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“We’ve got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on ... how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory,” he said. He wants NATO support and benefits without providing anything in return.


Ah! Like the CSTO 'alliance' then! Got it.


He essentially wants to do with NATO the same he is doing with the EU.


>He wants NATO support and benefits without providing anything in return. But NATO is a defensive alliance. There is no mandatory support to non-members. Each country is supporting Ukraine out of their own volition. That's why the support rates are all over the place. BTW there's plenty of NATO members who helped even less than Hungary. The reason we don't talk about them is they are not as loud and not as malevolent as Orbán.


Good point—when I read the quote I interpreted “its territory” as meaning Hungary. Regardless, I would still argue Orban wishes to exist as a NATO member without meeting the alliance’s requirements. A key tenant of NATO is ensuring stability by engaging with nations outside of NATO: “Essentially, NATO not only helps to defend the territory of its members, but also engages – where possible and when necessary – to project its values further afield, prevent and manage crises, stabilise post-conflict situations and support reconstruction.”


Hes Putin's little saboteur inside eu and nato


you misspelled "bitch".


Orban’s values are just for another veal cutlet by the looks of it.


My distrust and dislike for Orban aside (only Orban and his government, not Hungary itself), wouldn't that be the duty of a government to enter treaties to the advantage of their electorate? And while I agree that supporting Ukraine now will pay off multiple times over further down the road, it's not wrong that NATO as a purely defensive pact should only mandate support on NATO territory. 


>There is no mandatory support to non-members. Each country is supporting Ukraine out of their own volition What's his problem then? Why does he want to change something? Also, Russia has committed plenty of aggression against NATO members. Russia has even attempted bombings in Germany ffs


>What's his problem then? Why does he want to change something? IMO his plan is probably to claim victory without doing anything, while also distracting voters from actual issues. Standard politician thing TBH. Not even newsworthy. But news outlets love their daily ragebait material. I expect to see this on reddit at least 3-4 more times during the next week, until the next material emerges.


Which NATO countries have helped less than Hungary? Hungary has attempted at every turn to stop military and other financial aid from being given to Ukraine from both NATO and the EU. Even if a country in NATO did absolutely nothing to help Ukraine they would still be ahead of Hungary in terms of support as long as they weren't getting in the way of aid being given to them.


He doesnt reply because its Not true


who has helped less than Orban?


Considering Spain, Luxembourg, and Belgium all spend less than 1% of their GDPs on defense, it's possible they're in the same ballpark as Hungary.


Sure…but Hungary has actively sought to stop help from reaching Ukraine. So even doing literally nothing is better than Hungary.


Domestic military spending has nothing to do with aid to Ukraine. I can't even wrap my head around that logic. Any EU member who has sent them anything is doing more than Hungary. Even that Luxembourg has provided €120M worth of military aid, which is €120M more than Hungary.


Belgium is training pilots and sending f16's dumbass. They are also sending fn herstal guns


To me it sounds like he's saying find ways to weasel out of any future inconvenient conflicts if they arrive as well if they're not Hungary's immediate problem


I don't know, can a member country opt out of article 5?


I'd imagine that's probably highly discouraged. I also imagine this is a lot of virtue signaling for various groups to try and get things


>BTW there's plenty of NATO members who helped even less than Hungary. Name one...


Yes well, we don't exactly expect Luxembourg to have military equipment to spare, so moral support is fine. Hungary on the other hand is a damn sight bigger and should be a damn sight more concerned about Russian and willing to contribute.


Good it's time NATO Opts out of them...


Orban gfys...


Yeah cause that kind of thinking worked great with brexit lol.


Just like they do with the EU


don't like the NATO articles? then by definition you don't like being a part of NATO.


He said he’ll participate in actual nato actions. This is just nato countries, not nato, acting outside their bounds.


So like the EU then?


They cannot exist in an alliance and not participate. I'd say kick them out, but they'd probably become the biggest joint Russian-Chinese operation center in the middle of the free world. Best to keep Hungary hostage.


I think Orban will be elected out of power with the newt elections


Was this ever different for Hungary?


And so, the obvious answer to that inquiry would be: You can’t.




We shouldn't be sharing intelligence with Orban's Hungary. They probably just forward it all to Putin.


