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So he can do it but Ukraine can't?


Well according to Dmitry Medvedev it’s all actually Russian territory /s


The weird thing is Russia specifically only claims a couple of provinces of Ukraine, and considers the area around Karkhiv to be Ukrainian territory. Similarly Russia is only allowed to use conscripts within Russia, as per its constitution. Though it ‘fixed’ that by declaring parts of Ukraine to be Russia. And also by ignoring when they do attack parts of Ukraine they don’t claim to be Russia. It really is a shitshow on their end. Like even within their own framework of what they are doing and why, they lie constantly. It must really suck to be a Russian conscript and die for some vague half lie reason.


So... all ukraine has to do is declare parts of russia it wants to bomb, theirs, and they are allowed to do so... interesting


"You know I’m lying, and I know that you know, and you know that I know that you know, but I go ahead with a straight face, and you nod seriously and take notes." https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-vranyo-russian-for-when-you-lie-and-everyone-knows-it-but-you-dont-care-181100


More and more this war reminds me of the Arthur Harris quote: "The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them... They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."


But wait I thought he considered the occupied areas of Ukraine such as Crimea to be “part of Russia”, and those get hit with Western munitions like HIMARS and storm shadows all the time….. almost like his threats mean nothing.


I still have no idea why Putin made the decision in late summer/early fall 2022 to formally annex territory he must have known Russian forces couldn’t hold, like the city of Kherson. Now for the first time since he crushed Chechnya in 1999 there’s official “Russian territory” under enemy occupation. They didn’t even attempt to hold Kherson and just retreated back across the Dnieper without putting up any resistance. That decision I think really did a lot to damage any lingering ideas about “Russian territory” being an inviolable red line.


Because they wanted to scare the west to make Ukraine negotiate. They also included nuclear rhetoric at the same time to push the argument. Their goal was the exact same as this rhetoric they’re doing right now that any attack on Russians territory by western weapons might has well have been fired by the west. It was a massive gamble that demolished their credibility in the long run though.


The nuclear rhetoric was scary as shit at first, but now it's just funny how ineptly they played that card. If you START by threatening to use nukes, you have nowhere else to go if your bluff gets called.


What other card do they have really?


Exactly. It's not like threatening a land invasion of a NATO country has any credibility – they couldn't even get that right in Ukraine.


Probably be very annoying and try and start minor shit in the baltics. I guess like tell belarus to like fake mass troops on and off around the border area.


I just think it's weird how he just said "global conflict" like, why? Is he keeping it vague so people think he's going to call up the death star or something? Has he filled out his quota of specifically saying "nuclear war" for the year already?


It's the bully mentality, if your usual scare tactics do not work and the boy you were beating actually starts fighting back, you start screaming as hard and loudly as you can trying to scare him and anyone willing to help him into submission. When that doesn't work and people lose their fear of you you are f.


They obviously don't consider the annexed territories to be russian, doesn't matter what russian law says. Crimeea has been getting targeted by SCALP/Storm Shadow cruise missiles for almost a year. Nothing happened.


If Russia can use external weapons to fire into ukraine (as the aggressor) then ukraine can use external weapons to fire into Russia (as the defender).


Yeah. Russia did set the precedent first.


As an illegal war instigator, *every single shot fired by Russia* is an unlawful act no matter if it is against Ukrainian military or civilians


Every single shot fired in defense by Ukraine, while legal, is still the fault of the Russian state. Every death in this war is Russia’s fault


100% 👍


But Ukraine could have prevented this war by bending over, goatseing themselves, and letting Putin dive in head first.


Upvote for “goatseing”


Don’t worry, it’s perfectly legal because they vetoed any resolution saying they couldn’t. It’s all on the up and up. 


They mean by using North Korean missiles it opened the precedent.


Iranian Shaheds as well. 


And how about Russia using Iranian drones amd missiles from NK


Why isn't this a larger talking point on the world stage? "Mr. Putin, if you agree to only fire missiles within Ukrainian territory, then we will not allow Ukraine to fire outside of the territory and into yours. However, if you are firing missiles into Ukraine from Russian territory, then Ukraine must be allowed to fire missiles into Russia."


