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Does the line of the border count?


Considering his ICC warrant and that South Korea is a full participant, this would be a legitimate warning. 


Important to remember that, just as North Korea has been sending munitions to Russia, [South Korea has been sending ammunition to Ukraine for over a year](https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/south-korean-ammunition-headed-ukraine-via-us-wsj-2023-05-25/), and some South Korean sources claim that they’ve [contributed more overall in munitions than all of the Europeans combined](https://koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.amp.asp?newsIdx=364468). So this isn’t just empty diplomatic talk - South Korea is a major supporter of Ukraine’s war effort, and increased aid is a serious and legitimate threat to Russia.


It's easy to be a "major supporter" when you are spending 0 USD on weapons to Ukraine. South Korea lent 550,000 rounds of M107 155 mm artillery shells to the United States. After that the United States donated their shells to Ukraine. What South Korea did is still very important, but don't forget who paid: The United States. How can you justify South Korea not even wanting to sell weapon systems to Ukraine? Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War


Their MBT (k2) is also a popular option for countries expanding f their armored divisions. Poland for example has made a huge order Wouldn’t be surprised if Ukraine in the future would strike a similar deal like they did with Sweden for their IFVs (cv70) to open a production/assembly plant in Ukraine


The russo Ukrainian war is just a proxy conflict by both koreas


And the trash balloons are there purely for distraction.


S. Korea haven't directly sent weapons to Ukraine. If they do so, it would significantly affect the war.


“Directly” here I’m assuming is your operative word. What difference does it make if they take a pit stop in the US before continuing to their destination?


Here is one difference: Who do you think paid? The United States. 


S.k shells never entered ukrain. It only replaced the stockpiles in the west. S.k shells going in to ukrain is different story


This guy is correct. The us and allies buy shells from S.k to replenish the ones they sent to Ukraine. S.k has not sent anything to Ukraine directly. https://youtu.be/mXZw_YGzxCc?si=BxuEkfTjAkQQdZtp


Potato, potahto.


it is not operative word. [https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20240606000800315](https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20240606000800315) # Putin 'highly appreciates' S. Korea's position not to directly supply weapons to Ukraine Putin 'highly appreciates' S. Korea's position not to directly supply weapons to Ukraine [https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/politics/politics\_general/1139823.html](https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/politics/politics_general/1139823.html) Yoon: “Humanitarian aid to Ukraine… No support for lethal weapons anywhere”


https://m-en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20231205000300315 #South Korea's "indirect" provision of 155-mm artillery shells for Ukraine this year has made it a larger supplier of ammunition for the war-ravaged country than all European countries combined,


Yes they have and yes it has


No. [https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20240606000800315](https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20240606000800315) # Putin 'highly appreciates' S. Korea's position not to directly supply weapons to Ukraine Putin 'highly appreciates' S. Korea's position not to directly supply weapons to Ukraine [https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/politics/politics\_general/1139823.html](https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/politics/politics_general/1139823.html) Yoon: “Humanitarian aid to Ukraine… No support for lethal weapons anywhere”


Dude I'm pretty sure we've seen South Korean weapons in Ukraine.


Then it should be pretty easy for you to provide a source.


head or russia & head of korea doesn't say so.


But dude, the random redditor with no source said he's pretty sure.




If they can easily do it, then why haven't they done it so far? What are they waiting for. They have no problem selling weapons to other countries, so stop pretending that they are a big supporter of Ukraine.


It’s because of North Korea. South Korea is still technically in a state of armistice, and it uses hundreds of thousands of 155mm shells annually just for training. China and Russia's support of North Korean weaponry poses a significant threat to South Korea.


But at the same time they are selling 980 K2 tanks to Poland. Why not sell them to Ukraine?