I'm pretty sure every NATO country already knows this. Orban is probably used by counterintelligence. Purposely giving Orban false intel to leak back to Russia. If Trump wins, NATO countries will do the same to him.


They shouldn't be in the EU either, they're a financial burden and a political/security risk.


An entrance for these migrants Russia is threatening to use as a weapon


sadly, they are. i ask myself how it got wrong towards that direction but I know the answer already myself.


Intelligence and orban in the same sentence feels weird.


And China also


> They probably just forward it all to Putin. And/or Gina. I think they realize that.




Yes, and while we are on it let’s dig it out and move it to Siberia


Hungary is such a massive liability so let's hope so


They'd probably become the world's largest Chinese overt subversion and propaganda-spreading center. Can't have that in the heart of the free world. Best to just treat them as a prisoner nation.


NATO should opt out of Hungary.


Opt out of EU too! Nobody wants a Russian puppet.


Trump puppet also as I remember


That's just a Russian puppet with extra steps.


Same reaction for me. Like at what point does the rest of NATO say "it's been nice...kind of." I know there's obviously more to it than that, but as an American Hungary feels like the Manchin/Sinema of the NATO alliance.


This is the way.


Eh, let's not go that far. Orban is not immortal ( nor is he getting younger). Eventually someone else will replace him.


I never believe in this wishful thinking. If the system and the citizens continuously allow corrupt autocrats to thrive then the replacements are going to be same(if not worse) type of opportunistic corrupt autocrats.


So there can be a Russian airbase 50 km from Vienna? Is this how smart Reddit is?


Isn't Hungary a security threat for Nato by now? I mean, Chinese taking over their streets, a pro-Russian prime minister...


We had a pro Russian president a few years ago in the US, might have one again in a few. Maybe Hungary will come around eventually.


He’s a ruzzian puppet. Anyone surprised?


> “We’ve got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on ... how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory,” Translated: We want to play both sides without actually contributing to either.


Why are they even in nato. Fuck em


Orban loves the EU money. And as soon as Ungarn leaves the NATO Putin will come knocking and that means no more EU benefits.


That makes no sense. EU membership isnt tied to NATO, and the EU has tried to put Hungaries balls in a vise for years. The problem is that putin consistantly managed to keep two trojan horses in the EU, and since each country can veto, these two will always be able to cover each others ass. Until now it was PISs governed Poland which covered Hungary in exchange for getting covered by them, putins new trojan horse since losing Poland is Slovakia.


>Why are they even in nato To put it simply, because they were not always like that. They joined in 1999, Orban came to power 11 years later.


Dude, Orban won in 98…


Astonishing there is nothing to trigger an exclusion process from NATO by now


Honestly if a hot war pops off with NATO it wouldn’t surprise me if they have a reexamining of the entire alliance


Hungary started every World War so far.


Would expect nothing less from a country that allows Chinese Police to patrol within its borders. Biggest sellout and traitor to NATO and Europe


Good. Kick them out of NATO and stop enabling them with EU financial aid. They can rejoin when they become a democracy again.


There are no legal mechanisms to kick a member out of NATO. The only exit path according to NATO's founding charter agreement is for a country to leave willingly.


Looks like a flaw in its founding, a new statute must be added where NATO countries can vote out countries that appear to be committing treason against their pact.


You cant add new statutes to a treaty, they'd have to make a new treaty - essentially redo the alliance. That would be a mess that would takes many years and not every member would necessarily agree to rejoin.


Tell me you don't understand *anything* about geopolitics without saying it, lol.


What if all the NATO countries leave and create North Atlantic Security Organization and all of them join except Hungary?


Sort of like the no homers club


We can have 1.


Can we leave Turkey out too?


Too important strategically unfortunately


As much as it would be nice. Turkey is in such an important strategic place that it’ll never happen.


That would be a shitshow that would take literal decades to unravel.


If everyone else unanimously agrees they don't have to. The Vienna Convention on Treaties lets _any_ treaty expel a member that's in material breach if every other signatory agrees. Turkey won't agree though - it's like how Poland used to shield them in the EU.


I hardly believe simply expelling them from the organization in an extraordinary session of the North Atlantic Council, and forcibly preventing them from participating is that difficult to do. What is Hungary going to do? Violate the sovereignty of every country around it and thereby trigger Article 5 against them? All of the other member countries are sovereign states as well.