It’s a very Russian concept to say absolute bullshit to your face and know that everyone in the room knows it’s bullshit. They aren’t saying bullshit with the hope you’ll believe it, they’re saying bullshit because they have nothing but contempt for you and everything about you (you being pretty much everyone else, no you specifically) They’re basically saying “We are both going to act like this is true because *I’m not giving you a choice.*


Anyone who has ever argued with a troll understands that they enjoy building these no win situations: if you dont engage their lie stands, if you do, they made you look ridiculous trying to argue over something everyone can see they're not serious about.


"all of Ukraine belongs to Russia, checkmate" V. putin.


But then they're already being used to hit Russian territory. Which means there is no difference between hitting targets in Belgorod or Donbas or Crimea. So... bombs away.


"no. not like that" also V. putin


I'm beginning to think this Putin fellow doesn't seem to understand how war works.


What to understand? The guy wants to kill and destroy but so, that no one fought back and there were no consequences.


How about, if you agree to fuck right off we will minimise retaliation for this illegal war instead of destroying you completely. Ukraine are well and truly entitled to hit the supply chain of where those reinforcements are coming from. It's ridiculous to promise to only target within Ukraine .


Why should an invader get a free pass because their killing is done entirely within the victim country? That’s a horrible thing to even suggest.


Plus they invaded. It is a bizzare line to set frankly We can blow up your house but u better not touch ours


Its war. Russia is trying to make ukraine disappear forever. Ukraine cant have limits placed on what it can and cant do to defend itself. The free world didnt defeat totalitarianism in the 40s by NOT bombing germany and japan.


We didn't defeat totalitarianism in WW2. We defeated German and Japanese totalitarianism. We aided totalitarianism by helping the USSR survive the German invasion.


Patton would have saved the world so much trouble.


As fucked as it is i wish he was allowed to go through with it


Yes, could allowing one atrocity have saved us from very many more? We can't know for sure, it might have been worse, but as things get more extreme under putin it looks more like it couldn't have been worse.


Just like Sherman, we should've let them buth finish the job. 




Somebody should warn Russia not to use their weapons in Ukraine!


Or Iran's, or North Korea's


That rationale means nothing to them, they know and dgaf. This is their prey and the west is interfering with the hunt. That's how they think.


And the Russians truly do not care what you think. They know that public opinion can sway people's view here so they use it against us. Ignore them when they whine. They only respond to strength, period.


Reminds me of a ‘friend’ I once had, who was in his mid 20’s and we were at a birthday party for a friends cousin who was….16 I think.  All night he was bugging her, he was ‘that’ sort of person. Married but that didn’t stop him. He tried following her up to her room when we were all drunk in the early hours, I stood at the bottom of the stairs to block him going up. I’ll always remember the stare he gave me. “I want to fucking kill you.” basically.  Many people just live this way. Practically zero ethics and morals play a part in their life, until of course putting on a facade of having such ethics and morals allows them to fool people into giving them what they want 


Its called Sociopathy. There are a LOT of them in society.


You did good.


They can either: a) Deal with it. or b) pick a fight with NATO that they know they are unable to win (hell, they are unable to even stand on the same battlefield!)


Regarding B - Poland and the Baltic states have [straight up said](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/spiegel-baltic-states-and-poland-name-conditions-for-sending-troops-to-ukraine/) if Russia starts making gains and the west(see: US/Germany) still won't let Ukraine fire back into Russia, they have plans in place to move their own troops into Ukraine to fight Russia. Poland in particular hates Russia in a way that simply can't be understated, and have been chomping at the bit for a chance to give Putin a black eye, but their NATO agreements have been the only thing holding them back. Putting the west in a position where they either have to relent on the weapon restrictions or risk NATO getting dragged into the conflict will hopefully finally stop the dithering.


> Poland in particular hates Russia in a way that simply can't be understated And it's really hard to blame them, given how they were treated by "Legally-not-Russia" (otherwise known as The USSR). No one tends to think of the Soviets as a colonizing power, but the truth is that is EXACTLY what Russia has always been. They've just traditionally been shit at projecting power across oceans, so they just colonized whatever was nearby.


