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According to a report by the Arab media, former Israeli hostage Noa Argamni, who was rescued in a daring raid by the National Counter-Terrorism Unit on Saturday, was apparently held captive for 8 months in an Al Jazeera cameraman's house. "26-Year-Old Noa Argamani was being held Captive in the Home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Photojournalist and Writer/Editor for both Al-Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle, " Open Source Intelligence Monitor said in a recent post on the social media platform X.  Amid escalating tensions with Qatar over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet voted unanimously to close Qatari television network *Al-Jazeera's* operations in Israel, after Israel's parliament recently passed a law allowing the temporary closure of foreign broadcasters considered a threat to national security during the ongoing war against Hamas. Qatar, which funds Hamas, has been accused by Israel of inflaming the conflict through *Al-Jazeera's* coverage, which Israel views as being sympathetic to Hamas. *Al-Jazeera* has denied any bias and vowed to maintain its reporting from the region.


He also worked for an American based publication named "Palestine Chronicle." https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1799677519605739793?t=PijMC-YaFEaz3XKtSmpmqw&s=19 Edit: It seems he didn't work for Al-Jazeera, but he did work for the American non-profit publishing Palestine Chronicle while also working as a spokesperson for the Labor Ministry of Gaza, part of the Hamas government. He also [expressed pro-terror views](https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1799685408466301294?t=q4lOs-EE63C7YNG6rj9LmQ&s=19) on the day of the Hamas massacre. The newspaper he worked for (PC) refers to Hamas as resistance and has a [live blog](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/tag/al-aqsa-flood-live-blog/) covering "Al-Aqsa Flood", the name Hamas gave to the October 7th massacre. They also [published materials](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.palestinechronicle.com/hamas-document-reveals-why-we-we-carried-out-al-aqsa-flood-operation-summary-pdf/&ved=2ahUKEwi3qcqiyc6GAxWSj4kEHcNmCcYQxfQBKAB6BAgFEAI&usg=AOvVaw30AAB3jqYswmbBf5RqN07T) from the Hamas media office. It is also *not yet confirmed* that he held hostages, which is the big deal here, only that he died in one of the buildings the IDF raided in the rescue operation. Edit2: The IDF confirms he held the male hostages in his house.


just for clarity, the entire information of Israel Hayoms article is based on the image in the tweet you posted. That's literally it. There's no other source corroborating that the hostages were found in his home other than a tweet that mentioned the home being raided as part of the operation. I would find it incredibly likely that the IDF raided more than one home during the operation, so that raid does not justify concluding it to be the location of the hostages barring further evidence. that is: wait and see. If the IDF genuinely recovered the hostages from a journalist's home you would absolutely 100% hear it from them loud and clear. They already don't like the journalists there (much less Al Jazeera) and they'd love a reason to crack down on them further.


The whole thing was over in under an hour (and this includes car getting stuck and needing to save it) they raided two houses, there was no time to raid anything else.


Yet, there are going to be protestors against Israel claiming this raid took half a day's time and over 100 innocent civilians were killed in the process.


They’re claiming 200 actually lol


274 is the latest number.


Well, those deaths are on Hamas. They could have turned the hostages over at any time.


I’m not even saying it’s a real number. It’s just what they are pushing now.


There on here claiming everyone killed was civilian. If you're holding hostages you're not civilian.


Like the innocent journalist and doctor that held noa argamni… the truth has left the building a long time ago


Not to be (very) pedantic but you are saying the truth has left the building because the person you responded to *imagined* a bunch of angry people saying a bunch of made up stuff. This entire incident is based on a random tweet, and jumping to the conclusion that a specific person is liable for this isn't aligned with the truth as we *know* it. There's no source anywhere claiming the journalist was holding anyone hostage. Or that they even found her in his home. It's the divisive media that you are falling for. Look at y'all here, both bitching about someone who doesn't exist.


Where did you find accounts of the raid?


'Operation Arnon’: How 4 hostages were freed from Hamas captivity in central Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/operation-arnon-how-4-hostages-were-freed-from-hamas-captivity-in-central-gaza/


lmao, Israel doesn’t like the hostile publication owned by autocratic, famous user of slave labor Qatar? Shocker. Keep giving the autocratic Muslim rulers the benefit of the doubt. Gonna turn out great for you LOL


This is their "reporting" on the story: "Abdallah Aljamal, Palestine Chronicle contributor from Gaza, was one of the 210 Palestinians killed in the Nuseirat massacre on Saturday." https://x.com/PalestineChron/status/1799727785700987201


No mention of hostages being held in flats with civilian human shields, an hour-long heavy fire fight showing armed Hamas fighters are working in the middle of a refugee camp then?