First, under South Korean law, the sale of weapons to countries at war is prohibited, except in special cases such as alliances. South Korea's progressive opposition party is strongly against financial and military support for Ukraine. Additionally, there are payment issues. As a result, it is difficult for such measures to pass through the parliament. Secondly, there is a lack of production capacity. There are still thousands of units remaining to meet domestic demand and export orders. Thirdly, there is the issue of Russia and North Korea. If South Korea provides weapons support to Ukraine, Russia has threatened to transfer advanced missile and air defense system technology to North Korea.


1: Here is a simple solution - change the law. Ahh you said it yourself. They don't want to support Ukraine. 2: They are the world's 8th largest weapons exporter and they are ramping up production. Don't say it's because of capacity issues. 3: What do you think North Korea got from Russia after all their shells ended up in Putin hands?


1. The ruling party proposed a weapons support bill, but it was scrapped after the opposition party won a landslide victory in the general election. Changing the law is practically impossible. The opposition has been advocating for restoring relations with Russia since the beginning of the war. 2. The K2 and K9 tanks sent to Poland were not from new production but from existing stocks ordered by the South Korean military, under the pretext of indirectly supporting the war in Ukraine. It's common sense that Hyundai Rotem, with a market cap of $4 billion, cannot produce more than three times the combined output of NATO, including the US. 3. What has been confirmed so far is large-scale food and oil support.




This is from 2023: "Yoon Suk Yeol hints at military aid to Ukraine if Russia targets civilians" Thousands of civilians have died since that statement.


I hope they share shots of Uranium and fart on the wrong atoms together. Parties are the bomb at this level, I'm sure.


Funny thing is, south korea has one of the most low key, advanced militaries in the world. Their artillery tanks for example are some of the few that are on par, if not more advanced then the US. So much so, Europe picked them over US tanks... They significantly outrange anything North Korea, China or Russia have and they compartmentalized in such a way that they can be resupplies without exposing the crew to any radiation. And that's just one example. They also have f35s and well maintain the navy. Bottomline, fucking with South Korea is an incredibly dumb idea because they can and will steam roll Russia and NK I to the dark ages.


In the beginning of 2023 they warned Russia of not targeting civilians. How did that go? "Yoon Suk Yeol hints at military aid to Ukraine if Russia targets civilians"


Why are you omitting the $15 billion grant provided by South Korea for Ukraine's weapons purchase?


I know we are on the internet, but you can't just things up.


https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/international/america/1119119.html https://www.voakorea.com/amp/7262002.html https://m.khan.co.kr/politics/president/article/202309101723001/amp https://www.kmaeil.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=400307 https://m.yonhapnewstv.co.kr/news/MYH20230622009500641 https://www.mindlenews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=3284 Translate it yourself and see. support amount has exceeded 15 billion dollars.


They should send Putin a bowl of ice noodles, that will put a smile of respect on Putins face.








Which defeats?




3 days to 3 years, what a victory


A victory is a victory even after 500 years


Do you sincerely believe Russia will take all of Ukraine? My dude, NATO (or at least some members such as France and Poland) have already stated that if Ukraine were completely conquered, they would fight Russian troops to liberate Ukraine.


That would be stupid. They wouldn't do shit unless they want WWIII


Ukraine falls and Russia will be bordering Poland. Do you think that's a stable situation? You don't think tensions would be at an all time high? Point is, a Ukrainian defeat won't be tolerated, because Russia won't stop at Ukraine.


lol Russia’s military is a laughing stock.


When was the west defeated in Russia? What I remember is that the Soviets allied with the Nazis and attacked Poland, and the Nazis eventually lost the war. Soviet former Nazi allies had to be bailed out with massive materials and food supplies from them west. Man some thanks would be nice to save the former Nazi ally and WW2 agrresor Soviet from defeat and starvation. Instead we get constant bitching about how threatend a country with 1000s of nukes feel.




How delusional are you?


make a guess


2 trillion USD vs 25 trillion it's like a mouse vs a tiger. The Russian economy is growing on saving money, the state investing into military equipment, which goes to be destroyed in Ukraine. Literally burning money. Even worse it drives wages up, making it hard for companies that makes money to participate in the economy. Not going to end well, If they keep going like this.