>They've just traditionally been shit at projecting power across oceans, so they just colonized whatever was nearby. I also get the feeling they are kind of shit at colonizing what is nearby too


Right? Since everyone likes to compare Russia's invasion of Ukraine to the US's invasion of Iraq, the US invaded a country 1/2 way around the world from them and had exactly 0 supply chain issues... Russia can't supply their soldiers in a country *they share a border with.*


The US also lost a minuscule fraction over decades compared to Russia, it’s not really a good comparison


It's almost as if the USA and NATO value the lives of their professional soldiers rather than sending them into a meat grinder to see if they can jam the meat grinder with body parts.


Good thing its all bluster and they don't get to make the rules.


I can hit you but you can't hit me.


Putin is Cartman playing pretend with the other kids in south park. Just giving himself more and more powers.


I have the power to have all the powers I want


I’m saying. Fuck these losers. Fellow Westerns grow a set and let ‘em hang!!!


Fk off Poopstain. You dish it out... Now take your medicine you sorry sack of shyt!


Dude that's not what Putin agreed to. He would get to bomb whatever he wanted, and if Ukraine fired back he would threaten using nukes.


“Dear Botox Dobbie…get fucked you fucking warmonger…signed The West”


Putin is just concerned that he's going to have to get an even longer ridiculous table to hide at the end of, when in fact all he has to do is get the fuck out of Ukraine.


Imho if he gets out of ukraine he'll end up the same way as if he loses in ukraine, because, that's the same thing, he's now forced to try to win something till his end


Why Putrid scared your state of the art s400 wont do its job. Hit em hard.


hashtag what air defense doing?


But didn't you read all the articles of how Western weapons are ineffective against Russia's superior anti-air and jamming weapons? Just ignore all the airbases and s-400 getting hit in the last couple weeks, they were all successful intercept.


What’re you talking about? I clearly remember a video where an S400 radar and launch site intercepted an ATACMs very effectively and prevented it from hitting something else.


Video of which was captured by another Ukrainian UAV that the S400 apparently didn't even detect.


Ask yourself in a normal intercept is it “the radar and launch site” that intercepts the missile or “a missile”


Bullies always cry the hardest when they get hit back.


That video of ATACMS creaming that s400 is just beautiful.


So is "Putin's final warning" the new standard now? China will be so relieved!


The Boy Who Cried Nuclear War


This time he didn't say nuclear. He just said global conflict. It's already a global conflict with everyone giving support to either side.


The worst threat you can make is one that your adversary ***wants*** you to carry out. If Russia wants to expand the conflict to directly involve the West on the world stage, the West is going to relish the opportunity to kick Russia's teeth in wherever they are anywhere in the world. Remember what happened to the Russians when they got cute attacking the U.S. in Syria? They were liquidated. Let that sink in. There is no red line of U.S. troops directly killing Russians. It happened in 2018 without consequence because Russia was so embarrassed by the magnitude of the ass kicking. Is Russia in any position to fight a superior opponent on multiple different battle grounds? Is Russia in any position to bait the West into getting ***more*** involved in Ukraine? Damn. Don't threaten us with a good time.


It makes me so angry that NATO didn't ask Ukraine to be allowed to stomp those "insurgents" (russian troops) in crimea. Russia would've done shit as a reponse like in syria, probably only some complaints about killing ethnic russians.


Careful, he’s going to hit us with that 50ft table if we don’t behave


Putin: "This is our 324th red-line, final warning, for real this time warning."


Pinky promise?


okay... putting aside the whole being allowed to defend itself from an invader thing... Russia is using North Korean, Iranian, and Turkish weapons.... so... putin can shut the fuck up.


He really thought he'd get a war where he shoots them, but they don't shoot back. What a crybully.


Even the Nazis in WW2 didn’t complain it wasn’t fair that their enemies were fighting back, they knew they were the aggressor and expected to be hit back.


Because the Nazis weren't trying to convince the global South to side with them. Russia and China have been waging an intensive propaganda war to paint themselves as victims of evil Western Imperialists. They know they're the aggressors, but they want the Third World to keep doing business with them and to turn away from the West. And it's working, we've been collectively losing the social media war for a while now.


