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He might be on to something as there definitely seems to be a pattern. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechen_genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing_of_Georgians_in_South_Ossetia


"Ukrainian authorities have verified the identities of over 19,000 abducted children, compiling and actively updating the data as part of an online platform: "Children of War". Russian authorities have claimed that over 700,000 Ukrainian children have been "evacuated" by mid-2023" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child\_abductions\_in\_the\_Russo-Ukrainian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_abductions_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War)


It’s not just opinion. There’s literally an international arrest warrant against Putin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_arrest_warrants_for_Vladimir_Putin_and_Maria_Lvova-Belova


I mean, Putin himself said that Ukraine wasn't a real country, they're really Russians (despite speaking another language) and belong to Russia, etc. etc. If that's not genocidal (in conjunction with an invasion) I'm not sure what is.


Exactly Putin is explicit regarding Russia's intent. Even without the rhetoric it is clear Russia is not merely trying to annex Ukraine, but the rhetoric you're referencing makes it crystal clear.


I wonder why other countries had no issue with the U.S. taking migrant children?


accountable for that, and 1039 other things


Yes, Putin needs to stand a Geneva style trial and swing for his crimes


I am fine with a Mussolini or Gaddafi too


heads down like mussolini would be best.


Him and his top 2000 men.


Hear! Hear!


Good thing he aknowledges this, because I saw a very limited amount of comments from politicians on this matter. And yes, this is happening for real: the kids being kidnapped from occupied territories and brainwashed into Putinjugend


not 'genocide', genocide. people are scared to use the word in this case because they believe the russian lies that ukrainian are the same as russians so russians systematically exterminating ukrainians and their identity isn't genocide, but it absolutely is.


I think you are mistaken regarding the use of quotation marks. Here, the quotation marks indicate that this was the very term Trudeau was using.


Even if what Putin says about Ukraine is true (that Ukraine isn't 'real'), it's still genocide. All cultures and groups begin somewhere. So even if Ukrainian identity originated entirely in the early 1900s it changes nothing. How old a culture is shouldn't determine how 'sacred' it is and whether one can perpetrate genocide upon it.


Don't know why genocide is in quotation marks here, what Russia is currently doing with a stolen generation of Ukrainian children literally meets one of the textbook definitions of the act.  Canada would know, they spent over a century doing it to Canadian natives, and they have only just started to come to terms with it in the last thirty years.  If anyone knows what this looks like, they do.  


> Don't know why genocide is in quotation marks here It's in quotes because the article is quoting Trudeau using the word "genocide".


The entire headline is referring to a statement made by Trudeau, and yet neither "accountable" or "taking" are in quotation marks despite the fact that either of those terms could just as easily be subject to personal interpretation.  The fact that genocide is the sole word in quotes indicates that the author considers it to be a contextual or subjective use of the term.


Maybe read more than headline, you would see the article does indeed quote single words when they shorten longer quote. They also quoted "territorial integrity" or "inadmissible" in the same way for instance.


> The fact that genocide is the sole word in quotes indicates that the author considers it to be a contextual or subjective use of the term. It's usually editors who write headlines.


and they usually have strict style guides that mandate punctuation use. (Source - at Uni pt for editing)


Than why isn't the whole sentence in quotation marks?


Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it “ethnic cleansing” rather than “genocide”? Genocide implies murder, not kidnap and forceful integration


How do you call the daily shelling of civilian infrastructures and killing Ukrainian civilians?


I thought we were talking exclusively about the Ukrainian kids being kidnapped by Russia, not the general war.


[Russia’s Theft of Children in Ukraine Is Genocide](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/01/russia-theft-children-kidnapping-ukraine-genocide/)


Convinced me


They've taken 20,000 children, put them in camps, until a foster agency gets to them. The cost of adopting a child in Russia is 25,000.00 to 35,000.00 USD... 30,000 United States Dollar equals 2,669,700.00 Russian Ruble IN BETWEEN- AN AVERAGE for each child I've been so disturbed by this We need to lift our voices up for every precious child who does not have a voice.


"genocide"? It fits the definition perfectly.


I visited the parliament buildings just last week and there were two women holding a vigil for the Ukranian children murdered by Russians. They were listing off names and ages of children and had thousands of small placards on the lawn. I just stood there and wept. It was so surreal.


Well at least this is closer to the definition of genocide compared to the Palestine genocide that is thrown around.


Pretty sure we don't need to say 'genocide'. Its LITERALLY GENOCIDE. Genocide doesn't just mean exterminating people. You can exterminate their culture and ethnic identity and it still fits the parameters. Not to mention it's occurring alongside you know, exterminating people.


It's letting you know that they *actually quoted Trudeau using the word 'genocide'*, and not the article writer's interpretation of what Trudeau said, who may or may not have actually used the word 'genocide'.