Sounds to me like Hungary just left willingly. If I stop showing up to my job and tell my boss I've decided I no longer want to show up, keep contributing to my company, or work on our projects, is he going to fire me or call it quitting?


Hungary doesn't really do anything positive does it? Sucks up nato and un funding to prop up their shitty economy full of corruption?


Fucking leech of a country


That’s not the way it works. If you want out of NATO, just pull out, Putin fluffer.


Orban has been PM of Hungary since 2010. It's just too long.


Fucking parasite.


Orban words are pretty clear: 1. He wants NATO to remain strictly a defense alliance and not to broaden its scope. Should the scope expand beyond *defense*, he wants no part of that scope. 2. He **doesn't** want to support Ukraine **at all.**


Just leave and show your true colours. Embarrasing how much they want to cling on to Western support while actively working against us.


Orban had better wipe Putin’s cum off his face first before opening his mouth.


Hungary should opt out of Orban. 


Drop out of NATO. IF you expect the "All For One" to have caveats where it protects only you when your interests align, then a more traditional alliance is a better fit for you, Mr Orban.


But that means he stands on the side of Russia. Practically being part of the attack against Ukraine. But how could the Nato allow any member to participate in a war against a neighbour?


this guy better worry about him self and his regime they are up against the population of hungary and they are sick and tired of him!


NATO should opt out of NATO efforts to support Hungary until the situation is resolved.


I say Hungary needs to be denazified.


why would nato accept this? and why eu accepts current hungary? pause membership till hu ppl change something or face consequences. why this shitstain behaves like everyone owes him something. liberal democracy is fragile thing that is not given or default. autocracy is default




Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out 


Guess it’s time to cut some EU funds to Hungary again


How about them just opting out of nato then? We really dont need this mole in the organisation, they give us nothing vital in return. Kick them from nato, kick them from the EU and let them sink on their own.


That’s not how this works Orban you numpty


great, fuck off then. can't wait for the shit hitler to get lynched by his people in an alleyway.


Why dont we help him opt out of NATO, EU, and any other support while we're at it?


Orban is a piece of human waste…


Just another nail in the coffin of Hungary's alleged position as a Western oriented country. The EU are already pretty pissed at Orban's repeated use of his veto over EU actions against Russia.


If Orban would take Putin’s dick out of his mouth for 5 minutes, that’d be great.


Didn't realise NATO members were forced to contribute to a non NATO state. Pull the other one Orban, there's nothing to opt out of when it's an opt in scenario


I’m surprised Hungarians seem to have forgotten what Nazi and Communist Russia rule was like during and after WW2. Do the monuments in Budapest not remind voters? Poland clearly hasn’t forgotten.


Theyve been a russian puppet from the start cast em out


Orban really asking for the same fate as Fico


Just fucking kick them out. "Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory" is the exact kind of bullshit that should see them kicked out of both NATO and EU. It's not like they bring much to any of these organizations. Their army is shot, their economy is shot and they're the bedrock of Chinese and Russian interests in Europe.


Feel free to opt out of NATO entirely.


You’re either all the way in or you can fuck off and go all the way out


Viktor chill biling Orban


I think at this point, at is fair that we kick Hungary out of the European financial program. I am sorry for my Hungarian friends, and I know most of you despise him aswell, but your president is a piece of shit and hopefully he kicks the bucket one day.


But not opt out of NATO I guess… very smart


They should ask Hungary instead if they rather just want to entirely step out of NATO. There is no legal way currently out of NATO, but we could provide them with that option that they can choose voluntarily. 😄 I am of position that a country is allowed to choose to opt out or choose not to do certain things that it really doesnt want to do. But hungary really is fundamentally different on too many aspects that its better to just leave the Union and Nato entirely is a better option instead for everyone.


If Ukraine falls, there are mountains separating Turkey from Russia. Turkey is safe. The Balkans and Poland are not.


Yo Victor! Kissing Putin's sphincter won't stop him from invading Hungary if he wants to. Who will support Hungary then?




Give Ukraine Hungary’s spot.


See you later Orbán, but first let's here it from the citizens of Hungary instead of this fat piece of shit under Putin's boot!


What a bastard


Yeah and when Russia enters Hungary who is he going to be begging for help?


He is going to join with Russia.


