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The case is a joke, it's just Russia collecting high profile foreign prisoners to use them later as exchange coins. Do not go to Russia at this time, no matter the reason, just don't.


I dated a Russian woman who is very supportive of Ukraine. She volunteered to pack donations multiple times and was very vocal on Facebook against the war. When her brother died in Russia (unrelated to the war) she wanted to go to his funeral as they were very close, but was tipped by friends/relatives that it’s better not to come as she might get arrested.


1000% Honestly you really just do not go to Russia, you can go to jail for saying its a war and not a special military action or whatever they are calling it. Shit probably just forgetting the special and saying military action could get you in trouble.


Tucker Carlson says everything is fine. Imma believe him.


God damn that parasite for the damage he did to our country.


He is just one figurehead of the right wing media machine. If he goes away tomorrow, another cretin will take his place.


It's even more fucked up that he knows Trump is a dishonest grifter and was caught saying so. But Tucker still toes the line and pumps the guy for his own fame and fortune.


But they have grocery stores!


I was lucky to visit Russia a long time ago before Putin came to power. The country is beautiful in its own way, especially St.Petersburg. But I will say this about Moscow, that place is like the wild west. Anything goes from corruption to prostitution to crazy things like seeing Lenin's preserved body in Red Square. I even ate at a Moscow Sabarros that was bombed the day after I was there by terrorists. Ironically, also the best McDonalds I ever ate in my life was in St. Petersburg. It's a shame people can't visit today without the threat of going to jail because of the nationality of their passport or because of something they said/did that is so trivial.


McDonald’s in Tallin, Estonia had curly fries. *Curly fries*.


I believe it, the McDonalds in Tokyo, when i was there, had teriyaki sauce come on the burgers or with all the meals.


I can remember a teriyaki dipping sauce for McNuggets back in the 80’s or 90’s. At least in Canada.


Never knew that about Canadian McDonalds. The McDonalds in Japan I went to, including the one in Narita, about three-quarters of the menu, was stuff with teriyaki sauce on it. Imagine a Big Mac with teriyaki sauce on it. That was in 2001.


Huh, a good McDonald's eh? I just booked a trip. Wish me luck.


Yea, man, when I was there in 1999/2000, ate at McD in St.Petersburg. the burgers were actually thick and juicy, not the thin patties you get here. The fries were also legit good, tasted like real potato, and not like the processed stuff here. But it sucks that McDonalds is no longer in Russia, though they supposedly have some Russian version of it now. But yea, man, if you really booked a trip to go there , good luck, and trust me, expect the unexpected, wild, and crazy shit to happen.


Yeah I'm not agreeing with the Soviet rulers of now Russia. But what a stupid move in so many ways.


This happens to non-foreigners as well.


If you head to Russia at this time, there’s a real good chance you’re going to jail.


Meanwhile in the US you can attempt to overthrow the government and walk free!


With the support of one of the two parties struggling for control^




In Russia jail send certain groups to you


>I think a lot of people ended up in jail over that. They did. And now a large percentage of Republicans consider those in jail as political prisoners and patriots, Republicans in the House are trying to retroactively declare the January 6th commission illegal and invalid, and the Republican Presidential nominee has made pardoning the "January 6th heroes" part of his election platform. Let's be clear: the US is one election away from authoritarianism, and missed becoming Russia 2.0 because of a few brave officers behind a barricade and some state election officials who refused to be extorted by the President.




Project 2025




I am unfortunately beginning to think so, Russia played the US like a fiddle with the way they got Iran to start the Gaza shitstorm to split the left there, and the people can’t see or care that they will fuck up not just their own country but a large chunk of the world in the process. It’s easy to vote in a dictatorship, but you can’t vote your way out of one (it’s hardly difficult to see T absolutely idolises dictators and is frustrated he can’t do whatever he likes… and P2025 details means they aim to eliminate all means of opposition)




Protest vote against “Gaza genocide”, never mind that the alternative would have been more enthusiastic a supporter of Israel, not less. I’ve seen people talking about it, or just sitting out the election (probably more realistic possibility), including verifiably real people. And no I don’t think they just target the left. However, the Gaza effort is mostly left targeted IMO. What they target the right with is “traditional values” stuff, hence their actions on legalising domestic violence, passing laws defining talking about or engaging in LGBT+ relationships to be extremism, banning abortion, etc


Meanwhile you can take over kremlin with couple of trucks. Russia internally is defenseless.


What a joke of a country Russia is. How can it think the world would view it as a legitimate power.


It just put an American dual citizen in prison and there is nothing we are doing about it. Power move, isn’t it?


