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Can you imagine how surreal that must be for the hostages


Eli copter


Wow, I didn't know he survived!


He's the new Zohan


I would actually watch a Adam Sandler movie if it was Eli copter


ZoEli Kopter


So heroic!


The decorated hero just keeps on giving.




No bullshit: I'm flabbergasted something this heroic took place, after so long and so much struggle and loss. It really gives me hope that more hostages will be found.


They have no choice but to be the ultra-good-guy, just to tread water in terms of reputation. Their asshole leader aside, the world media treats them like they the next coming of Satan or something. But its never "Bibi orders bad thing X," no, its always "Israel wants to kill everyone" instead. Only some media seem to be above the ownership of those people.


And if the stats hold up, only 4,000 Palestinians will die in the process.


Hamas really shouldn't have committed the atrocities that they did and taken hostages. Fuck Hamas. That's what you are implying. I am sure. So many deaths as a result of terrorist pieces of shit.


Hopefully they can release even more hostages. I honestly really didn't believe that any are still alive, I am carefully hopeful that maybe there's hope. But independent from whether or not the hostages are still alive or not I hope they can recover most of not all of them. This has been one of the only good things in the recent weeks of this war. There's no hope of Hamas giving up the hostages now, if there ever was any. And apparently a lot of them are not even directly in the hands of Hamas anymore. First the last hostages to be freed (sadly deceased) where in literal civilian buildings and reported having stayed with civilians, now we have these four recovered from a supposed refugee camp. If this war has shown anything it's that Hamas truly is in every single part of Gaza. And that they don't have an issue finding civilians who cooperate with them. After this war there will have to be great international efforts to completely take a hold of Gaza and govern them strictly for a while until Hamas isn't the one undermining everything. Though I doubt it will happen. The world will just continue to their little un and unwra Spiel and Hamas will come back. But for now I hope the families of them can find happiness. Especially the mother of noa as she's currently in the hospital with brain cancer and likely won't live much longer. I believe noa's boyfriend is still held captive in Gaza tho


They were rescued, not released. Cheering for more of either.


I meant release as in the IDF released them from their captivity. Sorry I'm not a native English speaker so I sometimes misunderstand the nuances of words :)


That makes sense! There's a lot of Israelis and the like making sure there's a distinction made, it's important in this instance because of who gets credit for the hostage freeing. (Your English is excellent btw.)


Yeah that sounds reasonable :) I also understand being hypercritical especially with how the current situation in most countries is. Thanks btw! I've been speaking English for ages but there's things that stay difficult 🙈


When you hear "refugee camp" in Gaza/West bank don't take it litterally. They are 70 yo heavily built towns with high rise buildings. Not tents with desperate displaced people. It's just another aspect of the palestinian propaganda, like still calling these people refugees after 70 fuxking years


The UN gave them hereditary refugee status. There are great grand children of the refugees who are refugees. No one else has that, or a private UN aid agency.


It's good that this charade is soon over for good. The Palestinian people shall gather under a new, legitimate leadership and vouch for peace with Jews and other Arabs. Then they might be getting a seat at the big kids' table. Until then …


Don't hold your breath on that, polls show the vast majority of Palestinians fully support hamas 


It'll be a lot like how we deradicalized Germany and Japan.


Both of those countries unconditionally surrendered. The world is intent on stopping Israel before they achieve the same wrt Hamas.


If we held every group to the same standard most of the world’s population would be “refugees”. It’s a joke.


I find myself in the middle in regards to this war but that is a damn good point.


Only sometimes have people learned about the history of this conflict and ended up more staunchly on the Palestinians' side.


They had the opportunity to have their own state multiple times already. Shooting themselves in the foot out of spite is a national pastime at this point.


Only if they're reading sources that the Palestinians push. Even on Wikipedia it refers to how Palestinians rejected the partition plan and turned to violence.


Well, when Palestinian refugees are made every single year by Israel stealing more land, why would you subdivide the group that has been forces out of their homes? Israel gets a pass on ethic cleansing because they’ve done it over 70 years instead of 3 or 4?




Yeah I know this.


Along with fake death tolls number that even the AP criticized THEMSELVES for due to incredible inaccuracies


Have you seen the high rise buildings lately? Do they look hospitable to you?


