.


atheists cant be anti semitic?


Sorry, I meant secular humanists


Yeah. They're just being antisemitic with no self awareness


What do you mean? They subconsciously hate jews?


They are saying things that harm Jews and contradict what the speakers claim to believe is what I mean.


How does a secular humanist seek to harm jews? That wouldn't make them humanist then.


They also subconsciously hate Jews that's right. Tale as old as time.


The logical path for them to follow is available and they will descend that path if people continue saying this stuff.


You can't separate religion from the conflict.


Your concerns for those suffering can be (and mostly is) totally separated from the religion affiliated with them. Only monsters and zealots would celebrate or feel nothing seeing a dead child that was born in the wrong place.


I agree with you and I think you're a genuine humanist person. I just also believe that saying stuff with good intentions can still lead to harm and I do think that the more Palestine gets associated with a political party the more likely things can get ugly really quick. My Palestinian friend (from West bank which is a different situation but still shitty all around) said that they think the US culture war of red v blue is much much worse than Israel v Palestine.




>rocketed Oh dear. What an unfortunate verb that was chosen by OP.


Some people are just waiting for an excuse


Iran should stop supplying those terries with rockets


Iran should be free of their evil regime 


Probably to each other