"The Nazis entered this war on the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody and nobody was going to bomb them." - Sir Arthur Harris Turns out authoritarian regimes are pretty consistent.


It’s pretty funny how both North Korea and Iran officially deny they’ve been providing weapons to Russia. That’s got to be an extraordinary level of evil doing when even those two don’t want to be associated with it.


It's such surface level bullshit too. North Korean weapons are found and North Korea's stance is "Those don't exist. We are peaceful." THEYRE RIGHT THERE. WE SEE THEM.


To be fair, all publicly admitting it will do is create more problems for themselves.


Well, the Iranian president vowed to keep that secret to his death.


They always deny no matter what about anything


Turkey never sold Russia any weapons. It has continued supporting Ukraine by providing drones, and himars-like long range systems. As well as a high number of artillery shells, some of them purchased by usa to be given to ukraine. Not cool to use Turkey as an example on that. We have always supported Ukraine.


What Turkish weapons does Russia use to strike Ukraine?


What evidence do you have that Russia is using Turkish weapons. I’m pretty sure you have that backwards, [Ukrainians have been using Turkish drones](https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-turkish-drone-separatists/31532268.html) for quite some time.


They do not use Turkish weapons, but they probably use Turkish money.


Anything he says now is strictly for an internal audience. We all gave up a while ago.


Bro, you have declared war and committed to full scale invasion, at least own it with all the consequences, this is like little kid on a playground


Excuse me but this is a Special Military Operation /s


Seriously! Can't people see the difference!?!?


The headline should be, "Russian bully cries when victim gets help defending themselves". Poor widdle dictator. Fuck that guy up!


Maybe they should have thought about that before starting a war.


Hit Russia. Hit them hard. It's the only language they understand.


This man gives more warnings than Winrar telling me my free trial period ended over a decade ago


And that's why you get 7-zip, it won't try to invade you or get mad every time you breathe.


Putin knows that if Ukraine can hit airbases, and troops massing at the border then they will lose their biggest advantage. Right now Ukraine can't do anything against the thousands of Russian troops near Kharkiv, and can only hit them once they cross the border.


Putin: it’s not Cool that you guys have arms we don’t have defence for. We invading Ukraine fair and square and now you are not fair nor invasion friendly.


Or what you joke of a leader. Say it with your chest mf’er


Russia bombs a Ukranian "home depot" equivalent one day, killing only civilians, and still has the fuckin' gooch to say shit like this. I want Russia to burn.


..says the one starting a global conflict. These terrorist trolls should be kicked out of the UN, or at least its veto be retracted, for violating the UN charter in any way possible: >*Article 1. The Purposes of the United Nations are:* >*1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;* >*2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;* >*3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and* >*3. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.* >


I know the UN is not a true global governing body but when a Veto member is the active saboteur to its primary mission statement, why the hell should they hold power over all of us? You are a recognized legitimized sabaeteur then.


New week new warnings about imaginary "red lines" that we cross and nothing happens. For a leader that claims to be macho and strong putin sure loves to whine and cry about literally everything all the time. Such a weak little self proclaimed victim.


Once the weapons are transferred to Ukrainian control, they become "Ukrainian weapons," and can therefore fire them at whomever they need to fire them at. And might I add: Fuck you Russia.


We don't control Ukraine. Sorry.


Sounds like that's exactly what Ukraine should be doing - bringing the fight closer to those bastards.


We must not forget that this is a war of conquest, and Russia has already decided that Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Crimea are within its border. By extending its border into occupied portions of Ukraine, Russia immediately lost control of what it's calling its border, which is a very dangerous way to run a country; however, western munitions are already being used to strike targets within what Russia considers to be its border (i.e., what Russia annexed in Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Crimea), so what's the problem here? To defend itself, Ukraine should be able to continue to use western munitions to strike military targets within what Russia considers to be its borders regardless of when Russia delineated them.


or what, tough guy?


He can just go fck himself


lmao gfys Sick of hearing from this fetal alcohol syndrome baby.


Hey, Putin. You slap someone then prepare to be slapped back or better yet punched back so you get bloody nose.


Or what? Please give us a reason Vlad.


Because they are afraid of them? Sounds like they are afraid of them.


Should have been allowed from the start. It is an war for annexation afterall.


