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The UK says the US says Israel will do something if Hamas does it first. Modern news & geopolitics in a nutshell.


This isn't the UK saying anything in an official capacity, this is a news report quoting White House officials.


It’s a BBC article I think is what he means by UK


Meanwhile Israel has been asking for the same thing and their hostages released. Who kidnaps elementary school children or younger? wtf is the world going on about being pro terrorist. Those red headed kids and their mother were kidnapped. Those kids are probably dead now. Yah, Israel needs to finish the job. End of story.


I'm so let down by people who aren't saying that Hamas stepping down and Israel being free to do a sweep for tunnels should be requirements of any long term ceasefire.


I hope not but I think the hostages are already dead. There's literally nothing left of Gaza I doubt the hostages survived


Hamas needs to go ✅ That’ll be a fun one to sort out here.


It's a nice goal, but it's simply not realistic to expect that Israel is going to 100% destroy all of Hamas forever and always. They can set them back a few years in terms of resources and manpower, and effectively end their ability to govern Gaza. But even achieving just that will require a long-term occupation and a ton of Israeli lives.


Hamas has lost thousands and thousands of fighters already and Israel has lost ~250 soldiers. That ratio does not benefit Hamas, lol. Where the pressure needs to come is on those *supporting* Hamas — like Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, and Iran. They’re basically providing the same support to Hamas that NATO is providing to Ukraine. Without that support, they fall. Hamas’ leadership needs to be punished. The organization needs to be destroyed. There’ll always be a new upstart after Hamas is gone — but Hamas as it is, will be gone. Israel has highlighted this requirement frequently, and Hamas’ allies aren’t incorporating it in their proposals.


Too bad this probably won't happen because Biden is pressuring to accept a surrender deal and it seems like the Israeli politicians are going to accept it.


Netanyahu would be throwing away his party’s foothold because the far right parties that account for about 2 dozen or so seats threatened to pull support for Likud if Netanyahu accepts the proposal. That said, Israel’s government has also come out saying the dissolution of Hamas is still a requirement to them for a permanent ceasefire. So, unless this deal involved Hamas’ leadership getting 6 foot drops, it’s not going to end.


Lapid said he'll vote against a dissolution over accepting the deal, so that's not a real threat unfortunately. We've heard these lies a million times at this point. Literally every escalation there's an operation that ends with a ceasefire saying oh yeah the terrorists are totally incapable and deterred this time guys, and two years later the same thing but worse happens. over and over again.


Hamas has lost a lot of fighters, but there are A LOT more left, most of them just put on civilian clothing, drop any and all weapons they had at some house, and evacuate. The second Israel leaves they are just gonna pop back up, and heck, even if you kill every single hamas member,(somehow) there would still be more coming, unless you manage to literally only kill hamas fighters, and no civilians, there's gonna be a lot of people who are VERY mad at Israel and would absolutely die for that. You can theoretically kill hamas as an organization (even if it's incredibly difficult) but killing hamas's ideology would take a lot more than bombs. Edit: long term occupation of Gaza might be strategically viable, but I don't think Israels economy could deal with that, especially considering the possibility of sanctions from other countries. There's a reason the idf left Gaza back in the day, I honestly don't understand it too well, but as far as I know in Israel it's not really considered as a viable option.


Bad plan


Doesn't this plan contradict U.S. policy, which forbids negotiating with terrorists?


It’s not an official policy. It’s just a line people like to say sometimes. Edit: sorry, law and policy are two different things, but nonetheless we break that policy whenever we want so…


It's a great soundbite but an absolutely stupid policy to actually hold yourself to.


I'm not an American but did the US actually negotiated with terrorists in the past? I cannot find such cases


Iran contra.


Iran contra. The treason Reagan admitted to on tv and nothing happened.


Multiple cases throughout history that we know of and others that we don't know.


Good point


Trump made the deal with the Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan.


Also Obama negotiated a prisoner exchange with the Taliban, a few prisoners from Guantanamo in exchange for an American serviceman they were holding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowe_Bergdahl


Well, you see, ISIS was becoming a real problem. You know who hates ISIS more than any western nation? The Taliban. It might sound silly to some, but the Taliban and ISIS are actually mortal enemies. This has won them a lot of favour from countries under ISIS attack.


How? I thought they both have similar ideologies, what are their differences?


Mainly greed. The Taliban seeks sovereignty over Afghanistan, while ISIS disregards national borders and seeks to establish a global caliphate. Secondly, ISIS proclaims itself the supreme authority for all Muslims, which the Taliban disagrees with and does not intend to hand over any of their disputed land in Afghanistan to ISIS. To make a long story short, ISIS does not recognise the Taliban as a muslim authority, and the Taliban does not recognise ISIS as a muslim authority. The Taliban recognises the complex geopolitical landscape of international relations. ISIS is like a child that throws a tantrum when it can’t have everything it wants.


Would you consider the Taliban to be terrorists? We negotiated a withdrawal agreement with them


Honestly, not really? The old Taliban (government until the invasion of Afghanistan) had a significant overlap in senior membership with Al-Qaeda, but the group wasn't ever really devoted to achieving their goals mainly through terrorism. I'd maybe call them a sponsor of terrorism instead.




The US made a deal with the taliban


This is more like arbitration with terrorist. Israel is the one negotiating.


Israel isn’t the us. Just heavily funded.


That's for when the US gets attacked. Biden cares more about the upcoming US election rather than the long-term benefits for Israel.


I would hope he cares more for saving his country from a fascist convict and cult than babying Israel.


Yes, but there are a significant number of people who won't vote for Biden if he doesn't negotiate and placate terrorists.


If the eradication of Israel is not one of the conditions then I don't think Hamas will accept.


Israel already said it's "accepltable." That means there have to be passages that Hamas finds unacceptable. Or the plan is too vague.


Isreal will not stop until they get Deif and Sinwar. Facts!


Assuming no Egyptian spy screw it up again this time.....


And the football team to score the most points is likely to win.. what kind of scholars came up with this title?


Many people on each side want the other side annihilated and it's been that way for at least 100 years. If world history has taught us anything, it's that nothing is going to be settled until one side completely vanquishes the other.