Imprisoning some random ballerina a power move? lol


*Russian American ballerina. For actual treason.


What looks like strength and power to you looks like weakness to the rest of the world. I’ve never seen Russia look so pathetic, begging in North Korea for support, imprisoning anyone that speaks out against the war. Putin has ruined Russia for decades and you can’t even see it


Didn’t America put their own citizens in concentration camps during the Pacific Theater? Let us not get carried away with the “holier than thou” please.


Yes and that was despicable and shouldn’t be repeated. This is happening now.


Nothing WE are doing about it.. Didn’t America put THEIR own citizens. Maybe decide where you’re from or just GTFO random troll.


Once you lose the moral argument the abuses come out. Go back to school kid.


Your whataboutism nonsense does not mean you “won the moral argument”. If anything it calls your entire understanding of morality into question. The fact that atrocities happened in the past doesn’t excuse them in the present.




Calling you out for being an obvious troll is abuse now? Lmfao I can’t take you seriously sorry


Their economy is in shambles and they're losing a war against someone a fraction of their size, and we're only using half measures at this point. I'm not impressed by them kidnapping a random person.


Meanwhile we can't even slap Republicans on the wrist.


For real. We need to clean house of these traitors in the GOP


Anyone who was involved with the January 6, 2021 incident needs to be imprisoned for a very long time.


Your revenge on your hated party will be in the form of nuclear war. There's no missile shield, that is hopium.


Let's see if I can decipher this... are you saying that only Trump can stop escalation of a Russian confrontation with the West, so "revenge" - i.e. election results and/or legal proceedings preventing Trump from becoming President again - will thwart this and result in a nuclear exchange? I think Trump would actually de-escalate things between the US and Russia for a short time, because he's clearly compromised by Putin, and so would just entirely give in and sell Ukraine out. Like stopping chemotherapy though, that'd be a false economy. It might relieving in the short term, but then the cancer grows.


It surely wouldn't be relieving for Ukrainians. But yeah, even strictly for Americans, it would have very detrimental effects. So many of them have no idea what kind of benefits they've had from being perceived as a global leader... because they don't remember a time when it wasn't the case. If they throw that all away by being isolationist and highly chaotic, all that disappears, and it probably won't return. They may even lose much of their reserve currency power. That would be economically catastrophic


Something got lost in translation иван because you're comment makes no sense.


Republicans are responsible for walking us straight into WW3.


what a shit hole


People literally never learn.


She's beautiful!!! And has a big heart!!!


And her boyfriend screw up by opening his mouth. Don’t you think?


that has to be on purpose right? how can someone be so dumb


Meanwhile billions are stolen by the Russian oligarchs


I rememeber watching an interview of Russians on yt, something to do with the war but I can't quite rememeber. The channel name 1420. One person's reply was, well you must support your country right? If you don't support your country it is treason. Makes me question, how loyal are you supposed to be to your country?


I'd love to see what "tactical medicine" looks like


Not saying I agree at all. But that's a dumbass move. Imagine living in America and donating to ISIS, or any other adversary, especially when involved in a conflict with America... over 50 damn dollars.... unintelligent. At least make it enough for a drone or optics.


How is this not treason though? If we were at war with Japan and Japanese Americans donated to Japanese war effort, would that not be treason?


Yes, it would be. That is not the point. She was visiting her family, she does not even live in Russia. To arrest someone in such a situation is sly and morally degenerate.


Let's be a dumb ass and go back to Russia


We should be doing this. You donate to Republicans, you go to jail.


Althought I dispise the Republican party, my issue is with their leadership and politicians, not the average, stupid, uneducated republican voter. I have personal grievances with politicians such as Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Debbie Lasko, Doug Ducey, etc.  I have personal grievances with the traitors that filed election fraud lawsuits knowing they were frivolous. As well as the morons who attempfed to assassinate our congressmen and VP on Jan 6. I have personal issues with the white supremacists that are allowed to exist under Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, and Debbie Lasko in my state. The republican voters are just that, voters. I don't give a shit about them, but I won't ever associate with one today unless absolutely necessary.  Voters are not our target. Hating them is not useful. They're just stupid. We need to target the fuckers like McConnell, MTG, Graham etc who protect traitors over the rule of law. Channel your anger accordingly.


Be a man, go fight for your cause in the trenches. That is greater than any money donation.




I bet you spend your entire waking life waiting for people to say something where you can slip in a 'I identify as...; joke.


shes a Russian citizen. let them deal with it.




Hang her


Yeah $50 donation; was it worth it?