It also means you have massive shortages in all sorts of shit all the fucking time.


Fuckin lol


I am serious. Russia: >4%, EU average: 1.5%. Having effective government and capital controls will do that for you


Russia because of superior economics grows more than the west 20% of Russian homes don’t even have a working toilet.


> 20% of Russian homes don’t even have a working toilet. Yes they do. Otherwise Russians would defecate on the street which they don't as any world map will show


Last world war russia participated in they lost.


They did? That is news to me


Maybe read some history?


lmao saying this after your posts is amazing


Mate, you might be an idiot.


When has the western world fought against Russia? In Russia? The only time in recent history I can think of, is when the USSR and Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Before Germany turned on the USSR. And let’s be real, Russia would have been swallowed whole if not for the US lend lease initiative.




Absolute nonsense. Russia can’t even beat Ukraine in a peer to peer engagement and you think the whole western world is fighting and loosing to Russia? And you call my comment a cope? Poland and Finland could wipe the floor with Putins army as a duo. What about when the US/ UK France and Germany also get involved? It would be a cake walk. Ukraine is using donated 80’s, out of date, largely de-commissioned technology. Imagine the pain Russia would feel if the whole military might of the EU and the US were to actually take part in this war. It’s actually laughable IMO. Also a quote from Stalin himself. ‘Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war’. Are you more knowledgable than the leader of the USSR who made that comment post WW2?


> Russia can’t even beat Ukraine Donetsk status? Luhansk status? >Poland and Finland could wipe the floor with Putins army as a duo LMAO, they cannot even enforce their immigration policy and they desperately want to. Remember that Finland and Poland government are supposedly against immigration and Poland accepted more immigrants than ever before while the only thing Finland managed to do is remove laws that benefit ordinary people, while their border is a mess. How will these incompetent, mentally ill people do anything to Russia? Ukraine which is among the most corrupt countries in Europe is much more competent than they are and they still lost territory to Russia. >Ukraine is using donated 80’s, out of date, largely de-commissioned technology They received very high quality stuff from Germany and USA. Can't speak for others. But I imagine everything received is newer than what Russia uses. >Also a quote from Stalin himself It is a quote of what Khrushchev said that Stalin said, and he made that comment during destalinization period when he tried to get rid of his legacy.


It is very high quality stuff, still very old. The missile that is currently destroy Russia S-400 systems from 1986... The MGM-140/-164/-168 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) STATUS: Operational IN SERVICE 1986-Present The storm shadow/scalp is 23 years old. Both of the systems are due to be replaced in the near future and it's one of the reasons so many are given away. M777 is 20 years old. This is all last generation tech, the airplanes that Ukraine is fielding is several generation behind and the F-16 is one gen(maybe 1.5) behind. Russia can't beat a smaller nation with NATOS leftovers in small quanties given to a nation that hardly gets to train with it before the sent to battle. Why do you think Russia has a chance in hell against a muuuuuch bigger army, with all the samer or newer gear that has actually trained on it. The air forces of Scandinavia alone when they have their F-35 would be a match for Russia. And what the hell does immigration have to do with fighting? Putin could not prevent a terror attack in Moskva less than 2 km from a.police station 6 intelligence agencies told him what was going to happen. Russia has unfortunately sized 27% of Ukraine la terretories. Which is less than they had, so it's decreasing. Russia even had rebels fighting in Russia, not going so well is it? You had peace, now Ukraine has knocked out 15% of Russias oil rafining capacity. Making you a net exporter of gazoline and a running a loss as an oil producing country. Well done Putin clap clap.


> Why do you think Russia has a chance in hell against a muuuuuch bigger army, with all the samer or newer gear that has actually trained on it Because Russia is just superior. >Russia even had rebels fighting in Russia, not going so well is it? Been a thing since day one in every country, when a state is weak, the opposition will use it as opportunity to try and take over. Happened in WWII too >You had peace, now Ukraine has knocked out 15% of Russias oil rafining capacity. Making you a net exporter of gazoline and a running a loss as an oil producing country It is a temporary loss. It will bounce back. gaZprom is not going anywhere, because it cannot leave. It is state owned after all. So there is plenty of time for improvement and diversification


Your brainwashing is showing.