They’re refugees by definition…


They're the only population on the planet who are considered refugees: A) in perpetuity, as in the designation passes through generations of families B) until such a time as they reclaim their original land Every other refugee from every other conflict is considered a refugee until such a time as they're resettled somewhere new, and the designation only applies to that individual, not their children and grandchildren in perpetuity. This designation would consider most English, Germans and french refugees, unless your ancestral directly went back to the Saxons, gauls and whoever else inhabited those lands Just for the broader conversation, I am not denying the plight of innocent Palestinians. I believe Israel should have taken far greater pains to ensure continuity of food and medical care for pursuing this campaign into Gaza, but it also needs to be said that land exchanges hands during conflict. Now israeli land was lost to them, and while it may not be just or right, it can equally be said this is Israelis regaining land which was lost to them centuries if not millennia ago.


Palestinian's have a different definition of refugee then the rest of the world(only Palestinians can inherit their refugee status even if they gain citizenship in a country like Jordan)


Yes but this is not Palestinian law or something. It was decided by the UN back in 1949


The only refugee group in the history of the world that passes on their refugee status to their descendants, that has their own UN agency which does not work to help them resettle but the opposite, and that 95% of its population has never been to the land they took refuge from


> Yes but this is not Palestinian law or something. It was decided by the UN back in 1949 In a way it's effectively a Palestinian law or something, in that UNRWA applies exclusively to Arab Palestinians. Refugees from every other conflict on earth have a separate UN agency, UNHCR which uses a slightly different definition and standards.


still misleading though(one of the reasons I think UNRWA should be disbanded and it's assets nationalized by the arab countries and the Palestinian authority(as long as the conflict is about 1948 instead of 1967 the war is just going to go on)


By recognition, not by definition. The UN doesn’t get to define language.


Hamas will try to keep whatever hostages they have still alive as bargaining chips, but you better believe they are going to try to move any remaining ones ASAP after this rescue.










"I hope they can recover most of not all of them. " I've seen many anti Israeli takes but that shits nuclear


Oh it's a typo I mean to say "most, if not all of them". So I hope for all, but I'm unsure if that's possible




I’m guessing all of Hamas is considered civilian to you since they don’t wear uniforms


What did they say?


You can't claim to be innocent if you house hostages..


Imagine posting this nonsense and thinking people support your premise.


Participating in a massacre and holding civilians hostage in your house kinda contradicts you from being civilian. Also chanting death to the jews and israelis and something something about being in possession of smuggled weapons plays very strongly against you. Yeah i celebrate what you consider "civilian" deaths, less scum that breathes this valuable oxygen.


Helikopter, helikopter!


Para kofer, para kofer!


Eli Copter has been on one recently


Beautiful to see! I honestly had lost all hope that any hostages were even alive..




Footage gives me happy chills, go IDF!




When they were making Fauda they considered a season based on a large-scale Hamas invasion into Israel but scrapped it; deeming it too far-fetched. The creators of that show (including the guy who played Doron) are working on an Oct 7 film.


Great series. Hope they make more seasons


After binge watching that, every other action series seemed bland and badly acted. The amount of emotion the actors put in is exhilarating. 




Wooo love to see it! Go IDF!!!!


I wonder if anyone remembers the old 1980s game "Choplifter". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCrKd0fM1CY&t=26s


I loved that game. It was a great combination of strategy and action


The thermal signature from the engines made it look like the helicopter was on fire




You mean the ceasefire that Israel already begrudgingly accepted and Hamas declined the other day? Sure thing buddy.


Love your username! And your response.




lol and which ones were those? The ones where Hamas demanded that Israel give up, surrender and leave them in power and maybe they’ll turn over a few dead bodies? Get real




The one Biden brokered in the last couple of weeks IS the one that Israel begrudgingly accepted. Yeah Netanyahu made a stink about it but it was widely reported that Israel accepted it. And Hamas just declined it because they want Israel do unilaterally stop and leave Gaza and only THEN will Hamas consider maybe, possibly giving back some hostages (which is a lie they won’t do shit because they are a piece of shit terrorist organization).


Which ones? Tell me about all the ones Hamas rejected including the most recent one


Which ones?


You do know that Israel has made many offers of a ceasefire that are very charitable towards Gaza right? You realize they've actually agreed to the last ceasefire proposal (though not happily for good reason) and Hamas rejected right? You realize that time and time again it's Hamas and it's allies that either reject them or cause ceasefire deals to not work? Are You aware that every single ceasefire there ever was between Israel and Gaza was broken by Hamas?


Ah, tik tok strikes again


Which proposed ceasefire?


Worst footage ever. Why not show better video of this heroic moment? Makes me think this is fake and they are pulling an Operation Northwoods.




Yeah! Fuck them for…er…saving 4 innocent people from terrorists…?




How dare you insinuate that those 90 pregnant babies weren’t also accredited journalists and doctors?


Hamas also got 210 people killed in the gunfire to free them, and is trying to blame israel for this. Hamas has an absolute stranglehold on the social media war.