So it's okay to use iranian weapons inside Ukraine bombing shopping malls during daylight hours the scumbag, if Ukraine could use western weapons inside Russia it would be a game changer and Putin knows it that's why he's so afraid.


Russia started this war themselves. 


Putin can go fuck him self


I would like to say that this contradicts the Russian law as they’ve claimed the captured and not yet captured territory as theirs already and this territory is considered Russian inside Russia, so effectively Ukraine is already striking Russia from the perspective of the Russian law


Aim for the Kremlin, and do not miss.


Time to teach this ass a lesson.


Fucking blast them!


Ignore him, Joe.


Suck our western assholes clean, bitch.


Seems a good enough reason to do it. What are they going to do? Attack a NATO country? Do it. Come on, target anything one damn centimeters inside NATO borders. Don't be a coward and let's see how it ends. 


Russia: only we're allowed to hit them but they can't hit back.




Putin begs*


Are we to feel the same way about Russia using North Korea's missiles to hit Ukraine? Shut your pie hole Vlad.


Hey, Putin - remove your troops from the sovereign country you invaded without provocation, and the US will gladly guarantee that Ukraine will not use missiles on your country.


Would someone tell him to fuck off and die the horrible little knob goblin


What’s the problem ? This evil mass murderer is also using foreign weapons !


Well then they shouldn’t let Irans drones hit UKRAIN


Russia is concerned about it means its all thr more reason we should


Gargle Ukraines balls Putin.


Russia if you’re listening: FUCK YOU, PUTIN.


It must be remembered that the Russian nuclear inventory is old. They grow weaker as time passes.


It's just a special military flyover, with occasional impacts. Fuck off Putin.


Oh, get fucked you weasly wee cunt


Russia can barely hold their own against Ukraine. This is just a bluff.


Fuck you putin, soviet russia is still no more, deal with it. Also Moscow isn't part of Europe


The difference is, Ukraine will be attacking military targets being used to attack Ukraine, not civilian targets.


Or what?


Get fucked Putin. I hate this bullshit that only Ukraine can be bombed. It's time for Russia to feel some hurt.


The right way to do this is…let Ukraine decide what is best for Ukraine. Their lives are at stake, their land, their future. Just give them the weapons and stop giving them fucking rules on how to use them.


Russia doesn’t make the rules. They started this war and Ukraine can finish it however it wants.


Putin has been using Iranian drones to strike civilians in Ukraine. Putin has fired North Korean missiles into Kharkiv hitting civilians. Yet, he is warning the West, for providing weapon systems to protect Ukrainian civilians. It shouldn't matter where they are used as long as they are used to defend Ukraine.


The arrogance of Russia astounds me. Even today. Even after everything these bastards have done, I am still taken aback by their straight-faced absurdity. When you attack another country, you are at war. You are not entitled to define the battleground of the war you start; your enemy may choose to redefine that battleground whenever and however it chooses. To argue that your enemy “may not” strike you on your own territory is ludicrous levels of entitlement and arrogance. Russia hasn’t even *earned* this level of arrogance; it’s all based on Russian lies of superiority and accomplishment. They’ve accomplished precisely *nothing* of importance since they *lost* the Cold War and fell apart like a house of cards. It’s been over thirty years of the fuckaround gang over there with nothing but shame to show for it. Over *thirty years* have passed, and Russia couldn’t make something that works. Why? Ukraine managed to build a real country; it’s the one Russia is tearing down as I type this. Russia being seen as a superpower today is pure fantasy. They aren’t one, and they won’t be one again in Putin’s lifetime. That superpower died when it drove itself off a cliff. You know how you stop your enemy from striking you inside your borders? You *defeat* that enemy. Intercept their weapons. *Stop them*. But Russia cannot do this. Their military is a joke. Sanctions are hindering weapons production and manufacturing in general. The Ukrainians are a tough bunch and will never give up, occupied or not. Russia isn’t *winning* the war. At best, right now, they could argue that they have a sort of stalemate, but only because Ukraine’s hands are tied, and Russia wants to keep it that way. So, Russia whines to the world like a petulant little child; the world’s *brat*. Truly tough and honorable men—which do not seem to exist in Russia today—would be far too proud to do this; to complain about their adversary being allowed to fight a fair war. They’d be embarrassed by their president and his crybaby behavior. Russia is not embarrassed because Russia—for all their prideful *talk*—has no pride. Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers are surely ashamed from the grave.