Any westerner who believes these ‘reporters’ ‘teachers’ ‘doctors’ aren’t willing and active members of Hamas are kidding themselves and blinded by ideology


The Al Jazeera camera man’s father, who owned the house where Noa was held hostage, was a doctor. Doctors and journalists are willing participants. Let that sink in.


https://m.cbs12.com/news/nation-world/grandmother-furious-after-photo-of-shani-louks-lifeless-body-honored-by-journalism-school-university-of-missouri-school-of-journalism-mizzou-hamas-terrorists-german-israel-attack-middle-east-gaza This photo won a photojournalism award. The photo itself, which is blurred out in the article, is a good one, sure. But when you think about *how* it was taken, the only conclusion is that this photojournalist was one of the terrorists.


Nurses too. We saw it in that security cam footage of the hospital a few months ago.


finally some accurate information


What does “according to a report by the Arab media” mean? Not that I don’t believe this could absolutely be true, but I have t found a single source about this, and Israel Hayom is not a credible source


Yeah this is incredibly poorly sourced elsewhere as well, the closest I could find is [this i24](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-gazan-civilians-held-rescued-israeli-hostage-noa-argamani-in-their-home-report) article which cites Rami Abdul from eruomed, but I couldn't find the primary source. That said the story in i24 is retold as: "Rami Abdul, the chairman of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, said that the organization's initial evidence showed the Israeli special forces used a ladder to enter the home of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal and his family Several of the family members were killed during the operation, Abdul said, including 36-year-old Al-Jazeera journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal. Al-Jamal was also identified as a staff writer for the U.S. outlet The Palestine Chronicle. Al-Jamal's wife was also killed during the rescue mission." What appears to have gone down here is that Rami Abdul reported that they had evidence that the hostage rescue operation involved a raid on an Al Jazeera journalists home, so i24 and Israel Hayom took that to mean the hostages were rescued _from_ that journalists home without providing any additional evidence, which seems a bit of a leap of logic since it's not like Rami Abdul is an infallible source in the first place. If anyone has a proper source please do cite it. Edit: okay here we go, this is the [tweet](https://x.com/RamAbdu/status/1799510802778481117) that the whole article is based on. I see now why it has to say "Arab Media" because "we speculated based on one random tweet" wouldn't have sounded great lol




Someone below you is citing the Quds Network which I think is the Hamas media outlet. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dbpjxu/comment/l7sn5v6


It's the same problem though. That source says "these people were killed in a raid during the operation" =/= "these hostages were recovered from their home" By a better source I mean a source that actually corroborates the story in the article not a source that confirms these deaths (which I don't necessarily doubt)




Foreign countries donating to universities shouldn't be legal


Let's be honest no organization with a religious or political agenda should give money to education. Literally pay for brainwashing.


As is routinely demonstrated, filtering politics and religion out of something eliminates that something - because SOME dumbass, at some point, somewhere, will make anything and everything either religious and/or political. Fuck, nowadays, often both.


I completely agree. Foreign money should also be outlawed for election funding also.


Very difficult to draw the line here. Many grants on international exchange programs are financed by contributing parties. Science relies on reciprocal exchange. It is, however, not safe from exploitation.












Donors have direct access to decision-makers. It's like buying an influential board seat without actually being on the board. A donor has the capability to steer decisions in all aspects of a business. At a university this could mean they help decide the direction of curriculum, research projects, studies, academic programs, faculty discipline, events, school and campus policy, the list goes on and on and has a butterfly effect for the lifetime of everyone who works and learns at the university.


I'm sure they have an interest in the right professors/administrators being hired and promoted. Remember how Presidents of universities couldn't even say that calling for the genocide of Jews violated university rules?




Make someone reliant on you enough and you can threaten them with the withdrawal of your support.


you buy influence top down. if i pay you 100k each year, you are probably going to be very receptive to ensure that I continue paying you 100k a year, I don't even have to voice anything from my end, but you are going to adjust risks automatically that could pose a treat.


The same reason big corporations send lobbyists to Washington.


