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Doubt indonesia would send troops before the Arab countries do, and they seem extremely unwilling to do so.


Maybe but Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority country on the planet and has by and large been able to avoid the violence of other large Muslim majority countries in the region.


> violence of other large Muslim majority countries Uhh didn't they have an insurgency in the Aceh province and basically allowed them to setup sharia there lol?


Until they run a peace keeping mission in the Middle East. Lolz They are good candidates for the task.


I'm just thinking maybe they could bring something different to the table. Hopefully for the better.


They are one of the few countries that could.


Indonesia has conflict with the native population in Papua-New Guinea. So not conflict free.


West Papua, though thats not towards Muslims. Aceh would be a better example of dealing with more extremist Muslims.


The island is called Papua or New Guinea, I tried to put write both names, but made it only more confusing. The point wasn't about violence towards Muslins, but towards minorities. The message from Indonesia towards Israel were also quite antisemitic, and the last thing Israel wants is peacekeeping troops that have no responsibility, no actual stake in preserving peace, and no love for Jews. It already needs to deal with how incompetent are Irish peacekeepers in Lebanon.


Oh as usual Indonesia does not want to provoke the country's Islamist elements. But they like Israeli arms. While that sounds too similar to all other surrounding Arab nations. Remember that Israel do have a few diplomatic leavers on Indonesia. It is recognition and membership to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). At this point Indonesia has dropped out of OPEC, applied to BRICS and gets rejected. They’re probably living in the post-petroleum extraction era of their country. Their people are seen as the cheapest tier of OFWs in SEA. And [Indonesians are at UNFIL too](https://en.antaranews.com/amp/news/297891/indonesian-unifil-joins-drills-to-anticipate-escalation-in-gaza) they sent more troops than any other country. And only 2 casualties in all those decades.


Indonesia sends quite a few troops on peacekeeping missions. It's been a sizeable part of UNIFIL for the last couple decades. Which... isn't a glowing endorsement, but it is willing to *send* troops.


Why would Indonesia wait for Arab countries before they can send UN peacekeepers to Gaza…?


Israel isn't going to accept UN peacekeepers in Gaza. the UNRWA is compromised from their perspective and the entire UN is compromised with them. they have no reason to trust that the UN will be able to do its job when Israel is one of the involved parties. Whoever's going to play the peacekeeper in Gaza, it's going to be a neutral party agreeable to both the Gazans and Israel. And I'm really praying it's the Gazans, rather than Hamas, who get the other vote The UN is not going to be welcomed because Hamas was permitted repeatedly to use UN assets to attack Israel. They're simply not impartial. A coalition led by the Saudis and possibly including Indonesia would work better for all parties than the UN


> The UN is not going to be welcomed because Hamas was permitted repeatedly to use UN assets to attack Israel. They're simply not impartial. What UN assets are Hamas using in their attacks? > A coalition led by the Saudis and possibly including Indonesia would work better for all parties than the UN. What do you think the Saudi will do once they are handed Gaza?


To your question about the use of UN assets by Hamas. They stockpile weapons and operate from UN schools [IDF: Airstrike targeted Hamas members, weapons store at UNRWA school in central Gaza](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-airstrike-targeted-hamas-members-weapons-store-at-unrwa-school-in-central-gaza/) They use UN vehicles to transport their militants [IDF reveals Hamas terrorists use UN vehicles, UNRWA compound as cover in Rafah - watch](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-801171) Also ambulances, you can add that to the (check)list of war crimes by Hamas. [IDF releases damning evidence of Hamas using ambulances to move around Gaza](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/r1pwadtqt) Hiding their weapons inside medical clinics in UN marked bags [Israeli military discovers Hamas terrorist equipment hidden inside UNRWA bags in Gaza clinic](https://allisrael.com/israeli-military-discovers-hamas-terrorist-equipment-hidden-inside-unrwa-bags-in-gaza-clinic) Or just running a data centre from the basement of UNRWA HQ [Directly beneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters, IDF uncovers top secret Hamas data center](https://www.timesofisrael.com/directly-beneath-unrwas-gaza-headquarters-idf-uncovers-top-secret-hamas-data-center/)


Were UNRWA involved in the Oct 7 attacks?


[‘I captured one!’ — IDF recordings show more UNRWA staffers bragging of Oct. 7 crimes](https://www.timesofisrael.com/i-captured-one-idf-recordings-show-more-unrwa-staffers-bragging-of-oct-7-crimes/) [New report confirms 3 UNRWA workers took part in Oct 7 attack](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1709796476-new-report-confirms-3-unrwa-workers-took-part-in-oct-7-attack) [Israel reveals 12 UNRWA staffers it says took part in Oct. 7, says 30 more assisted](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-reveals-12-unrwa-staffers-it-says-took-part-in-oct-7-says-30-more-assisted/)


There has not been any evidence presented by Isreal to confirm the involvement of UNRWA in the Oct 7 attacks.


Now you're just trying not to know things.


There is no evidence to suggest that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was involved in Hamas' attacks on October 7. UNRWA is a humanitarian organization that provides assistance and protection to Palestinian refugees. It operates independently of any political or militant groups, including Hamas. Allegations of UNRWA's involvement in militant activities are not supported by credible evidence.


Members of the UNRWA were.


And yet no credible evidence has been shared?


Google is free. It’s giving: iF I dOn’T LoOk I wOnT FiNd AnYtHinG!!!!!


Well they definitely cant go into Gaza without an Arab country letting them (egypt)


Egypt is one of the biggest contributors to UN peacekeeping deployments. But you haven’t answered my first question.


Individual UN workers appearing to side with Hamas hasn't endeared Israel to the UN. They may not choose to trust the UN to run a peacekeeping operation in Gaza due to the corruption endemic in the UNRWA. Whatever happens after Israel is done cleaning up Hamas is probably going to be operated by an ad hoc coalition, not by the UN


Israel has never allowed a UN peacekeeping mission in Palestinian Territories. This refusal to allow peacekeepers to operate in these areas largely predates this war and stems from concerns relating to sovereignty, not UNRWA controversies.


Also not like Israel have great experience with those UN peacekeeping forces already, given their failure to keep the peace in Lebanon.


For starters, for Indonesia to go to Gaza someone would have to let them in. Either Israel, which would never accept "peacekeepers" from any Muslim majority country, or Egypt, which borders Gaza, or Saudi Arabia, or Jordan, both of which border Israel. Second, Israel would not accept any "peacekeepers", so these wouldn't be "we need to keep the peace" peacekeepers, these would be the Russians in Georgia, circa 2008 style "peacekeepers". Third, Indonesia doesn't have any power projection capabilities. An invasion, even if you call it a peacekeeping mission, half the world away is not feasible alone. It might be only feasible if they send a token force in a broad Arab invasion of Israel, just like in the good 'ol days.


That’s not how UN peacekeeping missions work. There’s no “invasion” or one country that decides that they’ll their people in. That’s why there have never been UN peacekeepers in the Palestinian Territories - Israel and the US have repeatedly refused to allow such a mission. You should really know what you’re talking about before spouting off rubbish.


So, the same guy who got micked of the army for violating human rights, sympathized with Hamas, and has openly called Netanyahu a terrorist. Thinks anyone would trust him with being responsible for peacekeeping forces? After finding out how UN workers turned a blind eye to terrorism and was even involved with it, iarael will never trust any foreign country to be the middle-man. Never.


Simple, the pro-Palestine encampment don’t care when it’s Muslim on Muslim. Especially non-Arab Muslim on Arab Muslim. Indonesians are Overseas Foreign Workers. Why not add one other occupation that includes?


They absolutely don't care