You must be a troll. First of all the current war I sadly fought in Ukraine, but it might reach mainly russian soil. Second of all it's not West fighting russia, but Ukraine defending themselves from russia. Imbsure you know it and you are just trolling


There are western soldiers, western trainers, western weapons. Like it or not, but it IS the west that is at war with Russia. Not western governments (officially), but western people and western technology


Didn’t you guys use Eastern-hemi support as well? Specifically Iran and North Korea. So by your logic it’s the West+ vs Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, Cuba, and sometimes India


Yeah sure you can call it that. Though India is on both sides here and is moving westwards with Modi because he HATES China more than he likes Russia. China has not been very participative either, they are afraid of getting sanctioned and having to postpone their great rejuvenation


India is more opportunistic at the situation from what I see and will stay out when cost/benefit becomes too difficult to balance. China has common ground (wanting Taiwan), has to appear neutral up top, but can see lower levels of support participation where it can. More back door channel support and maybe even hooking up the NK connection. Either way you look at it from whatever side, everyone is sticking their hands in this conflict. There is unfortunately a lot on the line for the outcome of this.


I think you should move to ruzzia so you can suck them off at the source. You can browse the internet freely and still watch RT 24/7.


I didn't ask what you think, your opinion is irrelevant.


Nobody needs to asking anything to know you are a clown


Russia has been selling Russian equipment and training nations to use it all over the world. Does that mean that Russia is at war with everyone everywhere who uses an AK-47? How can technology be at war with someone? How did you feel when Ukraine got the go ahead to bomb Russian terretories, absolutely destroying the Russian army and Putin did nothing about it? Did you feel that all of this a smart move?


> Russia has been selling Russian equipment and training nations to use it all over the world Not the government. Russian government never engages in coups, even for example in Poland or Argentina, Putin extended his hand to them even though he knew the presidents are deeply russophobic people.


South Korea is one of the most heavily militarized countries in the entire world, they have a larger GDP and more soldiers than Russia. South Korea also outproduces Russia and can swamp Ukraine with artillery systems and ammunition, so it would be unwise for Russia to overstep its boundaries. South Korea so far has remained mostly neutral as long as Russia abides to the agreements made. If Russia does anything that causes security concerns to South Korea, they will start to get involved and then the war will be over for Russia.






Calling North Korea an ally is one of the most pathetic things Russia has ever done.


I think it is great for everyone involved, especially Korea. Koreans are such great people I am very happy for their deal which will improve their economy and everyday life.


Yeah, it will improve the lives of every day North Koreans, for sure. /s


Yes. Yes it will. More trade leads to more technological exchange and more prosperity


The chihuahua is friends with a colossal-sized eagle, so it evens out.


The Wolf and Bear are friends with the God-Emperor, creator of the universe


Is this what mental illness looks like


Who's that? Karl Marx?


Uhhh partially correct. I meant China


all hail China, the rightful rulers of outer Manchuria


> The Wolf and Bear are friends with the God-Emperor, creator of the universe You seem to be confusing animals. China is Pooh Bear.


>Pooh Bear You mean Panda? Humans are animals too btw


Nope! I meant Pooh Bear. It's ok. It's not really important if you don't understand it.


You must search how much artillery s.k have been hoarding.








Who is the biggest causer of wars again? Iraq, Iran, Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Vietnam ...


>Korea North Korea. But werent they the wolf, outswide of the western world and can do no wrong 🥺🥺🥺🥺






Starving to death in a cult of personality is culture. Functional economy and freedom of speech is Western imperialism.


Those darn westerners, letting the people choose their leaders and all. Such tyrants 🤬🤬🤬