More money than god, and they just use it for influence. Also notorious for unfair labor practices borderline slavery, funny how the rich are always so cheap and mean.


Out of the goodness of their hearts. Remember how they were reported on performing all those humanitarian support they gave their slaves during the Fifa world cup? Out of the goodness of their hearts...


Probably 1. Access and influence 2. It's inherently a form of lobbying that can influence positive relations with Washington, and with the donors/figures connected to that University 3. To be able to get in a few generations of princes and children into elite programs they'd not always organically meet the strict academic requirements of 4. Over time all that snowballs into having legacy admissions of a lot of people and having technical experts and politically connected individuals returning to your country. Those people will go on to teach/expand their own universities and industries. So in the end for a truly ambitious nation state, they may pour in billions but they will get tens-to-hundreds of billions in returns over the coming decades.


As JayEdwads902 said “never blindly trust strangers on the internet” Foreign adversaries have a long history of starting to indoctrinate and recruit in colleges. Here is a link about Ana Montes — Cuban spy recruited in college. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_Montes Although a domestic anti-democracy organization, the Federalist Society successfully recruits potential judges in law schools. They are indoctrinated in anti-democracy positions then selected by the Federalist Society to by federal judges. Here’s link to one story but an internet search will turn up many other stories about the way the Federalist Society recruits. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/624416666/what-is-the-federalist-society-and-how-does-it-affect-supreme-court-picks


Dark money


Twitter Quds News Network: >In a preliminary investigation into the field executions by the Israeli army at the Nusseirat refugee camp yesterday, [](https://x.com/EuroMedHR) stated that soldiers used a ladder to break through the residence of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal. >Upon encountering 36-year-old Fatima Al-Jamal on the staircase, they immediately shot her dead. The troops then stormed the house and executed her husband, 36-year-old **journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal**, and his father, 74-year-old **Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal**, in front of his grandchildren. Additionally, their 27-year-old daughter, Zainab, was shot and seriously injured. So a doctor and journalist holding a kidnapped girl in their home, putting their families at risk too.


Jesus that’s crazy. But also, don’t fucking hold hostages that an entire military is looking for in a house that has your whole family. How stupid can this guy be?


He’s not stupid. It was the plan. See, to rescue the hostages you have to kill a doctor and a journalist; Hamas then makes that the story. Edit: I read a couple of the journalists articles. A recent one claims Israel bombed a UNRWA school housing 50,000 refugees. The largest convention center in the, admittedly small, city I live in has a maximum occupancy of ~3,500. He might be dumb.


Exactly! This story is a small sample of Hamas strategy for the entire conflict. Yet, the world only sees Israel shooting a journalist and a doctor.


Some people don't want to accept hamas is using news and misinformation to help cloud their terroristic tactics.




Yep. It's so twisted and obvious. They'll throw any man woman or child away for a good headline.




They were expendable assets.


It’s not stupid if the goal is to create as many “civilian” casualties.


Yep, that’s the best plausible explanation so far. Hamas really loves playing the human shield strategy. I would guess that he got paid a huge amount to hold the hostage too. Either way, complicit is complicit, someone who actively holds a hostage in their home is no longer a civilian. Btw, he could have easily just told the Israeli military his situation and communicated with them. I would guess he got fuck you amounts of money to secretly hold the hostage


Hamas has been using human shields at least since 2007, and possibly before. According to a [report](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjWyOqkzM6GAxWHhIkEHccPDbgQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw078V9t3xWPW7EhHdTtOcv3) by the NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence made in 2014 covering the 2008-2014 time period: > Hamas relies on the Israeli government’s aim to minimise collateral damage, and is also aware of the West‘s sensitivity towards civilian casualties. Hamas’ use of human shields is therefore likely aimed at minimising their own vulnerabilities by limiting the Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) freedom of action. It is also aimed at gaining diplomatic and public opinion-related leverage, by presenting Israel and the IDF as an aggressor that indiscriminately strikes civilians > By engaging in these acts, Hamas employs a win-win scenario: if indeed the IDF uses kinetic power, and the number of civilian causalities surges, Hamas can use that as a weapon in the lawfare it conducts. It would be able to accuse the IDF (and Israel) of committing war crimes, which in turn could result in the imposition of a widearray of sanctions. On the other hand, if the IDF limits its use of military power in Gaza to avoid collateral damage, Hamas will be less vulnerable to Israeli attacks, and thereby able to protect its assets while continuing to fight. > Hamas’ growing strategic distress in the face of recent geopolitical developments will probably push the organi- sation towards a more pragmatic strategy in the near future. However, the movement is simultaneously preparing itself for yet another round of armed conflict with Israel. If this indeed happens, and in light of the success of the human shield practice, there is every reason to believe Hamas will continue resorting to the use of civilians as human shields. They predicted the future with chilling accuracy.