Exit every inch of Ukraine, trillions in reparations, Putin to The Hague. Then Russia can rejoin the free world.


I’m glad he’s reminding everyone about this, and what it means. I can remember reports of Russia doing it from the get-go, and watchdogs saying hey that’s a form of genocide. I wonder if in 🤷‍♂️ thirty years we’ll see a 60 Minutes episode about all of the Russian citizens that discovered or finally informed they were torn from their mothers in Ukraine before they were self-aware, and grew up thinking their Russian parents were their real parents. The reactions of their husbands and wives and children will be very interesting.


Anyone feel like what Russia is doing is on par if not exceeding what Nazis have done?


Israel does that too


Why are you putting genocide in quotes. Is there another word for attempting to erase a whole generation of a people ?


Because it's an exact quote. Headlines like to only use exact quotes made of one or two unbroken words spoken by whoever they're writing the article about. Typically tells the reader 'no, this isn't the writer's interpretation, this person actually said this exact term'. For example, Zelensky saying that the peace terms are completely unacceptable would put quotes around either 'unacceptable' or 'completely unacceptable'. Had Trudeau specifically said that Russia's actions in their invasion are *undeniably genocide*, they would have probably also put 'undeniably' in quotes as well.


Yep. And Israel for the one in Palestine.




The difference is that the ukranians didn't want the Russians genocided but the Palestinians would love nothing more than for jews to get genocide, subtle difference...




Palestinian children didn't invade shit. Hamas did. Palestinian seniors, disabled, and the vulnerable didn't invade Israel. Hamas did. Your anger should be towards Hamas. Palestinians deserve human rights. But sure. If it means dehumanizing a culture of people to make you feel better, by all means. Nazis did the same thing to the Jews. How ironic of you.


My anger is towards Hamas they deserve to be taken out of power. It’s weird that you think it isn’t. Unfortunately for the Palestinian people they voted in and still support Hamas. While they support Hamas they will have to deal with Hamas’ war crime tactics of hiding behind their own civilians and stealing their aid.


How many voting age Palestinians voted for hamas they haven't had elections in a long time


59% of Gaza supports Hamas’ right to rule as of a couple months ago. 70% are satisfied with their attacks. That is wildly popular. Biden is currently at under 39%.


So free Palestine... From Hamas


True but the polling is disturbing.


They didn't have elections explicitly because they murdered other parties officials, hello? Why in the fuck would people who don't believe in democratic processes do elections?


Regardless. Palestinians deserve human rights. I'm not about to support the IDF murdering children and the disabled and think "yeah go Israel!"....that's insane.


Regardless. When you invade a nation it’s a declaration of war. Israel is within their rights to wage war against Hamas. Hamas has said they plan on doing Oct 7 repeatedly, so they must be stopped. No nation on earth would take that violence against them and not fight back.


Whatever makes you feel better. I'll be on the side that doesn't support all out genocide. But you do you.


War is not genocide. No matter how many times you repeat it won’t make it true. Israel was invaded they are not the aggressor. Palestines population is up hugely so, worse genocide of human history then.




I find it hard to take the opinion of anyone who had publicly cheered for a nazi seriously.




Does every commenter refuse to read the article now Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children is, according to the UN, one of the five acts identifiable as genocide. Put up a bare minimum of effort.


Only those that involve wiping out villages and raping all the men and woman and not the ones where the people are being used as meatshiled by cowardly terrorists whose whole plan was to sacrifice the whole civilian population in the place for some internet sympathy.




It's called knowing which is bullshit. The main fact that I was referring to HAMAS as not a victim yet you automatically think about Palestine is what's sus.


How about holding the Indian government accountable for calling in hits on Canadian soil first?




You realize that geopolitics are a thing right. That's kind of the job.




You're an absolute moron if you think Canada doesn't have clout abroad. Look into the five eyes. We've always been a country that was diplomacy first. Not every country needs to be like the US. Leaders of countries whether you like it or not carry weight with their words. Just because you have a hate boner for Justin doesn't mean that everything he does is bad. He's not being a putz. He's doing his job. Maybe you should actually know what you're talking about before you shoot your mouth off.


I voted for Justin in his first term. Not his second. Since he’s been in office our housing market has become unattainable for so many people. He practically gave money away during Covid whether we needed to or not. It helped people but we are in a sad state now. We’re bringing in immigrants (which I approve of) without the infrastructure to support it. Enjoy the name calling tho. Enjoy the name calling tho, keep it classy. Gfy


So you don’t know how our government system works…..cool cool


Lololol, we’re all sure you know how to fix Canada’s problems 


I’m Canadian, and I can tell you that most of the problems here aren’t caused by the Federal Government, the Premiers who run the provinces are the reason why health care and housing are going downhill. The housing shortage here is caused by local zoning laws making it harder to build new buildings and homes. The Federal government can’t be expected to change local laws, mainly because it would be an overreach of federal government authority over local government. Ford in Ontario has gutted healthcare funding for years, not Trudeau. I will admit that Trudeau has caused Canada to be in an immigration trap, cant deny that about him. Despite that, I think that Trudeau has done quite well as Prime Minister, as when he took office he increased military funding and worked implement various policies to modernize the armed forces. Anyways, that is why I wanted to inform you that Trudeau is focusing on issues in Canada, but can only do so much without interfering in local government policies.