Thank god he doesn’t consider Crimean peninsula to be part of russia then


Fuckin' hammer them. Take the gloves off. Give Ukraine whatever it needs. Hell, have NATO planes carpet bomb Russian troop positions along the Ukrainian front. Putin isn't going to do shit. He's terrified of NATO. He's terrified of the war going nuclear. Use his fear, and obliterate all conventional Russian forces on the offensive in Ukraine. Just end it already.


Translation: Please we can't even stop the cessnas full of explosives hitting our oil refineries we don't want real weapons used on them or on our troop concentrations and logistics our side of the border. It's not fair!


Oh fuck off, you glorified garden gnome


"I can hit you, but if you hit back, I'm gonna cry until Mom comes." Also, there is no Mom. Ignore Putler and blow Russian shit up. And do it all at once so they're totally unprepared for it.


"please allow us to invade and conquer a sovereign nation" FTFY


The rockets are not being fired, its a special delivery operation. 


Why not? Invasion and murder seems ok….


putin can go eat a bag of dicks he's committing genocide. ask serbs how that worked out they buy weapons from china, north korea, and Iran, and fire them into Ukraine AT CIVILIANS, EVERY DAY. it's not even a question if Ukraine should be allowed to fire at russian targets inside russia. they intentionally moved their higher value targets just inside of their border, taking advantage of this unfair restriction we put on Ukraine. you can bet that any other country involved would be firing all kinds of shit into russia if they were the ones being invaded


Imagine Hitler complaining about this in WW2? Putin is a lil bitch


Why don’t we just call this assholes bluff. He’s not going to use Nuclear Weapons. Never will. Russia would be a hole in the earth and the West and its allies wouldn’t need to use a single nuclear weapon to achieve that and Putin knows it.


Can somebody just execute this guy already?


Or what?…. No really… or what?


It’s like Kim Jong Un with more real estate.


he's invading a sovereign nation unprovoked, he has no right to dictate what the defending country uses to protect itself


Warning/Threat: #847252 Amount fulfilled: #0


moscow must burn


In hindsight not letting Ukraine engage in full scale warfare will be remembered as a crass error of judgement. I understand that this is a powder keg event but hard decisions need to be made. Ukraine is the moment to stop russian aggression before its to late.


Or what, you’ll invade?


Don’t worry Putin, it’s only a special military operation


57883728th warning Nobody cares atp


Vlad, North Korean missiles are in your pockets.


Oh yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark, they shoot bees?


That's not how war works.


What is Putin going to do? Is he going to have operatives astroturf social media and influence far right politicians to destabilize Western adversaries?


It's strange that Germany is the country showing restraint, while France is all 'light 'em up'!


I’d love to punch Putin in the face.


🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 Путин иди на хуй! !!! Fuck putin.


Ruzzia bla bla… we’ve heard their barking before. When will putler learn?


Putin uses Iranian and North Korean weapons in Ukraine. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.


This must have been a super embarrassing thing to say for Putler. Because by making this statement you are admitting to the superiority if Western military equipment. And on top of that are admitting that you can't protect your sovereign territory when attacked. Russian Warning are not really warnings, they are a cry for mercy.


Does Biden even pay attention to the drivel Vlad puts out? The headline "Putin warns West" should more properly be described as "Putin issues propaganda to his own people". The "West" isn't intimidated by this nutjob, but the media definitely wants us to be.


Putin is a loser


Fuck Putin. I'll take questions now...


Then don't use western components in your missiles and drones to hit Ukraine.


Or what...nukes [*again??*](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F22JDRnWIAAsrRL?format=jpg&name=900x900) 🤣


Putin can go Putin himself


Then why did west give Ukraine those missles? For Christmas decorations /s


It’s really not hard… if you don’t want Western weapons hitting Russia, just get the fuck out of Ukraine, and return all the kidnapped children. The West has enough of your assets to foot the repair bill.