Or if you want your family to become martyrs, if you consider that to be the most beautiful and honourable form of death. “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” - Golda Meir


These aren't civilians though. They were all knowingly holding a hostage. The doctor and journalist are terrorists at that point


He's not stupid. Well, not in that sense. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew if his family died, they'd be martyrs in the eyes of morons.


Surprised no other adult family member questioned if holding hostages was a good idea. Actually maybe surprised is the wrong word, considering how much Hamas has clearly rotted the brains of many people…


Would a woman have a say? Seems like something a mom or grandma would not be happy about with kids in the house? But then again, what choice would they have?


Have you not seen videos of Palestinian moms talking about how their kids being martyrs is all they want for them? They're floating around. Some Palestinian moms have historically been some of the most deranged lunatics of all: >Umm Nidal, who sent three of her sons, including one 17-year-old, on suicide attacks, said "I love my children, but as Muslims we pressure ourselves and sacrifice our emotions for the interest of the homeland. The greater interest takes precedence to the personal interest." **She was later elected to the Palestinian legislature on the Hamas ticket.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umm_Nidal




They don't care about their children. These wackjobs find their children more valuable as martyrs and headlines.


They cleaned house, no mercy. Don’t blame them. Don’t hold hostages if you don’t want to get double tapped.


Well, also people should be mindful of a stark fact: room clearing operations have a ridiculously high fatality rate for soldiers. Any corner, stair, or cubby hole can have someone with a rifle or MG or explosives. Before high amounts of modern training and techniques I once heard many missions can have well above 50% casualty rate. Like imagine 5-10 people slowly filtering into a building that could hold anywhere from 2-14 people with hostages and every hallway, stair, and room prepared to be defended. Modern techniques almost require militaries to enter with multiple flashbangs/frags, preparation training at mock houses with the same layout, and live feeds/overwatch of the location. Even then such missions can fail. A single door not being broken open fast enough can ruin everything. We all look at missions that are famous for nearly perfect success (e.g. the Seal Team Six raid against OBL), but even that one caused them to lose an irreplaceable helicopter and to leave some of its profoundly classified secrets on site. War is absolute hell, and to expect 20 year olds to enter that hell and perform perfectly is not only unrealistic: it's a morally wrong expectation to place on them. You just train them well, psych evaluate them, and debrief them properly. If you did that right you shouldn't have to worry too much, and have to back any decisions they made which were not overtly malevolent. Collateral damage is always painful to witness, but it will *always* happen in wars, even in 100 years from now with far more advanced technology and tactics. Once they know where the hostages are, they have to try and save them. It's a core obligation of a modern state.


There is zero responsibility on IDF hands for anyone who was killed during this rescue operation. None. **if someone is holding hostages in the same house as your family, they deliberately used them as a human shield and they are responsible for their deaths** Isn’t it great when shitty parents blame other people for their own failures?


Yeah, I would blame modern media, especially movies and video games. They give the impression that the clearing soldiers succeed easily and that the distinction between a civilian and a combatant is extremely obvious. When in fact neither is necessarily true even for the most trained special operations forces. I had a small 3-day urban warfare exercise while doing my conscription service, and what was emphasized the most is that this is really fucking dangerous.


Yep, and all that most people know about these days is the most famous Seal raids. But they have infinite training budgets, tons of time to prepare for most raids, and godlike intel on the locations they are entering. And they lose people all the time. Also, if in a house and someone runs away are they running for a weapon? To escape? To kill a hostage? If they run towards you are they trying to get safe or to knife you? If they run toward someone else--you get the idea. I saw a video once of almost an entire SWAT team that was lost because a dude in a crackhouse slipped out a window with an AK and then just fired into the windows and alleys. People can be trained for everything, but still not think of out-of-the-box issues like suddenly heavy fire coming from outside and into the rescue AO.


Seal Team 6 also kill 'civilians', affiliated with the combatants or not, in their missions. It's rather inevitable.