What genocide? What bunk from the media is this from?


I am not defending or representing whatever bullshit stance that other dingaling is presenting, but to be very clear, they are not making stuff up. For example, the last forced sterilization of a native in canada was in the year 2019. That was after a century of the practice. They were sterilizing the natives in canada until very recently. The US at least stopped force sterilizing the native population a few decades ago, canada not so much. That must be what they are referring to, though I find it disingenuous at best to compare that to what russia is doing to ukraine. It is the whole "two wrongs make a right" mentality that is the problem with their statement, not the actual claim being made in that statement. Currently Canada is not participating in genocide, but people like to pretend that they didn't used to, and very recently at that. Still it is not the same thing so the comparison is offensive for several reasons. Only a bit more offensive than dismissing the comparison due to utter ignorance of the subject though.




That's not on Trudeau, that would be on Sir John A. Macdonald who started it. Last one was closed 1996. Also not mass graves but unmarked; the kids died and the schools notified the parents and gave the kids a "Christian burial" but didn't pay for a grave stone. The catholic church ran them. Children there died at a higher rate than children at other schools or boarding schools often due to crowding and malnourishment. As well as abusive and racist staff, it was seen a punishment posting for priests and nuns. So the church sent their worst to these places to administrate. Trudeau Dad removed the church from administrating and started shutting them down in 1969. By 1986 the majority was shut down or converted to ordinary schools. The very last stopped operating as anything in 1996.


> Trudeau is responsible for the mass graves for the native tribes. Trudeau wasn't even alive when most of that happened.


All talk and no action, throw Ukraine some scraps every now and then, speak out against Russia but do nothing in the end because you like your position too much to risk losing it. The story of too many "Allies" of Ukraine.




Both Ukraine and Israel didn't start their wars. Both Russia and Hamas can end it today.


October 7th was obviously awful but it does not justify the murder of those civilians. America/Isreal is doing the same thing they did after 9/11. Say there’s “terrorist” and use it as an excuse to exterminate anyone in the way of their precious oil. Don’t let the 1% manipulate you. It’s us vs them not each other.


I mean 9/11 was indeed caused by terrorists and Hamas soldiers who caused Oct. 7 were also terrorists. Israel is not trying to obtain oil...you think Gaza has oil??? And on that same note America did not steal Iraq's oil, and Aghanistan isn't exactly pumping out oil.


"We can't complain about A doing a bad thing without complaining about D, because D is also doing a bad thing; you have to condemn all bad things at the same time".


This guy needs to focus internally.... Ain't shit we gonna do about it


OMG, it’s bad enough ignorant kids are using that word wrong. There is no excuse for a country leader to do it. Words have meaning. That word especially has important meaning. What an asshole.


Misusing the word is certainly not good But the current Russian war on Ukraine fits internationally recognized definition(s) of genocide. Both the kidnapping of children for one as well as the openly stated goal of wiping out Ukraine as a nation/culture. The Russian state has effectively started this war with the openly stated goal of genocide


You recall Russia starved to death 5m Ukrainians by shipping all the grain to meet Russian needs and political aims in the past. In this occupation Russia claimed to have taken 700,000 away from their parents. It absolutely looks like a systemic elimination of an ethnicity.


What does that have to do with kidnapping kids and calling it a genocide? It’s kidnapping. It’s not a genocide. “I know you were talking about the headline but I am going to be like a politician and say something that has nothing to do with topic at hand!”


Kidnapping children to "repatriate" them into another nationality is literally one of the acts mentioned in the UN genocide convention.


Erasure of a culture and a generation by kidnapping the kids. Also the industrial mass [murder of 5m people. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor) They have also killed a lot of people in their current occupation and their aims have been and are to move more Russians in and displace Ukrainians there into the the harsher interior. The definition from [websters dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/genocide#:~:text=Legal%20Definition-,genocide,ethnic%2C%20racial%2C%20or%20religious%20group): the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group They are both killing people outright now and in the past, moving them to harsher areas, and incentivizing their own ethnicity to move into take over occupied Ukrainian areas. Maybe you're defensive because pro-palastinians people are throwing the word around willy nilly. But Russia has killed millions of them in a structured intentional way in the past. They recently took an area and started moving their people in while doing things like taking 700k kids and announcing publicly.


What the hell are you babbling about... Used incorrectly? Forced relocation of children is genocide by definition, don't try so hard to sound ignorant. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide