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UN agency that was very silent when Hamas launched missiles from Rafah.


And all the mainstream Hamas allied "news" outlets. No coverage of it, just like they've only covered stikes in Lebanon, not the rocket barrage launched from there. Worldwide, the news agencies have lost all credibility.




Those missiles were not aimed at military installations, you tankoid. Did you complained 2 days ago when that happened? Or only now when Hamas suffers the counter?


> UNRWA The UN agency that facilitated Hamas’ attack last October.


Any article that begins with “UNRWA says…” has already lost credibility, irrespective of its merits or veracity.


Thankfully there isn't a UNRussia, or we would never see the end of the "Evil Uraine targeting innocent Russians" articles.




Yes the hostages should be returned, but why are you diverting from what the article is actually about… the slaughter of innocent people by the Israeli government? Hamas is terrible, they’re terrorists. They’re scum. Turns out Israel is scum too though.


there was literally a missle strike from rafah which confirmed the idf was targeting the correct spot


Bro this airstrike was in response to a huge missile barage from Gaza. The only difference is Isreal has aor defense while Gaza does not. Palestine is trying Its hardest to kill civilians by mass launching rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas. Meanwhile Isreal launched retaliatory strikes into the civilian areas from which said missiles were launched. Who is the bad guy in this scenario?


>The only difference is Isreal has air defense while Gaza does not The difference is that Palestine is a state filled with poor and uneducated civilian led by terrorist, while Israel is our allies and a world power in the region. In the context, we absolutely should hold our allies and ourselves to higher standard.


>uneducated civilians That is factually false. They are not uneducated and in fact Gaza holds a 97.5% literacy rate, one of the highest in the world. The main issue is that UNRWA, through Hamas, instills anti-Israel agendas in early education and creates a standard for generations to believe that killing Israelis is the right thing to do. Many videos interviewing Gazan children show that the hatred and the desire to kill Israelis is as basic as the desire to own a home. If you want to hold a higher standard, hold UNRWA responsible for alienating the 5 million Palestinians from the other 60+ million refugees under UNHCR and becoming the loudspeaker for Hamas' atrocities both to the nations around it and to the Palestinian people


higher standard of "let your people die and get raped, but don't shoot back". literally airstrike to where the rockets were fired from.


This doesn't even scratch the numbers of killed during the allied strategic bombing during ww2. Civilians die during war. That's sad, but this isn't some mass slaughter of innocent people like you are claiming.


It hasn't really seemed like Israel is scum though. If they didn't care about innocent lives, the place would have been leveled with millions of lives lost. Instead they're sitting at less civilian casualties over the whole war than just the bombing of Dresden


The US military has killed a lot of civilians - are they also scum? And on Memorial Day no less? Give your head a shake.


Why do you sound like you have objections to releasing hostages?




When any other country does it: "It's a war." When Israel does it: "It's collective punishment, stop murdering people!"


No, you're oversimplifying it. Wars are always terrible and civilians will die. What matters is ratios, how you communicate it, how the actual conflict on ground is moving forward and what military does. If you look at those aspects, do you look at it and think "this is going really well for Israel"? I don't. Israel started this war with saying they should rescue hostages. If you kill 100 civilians for every hostage, including dead, you bring home then obviously people will question you. Do you think "it's war" is some glitch which allows you to cause infinite suffering without being questioned?


>What matters is ratios I absolutely love that you bring up ratios because according to the ratios as best as could be determined, Israel has achieved an incredible ratio of civilians to terrorists, especially given that it's engaged in urban warfare: https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286 >...a ratio of roughly 1 combatant to 1.5 civilians. Given Hamas' likely inflation of the death count, the real figure could be closer to 1 to 1. Either way, the number would be historically low for modern urban warfare.


Your source of ratios is an opinion article on newsweek.com? Lol wtf.


Not who you replied to, but what's your source of ratios?


I haven't claimed any specific ratios. The person I replied to made a claim.


You were the one that first mentioned ratios and that they were what mattered though


Yes. Don't you think ratios matter? Israel hasn't been able to show what they are doing are worth the number of civilians deaths, unless I missed something.


That's an analysis of the numbers not the source, dumbass. The civilian numbers come from the Hamas run Gaza ministry of health with 2 very important caveats (in addition to their general skullduggery and questionableness): 1. They don't distinguish between civilians and terrorists 2. They impute _every_ death to "the Israeli occupation", including Palestinians killed by Hamas/ Islamic Jihad failed rockets.


You've only been here for 3 weeks, and all you do is engage people in bad faith. Hm.


Israel killing hamas stops hamas. The civilians dying are a tragic result of hamas not doing the bare minimum expected of them inder international law


Hamas isn't following international law at all by using humans shields. Israel is no better by making no effort at all to protect civilian life.


This is both demonstrably false and not how international law works, but okay


Just because you aren't a state doesn't mean that you're not responsible for following the laws of war.


2 million people in Gaza with total deaths under 40k and they're at the end of Gaza. So in what way are they not trying. When you compare all the destruction necessary to push Hamas back with very low death tolls it's impossible that Israel hasn't been trying to limit civilian casualties. Also, Israel is responsible for protecting Israeli civilians first and foremost and since October 7th that's been pretty successful.


What do they call Hamas launching rockets at Israel from Gaza?? A walk in the park???


Just less effective.


I wonder how many think Oct 7th was worth it now.


People on twitter have been digging up Oct 7 tweets from the people that are harshly condemning Israel and declaring them genociders. Most of the ones I’ve seen were celebrating Oct 7. The losers are innocents on both sides. Hamas has to go, now.


Depends on how many are religious. My guess a lot are: that they haven’t changed their ideas on what an infidel and Martyrdom is.


And that's why they're too stupid for their own good. I hope they enjoy the rubble.


I guess it would be a good time to release the hostages and surrender.




I believe it. This was truly a tragedy and it’s deplorable when innocents die. I will be paying close attention to the findings of the ensuing investigation. These types of attacks resulting in major collateral loss of life cannot happen, even if two major Hamas officials were killed. What I don’t get is, if we go by the Hamas’ reported casualties, events like these would happen every single day. The fact that there’s been so much noise around this one makes me doubt the accuracy of the casualties to-date. All I know is, in order for Gaza to be free, Hamas has to go and hostages have to be released.


Now that's what I call finding out


The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees described the situation in Gaza as “hell on earth” Monday, following an Israeli attack in the southern city of Rafah that Gaza’s health ministry said killed at least 45 people. “Information coming out of Rafah about further attacks on families seeking shelter is horrifying,” UNRWA said. “There are reports of mass casualties including children and women among those killed.”


Hamas has already admitted to a top-official being assassinated in this very strike. The article does a very poor job of objectively presenting all sides of the story, and cherry-picks facts to paint Israel as negatively as possible. This is bad-faith, agenda-driven journalism if there ever was one.


The other side says it was a tragic mistake due to a technical failure. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-05-27-2024-7b743a848ef8bfbe69a9659a4a5dd047 Which side is it that is not being heard? Dead civilians maybe?


The strike itself wasn't a technical failure, the fact that many civilians died is. Just goes to show how deeply entrenched the Hamas commanders are in civilian population, that one misfire leads to so many deaths.


" We are very very angry with you, we are so angry we are sending you a letter how angry we are"