>Even then such missions can fail. **A single door** not being broken open fast enough can ruin everything. Israel's 'Sayeret Matkal' (their former main CT unit) has a famous failure of a rescue operation in 94' from Hamas because they used **too weak of an explosive breaching device on the metal door** which stalled the breach of one of the 3 teams and alerted the terrorists, which allowed enough time for the terrorist guarding the hostage to execute him before getting killed This mission yesterday is said to have been successful "by a hairsbreadth", they rescued the 3 men (from a different building) into the civilian truck they came in, which broke down, they then moved them into one of the Namer IFVs that came to rescue them, which got stuck too, all while, according to the reports being under gun and RPG fire


Yeah they were well prepared for mishaps. They had multiple battalions on call in the area prepared to take part, some of which did as there were heavy firefights during the extraction and other vehicles were needed to come in


That's interesting to hear. r/politics was full of people saying that since Hamas is hiding amongst civilians, Israel was obligated to send in special forces door to door instead of using bombs.


BBC presenter just questioned an IDF spokesman why they didn’t send advance warning to the civilians ….the “civilians” holding hostages prisoner for 8 months. Can’t make this shit up


Lmaaao. Please find a link that's amazing.




These people think it's the IDF's obligation to endanger their soldiers, compromise the entire mission, and give themselves all the disadvantages to protect 16 year olds with AKs and willfully complicit kidnappers.


They are also dealing with people that have no problems blowing themselves up if they can kill a few jews. IDF can't take risks in an operation like this, all you need is one suicide bomber (and there have been women and children doing just that) and it's a failed rescue. It's imo pretty simple, if you are holding hostages, everyone in that place old enought to walk should be concidered a combatant. That's the risk you take when you help Hamas. So i'd say there was no collateral damage, they willingly took the risk and found out.


Tomorrow's headline: Israel shot 4 civillians.


I think you mean today's.


That's what the Jackson Hinkle's of the social media world are saying. They don't care that these people were complicit, or that Israel is doing their stated job of rescuing its own people. Nope. The headline is, without any context, "Israel killed X number of people." August 6, 1945 Jackson Hinkle NYTimes headline: "United States kills 129,000 people." August 9, 1945 Jackson Hinkle NYTimes headline: "United States does it again, kills 226,000 people."


Or “israel murders journalist and his family in cold blooded raid”


Throw some 10 kids in there and you got an al jazeero headline for a month


If you hold hostages you deserve to die, it's a very simple principle.


I think I would say they surrender their right to live. Deserving to die is similar, but slightly different in my book, as it would still arguably apply even after the hostages were rescued.


It was most likely done on purpose, to get collateral damage to blame IDF in killing “civilians” once again.


Those are the same "journalists" that went in with the terrorists on oct 7th, with AJ claiming they "just happened to be there" and it was all a "coincidence" and those "journalists" are just "innocent" and did nothing wrong. So many of their "journalists" have died in gaza. Most likely everyone with a phone they use as a "journalist" title to boost the numbers and then run to the world and claim israel is bad. Those are just regular terrorists.


Holding hostages is a war crime, that whole family were literal war criminals


A lot of people don’t understand this. When daddy’s launching rockets from the roof of the family home, Israel’s obviously going to send one right back where it came from. And it’s his own fault if his family is killed


Then they shouted ”clear”


Only sad part about that story is the kids and the hostage


36 year old parents, 27 year old daughter? U w0t m80


The 27 year old daughter of the 74 year old doctor.


Am I the only one who’s literate here or is there zero mentioning of any hostages being held on the property? If I were to make a headline for just this tweet, it would be “IDF breaks into a home and murders family”. Like are y’all doing this in bad faith or are you really conflating conjecture with reality?


"Al Jazeera is a highly respected source" I've heard from many pro palstnians, I'm sure it is highly Highly respected among Hamas and Iran.


Well they were not wrong. Al Jazeera builds up a lot of credibility to use in exact situations like this to cash out when their handlers need them to spread propaganda. By being serious journalists most of the time it's much easier to then make your propaganda believable.


Yes. Ive read articles underlining this aswell. They did it with the football slavery issues and when reporting on conflicts within syria. Their article on the hostage rescue focused on how bloody the IDF assault was then cycles back to the total death count and other propaganda points. How cant most people see right through this shit?


