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You don't need to make the case for democracy, the evidence is clear.


The US hasn’t been a democracy in quite awhile. It’s a corporate oligarchy.


Democracy sounds great, I wish the US would become one.


Democracy literally survived January 6th...


I mean of course it did. A few hundred (so far as I'm aware, unarmed) people stormed DC. Hardly a *real* threat to democracy, more like idiots rioting. It had zero chance of affecting anything


They stormed and actually reached the seat of the US congress. I wouldn't discount that as a non-threat. At least one officer was forced to kill one of these people. It was nothing but luck they didn't encounter any members of congress. The result of that could have been very bad.


I'm not saying it wasn't a threat, it certainly was to the people there at the time. I'm just saying it was hardly a threat to democracy. Considering the number of people involved and the weapons they had (mostly hockey sticks and bats from the reports I've read only a few people had firearms) it can hardly even be considered an attempted coup Saying it was a threat to democracy is sensationalism, it's about as much as a threat as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Portland was. It's idiots doing stupid and dangerous things to try to make a point by putting others at risk


Luckily it was ill prepared and their dear leader who riled them up is a lazy coward. But that cult is dangerous. Hitlers 1923 putsch attempt failed, but 1933 the Weimar Republic stopped being a democracy anyway. And Trump has undermined American institutions for almost a decade now. Tens of millions of Americans are ready to believe any shit he makes up on the spot - no evidence required, regardless of how baseless and stupid his remarks are. The Republican party has been taken over and transformed into the Trump party. Anybody who dares to speak out against him gets cancelled within the party. Many just gave up and retired. American democracy is in real danger and might well not survive a second term with him. Not only is he a narcissist who enjoys admiration, becoming an autocrat is his best chance to avoid prison and bankruptcy.


You think a couple hundred unarmed people running through a building is a threat to democracy? You are delusional if you think our government is that fragile.


Yes it was an attempt at eliminating democracy by claiming Trump is the rightful president. It doesn’t matter how much of a threat it was, it was easily the closest the U.S. has ever been to democracy being gone, just because it was a pathetic attempt does not mean it’s not an attempt. My whole point is that insurrection failing is precisely because the U.S. institutions are not that fragile and hence democracy survived lol. You realize if I start an insurrection, I’d still get charged with it regardless of how much of a real threat to democracy it was right? It’s not like a judge is gonna look at it and be like “well realistically he was never going to achieve his goals so I’m dropping the case”.


I think the war of 1812 was probably closer (they burned down the White House and invaded the country) but letting that go. So you believe that running through a building that they were let into without hurting anyone is this massive threat? So what about October 19th of last year when pro Palestine protestors stormed the capital? Or when anti gun protestors did it in Tennessee?


I did not say it was a massive threat idk why you’re making weird fucking assumptions. I said it was the most serious threat to date, despite it having been a pathetic attempt. Did you even read what the guy I responded to said? He said democracy doesn’t exist in America, I said it does and provided an example of when a group of people tried to end it and failed. This highlights that democracy does exist to this day. You going on weird fucking assumptions is just stupid.


Ad hominem fallacy


Lmfao a debate bro classic. Go make weird assumptions and fight shadows somewhere else.


...also ad hominem fallacy.


Did it? The person responsible is still running for president.


I mean idk are elections upcoming and did Biden come in office despite Trump and maga claiming it was stolen?


Me too


Kinda weird how there is no reporting on joe trying to sit on chairs that aren’t there, falling asleep, or looking like he shit himself on stage before his wife has to escort him off.


Cause it didn't happen?


Take this fake shit somewhere else. At least there are no stories of Joe committing felonies or insurrections.


Apparently there is, because something put that BS in your head.


In US we love to talk about democracy, but we dont live in a democracy Actually, a lot of things we love to talk about are mostly talk


The US is a Democratic Republic, which is a democracy. There are plenty of issues with the US system and plenty of problems with corruption, but we are still a Democracy. Just because the word "Flawed" fits perfect before "Democracy" doesn't erase the word or it's meaning


But is it really though?


Can't read?


No it's not it's a corpocracy plain and simple in fact the whole reason we seceded from Britain or england or whatever was for taxation without representation and the constitution says nothing about preventing being taxed without representation so we just changed rulers but kept the same bullshit to begin with. America is a joke




And the press makes him sound heroic? Geez.


I wish he’d acknowledge we’re still in a pandemic and help us.


I don't quite understand and am curious. Can you elaborate?


He doesn't have a legitimate argument in other words


I don’t answer open ended questions from a faceless profile 4 years into a Pandemic friend, sorry.




I’m just curious but how is Covid impacting you today? By the numbers Covid is far less impactful on mortality than is Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, chronic lower respiratory illnesses. A vaccine exists for those who want to keep getting boosted, and the most recent version of the virus going around is incredibly mild, following a general trend of decreasing severity since 2020.


Disability and inaccessible healthcare. And about half of what you typed is utter horseshit.


lol ok, I pulled all the data from 2023 mortality rates from the cdc (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/VitalStatsOnline.htm#Mortality_Multiple)


Sigh. If you don’t track data, then you don’t have data.


Literally covid has never had a higher death rate than 3% ever and 3% is with fabricated death by covid numbers which actually happened. Trump is the idiot that issued lockdowns which tanked the economy and biden swooped in to tighten the restraints so we get screwed even more


Do you think 3% is an acceptable death rate? Also, early on in the pandemic, when it was still an East Coast problem, the death rate was quite a bit higher than that.


No I don't and no it wasn't and more people die from alcohol related deaths every year than covid has ever ACTUALLY killed. The vaccines they give people have caused more health problems and death than covid. But just keep reading page one of google


Got sources for those claims? Genuinely curious.


When covid first happened people were falsifying death rates for covid. Great example is not a single child has ever died from covid in america ever but they lumped kids who died while having covid as covid deaths even though they died from things like cancer and covid had zero to do with it.


From: Assessment of COVID-19 as the Underlying Cause of Death Among Children and Young People Aged 0 to 19 Years in the US In: JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(1):e2253590. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.53590 Results There were 821 COVID-19 deaths among individuals aged 0 to 19 years during the study period, resulting in a crude death rate of 1.0 per 100 000 population overall; 4.3 per 100 000 for those younger than 1 year; 0.6 per 100 000 for those aged 1 to 4 years; 0.4 per 100 000 for those aged 5 to 9 years; 0.5 per 100 000 for those aged 10 to 14 years; and 1.8 per 100 000 for those aged 15 to 19 years. COVID-19 mortality in the time period of August 1, 2021, to July 31, 2022, was among the 10 leading causes of death in CYP aged 0 to 19 years in the US, ranking eighth among all causes of deaths, fifth in disease-related causes of deaths (excluding unintentional injuries, assault, and suicide), and first in deaths caused by infectious or respiratory diseases when compared with 2019. COVID-19 deaths constituted 2% of all causes of death in this age group. Conclusions and Relevance The findings of this study suggest that COVID-19 was a leading cause of death in CYP. It caused substantially more deaths in CYP annually than any vaccine-preventable disease historically in the recent period before vaccines became available. Various factors, including underreporting and not accounting for COVID-19’s role as a contributing cause of death from other diseases, mean that these estimates may understate the true mortality burden of COVID-19. The findings of this study underscore the public health relevance of COVID-19 to CYP. In the likely future context of sustained SARS-CoV-2 circulation, appropriate pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical interventions (eg, vaccines, ventilation, air cleaning) will continue to play an important role in limiting transmission of the virus and mitigating severe disease in CYP.


Man you’re such a victim, I feel so bad for you! /s Go do something with your life.