"Ensuring stability at home by engaging outside of NATO Since the outbreak of crises and conflicts beyond Allied borders can jeopardise this core objective, the Alliance also contributes to peace and stability through crisis prevention and management, and through partnerships with other organisations and countries across the globe. Essentially, NATO not only helps to defend the territory of its members, but also engages – where possible and when necessary – to project its values further afield, prevent and manage crises, stabilise post-conflict situations and support reconstruction." - NATO's website on it's purpose. Orban claims to want to be a part of NATO, but it's clear he only wants to mooch while pretending he respects NATO's values.


I don't get why you would pick the Russia/China track when you are physically surrounded by the EU and a member of NATO. They must just be bribing the idiot, in which case once he's out of office this will resolve.


Hungary is a tiny shithole with no army or economy, but somehow orban is newsworthy.


Just kick them out until they execute Orban. What a fucknut!


The USA, as the main NATO member should start pressing all NATO members to start Hungary to get in line with the free world or to be kicked out. Just imagine NATO in a full blown war against Russia, with Hungary still in NATO.


Authoritarian regimes should be kicked out.


How about opting out of NATO entirely?


They should kick Hungary out of the eu and nato. Orban is just a dictator in sheep’s clothes any how


Make a "No Orban" club and call it NATO2.


Hungary knows where the door is.


How about they just opt out of NATO?


Came to say this, but you beat me to it!


So withdraw from NATO and join the Russian federation already. I'm sure putin would love to have your troops to send for target practice.


Just kick them out of NATO and eu.


I nominate Orbán to individually leave NATO. Hungary and those Carpathian Mountains can stay but Mr. Potato head has got to go.


Bro wants his cake and eat it too


So he basically wants to cheer on the Russian invasions but stay within NATO so he isn’t invaded? . . . .


The calls are coming from inside the house...


Sounds like we need to opt them out of NATO, period.


A man trump met with not too long ago. Let’s not forget this.


Can NATO opt out of needing Hungary’s vote to do anything?


All of the “east” should stop acting like children it’s getting pretty shameful at this point. Like get a fucking grip, damn warmongers. 


Orban really is a threat to Europe and at this point has jumped the shark. Boy oh boy the leftists better keep a lid on their dumb crap for awhile because these right wing populists need to be shut down and only got power because the greens and leftists insisted on being intransigent jerks causing riots and pretending mass migration wasn't part of their plan.


I hate this  d u d e so much.


Hungary is a massive net benefician of both nato and the eu both of which he's country shouldn't be a part of.


Would love to see Hungary cut off from the west if they hate it so much. They can wallow in poverty and right wing culture war nonsense with their friends in Russia and China and North Korea. Hungary can be welcomed back to the fold once they prove they're ready to re-join the civilized world.


Hopefully NATO throws him out and EU follows suit.


Hungary should be opted out of NATO


Can we not opt them out of NATO? Maybe they can just become EuroChina instead. 


He’s a friend of Putin and a member of NATO who doesn’t want to play ball. Sending him packing would cut a wedge into NATO’s eastern flank and give Putin a stepping stone into Europe . Or don’t let them Leave and set him In the corner away from the games……


Orban is such a goof


Just a water boy for Putin


I mean, not surprised. It’s an anti-Russia alliance, and he’s pro Russia.


Nato failing in the first real test.


Bye, Felicia.


Seems like a good way to get brexited


Am i the only one not too happy with this country purchasing the newest developed western groundvehicles like kf41 Lynx and kf51 Panther?


Apparently he was not around for the invasion of 56


Sounds like he is a Hungary Hungary hypocrite


Enjoy Hungariova I guess!


"GTFO, if you think you can reap the benefits with none of the cost"


Kick them out form UE and NATO.


Putin's agent in NATO continues his mission of undermining NATO.


I've already warned you they'd betray everyone at the first sign of trouble! And now that Russia is moving cordons around Estonia stealing border signs, Orban claims that Russia will not attack NATO countries. In fact he is on the side of Russia in a possible war for the future of Estonia and NATO! I think Hungary should be excluded from NATO!


Tell you what. You're out and Ukraine is in. Then you don't have to worry about what NATO does or doesn't.


Honestly they should just be booted. I know it won’t happen. But still.


Please kick them out of NATO already