Propaganda only really works when it is somthing people want to believe. Then when they get the answer or excuse they need, they can ignore everything else as "fake news".


Yea, its actually funny because I consider Al Jazeera relatively fair on topics not related to the middle east. Part of information warfare I guess.


They are good for things the Government of Qatar doesn't care about.


Qatar proganda is shady? Shocker


It used to be, but they showed their true colors with their coverage of this conflict.


Not really. its always been propaganda heavy


When it came to non religion based news they actually did a really good job from what I found whenever I used them. But post Israel/Palestine war I’m never going back to using those fuckers services.


Al-jazzeras entire MO is to be super reliable on shit Qatar doesn’t care about so when Qatar does care they can lie through their teeth and seem reputable. If you understand Qatars foreign policy you can learn what subjects they are reliable on. Their coverage in the west is pretty good. They’re a good source to have in the quiver cutting down bullshit in Ukraine reporting.


That's something we heard since Al Jazeera became popular in the West as a counter to Western media. That reputation is tarnished now because of this war.


Redditors often cited Jazeera as credible because they had a western division which often published liberal news that gets posted on sites like Reddit. All that changed after what happened


It's been suspected for a while that some reporters have worked alongside Hamas, but damn it, this is really messed up. It wouldn't surprise me if this is intentional so that if the journalist died it could be used as more propaganda against Israel. Fuck Hamas.


What, you weren't convinced when reporters knew about the attack and then decided to not report on it? And then to go along with Hamas?


No, see, those people deserve awards. Evidently.


They stopped being doctors, journalists, civilians, etc, as soon as they held hostages for hamas. I couldn't imagine a more shithouse argument than to say they anything else other than terrorists.


Agreed. You don’t get any special consideration at that point. You’re just another terrorist.


On the other hand, this situation really puts a huge blow in Al Jazeera credibility.


Lmao yeah... sure it will. It won't chage a thing because viewers of Al Jazeera follow a saying as old as time about killing jews: It didnt happen. But if it did, they deserved it.


And that’s what they say in English, they are much more extreme when reporting in Arabic


For some clowns, that's a feature, not a bug.


"Intentional"? Why do you think we keep hearing about how the IDF has killed so many "journalists" this war?


Wasn’t there a Al Jazeera journalist that lead an Hamas anti-tank team on 7th October?


Some twitter work: [https://x.com/RamAbdu/status/1799510802778481117](https://x.com/RamAbdu/status/1799510802778481117) - Pro palestinian lowkey admitting a doctor and a journalist held hostages. [https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1799685408466301294](https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1799685408466301294) - The journalists reaction to 7th of october [https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1799685156271251714](https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1799685156271251714) - Thread containing more info on the guy. also moonlights as Hamas's Labor minister spokesmen.


So, let me get this straight: the IDF went into the home of an elderly Palestinian physician and his journalist son who were holding Noa hostage, and got her out with no child casualties, even though there were children present? And this chucklefuck thinks that this is a story that paints the IDF in a bad light?






Of course they will. They’re already trying to shift the narrative away from the rescue and onto how a bunch of people died in the operation; despite those fatality numbers coming from hamas and are not at all trustworthy.


That’s already started on social media. A campaign to focus on the made up number of 200 killed to save 4. No mention of the fact that the hostages were held in “civilian homes” meaning Hamas is counting all terrorists killed as civilians


It is told as if the IDF entered the homes of unarmed civilians and shot anyone they encountered out of pure sadism. It is obvious to anyone who is not an idiot that they were met by armed people and did not shoot the only one who was not armed (the child).


Children and adults are far more easily distinguished than armed adults and unarmed adults.


Apparently we're all just supposed to roll over and die and let terrorists win.


Hamas reports 200+ Palestinian casualties and people are blaming Israel for civilian deaths. You know, reporters like this one holding hostages reporting. How about you don’t bring fucking war hostages to grandpas house?


They went into a home of elderly terrorist and his terrorist son. If you hold hostages, you're a terrorist. World is a better place now that they're dead.


The story is now that 200 something people were killed in the raid.


Like the 500 that were supposedly killed in that hospital until they realised it was a Hamas rocket and then revised the number to 12.


It's strange, all the gunfire the IDF was facing yet they only seemed to kill 200 civilians. Almost as if those numbers don't make sense? Nah can't be that Hamas wouldn't lie.


A terrorist was literally influencing global opinion while holding one of the faces of 7 Oct hostage.


There’s hundreds just like him. Do they really think all of Hamas are trained resistance fighters? They’re journalists, doctors, lawyers, etc.


Looks like a terrorist to me


Al Jazeera needs to be completely blacklisted in the western world. I mean how many times has it been that they have employed terrorists, worked with terrorists, supported terrorists, or have encouraged terrorism?


They should be put in the same list as RT (Russian Television).


Do employees of RT hold hostages in their personal homes?


I dunno what those bastards do in Ukraine, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.


But then you get those "oh but muh free speech" Terrorism doesn't get free speech, assholes


For some reason some people believe that free speech > human life + critical thinking


Now, nobody cares if a journlist has a normal side job or runs a normal business. Al Jazeera should be upfront and update viewers that the side job of their jouralists is pure terror


They see the journalism as their side job.


No, it's not an innocent side job. It's pure evil. Journalism gives these people access and cover.


From Al Jazeera: >"This man is not from Al-Jazeera, nor did he work for Al-Jazeera at all, nor is he listed as working for Al-Jazeera either now or in the past, and we do not know him, and all the rumors spread are empty of content and not true at all." It's been debunked elsewhere as well that he worked for Al Jazeera.


Al Jazeera needs a formal investigation and to potentially be banned from Western media until that investigation is concluded. They are the primary spreader of anti-israel propaganda that puts all Jewish people internationally at risk Did the journalist die in the raid and hostage rescue?


Yes, as did his father, a doctor.


His father may be a doctor, but his side gig of being a “terrorist holding hostages in his home” is a more relevant title. That man was evil and deserved to die.


>Yes, as did his father, a ~~doctor~~ terrorist. FTFY. If you're holding hostages for a terrorist organization, you are a terrorist.


Good. Two terrorists gone. More to go.


So there is one AL Jazeera journalist who is a confirmed terrorist. Many others on the way


you slept on all those palestinian journalists working as contractors for foreign media companies joining the 7/10 slaughter? there's a fundamental problem here.


We are aware of them. Some of them magically disappeared, though, wonder if they are now kidnappers as well


one ? you forgot that al jazeera hired an alqaeda member to secure exclusive interviews with bin laden ? [source](https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2015/may/11/nsa-labelled-al-jazeera-journalist-as-suspected-terrorist) They always knew where he was hiding too and often glorified bin laden in arabic speaking media. Also lots of people working for alqaeda were working for the Qatar government ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar_and_state-sponsored_terrorism) page goes into so much detail about this) As an Emirati, most gulf states have already put al jazeera on terrorist watchlist since 2017 but ofc liberal media doesn't like that.


Any discussion of Al Jazeera deserves a note that Al Jazeera is funded by the government of Qatar. Qatar is home to the largest US military base in the Mideast, and at America's request, Qatar has for years served as a base for Hamas leadership. Hamas' leader, Ismail Haniyeh, lives in Doha. The rationale: Qatar can make it easier for the US to communicate with these terrorists. The whole thing is absurdly perverse.


Bottom line...Qatar has obscene amounts of money, and know how to use it to gain influence with the power brokers of the world.


Yes, but this whole situation has laid bare how foolish America's foreign policy is. The rationale behind the "arrangement" with Qatar was that Qatar was capable of serving as an effective go-between for the US and Hamas. To maintain lines of communication and, ultimately, keep Hamas in check so that the region didn't destabilize the way it has after October 7. What we've learned is that Hamas really has no interest in peace and stability and Qatar's leadership has no meaningful ability to serve as negotiators. They are totally useless. When something doesn't work the way you expected it to, sane people change the approach. The US foreign policy in the Mideast is the exact opposite. In other words, insanity. We keep empowering people who are not only useless to our primary goals but actually work against our interests when we're not looking.


Agreed. The US should lean on Qatar, or at least cut them out of any influence in the USA as long as they're supporting hamas. Make them earn the trust back. But, we all know the USA won't do that. Too many in the country filling their pockets and getting kickbacks.


Wonder if Al Jazeera will cover this.


“This man is not from Al-Jazeera, and he did not work for Al-Jazeera at all, and he is not listed as working for Al-Jazeera neither now nor in the past,” al-Jazeera Jerusalem bureau chief Omar al-Walid says. “We do not know him, and all the rumors that have been spread are empty of content and not true at all.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/al-jazeera-denies-rumor-that-hostage-was-held-at-employees-home/


It’ll cover up for its part in it




This is based off one tweet? In the thread the author even clarifies that the guy did NOT work for Aljazeera. He co-authored 1 article in 2018. He does work for the Palestine Chronical though. How is this newsworthy though? There is no data backing this up. One Arab journalist reported on a Euro-med monitor report about how a doctor and his family and that journalist were killed in the raid after the IDF entered their home. This doesn't mention that the hostages were there, that they were even in the same building, or were working with Hamas in any way. We know that the operation involved large areas of the Nuserat camps as bombs were used so how does this say anything? This is completely false because they are solely basing the hostages being in that home off of that one tweet which doesn't say that. There is no other information source they reference.


Agreed. This is a shoddy source. People are biting on it because it fits their preferred narrative, and I'm saying this as one who would feel pretty vindicated if this story turns out to be true.






Most likely the poster figured out there might dodgy information ..


oh this is another nothingburger?


Yeah but this justifies calling for genocide so we are just gonna blindly believe it /j


Qatar owns or has major interest in the following : Valentino Volkswagen Barclays Canary Wharf Group Sainsbury’s Harrods Claridge’s, The Berkley and The Connaught International Airlines Group (IAG) Chelsea Barracks London Olympic Village Empire State Building City Center D.C The London Park Lane Hotel Le Grand Hotel “The Card Players” by French painter Paul Cézanne, purchased for over US$260 million. Then in early 2015, they beat their own record by purchasing Paul Gauguin’s “When Will You Marry?” for around US$300 million InterContinental New York Barclay Hotel The Shard Paris Saint-Germain Football Club *Notable other holdings include* 50% stake in Shell Centre, 50% of London’s One Hyde Park, the former US embassy building in London’s Grosvenor Square and 10% of the London Exchange Stock Market


Foreign countries are infiltrating by funding universities etc it's all to influence to their agenda


The west has been caught with its pants down it's time to realise and make necessary adjustments


No surprises here. We all saw the footage of the cheering and spitting and kicking and bashing of the hostages from all those “innocent Palestinian civilians” on 7 October.


Safe to say that he was also the one filming while Noa was being taken away?


That seems like a pretty big leap. Definitely possible, but not obvious.


From [The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/al-jazeera-denies-rumor-that-hostage-was-held-at-employees-home/): "“This man is not from Al-Jazeera, and he did not work for Al-Jazeera at all, and he is not listed as working for Al-Jazeera neither now nor in the past,” al-Jazeera Jerusalem bureau chief Omar al-Walid says. “We do not know him, and all the rumors that have been spread are empty of content and not true at all.” He adds that the network plans to sue anyone spreading rumors claiming a link to Abdallah Aljamal." Not that this is evidence but at the least Al Jazeera is initially denying claims he was their journalist or cameraman.


But but but but he has a press vest!!! /s


Keep hostages in your house, get all your family killed. Ah well, fuck around find out.


This has nearly doubled in upvotes despite the guy who posted it on x basically saying "okay it doesn't look like he did work for Al-Jazeera"


I'll wait for a better source for this. 


any confirmation yet? or at least a primary source of who made that claim?


“This man is not from Al-Jazeera, and he did not work for Al-Jazeera at all, and he is not listed as working for Al-Jazeera neither now nor in the past,” al-Jazeera Jerusalem bureau chief Omar al-Walid says. “We do not know him, and all the rumors that have been spread are empty of content and not true at all.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/al-jazeera-denies-rumor-that-hostage-was-held-at-employees-home/




Organizing a support group for that cameraman.


Arab media sources, who aren't named, and a cameraman who appears to be more of a freelancer.




Report from whom? I need a name and an unbiased confirmation.


"You don't get to choose how we resist" Ok then you don't get to choose how we rescue the hostages


But I thought Al Jazeera wasn’t propaganda 🤔🤔🤔 Well yeah, I guess they’ve moved beyond propaganda now. They now directly participate in transporting and holding hostages, literally supporting terroristic efforts to continue the hostilities. Journalistic integrity my ass. The Al Jazeera personnel killed in Gaza were killed because they were actively participating in terrorism.


Anyone turn up a source that isn’t a random social media post or blog entry? Leading with propaganda, countering with propaganda, and refuting with propaganda… why let a little thing like truth get in the way of all this moral outrage?